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A new genus of Devonian age fossil plants is described from the Trout Valley Formation of northern Maine. Abundant compression material permits a rather complete understanding of its morphology. Pertica quadrifaria Kasper and Andrews, gen. et sp. nov., was an erect plant, perhaps a meter tall, with a pseudomonopodial main axis and dichotomous side branches. The side branches were arranged in a clockwise spiral (from base to apex) and were tetrastichous. They dichotomized numerous times, with the intervals between dichotomies decreasing distally. The ultimate branchlets bore numerous sporangia in dense clusters. Other side branches were completely sterile. Pertica quadrifaria is classified in the Subdivision Trimerophytina of Banks. Its evolutionary significance rests in the fact that it is a link in the chain of increasingly complex early vascular land plants.  相似文献   

Vegetative Xanthium plants grown under noninductive conditions were marked along the stem with India ink and photographed during three successive days. The relative elemental rates of stem elongation [d(dX/dt)/dX] were estimated for 18 plants between 15 and 18 plastochrons. On the average, only the 8.0 cm terminal part of the stem was elongating in this group of plants. Young internodes were elongating at constant relative elemental rates ([d(dX/dt)/dX] was about 0.2 days–1); nodal portions of the stem beteween two young internodes were not elongating. Internodes longer than 2 cm displayed an acropetal pattern of elongation in which the basal part of an internode stopped elongating and matured first and the apical portion last. The pattern of elongation of the stem could be best approximated to a set of cascading waterfalls with declining plateaus in the direction of the water flow. The acropetal pattern of individual internode elongation observed in Xanthium was similar to those reported for Helianthus and Phaseolus internode growth.  相似文献   

A hemiparasitic alga, Sorellocotax stellaris sp. nov. is described growing on plants of Sorella repens collected from Onagawa, Miyagi Prefecture, east coast of Honshu, Japan. The thallus is small, up to 2 mm high, once or twice branched from the margin. The growing apex has a transversely dividing apical cell, and intercalary cell divisions occur in the cells of first-order rows. Tetrasporangia are cut off from the cells of the inner cortex, The procarp is composed of a supporting cell, one group of sterile cells and two carpogonial branches. Carposporangia are borne in short chains.  相似文献   

Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAMF) were a nearly constant component of the coastal strand of the Hawaiian Islands, occurring in beach sand, driftline debris, in roots of 23 of 31 species of vascular plants examined, and in association with rhizomes of two native species, Sporobolus virginicus and Jacquemontia sandwicensis. Mycorrhizae were most frequent and intensity of VAM development was greatest in endemic plants, less in indigenous species, and least in alien species. Spores of VAMF were produced in abundance between the rhizome and the leaf sheaths of Sporobolus. Roots of two strand species, including roots of Sporobolus that were immersed in seawater for 7 days, functioned as inocula of VAMF in pot-culture studies. The close association between propagules of VAMF and vegetative fragments of indigenous plants found in the present study suggests a mechanism of codispersal that appears to ensure the maintenance of the symbiosis in nutrient-deficient sites where it is most beneficial. The codispersal of fungus and plant may explain the high frequency of mycotrophy in strand species in the tropical Pacific.  相似文献   

Dicroglossum gen. nov. (Delesseriaceae, Ceramiales) is a monotypic genus based on Delesseria crispatula, a species originally described by Harvey for plants collected from southwestern Western Australia. Distinctive features of the new genus include exogenous indeterminate branches; growth by means of a single transversely dividing, apical cell; absence of intercalary divisions in the primary, secondary, and tertiary cell rows; lateral pericentral cells not transversely divided; not all cells of the secondary cell rows producing tertiary cells rows; all tertiary initials reaching the thallus margin; midrib present but lateral nerves absent; determinate lateral bladelets arising endogenously; blades monostromatic, except, at the midrib; carpogonial branches restricted to primary cell rows, on both surfaces of unmodified blades; procarps produced on both blade surfaces, each procarp consisting of a supporting cell that bears two four-celled carpogonial branches and one sterile-cell group of three to four cells; and tetrasporangia borne in two layers, separated by a central row of sterile cells. The combination of exogenous indeterminate branching and bicarpogonial procarps is considered to warrant the recognition of a new tribe, the Dicroglosseae, within the subfamily Delesserioideae.  相似文献   

Guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray) contains rubber in the parenchymatous cells of stems and roots. Stem anatomy of P. argentatum is described along with that of P. incanum H.B.K. (mariola). Anatomy of these species differs significantly. Phloem rays in both species increase in width by cell division and expansion; however, the increase observed in mariola is less as compared to that in guayule. Axial xylem parenchyma in guayule is generally a two-cell strand as compared to the fusiform axial xylem parenchyma observed in mariola. Vascular ray cells and cells of the pith region of guayule are parenchymatous, whereas those of mariola are sclerenchymatous. As a result of introgression between guayule and mariola, three forms of guayule exist in the native stands of Mexico. Morphological differences between these guayule plants have been described previously. The stem anatomy of these three groups of plants differ importantly. Group I guayule plants, least introgressed by mariola, have taller rays with the cells of pith region and vascular rays parenchymatous. Group III plants, highly introgressed by mariola, have a few to many cells of vascular rays and pith with lignified secondary walls and shorter rays. Many of the anatomical characteristics of group II plants, somewhat introgressed by mariola, are intermediate between group I and III plants.  相似文献   

Boke , Norman H. (U. Oklahoma, Norman.) Areole dimorphism in Coryphantha. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(7): 593–603. Illus. 1961.—Coryphantha clava and C. erecta have both grooved and grooveless tubercles. The latter occur on young plants and emergent branches and may occur mixed with grooved tubercles on adult shoots, especially in C. erecta. Grooved tubercles have monomorphic areoles and are the only ones which bear flowers. The dimorphic areoles on grooveless tubercles develop exactly as in the mammillarias. In both species capitate glands occur in the axils of most tubercles and may occur at any position along an areole groove. The glands are initiated by the areole meristem in the same manner as spines, with which they are homologous. Close relationship between the 2 species is substantiated by both ectomorphic and endomorphic characters. The possession of both monomorphic and dimorphic areoles may mean that these cacti are evolving toward the complete areole dimorphism manifested by the mammillarias.  相似文献   

Sachs , Roy M., Charles F. Bretz , and Anton Lang . (U. California, Los Angeles.) Shoot histogenesis: The early effects of gibberellin upon stem elongation in two rosette plants. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(5): 376–384. Illus. 1959.—Within 24 hr. after the application of gibberellic acid (GA) to vegetative plants of biennial Hyoscyamus and of the long-day plant Samolus, a considerable increase in mitotic activity was observed in the pith, cortical, and vascular tissues of the rosette axis immediately below the apical meristem. As the treatment continued, the zone of cell division increased commensurate with the increase in length of the stem; the new cell divisions formed transverse walls predominantly and thus contributed to stem elongation. The cell contribution from the apical meristem was but a small fraction of the total produced by the subapical tissues, suggesting that the induced subapical mitotic activity is the main site of tissue development in the shoot. There was no evidence for cell elongation for at least 72 hr. after application of GA, and, hence, the initial increase in stem length was due solely to an increase in cell number. With regard to the general problem of shoot histogenesis, our data for the rosette plants and those for Xanthium and Chrysanthemum showing extensive cell division far below the apical meristem, are in full agreement with the studies by Bindloss (1942) with tomato, and support her conclusion that “. . . it is no longer possible to think that the chief center of cell division is in a relatively short zone 60 to 100 microns from the stem tip . . . and that cell division activity in the promeristem is not solely responsible for stem length.” On the contrary, the mitotic activity in the subapical regions is undoubtedly responsible for the major part of the cells found in the stem.  相似文献   

