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Pollen-Foraging Dynamics of Subalpine Bumblebees (Bombus Latr.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract A 23-year study on Mount Rainier of nectar-foraging hummingbirds and pollen-foraging bumblebees (Bom-bus Latr.) indicated a constant relative frequency of Bombus species in the area and a wide occurrence of insect species on flowers plus a wide range of flower species pollinated by a single insect. Early-blooming plants had a high queen/worker pollinator ratio, while workers predominated on later-blooming plants. No altitudinal difference in distribution of Bombus species occurred. Analysis of 955 corbicular pollen loads from 1158 bumblebees collected yielded 49.5% monolecty for queens and 34.5% for workers with a wider range for queens than for workers. Colors of corollas photographed in visible and ultraviolet light corresponded to the visual spectra of animal pollinators. In the stable plant-pollinator community investigated, pollinating insect activity appears phenologically controlled by floral anthesis and behaviorally related to floral form and function. Bumblebee tongue length, however. Is not a valid determinant for foraging niche separation except in Castilleja with a deep corolla tube accommodating long tongues of hummingbirds and bumblebees. It is concluded that in a biotic community well-coordinated with the physical environment, limited flower constancy of pollen-foraging pollinators appears to contribute a necessary degree of adaptive versatility through sharing of insect and floral resources. Flower constancy is primarily a function of the circumstance in which a pollinator operates and not simply a characteristic of the pollinator itself.  相似文献   

Cinematographic and stereophotographic records indicate that Pedicularis groenlandica is pollinated in the Colorado Front Range by seven species of pollen-foraging bumblebees (Bombus sp.) to which the nectarless flower is intricately adapted functionally and structurally. Removing pollen by wing vibrations of an oscilloscopically identified frequency significantly distinct from flight vibration frequency, foragers carried pollen loads with up to three foreign pollen types in addition to Pedicularis pollen, which was found in all loads. No direct correlation was evident between flight vibration frequency and combined body-pollen load weight, ambient air temperature, or forager species. The flower is phenologically and morphologically adapted to the worker caste of apparently any Bombus species available to it throughout the plant's montane-alpine zone vertical-distribution range. The evolutionary position of the pollination mechanism is considered in relation to the floral morphology of other species in the genus Pedicularis.  相似文献   

An established colony of Dodecatheon meadia on glacial drift in southeastern Wisconsin was observed for its insect pollination interrelationships. Twelve randomly distributed plants from which insects were excluded failed to produce seed, while plants exposed to insect visits set abundant seed. Female solitary bees of 2 species, viz., Augochloropsis metallica fulgida (Smith) and Lasioglossum forbesii (Robertson), and queens and workers of 7 species of Bombus were observed collecting pollen from the pendant anther cone by rapid wing vibration, while hanging inverted from the cone tip. This behavior—cinematographically recorded—was found fundamentally identical to that of females of the same species of solitary bees and of queens and workers of 5 species of Bombus on Solanum dulcamara, and of females of Lasioglossum forbesii (Robertson) and workers of 2 species of Bombus on Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. No other insects were found to pollinate these morphologically similar flowers in this manner, and crepuscular pollinators were not observed. Experimental modifications of form, function, and position of Dodecatheon flowers were offered to the pollinators, and behavioral changes of the insects were noted. Constituents of insect pollen loads were examined, and relationships of the pollinators to the flora of the region were noted. The detailed ecological study of insect pollen vector behavior as an aid in discovering biosystematic relationships of plant populations is suggested.  相似文献   

