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Winter , Dorothy M. (Iowa State U., Ames.) The development of the seed of Abutilon theophrasti. I. Ovule and embryo. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(1): 8–14. Illus. 1960.—Abutilon theophrasti Medic, is a widespread annual weed which produces an abundance of seed in capsules which mature within 20 days after pollination. Ovule differentiation may be observed at least 8 days before anthesis when a sporogenous cell becomes evident and 2 integuments are initiated. An 8-nucleate embryo sac is produced from the chalazal megaspore approximately 2 days before anthesis. The outer integument of the mature campylotropous ovule consists of 2 cell layers, the inner integument has 6 to 15 cell layers. The initially free-nucleate endosperm becomes cellular betwen 3 and 7 days after pollination. At maturity a thin layer of gelatinous endosperm encases the embryo. The Asterad-type proembryo of Abutilon has a stout suspensor and develops rapidly. Four days after pollination cotyledons are initiated; 4 days later a leaf primordium is evident. Fifteen days after pollination the embryo, which has essentially completed its growth, consists of a large hypocotyl with root promeristem and root cap at its basal end, and 2 flat, folded, leaflike cotyledons enclosing a small epicotyl at its upper end. The epicotyl consists of an embryonic leaf and a stem apex.  相似文献   

Because resource variability is likely to be high in disturbed environments, colonizing species should be opportunistic in their abilities to use resources at any time during the growing season. We examined the effects of timing of nutrient availability on seed quantity and quality in the colonizing annual Abutilon theophrasti. Plants were grown under six different nutrient treatments involving additions of different size, frequency and timing but having the same total amount of nutrients in all treatments. The plants showed an opportunistic response, being able to use nutrients supplied at different times for reproduction. However, when nutrient availability was delayed until fruit maturation had begun, seed number and total seed weight were reduced, production of mature fruits was delayed, and seed P concentrations were reduced. Seeds from the first two fruits of the plants had higher N concentration (mg/g), higher N content (mg/seed), lower P concentration, higher K content, and higher mean seed weight.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to elucidate those factors associated withthe seed coat which are responsible for maintaining the dormancyof the charlock seed. The rates of water uptake by the seedand by the embryo were measured; the permeability of the coveringlayers to water was much the same as that of parenchymatouscells. The action of certain dormancy-breaking treatments, viz.embryo excision, exposure to concentrated sulphuric acid, alternatingtemperatures, and gibberellic acid, were therefore examined.Fromexperiments with excised embryos and seeds exposed to concentratedsulphuric acid, it appeared that the loss of dormancy followingthe removal of the seed coat resulted from an increase in oxygensupply to the embryo. The germination of a small proportionof seeds at low temperature may also be due to an increase inthe oxygen concentration within the seed. The dormancy-breakingeffect of gibberellic acid, however, is unlikely to be due tochanges in the permeability of the seed coat to oxygen. Estimatesof the rate of oxygen uptake and growth of seeds treated withgibberellic acid at various external oxygen concentrations showthat the resistance of the covering layers to diffusion of oxygenretards, but does not prevent, the initiation of growth.It wouldappear that dormancy is maintained in charlock seeds by theaction of a specific growth-inhibiting substance which is producedat low oxygen concentration in the interior of the seed andwhich diffuses to the meristems.  相似文献   

Two genets of Abutilon theophrasti were clonally replicated and grown to maturity in a glasshouse at two levels of nutrient supply. The seeds produced were weighed and the resulting seedlings exposed to two nutrient levels during development. The progeny plants were harvested on three occasions, and leaf areas and dry weights of the different plant parts were determined. At the early stages of growth an increase in the maternal nutrient supply significantly increased seedling height, cotyledon area, and leaf areas, and seed weight had a significant effect on several traits. The maternal nutrient addition had no significant effect at a later stage of growth (35 d after sowing), but at 56 d after sowing it did affect offspring leaf areas and dry weights. Significant interaction terms indicate that the response to parental nutrient addition may depend both on genotype and on the nutrient status of the progeny. Different plant characters are differentially sensitive to maternal conditions and these may be expressed at different stages of development.  相似文献   

Sampling in a soybean field established that presence of velvetleaf (A. theophrasti) weeds interfered with soybean production. Number of soybean pods and number of pods/stem were significantly lower in transect segments adjacent to velvetleaf plants. In bioassays for phytotoxicity of velvetleaf, several dilutions of aqueous extracts from fresh field-collected leaves depressed germination of radish seeds and inhibited growth of soybean seedlings. Seed germination bioassays from eluates of chromatograms developed in one dimension showed that two of three bands containing phenolic compounds were inhibitory to radish seed germination. Soybeans inhibited by aqueous velvetleaf extracts had increased diffusive resistance, suggesting partial stomatal closure. Inhibited plants also gave evidence of water stress, with leaf water potentials often as low as –20 bars and reduced water content, when compared with controls. Quantification of chlorophyll on a leaf area basis showed that chlorophyll of inhibited plants was below controls. These data demonstrate the allelopathic potential of velvetleaf and suggest that interference with water balance and chlorophyll content may be two mechanisms of inhibitory action of toxins present in the leaves of velvetleaf.  相似文献   