Seedling development in Opuntia bradtiana, a north-central Mexican endemic, is similar to that of other opuntias, except for the absence of glochids and the fact that germination is extremely slow and germination percentage low. Hypocotyl and root elongation and epicotyl development are rapid for two weeks after rupture of the seed coat. However at this point hypocotyl elongation nearly ceases, while stem and root development continue at a reduced rate. An eight-month seedling is usually not more than 25 mm tall but has numerous areoles with spines and occasionally one subtending leaf. At this time tubercles have begun to coalesce into the vertical rows of ribs characteristic of the section Grusonia.  相似文献   

Anaerobic elevation of ethylene concentration in waterlogged and non-waterlogged Helianthus annuus L. and Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. was studied. A balloon method was devised to provide an anaerobic atmosphere around the intact sunflower stem. Anaerobic conditions were also produced by bubbling nitrogen into the floodwater. Ethylene concentration in the stem of waterlogged plants was higher when nitrogen was bubbled through the floodwater than when aerated, the effect being greater for the soil-grown plants than for the sand-cultured plants. Ethylene concentration in the stem of waterlogged plants was highest in the region exposed to anaerobiosis, and less with increasing distance or height on the non-waterlogged part of the stems. Intact sunflower stems increased their ethylene concentration in that part of the stem which was maintained in an oxygen-free atmosphere. The results suggest that enhanced ethylene production in waterlogged plants primarily occurs in the waterlogged part of roots and stems.  相似文献   

Womersleya monanthos (J. Agardh) Papenfuss is typically an epiphyte of larger brown and red algae that are common in drift along the southeastern coasts of Australia. A hitherto little-known member of the Phycodrys group of the Nitophylloideae, its reproductive features have been studied in detail and its taxonomic position clarified. Blades are polystromatic throughout and lack veins or nerves, with blades originating from apical cells of primary and second-order cell rows. Intercalary cell divisions take place in primary cell rows and all other branch orders, with third-order laterals arising both abaxially and adaxially on cells of second-order rows. Fertile central cells bear procarps on pericentral cells on both sides of the blade, the procarps consisting of two 4-celled carpogonial branches and a single central group of sterile cells that enlarge and persist at the distal end of a bicampanulate fusion cell at maturity. Spermatangia and tetrasporangia form in circular subapical sori on both sides of the blade or in marginal lobes or proliferations. After comparing it to other members of the Phycodrys group, we conclude that Womersleya is a monotypic genus well distinguished from other genera and with probable closest affinities to the Northern Hemisphere Polyneura, Erythroglossum and Sorella, as well as the Australian endemic, Crassilingua.  相似文献   

Specimens of Calamophyton from the Middle Devonian Ashokan Sandstone near Kingston, Ulster County, N.Y., are shown to belong to C. bicephalum Leclercq and Andrews, a Belgian species. Steel needles and a stereoscopic binocular microscope were used to follow the path of the forking leaves and branching sporangiophores of the specimens through the matrix. The terete leaves dichotomized two to three times in more than one plane. Sporangiophores dichotomized once. Each branch bore three recurved lateral branches which in turn bore two sporangia. Each branch terminated in an elongate, filiform projection. Sporangia apparently dehisced longitudinally. Their walls were composed of elongate cells. Their spherical spores ranged from 86 to 166 μ in diameter and bore a trilete mark. Ornamentation consisted of coni and spinae up to 4.5 μ long. They resembled dispersed spores of Dibolisporites gibberosus var. major Richardson. This is the second occurrence of Calamophyton bicephalum and the first account of its spores. It is the second report of the genus in North America.  相似文献   

Study of an in situ Bothrodendron punctatum community in a strip mine in Bear Valley, Shamokin Quadrangle, Pennsylvania, provides new insights into the ontogeny of Middle Pennsylvanian arborescent lycopods and into the ecological and environmental characteristics of lycopod-dominated clastic-swamp communities. Bothrodendron punctatum began growth as a monocaulous stem. The first branches developed when the stem attained a minimum height of 5 m. Lateral branches bore terminal cones and were determinate and deciduous. They grew to a maximum length of 1 m, and became smaller and more closely spaced with increasing stem height. The branch scars were not disrupted by secondary stem growth indicating that the branches stayed attached until the stem attained its determinate growth limit. The plant grew to a height of 25 m. Though B. punctatum is an uncommon component of Euramerican floras, the plant could become locally dominant under favorable environmental and edaphic conditions. The upper canopy was formed by B. punctatum and contained emergents of Lepidodendron aculeatum and a Sigillaria species. The understory contained pteridosperms and rare Calamites. Bothrodendron punctatum seems to have preferred environments transitional between clastic and peat swamp conditions. It was sensitive to local inhomogeneity in microhabitat characteristics, as well as to regional climatic fluctuations (drought stress). Both these variables produce specifically attributable effects on branch size and separation trends.  相似文献   

