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Gifford , Ernest M., Jr . (U. California, Davis.) Incorporation of H3-thymidine into shoot and root apices of Ceratopteris thalictroides. Amer. Jour. Bot 47(10): 834–837. Illus. 1960.—The localization of tritiated thymidine in apical meristems of Ceratopteris thalictroides by the autoradiographic method is described. Intact, floating plants of the fern were placed in 1/2 strength Hoagland's inorganic nutrient solution containing H3-thymidine (10 μc/ml.) for 3 days. The material was killed, dehydrated and embedded in paraffin. Autoradiographic stripping film (AR 10 Kodak) was applied to serial sections. After an appropriate exposure period, the film was developed and the sections with the superimposed film were stained lightly with Harris' hematoxylin. The autoradiographs revealed the presence of the H3-thymidine in nuclei of the large, individualized apical cells of shoots and roots which is proof of DNA synthesis. In no instances were these nuclei unlabeled. If endomitotic reduplication is excluded the results of these studies lend support to the concept that apical cells actually do divide and perhaps at a higher rate than envisioned by other workers. Considerable cytoplasmic labeling occurred and its significance to general problems of DNA synthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

1. A method for the determination of turnover time and turnover rate of plasma phospholipid is presented. 2. During the postabsorptive state 5.2 to 8.0 mg. of phospholipid phosphorus are turned over per hour in the plasma of dogs weighing 6–9 kilos. 3. The amount of phospholipid in an organ that is supplied by plasma phospholipid per hour is calculated.  相似文献   

Data are presented showing that the course of decline of egg production with age in the domestic fowl from the time laying begins up to and including 8 years follows an exponential law, that is, each year''s egg production is a constant percentage of the preceding year''s production (88 per cent in the group of fowl studied). Since the exponential law is the same as the law of monomolecular change in chemistry, and since the course of egg production with age may be taken as an index of the course of senescence of organs, or tissues limiting egg production, it is suggested that this exponential law of egg production substantiates the idea that senescence is a physicochemical process the course of which is limited by a chemical reaction. It is shown that the exhaustion of the oocytes is not likely to be the factor limiting the course of egg production.  相似文献   

The basic kinetics and the pattern of incorporation of H3-thymidine was studied in the leaf lamina of Xanthium pennsylvanicum. A method of foliar absorption was used to incorporate the radioisotope into leaf nuclei. The autoradiographic techniques employed provided data on the amount of the isotope incorporated. It was determined that 10 μc/ml (sp. act. 6.7 c/mmole) of H3-thymidine with 1–8 hr of isotopic growth and 4 hr of postisotopic growth gave the most satisfactory results. The percent of labelled nuclei and the number of grains per nucleus were presented as functions of isotopic and postisotopic growth periods. Distribution of grains in the nuclei approximated the Poisson distribution at 1 hr of isotopic growth. Increased time of isotopic growth changed the pattern of grain distribution. No deleterious effects were observed using an 8-hr period of isotopic growth, but prolonged incubation time significantly decreased the proportion of mitotic figures in the lamina. The amount of incorporation of the DNA precursor expressed as percent of labelled nuclei was linear to about 16 hr of isotopic growth and thereafter decreased gradually. As indicated by the average number of grains per nucleus, H3-thymidine incorporation increased to about 16 hr, and soon after reached a saturation level. The percent of labelled nuclei and the number of grains per nucleus decreased as a function of the postisotopic growth period. However, they were significantly greater in the lamina near the vein than in the lamina region at some distance from the vein. The radioactive precursor was initially absorbed by the cells of the lamina and was subsequently translocated into the vascular system. There it was circulated and made available to the dividing cells near veins of the lamina. This region may be a metabolically distinct part of the lamina with significantly higher rates of incorporation and mitotic turnover.  相似文献   

1. This investigation has been concerned with an analysis of brightness discrimination as it is influenced by the duration of ΔI. The durations used extend from 0.002 second to 0.5 second. 2. ΔI/I values at constant intensity are highest for the shortest duration and decrease with an increase in duration up to the limits of a critical exposure time. At durations longer than the critical duration the ratio ΔI/I remains constant. 3. The Bunsen-Roscoe law holds for the photolysis due to ΔI. This is shown by the fact that, within the limits of a critical duration, the product of ΔI and exposure time is constant for any value of prevailing intensity, I. 4. At durations greater than the critical duration the Bunsen-Roscoe law is superseded by the relation ΔI = Constant. This change of relation is considered in the light of Hartline''s discussion (1934). 5. The critical duration is a function of intensity. As intensity increases the critical duration decreases. 6. Hecht''s theory (1935) accounts for the data of this experiment if it be assumed that brightness discrimination is determined by a constant amount of photolysis.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA of meristematic, epidermal and root cap cells from the roots of three vascular plants—the cryptogam, Equisetum hyemale L, and the phanerogams, Tradescantia Clone 02 and Hordeum vulgare L.—was measured with quantitative Feulgen microspectrophotometry. Epidermal cells of all three species and root cap cells in both phanerogams contained up to 8fold the amount of nuclear DNA found in their respective meristematic telophase nuclei. In general, the large amounts of nuclear DNA parallel development and differentiation in the epidermis regardless of phylogeny, habitat, or degree of domestication. However, comparisons of the increase in nuclear DNA contents in the various epidermal cell types among these three species suggest that the mechanisms giving rise to these increases may differ phylogenetically and may represent another character in which cryptogams and phanerogams diverged in their evolution.  相似文献   

A study of the changes in carotenoid level in the Navel orangerind following color break supported existing evidence thatlight increases the level of carotenoids and that the periodof carotenoid accumulation ceases at a certain time, regardlessof the level of color attained. It was also shown that GA retards the accumulation of rind carotenoidsand that this effect is on general carotenoid synthesis ratherthan alteration of the ratios of individual carotenoids. A method for thin layer chromatography of carotenoids was described,using silica gel as a base. 1 Paper No. 1562.  相似文献   

SO2衍生物诱发蚕豆根尖细胞微核和后期异常的研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
研究SO2体内衍生物--亚硫酸钠和亚硫酸氢钠混合液(3:1 mmol·L-1/mmol·L-1)诱发蚕豆根尖细胞微核和后期异常的效应。结果表明:SO2衍生物处理可诱发蚕豆根尖间期细胞微核和核芽,使分裂后期出现多种染色体异常,如断片、桥以及滞后染色体等。异常细胞中以微核细胞和染色体断裂细胞居多。在一定浓度范围内,细胞异常率与处理液浓度之间表现正的线性相关。这些研究结果表明,蚕豆根尖间期微核和后期染色体异常有可能用作检测SO2污染的生物剂量计。  相似文献   

A considerable decrease (24 to 40%) of DNA content per nucleus previously observed in the adrenal medulla of rats exposed intermittently to cold is followed by restoration to normal and supranormal values. This phenomenon has now been studied by use of H3-thymidine, which was given to normal rats, to rats exposed to cold, and to animals brought to room temperature after cold exposure. In the first two conditions, no significant labeling of nuclei was observed. In the third, labeling took place clearly in the 1st 3 days. The grain counts showed that the early labeled nuclei had more grains than those labeled later, indicating differences in the rate of DNA synthesis. A statistically significant correlation was found, on the same nuclei, between amount of Feulgen dye and number of grains. It is concluded that net synthesis of DNA takes place in the phase of recovery from cold. This fact is not related to cell division, as no mitoses could ever be detected, but rather to the cold-induced loss of DNA. Clear demonstration is thus given of a marked variation in the amount of DNA per nucleus in relation to the functional conditions of adrenal medulla cells.  相似文献   

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