Six native species of Pedicularis in Mount Rainier National Park in Washington State were studied for their reproductive relationships with animal pollinators. Cinematographic and stereophotographic records revealed pollination of the nectariferous P. bracteosa and P. rainierensis by upright, nectar-foraging queens and workers of five bumblebee (Bombus Latr.) species and by inverted workers scraping pollen from anthers concealed within the corolla galea. The nectarless, rostrate flowers of P. contorta, P. groenlandica, P. ornithorhyncha, and P. racemosa were pollinated by pollen-foraging workers and occasional queens virbrating pollen from concealed anthers. Insect exclosure methods revealed complete absence of fruiting in the absence of insects, and pollinator collections further indicate obligate dependence of the plants upon bumblebees for their sexual reproduction. Analysis of corbicular pollen loads from pollinators suggested that pollinator species are not monolectic but that individual pollinators range from monolectic to polylectic. Measurements indicated limited correlations between lengths of corolla tubes and tongues of nectar-foraging insects. Each nectarless Pedicularis species occupied a different, specific habitat, but P. bracteosa and the endemic P. rainierensis were sympatric in part. Each species had a unique spectral reflectance pattern from the corolla. Proximity of habitats and overlap of blooming periods of all Pedicularis species eliminate the possibility of contemporary geographic or phenological reproductive isolation. It is suggested that behavioral interactions of the plants and their insect pollinators may have been instrumental in the past in reproductively isolating these species, hybrids of which are unknown.  相似文献   

In Cleistes divaricata, a hinged anther dispenses a sequence of loosely aggregated pollen tetrad masses onto the dorsal thorax of Bombus and Megachile workers. This mechanism allows more than one bee to receive pollen from a single flower. To determine the effectiveness of this strategy, plants in bud were caged and hand pollinated using pollen from sequential releases. Capsules produced from a flower's first three pollen dumps were significantly larger and heavier and contained more seeds than those produced by later pollen deposits with fewer tetrads. Decreasing pollen dosage did not affect fruit set, capsule development, individual seed weight, or percentage of healthy looking embryos per fruit. Fruit set for artificial pollinations was 93% for pollen dumps 1–3 and 97% for dumps 4–18. As set of naturally pollinated marked plants was only 38%, low frequency of pollinator visits apparently limited seed production. Efficacy of infrequent visits is maximized, however, because a flower's first pollen releases contain the most pollen, but later low-dosage dumps can produce some seeds. An unexpected cost was a higher investment of pericarp per seed in low-dosage capsules (130 ng pericarp seed-1 fresh weight) than in high-dosage pollinations (only 27 ng pericarp seed–1). Flower fading in plants receiving low pollen dosage was as slow as that in caged, unpollinated controls, thus increasing opportunity for additional pollination.  相似文献   

Summary Can bees accurately gauge accumulating bodily pollen as they harvest pollen from flowers? Several recent reports conclude that bees fail to assess pollen harvest rates when foraging for nectar and pollen. A native nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium Cavanilles) that is visited exclusively for pollen by both solitary and social bees (eg. Ptiloglossa and Bombus) was studied in SE Arizona and SW New Mexico. The flowers have no nectaries. Two experiments were deployed that eliminated pollen feedback to the bees by experimentally manipulating flowers prior to bee visits. The two methods were 1) plugging poricidal anthers with glue and 2) emptying anthers of pollen by vibration prior to bee visitation. Both experiments demonstrated that bees directly assess pollen harvest on a flower-by-flower basis, and significantly tailor their handling times, number of vibratile buzzes per flower and grooming bouts according to the ongoing harvest on a given flower. In comparison to experimental flowers, floral handling times were extended for both Bombus and Ptiloglossa on virgin flowers. Greater numbers of intrafloral buzzes and numbers of times bees groomed pollen and packed it into their scopae while still on the flower were also more frequent at virgin versus experimental flowers. Flowers with glued andreocia received uniformly brief visits from Bombus and Ptiloglossa with fewer sonications and virtually no bouts of grooming. Curtailed handling with few buzzes and grooms also characterized visits to our manually harvested flowers wherein pollen was artificially depleted. Sonicating bees respond positively to pollen-feedback while harvesting from individual flowers, and therefore we expect them to adjust their harvesting tempo according to the currency of available pollen (standing crop) within Solanum floral patches.  相似文献   

