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Srivastava , L. M., and K. Esau . (U. California, Davis.) Relation of dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium) to the xylem tissue of conifers. I. Anatomy of parasite sinkers and their connection with host xylem. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(2): 159–167. Illus. 1961.—The anatomy of the sinkers of Arceuthobium infecting 7 species of conifers was studied by the use of serial cross, radial, and tangential sections of the host wood. The sinkers were found to be composed of parenchyma cells only, or of parenchyma cells and tracheary elements, including vessel elements. In all species tracheary cells of the sinkers had direct contacts with the host tracheids of axial and radial systems. Typically the sinkers were associated with rays of the host wood. In some species, the centripetal ends of sinkers were wedged in radially among the axial tracheids of the host, but centrifugally such sinkers were usually found associated with rays. In the region of the host cambium the sinker contained parenchyma cells meristematic in appearance and, in 6 out of 7 species, also mature tracheary elements. The oldest of these elements became stretched and ruptured, a circumstance indicating that growth occurred in the part of the sinker embedded in the host cambium. This growth appeared to be coordinated with that of the host cambium, so that the sinker became embedded in the host xylem and phloem. Radial centripetal penetration of sinkers among differentiating axial tracheids of the host possibly occurred to a limited extent.  相似文献   

Srivastava , L. M., and K. Esau , (U. California, Davis.) Relation of dwarfmistletoe (Arceuthobium) to the xylem tissue of conifers. II. Effect of the parasite on the xylem anatomy of the host. Amer. Jour. Bot. (48(3): 209–215. Illus. 1961.—The changes in the xylem anatomy induced by dwarfmistletoe infection were studied in 7 coniferous species. The most pronounced abnormalities are observed in the shape and size of the infected rays. Because of the presence of parasite tissue, the rays assume a hypertrophied appearance; moreover, they fuse to form large composite rays. The union of rays involves intrusive growth of ray cells and displacement of fusiform initials. Some division of fusiform initials also occurs. Rays may increase in number and they may contain more host cells than normal rays. Axial tracheids in infected host woods differ more or less strongly from those of noninfected woods. They may be shorter, wider, and more irregular in shape than the axial tracheids in healthy wood. The samples of xylem from infected pines had a larger number of resin canals than those from healthy trees. Resin canals were also found in infected Tsuga, which normally lacks these structures.  相似文献   

Kleinodendron, a new genus of Euphorbiaceae, was assigned by Smith and Downs to the tribe Cluytieae. A xylem anatomical survey indicates that there are no objections to this placement. Woods of Cluytieae are diverse but may be characterized generally by having pores which average less than 80 μ in diameter and which are well divided between solitary and radial multiple distributions in the same species; simple vessel perforations; alternate intervascular pitting; fiber-tracheids and libriform wood fibers; exclusively uniseriate, or uniseriate and biseriate heterocellular vascular rays in the same species; uniseriate “bridges” linking superposed biseriate ray segments; diffuse, diffuse-in-aggregates, and scanty vasicentric axial parenchyma, sometimes in the same species; and crystal rhomboids. That Microdesmis and Pogonophora diverge sharply from these generalizations in having scalariform vessel perforations and broad vascular rays, is an indication that they may not be closely related to other genera in Cluytieae.  相似文献   

水松的次生韧皮部解剖及其系统位置的讨论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜下观察,水松茎次生韧皮部的主要特征为:韧皮部由轴向系统和径向系统组成。轴向系统由筛胞、韧皮薄壁组织细胞、蛋白细胞和韧皮纤维组成,径向系统由韧皮射线组成。在横切面上,轴向系统的各组成分子以单层切向带交替有规律的排列,其排列顺序为:筛胞-韧皮薄壁组织细胞-韧皮纤维-筛胞。筛胞的径向壁上嵌埋有草酸钙结晶,韧皮纤维仅一种类型,韧皮射线同型、单列。根据水松茎次生韧皮部的解剖研究,并与杉科其它各属的有关资料进行比较,我们认为:水松属与水杉属和落羽杉属有较近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

The relation between plastochron stage, apical anatomy, and thymidine-C14 incorporation was studied in the shoot apex of Chrysanthemum morifolium ‘Albatross.’ Apices were sorted into early, middle, and late plastochron stage under a dissecting microscope, fixed, and sectioned longitudinally so that median sections included known sectors of the apical flank. Study of these sections revealed no discernible difference between apices in early, middle, or late plastochron with respect to regularity of cell pattern, presence of a cambium-like zone, appearance of the second tunica layer or staining pattern with pyronin or with toluidine blue. Likewise, apices that had been treated with thymidine-C14 for 2-4 hr showed no differences between the three stages in number or distribution of labeled cells.  相似文献   

Ludwigia sect. Microcarpium is a polyploid complex of 15 taxa that occur mainly in wet habitats of the southeastern United States. In previous treatments, plants of this section were described as having capsules that dehisced by the separation of the walls from the indurate disc (ring dehiscence). Two additional types of dehiscence are reported in this study. The capsules of some species dehisce by the irregular disintegration of the outer capsule wall (peeled dehiscence), while in another group, they dehisce by four longitudinal, lenticular slits and finally into four basally united parts (loculicidal dehiscence). Each of the different patterns of capsular dehiscence was found to have a distinctive anatomical basis. The loculicidal-dehiscent and peeled-dehiscent capsules apparently evolved from the ring-dehiscent type of capsule independently, and each of these derived types appears to delimit a natural evolutionary unit.  相似文献   

