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The deposition of silicon in tissues of the inflorescence bracts of rice has been studied with the electron probe microanalyzer. Tissues for analysis were prepared by means of peels, frozen transverse and longitudinal sections, chromations and macerations. The microanalysis shows the heaviest deposition in a layer external to the abaxial (outer) epidermis. The cells of this epidermis are only sparsely silicified, but the’ imprints of these cells are left on the outer silica layer. In the inner tissues of the bracts, silicon deposition is mostly associated with the cell walls.  相似文献   

Three distinct types of glandular hairs of increasing morphological complexity which occur on flowering tops of Cannabis sativa L. (marihuana) are described from scanning electron microscopy. These gland types—termed bulbous, capitate-sessile, and capitate-stalked, described from pistillate plants—occur in greatest abundance on the outer surface of bracts ensheathing the ovary. Bulbous and capitate-sessile glands, which arise at an early stage in bract development, are scattered over the bract surface. Mature bulbous glands have a small swollen head on a short stalk, whereas capitate-sessile glands have a large globular head attached directly to the bract surface. Because of their numbers and large size, capitate-sessile glands are the most conspicuous gland type during the early phase of bract development. Capitate-stalked glands, which have a large globular head on a tall, multicellular stalk, differentiate during subsequent bract development. These stalked glands arise first along the bracteal veins and then over the entire bract surface. A voluminous, fluid secretory product accumulates in the glandular head of all three types. These glands are believed to be a primary site of localization of the marihuana hallucinogen, tetrahydrocannabinol.  相似文献   

A developmental study of the accumulation of silicon and other elements in the abaxial epidermis of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) leaf blades using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray analysis showed that accumulation of silicon progresses at different rates in each epidermal cell type. In basal cells of two-celled microhairs and in prickles there is accumulation of silicon while the leaf is immature and still enclosed within the spindle cluster of leaves and not involved in transpiration. After transpiration begins, all epidermal cells rapidly accumulate silicon. However, there are differences in the rate of silicon accumulation and in the maximum amount of silicon accumulation among the various cell types. This may relate to differences in their physiology or structure.  相似文献   

日本血吸虫童虫在移行和发育过程中体形发生了明显的演变,并形成了口吸盘和排泄孔,同时也伴随着许多细微结构的改变。这些改变包括:体褶和体嵴数量及高度的增加、体棘数目和位置的改变、感觉器数量和分布的变化。  相似文献   


蚤类足跗节细微结构的扫描电镜观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文报道4科18属26种蚤类足附节的扫描电镜观察结果, 发现了蚤类足咐节上的若干种感器和类似于爪垫的结构.感器的形式主要是毛形感器和刺形感器;以爪垫结构位于副爪下方, 具有许多微小棘毛.爪与副瓜对应面上均具有横纹.多数种类第5跗节蹠面上具有许多感觉毛, 其数量和分布在不同种甚至两性之间均有差异, 拟可用于分类鉴定.根据第5跗节侧蹠鬃的数目及本研究第一部分感觉板上感觉室的数目对所观察的4科蚤类进行了分型, 并对其进化地位进行了讨论.  相似文献   

大鼠舌乳头酶组织化学及扫描电镜的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验采用酶组织化学法和扫描电镜对大鼠舌乳头的酶活性及其表面结构进行了观测。结果表明。大、鼠舌菌状乳头和轮廓乳头的味蕾处Mg^2 -ATPase为强阳性反应( ),ChEase为中等阳性反应( ),使用ChE Ag^ 染色方法显示。味蕾含有丰富的神经末梢,结果提示ATP可能是味觉传导中神经递质或调质。  相似文献   