A previous study of Campanula punctata pollinated by Bombus diversus showed greater male reproductive success in plants with wider corollas when male reproductive success was measured by paternity analysis. Pollen removal alone was not a good measure of male reproductive success. The aim of the current study is to elucidate the mechanism underlying the selection on corolla width in C. punctata. Multiple regression analysis of male reproductive success in experimental populations revealed that the advantage of a wide corolla to the male is independent of the corolla width of pollen recipients, indicating that the position of pollen deposited on Bombus may not be an important factor for selection. However, the number of pollen grains that fell on the petal or off the flower and were lost at the first visit of Bombus (pollen fall) decreased with increasing corolla width, so that most pollen grains removed from a wide flower were deposited onto the pollinator. In a narrow flower, a greater proportion of the pollen removed was wasted through pollen fall. Pollen removal does not reflect male reproductive success, at least in part because of the loss of pollen in some flowers through pollen fall. The positive relationship between wider corollas and reduced loss of pollen through pollen fall is likely to lead to greater male reproductive success of wider flowers under repeated visits of pollinators. Decreased pollen fall, probably due to more gentle contact between pollen and bees in flowers with wider corollas, may be one of the mechanisms underlying the selection on corolla width of C. punctata.  相似文献   

The pollination mechanisms and pollen vectors of Solarium rostratum have been examined by greenhouse experiments and field studies. Although the capacity for autogamy exists in this weedy annual, it rarely occurs because of two factors: (1) the morphology of the flower and (2) the foraging behavior of the various species of Bombus, the primary pollen vector in the regions studied. The percentages of geitonogamy and xenogamy are dependent on the flight pattern of the bees and the number of open flowers on a plant.  相似文献   

Cinematographic records of the pollen-foraging behavior of six Bombus species on Linaria vulgaris, Lobelia siphilitica, and Antirrhinum majus revealed a generally uniform pattern of pollen deposition by the nototribic flowers on the frons and scutum of the foragers. A forward sweeping motion of the tarsal brushes of their middle legs removed some of this pollen which was transferred to the tibial corbicula of the hind legs. Some insects foraged in an inverted position. An analysis of 804 pollen samples from frons, scutum, and corbiculum of 331 from a total of 395 Bombus visitors, representing eight of the nine native species, on the three plants indicated a high proportion of proper pollen being collected in addition to 15 kinds of foreign pollen. The pollen-sweeping behavior of Bombus on nototribic flowers is suggested as an important means of pollen-foraging apart from its utility in insect grooming. Pollen-foraging insects are considered important pollinators of these nototribic flowers.  相似文献   

Observations on native and cultivated plants indicated that the ruby-throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris L.) and at least four species of Bombus are probably effective pollinators of Aquilegia canadensis L. in southeastern Wisconsin. Bombus affinis Cresson perforated more than 90% of 2173 nectar spurs of flowers at full anthesis on wild plants. Cinematographic and stereo-photographic records of insects revealed a general behavioral pattern of mandibular perforation following exploration by antennae, maxillae, and tongue. Pollen-foraging behavior on 19 cultivated Aquilegia species and varieties was uniform, but nectar-foraging behavior varied with flower form and position and not with color variation within one flower form. Observations on marked insects showed that workers tended to forage in one manner on one plant variety, while queens foraging in one or more ways visited up to five different flower forms on one flight. Initial observations on neonate workers from a cultivated B. affinis colony suggested that a probably innate mandibular perforation behavior is not instinctively directed toward nectar-bearing floral parts, and that foraging behavior is capable of rapid establishment and considerable versatility.  相似文献   

