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辽宁早白垩世早期—鸟化石   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文记述了发现于辽宁朝阳地区早白垩世早期一新的鸟类。这是继三塔中国鸟(Sinornis santensis)、燕都华夏鸟(Cathayomis yandica)之后报道的辽宁中生代第三种鸟化石,它的脊柱和腰带与始祖鸟和恐龙相似,但其肋骨又具有现代鸟类的性状,这是早期鸟类化石的又一新材料。  相似文献   

A new species of red algae, Boldia angustata sp. nov., was discovered near Tuscaloosa, Alabama, during the spring of 1968. It differs significantly from the only previously described species, Boldia erythrosiphon Herndon, in length and width of young and mature thalli, cell size, shape of nuclei in first-order cells, shape of intercalary filaments, morphology of filaments derived from monospores, ontogenetic development of erect plants, morphology of the basal system, and regularity of first-order cells.  相似文献   

Abstract:  New Palaeozoic millipedes, Zosterogrammus stichostethus gen. et sp. nov. and Casiogrammus ichthyeros gen. and sp. nov., are described from the Francis Creek Shale Member of the Carbondale Formation (Upper Carboniferous: Pennsylvanian), Mazon Creek, Illinois, and the Hagshaw Hills Inlier (Middle Silurian: Wenlock) of the Midland Valley of Scotland, respectively. These millipedes, together with Purkynia lata Fritsch from the Upper Carboniferous (Westphalian D) of Nýřany, Czech Republic, are placed in the new family Zosterogrammidae within the new order Zosterogrammida. All of these millipedes have very broad terga with a microsculpture consisting of fine transverse terrace lines along the anterior of the terga and oblique terrace lines across the remainder. Zosterogrammida have a trunk-ring architecture consisting of an arched diplotergite, a pair of free ventral diplopleurites and a pair of free ventral sternites, indicating a relatively basal phylogenetic position within Chilognatha. Although the exact phylogenetic position is indeterminate, Zosterogrammus stichostethus has divided sternites, indicating a possible affinity with the Pentazonia. The Hagshaw Hills millipede contributes significantly to the high-rank diversity of Middle Silurian millipedes as all previously described taxa of this age belong to the Archipolypoda.  相似文献   

Three new species of fossil Proboscida,two trilophodonts and one stegolophodont,arepreliminarily described in the present note.The species described are:(1)Trilophodon yangziensis sp.nov.This was sent for study by the Department of Culture of the District Government ofWushan,Szechuan.The specimen was collected from a cave in the mountains not farfrom the Yangzi (=Yangtse) River.(2)Trilophodon guangxiensis sp.nov.  相似文献   

王玥  杨群 《古生物学报》2003,42(2):297-302
分子生物学和分支系统学的发展以及化石记录自身的局限性使得古生物地层资料在生物演化研究中的地位遭到质疑。连续的化石记录的发现肯定了化石分析的意义,数据库的建立与定量分析方法的应用为古生物学的研究增添了新生力量。  相似文献   

在对江汉平原钻孔中属晚更新世地层的化石硅藻进行鉴定时,发现1个新种:Geissleria jianghanensis sp.nov.Li,2个中国新记录属:Geissleria和Aneumast us,6个中国新记录:Cymbella neuquina var.fastigata(Krasske)Krammer,Maidana et Villanueva,Cymbella perfossilis Krammer,Cymbella neocistula Krammer,Cym-bella neocistula var.islandica Krammer,Cymbella subcistula Krammer,Gomphonema lippertii Reichardt etLange-Bertalot。  相似文献   

Since the publication of my paper on fossil crocodiles in 1948,our knowledge con-cerning this group is considerably increased and many new forms have been described byYoung and Chow(1953),Bohlin,(1953),Sun(1958),Yeh(1958),Young(1961)and Liu(1961).Recently,some tolerably well preserved crocodiles with rich remains of copro-lites have been discovered from Nanhsiung in N.Kwangtung.This is particularly in-teresting because it is most probably of paleocene in age,according to the mammalianremains found from the same horizon.In addition a fragment of skull was found bythe Bureau of Geology of Inner Mongolia from Otok S.W.of this territory,of lowerCretaceous,according to field observation.They are described in the present notes.  相似文献   