Antheridia and archegonia of the fern Anemia mexicana were viewed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The mature antheridium is composed of a cap, ring, and basal cell with spermatozoids inside. The archegonium neck is composed of a neck canal cell surrounded by four rows of neck cells. The ventral canal cell and egg were not observed. The neck bends toward the notched meristem. The neck cells usually are uniform in shape and arrangement, but in some archegonia, shape and arrangement of neck cells was irregular. The apex of these archegonia often appeared swollen because of the random cell arrangement. In the presence of water, the antheridium cap is partially detached and the spermatozoids emerge. At this time, the neck cells open at the end of the archegonium in preparation for fertilization. The basic morphology of the antheridia and archegonia is similar to previous reports, although SEM provides more structural detail and a better three-dimensional visualization of these reproductive structures.  相似文献   

The contractile responses to barium and the ultrastructure and ionic composition of mitochondria were studied in vascular smooth muscle. In normal rabbit portal anterior mesenteric vein (PAMV) and main pulmonary artery (MPA) smooth muscle mitochondria were frequently associated with the surface vesicles. The average distance between the outer mitochondrial and inner surface vesicle membrane was 4–5 nm. Ba contractures of MPA were tonic and of PAMV were phasic. Incubation of MPA and PAMV with Ba resulted in the accumulation of mitochondrial granules, followed in the MPA by massive mitochondrial swelling. Oligomycin and anoxia inhibited the appearance of mitochondrial electron-opaque granules and prevented the Ba-induced mitochondrial swelling in the MPA. Electron probe analysis of mitochondria in PAMV incubated with Ba and containing granules showed characteristic Ba signals over the mitochondria. Electron probe X-ray microanalysis also showed a highly significant (P < 0.001) correlation of P with mitochondrial Ba, in an estimated elemental ratio of approximately 3 Ba/4 P. Mitochondrial granules were still prominent after block staining of the osmium-fixed, Ba-loaded PAMV, but electron probe microanalysis showed no Ba, but only U, emissions. Tissues incubated with strontium had electron-opaque mitochondrial granules and deposits in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. X-ray microanalysis of mitochondria containing granules showed the presence of characteristic Sr and Ca emissions. The presence of Sr was similarly verified in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. These findings indicate the energy dependent uptake of divalent cations, in association with phosphate, by mitochondria in vascular smooth muscle in situ and the possibility that mitochondria may contribute to the regulation of intracellular divalent cation levels in smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Patterns of silica deposition on the outer epidermal cell walls of Equisclum arvense and E. hycmalc var. affine were examined by means of electron microprobe analysis. Silica is deposited primarily in discrete knobs and rosettes on the epidermal surface in E. arvense and essentially in a uniform pattern on and in the entire outer epidermal cell walls of E. hyemale var. affine. This markedly contrasts with patterns of silica deposition in internodal epidermal cells of Avena saliva (Gramineae) where silica is deposited primarily in cell walls and cell lumina, and to a much lesser extent, on the outer epidermal surface. Semi-quantitative analysis with the electron microprobe shows that in intercalary meristematic cells of E. aruense, silicon is not present in any cells, but that in mature epidermal cells above the intercalary meristem it is present in significant quantities. The study thus suggests that silica deposition must be a very rapid process in Equisclum and Avena.  相似文献   

Chalk secreting leaf glands of Plumbago capensis Thunb. were examined by polarized reflected light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and energy dispersive x-ray analysis. There are about 23 glands per mm2 on the lower leaf surface and none on the upper surface. Each gland measures 20–30 μm in diam and consists of four small secretory cells surrounded by four subsidiary cells. Secretion of chalk is apparently through a pore in the surface of each secretory cell. The secreted material was crystalline and x-ray diffraction confirmed the presence of two minerals: calcite (CaCO3) and nesquehonite (MgCO3 · 3H2O). Energy dispersive x-ray analysis revealed the presence of magnesium, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, potassium, and calcium in the epidermal cells. However, only calcium and magnesium and traces of silicon were detected in the secreted material. A distribution analysis showed calcium and magnesium to be uniformly distributed through the secreted material.  相似文献   