  • 1 The behaviour and activity patterns of Apis mellifera and of five species of Bombus were analysed in relation to climatic variables and nectar quality on three varieties of unsprayed cultivated raspberry (Rubus idaeus) in eastern Scotland.
  • 2 Stages of floral morphology and reward were similar for the three varieties: young flowers offered both nectar and pollen, but medium and old flowers offered nectar only, in diminishing quantities.
  • 3 A wide range of insects visited raspberry flowers, but bees were dominant, bumblebees being responsible for about 60% of all visits and honeybees making up most of the remaining percentage. All bees had substantial pollen deposited on their bodies during visits, though few specifically collected it.
  • 4 Bombus spp. were found to favour young (receptive) flowers strongly, especially early in the morning when pollen was most abundant: whilst Apis visited unselectively. Bumblebees also foraged over substantially longer periods of the day, and in poorer weather, some being present at most times of observation; and they foraged more quickly in terms of flower visits per minute.
  • 5 Bombus carried more pollen on their bodies than Apis, and also deposited more pollen on raspberry stigmas, with B.lapidarius and B.terrestris being particularly effective and also being the most abundant species. All bumblebees also foraged over a longer range, moving between canes and rows more frequently than did honeybees.
  • 6 Bumblebees are therefore likely to be substantially more important as pollinators of raspberries than are honeybees, especially as raspberries though moderately self-fertile may exhibit metaxenia. Reasons why Bombus may be the preferred pollinator in most sites of raspberry cultivation are discussed, together with implications for present and future growers.

The coadaptive, dynamic relationship between the members of a floral community and their respective bumblebee pollinators was studied on the alpine-tundra of the Beartooth Plateau in southern Montana. A total of ten species of Bombus was observed foraging for pollen and/or nectar on Castilleja pulchella, Delphinium bicolor, Lupinus monticola, Mertensia ciliata, Oxytropis campestris, Penstemon procerus, and Trifolium dasyphyllum. The number of Bombus species per plant species ranged from 1 to 9. Based on relative percentage of pollen types in corbicular loads, monolectic foragers comprised 53.5% and polylectic foragers 46.5% of the bumblebees. Examinations of relative length of nectariferous corolla-tubes, tongue-length of pollinators, foraging frequency of pollinators, phenology of floral anthesis, and stature of plants did not indicate specific resource partitioning. Non-tundra-nesting bumblebees from lower elevations preferred adventive or typically non-tundra plants. Examination of perianth colors in visible light by reflectance spectrophotometry and in long-wave (360 nm) ultraviolet light by photography disclosed well-defined visible light reflectance spectra in all species but ultraviolet reflectance patterns only in D. bicolor. Insect collections and exclosure studies indicated all plant species except D. bicolor and P. procerus are highly reliant on bumblebee pollinators.  相似文献   

The potential influence of pollen-tube competition on offspring “quality” has received considerable attention in recent years. Yet the prevalence of pollen competition in natural populations is largely unknown because few investigators have actually measured rates of pollen deposition on stigmas. In this study, we assess the potential for pollen-tube competition in natural populations of the self-compatible, pollinator-dependent herbaceous perennial, Hibiscus moscheutos. Individual flowers averaged two to four visits per 15 min by potential pollinators (Ptilothrix and Bombus), and about 34% of these visits involved contact with a stigma. The median number of pollen grains deposited on virgin stigmas per contact visit was 70 grains (values ranged from 0 to 889), and flowers averaged about four contact visits per hour. Approximately 360 pollen grains must reach stigmas for full seed set to occur in a typical flower (an average ovary has 139 ovules, and 2.6 pollen grains are required per seed). Within 2 and 3 hr exposure to pollinators, 65% and 97% of the flowers received excess pollen (>360 grains) and median stigmatic pollen loads exceeded the number of ovules by a factor of 4.0 and 5.4, respectively. Based on 3 yr observations, it is concluded that pollen competition may frequently occur in this species.  相似文献   

We studied the bee fauna visiting a plant community of 10 species of flowering aquatic plants in an inundated savanna region in Bolivia. In total we observed 36 bee species in 17 genera at the flowers. Cluster analysis of the similarities among the plant species in terms of their visitor spectra showed a division into two groups: plants with inflorescence heights shorter than the grass height and plants with inflorescences projecting out of the surrounding vegetation. Larger bees of the genera Apis, Melipona, Bombus, and Xylocopa were observed only at flowers above the surrounding vegetation. Smaller, mainly solitary bees (e.g., Augochlorella, Ancyloscelis) visited flowers in the dense vegetation near the water surface. Analyses of the pollen loads revealed that most individuals were highly flower constant. When bees carried different pollen types, it was generally pollen from flowers within a single stratum. We discuss specialization, flower constancy, competition, and different foraging strategies as possible reasons for stratum fidelity.  相似文献   