湘西北志留纪胴甲鱼化石   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
本文记述了采自湘西北澧县石门水库附近秀山组上段隶属云南鱼目的 Shimenolepis graniferus gen. et sp. nov. 和 QuJinolepidae gen. et sp. indet. 化石,对含鱼层的时代也进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Vendoconularia triradiata Ivantsov and Fedonkin, recently described from Vendian (latest Proterozoic) strata of Russia, has been interpreted as a six-sided conulariid cnidarian. However, comparison of published illustrations of V .  triradiata with Palaeozoic conulariids suggests that certain key features of the anatomy of V .  triradiata should be reinterpreted. Specifically, features previously homologized with the corners of conulariid thecae may actually be homologous to the conulariid midlines. Under this new interpretation, the corners of the Vendoconularia theca were sulcate, and the midline of each face was non-sulcate and flanked by a pair of low internal carinae. This alternative set of hypotheses of homology makes the argument for a conulariid affinity for Vendoconularia stronger.  相似文献   

VANESSA THORN 《Palaeontology》2005,48(5):1021-1039
Abstract:  A Middle Jurassic fossil forest, thought to have been growing at high southern palaeolatitudes on the Gondwana margin, is described from New Zealand. Fossil stump horizons are exposed in stratigraphic section within the Urawitiki Measures Formation, Murihiku Supergroup. Tree bases were preserved by silica permineralisation in a sandy braided river setting. Fossil wood is referred to 'abietinean-type' and Agathoxylon . A total of 238 stumps were mapped with measured diameters allowing tree height estimates of 9–40 m. A two-dimensional area (102 m2) allows an interpretation of tree density (2353 trees/ha), biomass (579 t/ha) and stand basal area (146 m2). This horizon is interpreted as a highly productive, young, dense tree stand probably actively regenerating on a flood-cleared surface. Annual growth rings suggest a clearly defined growing season with a rapid onset of favourable temperature, light and water supply conditions at the start and a similarly rapid deterioration at the end. Mean ring width is 1·10 mm and the maximum 9·67 mm. Mean Sensitivity values suggest both 'complacent' and 'sensitive' growth patterns. Broad palaeoclimate interpretations suggest a humid, warm regional climate throughout the growing season.  相似文献   

中国北方新发现的大角鹿化石   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文对两件大角鹿新材料做了描述、定种,同时对更新世大角鹿的系统发育关系和地理分布做了讨论。  相似文献   

OLEV VINN  MARE ISAKAR 《Palaeontology》2007,50(6):1385-1390
Abstract:  The problematic fossil Anticalyptraea Quenstedt, 1867, traditionally interpreted as a phorid gastropod, is here assigned to the Class Tentaculita. Its dextrally coiled substrate-cemented tube, bulbous initial chamber, vesicular tube wall and pseudopunctate microlamellar shell structure closely resembles Trypanopora (Tentaculita), but Anticalyptraea differs in having the cones of the pseudopunctae orientated in the opposite direction. Pseudopunctae orientated similarly to Anticalyptraea occur in Cornulites and thick-walled tentaculitids. Anticalyptraea differs from gastropods in having pseudopunctae and a vesicular shell structure.  相似文献   

Abstract:  British Llandovery crinoids remain poorly known. Three species are documented herein that were originally described, but not published, by W. H. C. Ramsbottom. Clematocrinus ramsbottomi Fearnhead sp. nov. (Tortworth Inlier, Gloucestershire; Telychian) has a heteromorphic column, N434243414342434, radices directed away from the crown, and ten long, uniserial arms with a pustular aboral sculpture and long, slender pinnules. Clematocrinus spp. are widely distributed in the Silurian of England. Ptychocrinus mullochillensis Fearnhead and Donovan sp. nov. (Girvan district, Strathclyde; Rhuddanian) is the second report of this Upper Ordovician–Lower Silurian genus from outside North America. Although incompletely known, this species is distinguished by its hidden infrabasals, 20 arms and sunken interbrachial plates with a strongly stellate sculpture. Petalocrinus bifidus (Bather MS) Donovan and Fearnhead sp. nov. (Woolhope Inlier, Herefordshire; Telychian) is locally common enough to give its name to a mappable lithostratigraphic unit, the Petalocrinus Limestone. Unlike other Petalocrinus species known from the Silurian of China, northern Europe and North America, the fused arms of P. bifidus are divided in two by a proximal adoral ridge and an associated distal notch. Unlike extant crinoids, Petalocrinus probably lived as a rheophobe; the fused arms may have acted to deter predators.  相似文献   

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