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Cortical features were analyzed in successive samples of continuously growing stock cultures of amicronucleate strains GL-C and GL-I, and in micronucleate strain WH-6 (syngen 1, mating type I). Thirteen successive samples of strain GL-C, representing a time span of 111 months, 5 samples of WH-6 (43 months) and 2 samples of GL-I (1 month) were examined. The observed range of commonly expressed ciliary row numbers (corticotypes) was 16–20 rows in strain GL-C, 15–20 in strain GL-I, and 16–20 in strain WH-6. These ranges remained constant through time within each strain. The individual samples each included all or a large part of the total range observed in the strain, but the relative abundances of different corticotypes within this range shifted through time. The shifts appeared random, with no discernible trends. Mean contractile vacuole pore (CVP) position and number of CVP meridians were assayed in the 2 “GL” strains. Mean CVP position was an apparently stable character, with only slight fluctuations through time, while the distribution of number of CVP meridians was somewhat less constant. The CVP parameters of strains GL-C and GL-I were considerably different, and both of these strains were very different from the GL strain which had been studied by Nanney. In fact, these 3 “GL” strains have, among them, virtually the entire gamut of known CVP characteristics. The possible significance of these wide differences among strains presumed to be closely related is considered in the Discussion.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Strains of 2 syngens of Glaucoma (16) were found to have different cortical characteristics. All clones of a particular strain had approximately the same range of corticotypes, approximately the same means and high and very similar variances. The chief differences between the syngens was the corticotypic range. The patterns of variation of cortical elements of syngen 2 appeared to be primarily extensions of the patterns of syngen 1. The range of meridian numbers of different species of Glaucoma overlapped with each other and could not be distinguished by this criterion alone.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Using continuous flow cultures based on the chemostat principle, we varied the cell generation times of the ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis strain GL, from 4.9 to 22.2 hr and studied various parameters of the cell cycle at 28 C. These included: the duration of the periods required for oral morphogenesis, macronuclear division, cell division, G1 S, and G2. The size of individual cells was also measured. Independent of the growth rate, the period of oral morphogenesis occurred during the last 90 min of the cell cycle. In all cases macronuclear and cell divisions took place during the last part of these 90 min, and the final macronuclear separation occurred just before final cell separation. The S-period increased slightly, while the G1 and G2 both increased in roughly the same relative proportion to the increasing generation times. Slowly growing cells (generation time 20.5 hr) were shorter but broader and somewhat larger in volume than quickly growing cells (generation time 4.9 hr).  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Hydroxyproline (HP) can be quantified by the sensitive colorimetric procedure of Kivirikko et al. (1967). Without preliminary hydrolysis, only the free imino acid (I) can be detected. After hydrolysis in 6 N HCl at 120 C for 15 hr, also the peptide-bound (II) and polypeptide-bound (III) is detected. Cells grown in 2% (w/v) proteose peptone supplemented with 0.4% yeast (w/v) extract (PPY) contained 0.01 mg HP/mg cellular proteins. Over 95% was in the I or II form (soluble in cold 20% trichloro acetic acid). Cells grown in a chemically defined medium (DM), contained less than 0.34 μg/mg cellular proteins. Whereas the DM does not contain any HP, the PPY medium is rich in HP (0.032 mg/mg proteose peptone). In conclusion, the HP found in the cells grown on PPY is a “contaminant'’from this medium. No endogenous production of HP was demonstrated.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The patterns of correlation among cortical structures have been examined in strains of 3 additional breeding groups (syngens) of Tetrahymena pyriformis. As in previous studies, many cytogeometric properties were found to vary within a syngen. Surprisingly, one strain of syngen 12 differed from 3 others in the one property previously found to be constant—the pattern of variation of the position of the contractile vacuole pores. This strain may, however, be a sexually cross-reacting representative of still another syngen. This interpretation would preserve the diagnostic value of CVP position, and permit an ordering of syngens in terms of the distance of the CVP's from meridian #1: 1, 3, 7, 6, 8, 11, 12, 9, 2, 5, 4, 10.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Pellicles of the ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis strain GL (phenoset A) were isolated by a new procedure. Oral apparatuses were also purified by a modification of a previous method. Both preparations were characterized by electron microscopy. Proteins of the isolates were separated by analytical SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The isolated pellicles, which included oral apparatuses, contained only 6 major proteins (gel bands), designated A through F. Bands A, B, and C, were found in the pellicle fraction, but not in the oral apparatus fraction. Therefore, these proteins are believed to be present in the somatic cortex of Tetrahymena. Bands D and E were greatly enriched in the oral apparatus fraction; these proteins are therefore believed to be present primarily in the oral apparatus. Band F, identified as tubulin, was present in both preparations. Molecular weight determinations and some selective solubilization experiments are also presented.  相似文献   

Patterns of cortical stability in Tetrahymena   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