Nonvolatile exudates from velvetleaf glandular trichomes inhibited root and shoot growth of several weed and crop species in petri plate bioassays, but had no effect on seed germination per se. The exudate was efficiently collected by wiping both the stems and petioles with cotton swabs or by leaching with water, but was absent on the leaves of velvetleaf plants. Cress (Lepidium sativum L.) was the most sensitive indicator species. Four types of trichomes appeared on the stem surface as revealed by scanning electron microscopy. Water soluble globules on the apices of 12- to 15-celled glandular trichomes recurred and demonstrated their original potency within eight days after removal with cotton swabs. Both the quantity and phytotoxicity of the exudates from velvetleaf plants cultured under varying environmental conditions were determined. While total exudate production was not affected at 16, 24, or 36 C, the exudates from plants cultured at 24 and 36 C were about twice as toxic as the exudate collected from plants grown at the lower temperature. Water stress decreased the amount of exudate collected, but the phytotoxic activity was increased by approximately the same factor.  相似文献   

长豇豆的胚珠具内外两层珠被,内珠被在种子发育早期退化消失,种皮仅由外珠被发育而成。外珠被的外表皮细胞径向伸长,外壁和经向壁增厚,形成约占成熟种皮厚度一半的栅栏层;亚表皮细胞发育为骨状石细胞层。第三层细胞类似于亚表皮层但细胞壁增厚不明显,其内方的多层薄壁细胞形成海绵组织。种脐具两层栅栏细胞,外栅栏层及其以外部分由珠柄组织发育而成管胞群。本文还对脐缝和管胞群的作用以及豆科种子的吸水机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

本研究采用电镜技术研究了种衣剂17号对小麦条锈菌发育的影响。观察结果表明,该种衣剂引起病菌和寄主细胞内发生了一系列变化。病菌菌丝和吸器内脂肪粒和液泡明显增加;菌丝壁和吸器壁呈不规则加厚;菌丝分枝处无隔膜产生或隔膜畸形;有的吸器母细胞产生的畸形入侵栓,大都不能穿透寄主细胞壁,初生吸器外间质内沉积有染色较深的物质,次生吸器可产生多个不规则分枝,但不能扩张膨大;菌丝外渗的物质可能引起寄主细胞的坏死;大多数受侵寄主细胞可分泌形成较大的胼胝质,有时寄主细胞分泌的物质可将吸器体完全包围起来。上述结果表明,种衣剂17号不仅可直接作用于条锈菌,而且也可通过影响寄主而间接地影响病菌。  相似文献   

葛学军 《植物研究》1996,16(4):455-458
中国新疆龙胆科5属18种种皮的扫描电镜观察展示了种皮微形态的高度多样性,这5个属可以分为二大类型,第一类包括龙胆属、扁蕾属和獐牙菜属,它们的种皮均具雕纹,此类型又可以分为3小类,每小类对应一个属,这3个属的雕纹类型互不相同;第二类包括假龙胆属和花锚属,它们的种皮均光滑。  相似文献   

Dnyansagab , Vishnu R., and Delmer C. Cooper . (U. Wisconsin, Madison.) Development of the seed of Solanum phureja. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(3) : 176—186. Illus. 1960.—Ontogeny of the seed of Solanum phureja Juz. et Buk. is described. The megagametophyte, during the course of its development, ruptures the nucellus and at maturity lies in direct contact with the inner layer (endothelium) of the single massive integument. The mature megagametophyte, a 7-celled structure, consists of a 3-celled egg apparatus, an endosperm mother cell with fused polar nuclei and 3 persistent antipodals. Both 2- and 3-celled mature pollen grains are formed within anthers of the same flower; hence this character cannot be considered of any taxonomic value. Double fertilization occurs between 24 and 72 hr. after pollination. A cellular endosperm is formed, the peripheral layer acting as an absorbing tissue during the early ontogeny of the seed. Later this layer becomes organized as an aleurone layer and thereafter the source of nutrients is via the basal portion of the endosperm immediately adjacent to the apical end of the vascular tissue of the developing seed. Embryo development follows the Nicotiana variation of the Solanad type. The mature testa is composed of an outer layer of thick-walled epidermal cells, an inner layer of thin-walled cells and an intervening mass of disorganized tissue. In those instances where the ovule or young seed aborts, the endothelial cells of the integument become hyperactive and proliferate to such an extent that the space formerly occupied by the gametophyte or the developing endosperm and embryo becomes completely filled with endothelial tissue.  相似文献   

