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Observations were made of the seasonal root growth behavior under natural conditions and under controlled conditions in plant observation boxes. Under natural conditions root growth conformed to the commonly reported pattern of a surge of growth in the spring, a mid-summer low, and a renewed burst in the fall. Growth of individual roots was cyclic. Growth patterns ordinarily varied according to root diameter and branching and in the plantations were modified by soil moisture conditions. Observations of roots during periods of constant elongation showed that the distance from the root apex to the first lateral root primordium varied directly with growth rate. Laterals did not arise in strict acropetal succession, and lateral root abortion was common, particularly in large-diameter, fast-growing roots. Observations of root initiation in relation to seasonal growth increments and to dormancy structures showed an increase in numbers of laterals on both the proximal and distal portions of a seasonal increment.  相似文献   

The primary xylem connection between the diarch parent root and the diarch lateral root was derived from the pericycle and stelar parenchyma. Early in lateral root development stelar parenchyma that was positioned between the parent xylem and the primordium divided transversely. These transverse divisions produced a plate of cells, most of which subsequently differentiated into vessel element connectors. After emergence of the lateral root, xylem maturation began in the stelar vessel element connectors and maturation proceeded acropetally into the lateral root. Protoxylem of the lateral root was connected to the metaxylem of the parent root via stelar vessel element connectors. The circular phloem connection was pericyclic in origin. Axial phloem connections which vascularized the lateral root were established with sieve tube elements of both parent phloem poles. Maturation of the phloem connection occurred prior to lateral root emergence. Transaxial phloem, positioned in arches above and below the lateral root vascular cylinder, was derived from the pericycle; and each arch consisted of three to four sieve tube elements. No transfer cells were found in the transaxial phloem.  相似文献   

Ca2+对小麦种根及其根毛生长发育的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
低浓度的CaCl2对小麦种根生长、根毛发生和生长无明显影响,高浓度的CaCl2(0.1mol/L)对种根和根毛生长有抑制作用,但不影响根毛的发生。Ca2+专一性螯合剂EGTA抑制种根生长和根毛的发生及生长,添加一定浓度的外源CaCl2,这种抑制作用可被消除。CaM抑制剂TFP(三氟拉嗪)和CPZ(氯丙嗪)对种根生长、根毛发生和生长均有抑制作用,添加外源CaM可减弱或消除这种抑制作用。  相似文献   

观察了分布于海南和广东省热带、亚热带海岸潮间带的6 科9 属15 种红树植物各种地上根根端与胚轴顶端的发育及结构。红树科(Rhizophoraceae)4 属的支柱根根端,以显著的柱状分生组织区、根冠柱、栓质化的根冠为特征。老鼠簕属(Acanthus)、海榄雌属(Avicennia)的支柱根和海榄雌属、海桑属(Sonneratia)的出水通气根根端都有短的根冠柱,薄的栓质化根冠或根冠的木栓层具有生长层。大多数红树植物的根端很早开始原形成层的活动,表皮之下常见外皮层,周皮常在表皮下层出现等独特的发育式样、结构特征,显示了环境的选择作用和红树植物的趋同适应  相似文献   

1. It is shown that when plant tissues are ground with water the growth substance contained therein is inactivated by the oxidizing enzymes. 2. A simple method of extraction is described which enables the quantitative determination of growth substance in such tissues. 3. The amount and distribution of growth substance in the Avena coleoptile is determined by this method, and it is shown that while the substance does not diffuse out from the lower parts of the coleoptile, it is nevertheless present in considerable amounts, the concentration decreasing steadily with the distance from the tip. 4. Growth substance is also present in considerable amounts in Avena roots, and here also its concentration decreases steadily with distance from the tip. 5. The amount of growth substance diffusing out of root tips into dextrose agar, even during long periods of time, is not greater than the amount obtainable by direct extraction. Actual production in the root tip therefore either does not take place at all, or else takes place under quite different conditions from the production in the tip of the coleoptile.  相似文献   

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