Phenotypic and genetic variation and correlations among floral traits within and among four Primula species were measured to seek evidence for potential constraints on the independent evolution of floral characters, to examine the relationship between mating system, ploidy level, and sex allocation, and to determine whether some traits are more conservative than others within and across these congeners. We measured mean flower diameter, corolla depth, pollen production, modal pollen grain volume, ovule number per flower, and pollen: ovule ratios for 64 field-collected genotypes from northern Europe. These represented one heterostylous (P. farinosa: 2n = 18) and three homostylous (P. scotica: 2n = 54, P. scahdinavica: 2n = 74, and P. stricta: 2n ~ 126) species. All traits differed significantly among species and among the six taxon/morph categories identified (including three morphs of P. farinosa: pin, thrum, and homostylous). Pollen production per flower was significantly higher (and individual pollen grain volume lower) in the outcrossing P. farinosa than in any of the homostylous species; also, pin morphs produced significantly more pollen per flower than thrums in P. farinosa. Among the homostylous species, there were significant differences in all traits except modal pollen grain volume. Ovule number per flower and flower size were less variable among taxa than pollen production and pollen volume. Within species, there were several strong negative correlations among genets between pairs of traits, but each species exhibited a unique set of inverse relationships. We detected only one significant positive genetic correlation; in P. stricta, ovule number and pollen production per flower were positively correlated among genets. Among species means, two pairs of traits were negatively correlated: mean ovule number per flower vs. flower diameter (but P = 0.0587), and mean pollen production per flower vs. modal pollen grain volume. These negative correlations within and among taxa suggest that there may be intrinsic genetic constraints on the independent evolution of these floral characters, but that these constraints differ among species.  相似文献   

Sympatric populations of Pedicularis oederi, P. cystopteridifolia, and P. groenlandica on the Beartooth Plateau (Montana) were obligately dependent on Bombus pollinators. Their corolla colors were mutually distinct to insect vision, but their nectars had identical sugar components. Analysis of corbicular pollen loads of pollinating insects indicated a high degree of polylecty. Queen/worker ratios of pollinators on plant species corresponded to the parallel phenological sequences of plant blooming and insect caste development. The total number of individual pollinators of each Bombus species on all plants was directly related to the number of plant species it pollinated, but a comparable relationship between the number of pollinators on a plant species to the number of Bombus species pollinating it was not found. Morphological and behavioral correspondence of floral mechanisms and pollinators form an integral part of the general pattern of coadaptive evolution of the floral ecology of Pedicularis in North America known from previous studies. Reproductive isolation between Pedicularis species in this study is attributed to internal barriers. Wide overlaps of blooming seasons, proboscis lengths of bumblebee species and castes, and pollinator species on Pedicularis species suggest resource sharing, rather than resource partitioning or competition for resources among plant and insect species and individuals.  相似文献   


The results of various types of manual and free pollination are reported in Helleborus bocconei and Helleborus foetidus, two sympatric species of the understorey of submediterranean woods that flower in January–March and are pollinated by bumble-bees of the genus Bombus. Both species were found to be partially self-compatible even if at different rates; geitonogamy seems to be more frequent in H. foetidus and spontaneous self-pollination does not usually occur for morphological reasons, and the species are not apomictic. Efficiency in seed production after free pollination was very high indicating that in spite of harsh climatic condition, there were no limitations imposed by pollen or pollinators.  相似文献   