Structural features and microorganisms associated with rhizosheaths (sand grain root sheaths) of Oryzopsis hymenoides were examined by scanning electron microscopy. Rhizosheath structure appears to depend primarily on the extent of root hair growth and the bonding between root hairs and sand grains. Several sources of bonding agents are suggested, but plant products may be the most important. Microorganisms, usually rod forms, were frequently observed in association with coatings, resembling mucilage, on root surfaces and root hairs. The fungus Olpidium and unusual bacterial forms resembling Ancalomicrobium and Hyphomicrobium were observed on or near root surfaces. Mycorrhizae were not observed nor could the presence of actinomycetes be attested to.  相似文献   

蚤类感觉板的细微结构   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文利用扫描电镜观察了4科18属26种蚤的感觉板.通过对其内、外表面及横断面细微结构的详细观察,发现前人称之为杯陷的结构,实为一中空的圆丘,分内、外两层,各具若干小室,作者称其为感觉室.该室在感觉板上具有一定的分布型.感觉毛着生于内室底部,通过中央孔及外室顶孔向外伸出.蚤类成虫具有坚韧的外骨骼,因此,在制备扫描电镜标本时可不经特殊处理直接进行观察.此外,对感觉室的功能及在分类上的意义进行了讨论.  相似文献   

果成熟果实呈黄色长卵形是典型的核果。其外果皮呈革质,中果皮呈肉质,内果皮呈骨质表面有纤维。内果皮包被着种子形成一个大而扁的核。种子扁形,种皮很薄,子叶呈多胚或单胚。通过对果果实结构各个层次的扫描电镜观察,为其贮藏保鲜及繁育栽培工作提供一些科学依据。  相似文献   

Fifteen freshwater cryptomonad species were freeze-dried and examined with the scanning electron microscope. Surveys of cell surfaces revealed four general cell types. Chroomonas type cells lack a furrow but possess a shallow vestibular depression where the flagella are inserted. The presence of a gullet could not be detected. Cryptomonas spp. displayed three morphological types, all lacking gullets. The first type of Cryptomonas has a simple, shallow furrow with ridges that apparently can close to form a raphe but an oval opening or stoma remains at the posterior end and an opening from the vestibulum is formed at the anterior end. The second Cryptomonas type consists of a complex furrow with furrow ridges and folds that extend almost two-thirds of the cell length. A sloma is present in the central region of the closed furrow. The folds apparently can separate thereby exposing the underlying furrow. The third type of Cryptomonas possesses a simple, non-closing furrow. At the anterior end there is a vestibular ligule which extends from the dorsalleft side of the cell and covers the region of the vestibulum where the contractile vacuole discharges.  相似文献   

本研究通过对细脚拟青霉、蝉拟青霉、玫烟色拟青霉、金龟子绿僵菌和莱氏野村菌在疏水表面产生附着胞的荧光显微镜观察和扫描电镜观察,明确五种虫生真菌均可产生附着胞,细脚拟青霉和金龟子绿僵菌产生单附着胞和复合附着胞两种形态,均呈椭圆至长椭圆形,如遇到不适合浸染的部位,则重新产生芽管向前延伸直至找到适合入侵的部位。蝉拟青霉分生孢子多在顶端发芽成人字形,末端形成椭圆形附着胞,该拟青霉再生附着胞能力强。金龟子绿僵菌和莱氏野村菌附着胞表面有较厚的粘液层,而三种拟青霉附着胞表面均未见有粘液层。  相似文献   

蜱类染色体的分带研究和扫描电镜观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在蜱螨亚纲(Acari)中,首先开展染色体分带研究及组型分析,发现了3种蜱的内多倍体,C分带证明,森林革蜱,草原革蜱,微小牛蜱的全套染色体国端丝粒,用扫描电镜观察了日本血蜱,微小牛蜱染色体的亚微结构,发现日本血蜱的染色体呈凹凸相同弹簧样螺旋结构,螺旋凹陷处相当于光镜下G带深带,螺旋隆起部相当于G带浅带,凹凸程度似乎不加入人类染色体的明显,还报告了草原革蜱,银盾革蜱,缺角血蜱及雌性森林革蜱,雌性日本  相似文献   

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