SYNOPSIS. Strains of Tetrahymena pyriformis, including amicronucleate strain GL and representatives of 9 syngens, have been examined to determine the patterns whereby cortical features vary with numbers of ciliary meridians. The characteristics scored were the positions of the contractile vacuole pores (CVP's), the extent of the area within which CVP's develop, the incidence of supernumerary CVP's, and the number of postoral meridians. Intrasyngenic comparisons were possible in 6 syngens and permitted an assessment of intrasyngenic variation for these characteristics. Only the CVP positions appear to be reasonably constant within syngens in the strains examined. On the basis of this criterion the syngens can be arrayed in an approximate order of 1, 3, 7, 6, 8, 9, 2, 5, GL and 4; the angle formed between the central axis, the stomatogenic meridian and the CVP's is most acute in syngen 1.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Strains of Tetrahymena pyriformis have a cryptic polymorphism reflected in the production of individuals with different numbers of ciliary rows (meridians). Within a strain certain cortical features—particularly the numbers and positions of contractile vacuole pores, the numbers of postoral meridians, and the stability of the cell type-vary in a systematic way with meridianal multiplicity. A preliminary survey of strains representing 10 genetically isolated groups reveals several patterns of correlation of cortical elements. All the groups examined appear to be distinctive with the possible exception of the strains from syngens 6 and 8, which are known to be genetically compatible under certain conditions. These studies encourage a belief that the heterogeneous assembly of genetic species now sheltered under the taxonomic umbrella of T. pyriformis can soon be given independent morphologic identification and appropriate specific designations.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Tetrahymena outer doublet tubulin was compared with neurotubulin and Chlamydomonas flagellar tubulin on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. Tetrahymenaα tubulin did not comigrate with either brain or flagellar α tubulins, although brain, flagellar, and ciliary β tubulins all comigrated. Axonemal tubulin from Tetrahymena strain ST was compared with this tubulin from strains W. S. HSM, and E, and all were found to have the same mobilities. Poly-A containing RNA was separated from whole cell Tetrahymena RNA by oligo-dT cellulose chromatography. Poly-A+ RNA from 24-h cultures (early exponential growth) stimulated greater incorporation of amino acids into polypeptides in the wheat germ cell-free translation system than did poly-A+ RNA from 36-h and 49-h cultures. When separated on SDS-polyacrylamide gels, the translation products of the 24-h poly-A + RNA had 2 prominent protein bands which comigrated with α and β tubulin isolated from Tetrahymena cilia. These bands were not found in the translation products of poly-A+ RNA isolated from 49-h cultures or in the translation products ofpoly-A- RNA.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS The high molecular weight proteins found in isolated pellicles of Tetrahymena have been compared in several individual strains within the genus using SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Three variants of the B-protein of epiplasm (MW 174,000; 155,000; 145,000) and 2 of the C-protein (MW 140,000; 122,000) were found among the strains examined. No variation was observed in the major kinetodesmal fiber protein (MW 250,000). The variation found between strains in the proteins of a structure which is (as far as we know) the same in all strains indicates a disjunction between evolutionary change at the 2 levels of organization. The taxonomic implications of the observed variation in structural proteins in Tetrahymena are discussed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A method of isolating cortical organelles from single specimens of Euplotes eurystomus, involving lysis in an induced electric current, is described. The isolation technic was coupled with radioautography to study the patterns of incorporation and conservation of labeled proteins in the membranellar band (MB). Isolated single cells of known age were followed thru one or more divisions. A method of distinguishing between daughter cells (proters and opisthes) at division was utilized in some experiments. The old MB, which is apparently morphostatic, incorporates significant amounts of labeled proteins. The pattern of incorporation in total cell proteins at the 1st and 2nd divisions after pulse-chase indicates that the levels of incorporation among daughter cells is equivalent. However, at the 1st division after pulse-chase, the new (opisthe) MB is generally more heavily labeled than the old (proter) MB, and at the 2nd and 3rd divisions new MBs incorporate less label as their development is farther removed in time from the beginning of the chase. The higher level of incorporation in the MB of the 1st division opisthe is maintained thru subsequent divisions, indicating that in Euplotes proteins of the MB are relatively stable.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Tetrahymena pyriformis strain HSM secrete large quantities of lysosomal acid hydrolases into the medium. The finding that 2 isozymes of β-N-acetylhexosaminidase (2-acetamido-2-deoxy-β-D-glucoside acetamidodeoxyglucohydrolase; EC could be resolved by DEAE ion exchange chromatography and of possible differences between the secreted mixture and the intralysosomal hexosaminidase activity suggested that Tetrahymena might prove useful for studies of the control of lysosomal hydrolase isozyme secretion. In the present paper, we report a considerable purification of these isozymes and describe a number of their kinetic properties. Four isozymes were isolated into 2 major forms, A1 and B1, and 2 minor forms, A2 and B2, which were similar to the respective major forms in all kinetic properties tested. Hexosaminidase B1 has a molecular weight of ?93,000 daltons and is