1. Parasites can affect the communities of their hosts; and hosts, in turn, shape communities of parasites and other symbionts. This makes host–symbiont relationships a key but often overlooked aspect of community ecology. 2. Mites associated with bees have a range of lifestyles; however, little is known about mites associated with wild bees or about factors influencing the make‐up of bee‐associated mite communities. This study investigated how mite communities associated with bumble bees (Bombus spp.) are shaped by the Bombus community and geographic proximity. 3. Bees were collected from 15 sites in Ontario, Canada, and examined for mites. Mite abundance and species richness increased with local bee abundance. Several bee species also differed in mite abundance, species richness, prevalence, and diversity. Locally uncommon species tended to have more mites than other bees. Queen bees had the most mites, and males had more mites than workers. 4. Spatial proximity was not a predictor of mite community composition, despite a strong effect of proximity on bee community similarity. 5. On the 11 Bombus spp. examined, 33 mite species were found. Whereas nearly half of these mite species are obligate associates of bumble bees, none was restricted to particular Bombus species. 6. The best predictor of mite community composition was bee identity. Although many parasite communities show strong geographic patterns, the communities of primarily commensalistic bee‐mites in this study did not. These findings have implications for bumble bee conservation, given that pollen‐feeding commensals might become harmful at high densities or act as disease vectors.  相似文献   

J. M. Gómez  R. Zamora 《Oecologia》1992,91(3):410-418
Summary We have analysed the importance of worker ants (Proformica longiseta, Formicidae) as pollinators of a mass-flowering woody plant (Hormathophylla spinosa, Cruciferae) in the high-mountain area of the Sierra Nevada (southern Spain). We have quantified the abundance and foraging behavior of P. longiseta in comparison with winged flower visitors. We have also examined, by means of selective exclusion experiments, the role of ants as true pollinators, comparing them with the winged flower visitors. A total of 39 species belonging to 18 families visited the flowers of H. spinosa. All the visitors were winged insects, except P. longiseta, a species which alone made up more than 80% of the total number of insects found on the flowers. All pollinators of H. spinosa had similar foraging patterns, with 98% of total movements made between flowers within the same plant. Ants always made contact with the plant reproductive organs when foraging for nectar, and transferred large numbers of pollen grains. However, pollen exposed to ants for brief periods exhibited reduced percentage of germination. P. longiseta is both the most abundant and spatio-temporally predictable flower visitor of H. spinosa. These characteristics, weighted by their flower visitation rate, make worker ants the pollinator that maintains the strongest mutualistic interaction with H. spinosa. The exclusion experiments show that workers behave as true pollinators, since they contribute to increase the number of viable seeds produced by H. spinosa. The key factor of this interaction is mainly the great density of workers throughout the flowering period. In short, the H. spinosa-P. longiseta mutualistic interaction mainly depends on its high probability of occurrence.  相似文献   

The pollination process and breeding system of Pachygenium bonariense and Pachygenium pteryganthum were documented for native populations from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The flowers secrete nectar (on average with 65% to 67% of the concentration of total sugars), which is concealed into an incurved spur. Both species are pollinated by native, large Apidae bees, and the pollinaria adhere under the ventral surface of their labrum while bees try to reach the nectar. P. bonariense is pollinated by native bumblebees Bombus (Fervidobombus) morio and P. pteryganthum by females of oil-gathering Centris (Melacentris) sp. Both orchid species are self-compatible but pollinator-dependent (i.e., unable to set fruit and seed in the absence of pollinators). They also displayed high natural reproductive success (from 22% to 90%) and Nilsson's male efficiency factors ranging from 2.2 to 3.6, suggesting that, during our observations, more than one flower was pollinated for each flower acting as the pollen donor. To enrich the discussion, additional unpublished data on the pollination and breeding system of other orchid species of the Pelexia clade (the Spiranthinae group containing the studied species) are also presented and briefly illustrated. A phylogenetic framework of the clade is used to ascertain well-supported evolutionary scenarios for pollination-related floral traits (viscidium, protandry and a group of pollinators). The characteristic “dorsally adhesive” viscidium can be considered a synapomorphy for the subclade formed by the genera Cyclopogon, Veyretia, Sarcoglottis, Pachygenium, Pelexia and Brachystele, with a reversal to the plesiomorphic condition (ventrally adhesive) at the latter genus. Pollination by bees is likely the rule within the subclade and may be regarded as plesiomorphic for the whole Spiranthinae subtribe.  相似文献   

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