Crystals in 16 species of poisonous plants growing naturally in Saudi Arabia were studied with light microscopy. Three types of crystals were observed: druses, prismatics, and crystal sand. Raphides and styloids were not observed in any of the species studied. Druses occur more frequently in the leaf midrib and in the cortex and pith of the stem. In contrast, crystal sand and prismatic crystals are rare and occur in the leaf, intercostal lamina, and in the vascular tissues. The preliminary results show the absence of the three types of calcium oxalate crystals in the stem and leaf of seven species: Ammi majus L., Anagallis arvensis L., Calotropis procera Ait., Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schard, Euphorbia peplis L., Hyoscyamus muticus L., and Solarium nigrum L., and the presence of druses, prismatic crystals, and crystal sand either in the leaf and stem or in the leaves or stems of nine species: Anabasis articulata (Forssk.) Moq. in DC., Chenopodium album L., Convolvulus arvensis L., Datura stramonium L., Nerium oleander L., Ricinus communis L., Rumex nervosus Vahl., Pergularia tomentosa L., and Withania somnifera (L.) Dun. in DC. These observations indicate that there is no apparent relationship between the distribution of calcium oxalate crystals and the toxic organs of the plants, and supports the view that the presence of calcium oxalate crystals may not be related to plant toxicity.  相似文献   

The developmental anatomy of Mirabilis jalapa was investigated during the first 90 days of growth. The primary thickening meristem (PTM) initially differentiates in the pericycle at the top of the cotyledonary node 18 days after germination, then basipetally in the pericycle through the hypocotyl. The PTM differentiates acropetally into the stem and in the pericycle of the primaiy root, commencing 22 days after germination. Endodermis is easily identifiable in hypocotyls as well as in primary roots because of Casparian thickenings in its cells. It has not been definitely identified in stems. There are three rings of primary vascular bundles in the stem. The PTM differentiates as segments of cambium in a layer of cells (probably in the pericycle) on an arc between vascular bundles of the outer bundle ring. Later, arcs of PTM differentiate externally to the phloem of each bundle. Each arc forms a connection between original segments of PTM lying on either side of each vascular bundle. Thus, the PTM becomes a continuous cylinder. The PTM differentiates in the pericycle outside vascular tissue in the hypocotyl and root. Differentiation of the PTM and the mode of secondary thickening is similar in plants exposed to short (8-hr) and to long (18-hr) photoperiods, but some differences were observed. The PTM differentiates closer to the stem apex in all plants over 18 clays of age growing vegetatively under long photoperiods. That is, the diffuse lateral meristem, in whose cells the PTM differentiates in young intemodes, is shorter in nearly all investigated plants growing in long photoperiods. The hypocotyl and base of the primary root of 40-day-old plants in short photoperiods were more enlarged than those of the same age plants in long photoperiods; but, at the end of 64 days, the hypocotyl and primaiy root base were larger in plants growing under short photoperiods. Thirty-four days after seed germination, flower initiation occurs in plants exposed to short photoperiods. One hundred fifty days after seed germination, flowers differentiate on plants exposed to long photoperiods.  相似文献   