inhibited by high concentrations of p-nitrophenyl-N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminide. The inhibition is reversed by ethanol. Hexosaminidase A1 has a molecular weight of ?170,000 and is not inhibited by high concentrations of substrate. The A forms are relatively less active against p-nitrophenyl-N-acetyl-β-D-galactosaminide than the B forms. Neither hexosaminidases A1 or B1 has any endo-β-N-acetylhexosaminidase activity. Comparison of the properties of the 2 major isozymes suggested that measurements of activity obtained under different assay conditions could be used to quantitate the amount of each isozyme in a mixture of the two. Log- and early stationary-phase cells secrete ?20% of isozyme A and 80% of isozyme B into the medium or into a dilute salt solution. With increasing culture age the fraction of isozyme A secreted rises to over 90%. Supplementation of the proteose-peptone growth medium with glucose causes a decrease in total hexosaminidase subsequently secreted but with no change in proportion of each isozyme. Cells suspended in a dilute salt solution containing 0.1 mM L-propranolol secrete slightly more isozyme A than do control cells suspended without L-propranolol. Phenoxy-benzamine (0.2 mM) causes a slight decrease in the proportion of isozyme A released.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Heat shock and stationary-phase conditions both cause fusion of nucleoli. In both cases the process is reversed when the cell is returned to normal physiological growth conditions. Fusion of nucleoli during the cell cycle of logarithmically growing cells was not observed. Likewise, fusion of nucleoli was not observed when the Padilla and Cameron(8) method of synchronization was used. The macronuclei of cells synchronized by the 1 cold-shock per cycle method(8) more closely resembled macronuclei of log-phase cells than did the macronuclei of cells synchronized by the Scherbaum and Zeuthen(12) heat-shock method.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Clones of 3 strains of the ciliated protozoon Glaucoma chattoni were subjected to corticotypic analysis. In agreement with previous studies on Tetrahymena, many cortical features vary in a systematic way with the total number of ciliary meridians. Most strikingly, the positions of the contractile vacuole pore and the numbers of postoral meridians change in a regular progression, but the patterns of change are distinctive in different strains. Under the growth conditions employed the corticotypes (meridian numbers) in G. chattoni are much less stable than those in T. pyriformis and no preferential “stability sink” is apparent.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The cytotoxicity of 97 antioxidants of various structural types was determined for Tetrahymena pyriformis grown in a peptone medium. Cytotoxicity fo Tetrahymena, generally, was positively associated with acute oral tomicoiciity to rats but not with antioxidant pdency as measured by the Tetrahymena photodynamic assay for antioxidants. Some commonly used hindered-phenol, lipidsoluble anttioxidants, e.g., 2,6-di-tert.-butyl-P-cresol (BHT), had low toxicity (to Tetrahymena but poor antioxidant activity by the photodynamic test. Nmdihydroguahetic acid, with low toxicity to the rat and high Coxicity (to Tetrahymena, had very high activity in the photodynamic test.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. We have used the anti-phosphoprotein antibody MPM-2 to examine changes in phosphorytation of cortical proteins during cilia regeneration in Tetrahymena thermophila . Although numerous cortical proteins are phosphorylated in both nondeciliated and deciliated cells, deciliation induces a dramatic increase in the phosphorylation of a 90-kDa cortical protein. The 90-kDa protein remained phosphorylated during cilia regeneration and then gradually became dephosphorylated. The 90-kDa protein was phosphorylated and dephosphorylated normally in Tetrahymena mutants that assemble short cilia, suggesting that achievement of full length is not the signal that triggers dephosphorylation of the 90-kDa protein. When initiation of cilia assembly is blocked, the 90-kDa protein becomes phosphorylated and remains phosphorylated for an extended period of time, suggesting that initiation of cilia elongation triggers eventual dephosphorylation of the 90-kDa protein, regardless of how long the cilia actually become.  相似文献   

Proteins of surface membranes and surface-related cytoskeletons in Tetrahymena vorax microstomes and macrostomes were compared by one-dimensional SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to see if protein differences could be detected that correlate with the transformation from one phenotype to the other. Some differences were observed. However, these alterations appear to result from the heat-shock procedure used to synchronize the microstome-to-macrostome transition. The apparent lack of transformationspecific changes in cortical proteins is discussed. Similarities and differences between cytoskeletal proteins of T. pyriformis GL-C and T. vorax are also noted and discussed.  相似文献   

Patterns of basal body addition in ciliary rows in Tetrahymena   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Most naked basal bodies visualized in protargol stains on the surface of Tetrahymena are new basal bodies which have not yet developed cilia. The rarity of short cilia is explained by the rapid development of the ciliary shaft once it begins to grow. The high frequency of naked basal bodies (about 50 percent) in log cultures indicates that the interval between assembly of the basal body and the initiation of the cilium is long, approximately a full cell cycle. Naked basal bodies are more frequent in the mid and posterior parts of the cell and two or more naked basal bodies may be associated with one ciliated basal body in these regions. Daughter cells produced at division are apparently asymmetric with respect to their endowment of new and old organelles.  相似文献   

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