Mohan Ram , H. Y. (U. Delhi, India.) The development of the seed in Andrographis serpyllifolia. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(3) : 215—219. Illus. 1960.–Andrographis serpyllifolia, a member of the Acanthaceae, has an embryo sac with a bifurcated chalazal part. At the time of fertilization both synergids and antipodal cells disintegrate. Early in its development the endosperm is composed of 3 distinct parts: (1) a binucleate densely cytoplasmic chalazal haustorium; (2) a large binucleate micropylar haustorium; and (3) a central chamber which develops into the endosperm proper. The divisions in the central endosperm chamber are ab initio cellular. A few of the endosperm cells elongate enormously, ramify into the integument and destroy the surrounding cells. These cells have been termed secondary haustoria. Due to the unequal destruction of the integument, the endosperm assumes a ruminate condition. The mature seed is nearly naked because the seed coat is almost completely digested. The embryo has a long suspensor. The micropylar cells of the suspensor are hypertrophied and multinucleate. Contrary to Mauritzon's (1934) belief, the course of endosperm development is markedly different from that observed in Thunbergia. So far, albuminous seeds have been reported only in the subfamily Nelsonioideae. The present investigation provides a case of its occurrence in the Acanthoideae also.  相似文献   

从胡卢巴种子子叶和种皮中制取甾体皂甙元的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
豆科植物胡卢巴生产植物胶后的下脚料经脱脂、分离,将各成分分开后,分别采用适宜的方法加工利用,可得到甾体皂甙元、脂肪油和饲料添加剂。  相似文献   

Changes occurring within the seed coat of Cuscuta campestris Yunkr. during desiccation were correlated with a decrease in germinability. Germination initially increased as the embryo matured, but then decreased as the testa dried. Completion of macrosclereid development signaled the onset of dormancy. Mechanical scarification with sandpaper or immersion in concentrated H2SO4 broke dormancy. The impermeable layer is a region above the light line and at the junction of the hypodermis and the palisade cell layers. This region appeared to be deposited during desiccation of the hypodermis. Overwintering or a period of cold storage also broke dormancy. The change in permeability was found throughout the testa rather than in a specific area.  相似文献   

As the ovule of Plantago ovata matures into a seed its epidermal cells are transformed from undifferentiated parenchyma to thin-walled containers of almost pure mucilage. During this process the volume of the cells increases 60–80 fold, and the protoplast degenerates to a remnant. Rapid cell expansion begins with pollination and is accompanied by an increase in the size of the nucleus and nucleolus, a change in the random arrangement of ribosomes, a decrease in the thickness of cell walls, and synthesis of starch. Deposition of mucilage inside vacuoles and between the plasma membrane and cell wall accompanies a marked increase in the number and size of Golgi vesicles. Histochemical evidence using the thiocarbohydrazide-osmium vapor method shows polysaccharide to be present within Golgi vesicles while they are still attached to the Golgi apparatus. Mucilage deposition is associated with further cell expansion, separation of the protoplast from the cell wall, fusion of vacuoles and extra protoplasmic space, and the disappearance of starch.  相似文献   

Macrosclereid differentiation was investigated by light and electron microscopy in pea testae during the transformation of protodermal precursors to the mature sclereids. The protodermal cells divide anticlinally and elongate into the macrosclereid layer during seed coat development. Young sclereids have elongate nuclei, plastids become somewhat granal during cellular maturation, vacuolation appears to be an autolytic process, and the cells have dense arrays of endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes. Considerable dictyosome activity and microtubule development is observed as the secondary wall is produced. Many coated vesicles are associated with and fuse with the plasmalemma. During development, the outer tangential wall area of the macrosclereids acquires a definite cuticle and subcuticular layer. Also, at this time the sclereid walls under the subcuticular layer display semicircular microfibril orientation. The sclereid walls adjacent to the hypodermis become multilayered. As the macrosclereids near maturity, the “light line” becomes discernable in the light microscope at the junction of the cellulosic tips of the macrosclereids and the subcuticular layer. This “light line” is prominent using interference optics and is an osmiophilic layer in the electron microscope. This layer may represent the suberin “caps” reported by earlier workers.  相似文献   

白色种皮花生皮色及农艺性状遗传的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为育成白色种皮的高产花生品种,了解白色种皮的遗传规律,用自育的白皮1号品种与在福建省生产上推广的红皮良种粤油116、汕油对和泉花10号进行杂交,杂种F1植株的种皮全为红色.F2红皮植株与白皮植株的分离比例符合15:1的分离规律,红皮F2代的F3代株系中,有4/15株系符合红:白为3:1的分离比例。由此推断白皮性状是两对隐性基因控制,白皮性状与产量性状没有连锁。主要农艺性状的遗传力顺序为:单株结果数>单株饱果重和生物产量>单株饱果数。经F3代、F4和F5代的株系鉴定,选出稳定、综合性状优良的重组类型;再经过产量鉴定和多点比较试验,选出了丰产性较好的二个品种参加福建省花生新品种区域试验.  相似文献   

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