Beck , Charles B. (U. Michigan, Ann Arbor.) Studies of New Albany shale plants. I. Stenokoleos simplex comb, nov. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(2): 115—124. Illus. 1960.–A specimen of Stenokoleos from the Falling Run member of the Sanderson formation is described and shown to belong to the same species as Mesoneuron simplex (Read and Campbell, 1939). Among the distinctive features of this species are traces of triangular shape bearing 3 mesarch protoxylem areas, metaxylem tracheids with scalariform pitting, and the presence of fibers in the outer phloem. The new specimen indicates that Stenokoleos had a basically cruciform xylem strand which gave rise to pairs of traces, each trace supplying one of a pair of lateral appendages which occurred on opposite sides of the main axis, but at different levels. The fern-like nature of Stenokoleos is emphasized and it is suggested that this genus most closely resembles members of the Zygopteridaceae.  相似文献   

A new zosterophyll is described from the lower Upper Devonian of New York. Serrulacaulis furcatus is characterized by two rows of emergences which are opposite in arrangement and attached on opposite margins of the axis. They are deltoid in side view and are contiguous vertically, giving the stem a scalloped or saw-toothed appearance. Epidermis over much of the plant consists of elongate cells and interspersed isodiametric cells. The vascular strand consists of spirally thickened tracheids. Rhizomes are densely covered by rhizoids that are more numerous on small papillae and at the apex of tooth-like emergences. Aerial axes terminate in circinate apices. Some axes bear short-stalked, reniform sporangia arranged alternately in two rows on one side of the axis only. The dehiscence zone is a thickened rim over the distal, convex margin of the sporangium. Dehiscence is basipetal, producing two equal valves. Spores are smooth to slightly granulate, circular to subtriangular, with a trilete mark that extends 1312 the radius and is surrounded by a darkened triangular area. Sawdonia ornata, described earlier from the same quarry, and now Serrulacaulis, are the two genera of zosterophylls proven to occur in Late Devonian time. The world-wide distribution of zosterophylls and the fact that the group is a natural one are reviewed.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):459-462

Sporelings of Lejeunea caespitosa Lindenb. usually form a primary protonema of a single row of four cells, and a secondary protonema at first of two rows, and eventually of four rows of cells. The juvenile stem with two dorsal and three ventral rows of cells produces simple undivided underleaves and elobulate primary leaves or, later, lobulate juvenile leaves of which well developed lobules nearly equal the lobes in size. Bifid underleaves are formed as soon as the stem acquires four ventral rows of cells.  相似文献   

The effect of 4-amino,3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid (picloram) on transport from leaves to the roots was studied using young bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), mesquite (Prosopis juliflora var. velutina (Woot.) Sarg.), and huisache (Acacia farnesiana (L) Willd.) plants. The only picloram treatments which were effective in enhancing transport of 14C-assimilate or 14C-picloram to the roots were those made to the shoots or roots one day or more before application of the label to the shoots. The enhancement of transport was not evident when un-labeled picloram or 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T), or both, were applied at the same time as the 14C-label. Enhancement of transport was to the more mature stem or root tissues. Inorganic nitrogen applied to nitrogen-deficient bean plants also increased transport of 14C-assimilate to the roots, especially the rate.  相似文献   

‘Giant race’ stem nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci) was well controlled in spring beans (Vicia faba) by up to 5 kg aldicarb or carbofuran ha-1 applied to the seed furrows at sowing. Carbofuran was rather more effective in the clay loam soil used than was aldicarb. The best treatments almost eliminated injury to the stems and nematode infestation in the harvested seed. Similarly applied, oxamyl and fenamiphos were less effective and phorate, dimethoate and disulfoton were ineffective. Applying part of the dosage of an effective nematicide to the seed furrows and part along the plant rows mid-season was no more effective and was sometimes less effective than applying the whole dose to the seed furrows. Treating the plant rows mid-season with aldicarb or phoxim sometimes enhanced control but thiabendazole applied thus did not. Seed furrow applications of aldicarb or carbofuran were much less effective in controlling the nematodes in winter beans and seed dressings were less effective than seed furrow treatments. In one experiment, in plots in which aldicarb or oxamyl had been applied to the seed furrows, phoxim or thiabendazole applied over the rows of plants, enhanced nematode control. In two other experiments, thiabendazole was ineffective when applied in this way or when applied as a combined soil and plant treatment.  相似文献   

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