Anatomy and water relations were studied for the desert fern Notholaena parryi, as well as six other ferns representing three different orders which occupied xeric as well as mesic habitats. Tracheid number and diameter, and total xylem cross sectional area increased during leaf development for N. parryi; the whole plant conductance (volume flow of water through a stipe divided by the rhizome-to-leaf water potential drop) increased but tended to level off as the leaves matured. The reported occurrences of very steep water potential gradients (about 25 MPa m–1) in stipes of N. parryi were confirmed. The ferns with the highest whole plant conductances (Alsophila australis, Botrychium dissectum, and Adiantum capillus-veneris) had the largest or greatest number of tracheids. Numerous tracheids in Botrychium dissectum offset a low tracheary conductivity, whereas Marsilea vestita had few tracheids resulting in a low whole plant conductance. Whole plant conductances for the ferns were 2 to 3 orders of magnitude less than those generally observed for angiosperms and 6 orders less than for gymnosperms. However, the relative conductivity (whole plant conductance times stipe xylem length divided by xylem area) was only 5- to 10-fold less than for angiosperms and about the same as for the gymnosperms. Stipe water relations in these ferns are discussed in relation to the evolution of xylem anatomy.  相似文献   

作者采用行为学方法测定了伏击型凶猛鱼类鳜鱼视觉对猎物运动和形状特征的反应特性.鳜鱼对3种不同体形饵料鱼有最强的跟踪反应和攻击反应,对虾则有较强的跟踪反应而几乎没有攻击反应,对蜻蜒幼虫仅有不强的跟踪反应而完全没有攻击反应.它对低速(v≤5cm/s)一连续和等间歇不连续运动的饵料鱼有较强的跟踪反应和攻击反应,对中速和高速(v≥10cm/s)连续运动的饵料鱼有最强的跟踪反应而几乎没有或完全没有攻击反应,对中速和高速等间歇不连续运动的饵料鱼则有最强的跟踪反应和最强的攻击反应.它对不连续运动的a、b、c、d、e、f6种形状均有跟踪反应,但近距离跟踪反应的强度与形状特征有关系,对不连续运动的b、c、d3种形状完全没有攻击反应,而对不连续运动的a、e、f3种形状则有依次增强的攻击反应.鳜鱼视觉可对猎物运动进行远距离的识别,并决定其对猎物的远距离跟踪反应.且其视觉仅能对猎物的大致形状进行近距离识别,并决定其对猎物的近距离跟踪反应和攻击反应.    相似文献   

Psilotum nudum (L.) Beauv. (Psilotopsida) has a simple, vascularized sporophyte with a dichotomously branching aerial axis. The number and lumen diameters of tracheids in the actinostele decrease in each subsequent branch, leading to an approximate halving of the measured hydraulic conductance (Kh) from segment to segment. To understand how the anatomy of P. nudum affects Kh, a biophysical model based on the Hagen-Poiseuille relation was developed that incorporated lumen diameter, tracheid taper, pit cavities, and pit membranes. Using a technique previously developed for ferns, pit membrane resistance was determined by measuring water flow before and after dissolving the pit membranes with cellulase. Measured Kh was in good agreement with Kh calculated with the model after excluding thick-walled late metaxylem tracheids that dye studies showed were nonconducting. Model simulations showed that the approximately 40% overlap observed for tracheids of P. nudum was in the range leading to greatest conductance and that Kh decreased to half for 20% overlap. The model also showed that the pit membranes account for an increasing percentage of total resistance to water flow as the lumen diameter increases. Thus, the removal of such primary wall material and the evolutionary origin of vessels would have substantially increased Kh.  相似文献   

十七种一变种美登木叶片解剖与分类的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我们从国内外收集美登木属17种1变种,从叶片外部形状及内部结构进行比较,,发现在美登木属17种1变种美登木叶片组织中存在两种晶体(簇晶和方晶),可把美登木属分成三大类,一类具簇晶,二类具方晶,三类具簇晶和方晶。然后根据晶体的大小及其在组织中的分布部位,又将本属中的种分开。另外我们从美登木叶片解剖发现,成熟叶主脉横切面维管束的形状常是固定的,它不受外界环境的影响,也不受地理位置的影响,如滇南美登木分别采自云南省景洪和耿马不同地区不同生境,成熟叶横切面上维管束形状是相同的。成熟叶横切面上维管束的形状较稳定。所以用细胞内的晶体类型和维管束的形状把美登术属不同种进行分类是有意义的。  相似文献   

多数鱼类的摄食行为在很大程度上依赖于视觉,不同摄食习性鱼类的视网膜结构可能有所差异.级鱼是主要在夜间捕食的凶猛鱼类,其视觉已被证实在捕食中起作用1.本文用组织学方法研究了级鱼的视网膜结构特性,以期为阐明其视觉特性对捕食习性的适应机制提供结构基础.    相似文献   

采用电生理方法研究了夜行性凶猛鱼类鳜鱼视网膜电图的一般特性、光谱敏感性和适应特性。顷鱼的视网膜电图不显示典型的混合型视网膜特征。明视和暗视视网膜电图的光谱敏感曲线形状基本相同,峰值都在530nm处,没有出现Purkinje氏位移。明适应曲线仅出现下降型变化,暗适应过程异常缓慢。鳜鱼的视网膜仅存在单一的光感受系统,即暗视系统,不可能形成色觉。但级鱼视网膜具有很高的光敏感性,适于弱光视觉。  相似文献   

Xylem and phloem tissue samples were collected from various-aged Great Basin bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva D. K. Bailey) stems in southern Utah and southeastern California to determine whether the vascular cambia of older trees produce fewer xylem rays, shorter-lived xylem and phloem ray cells, fewer phloem sieve cells, and a thinner phloem. Increment cores were examined to determine whether ‘aged’ cambia produced narrower tracheids that might reduce water translocation. Sapwood thickness was measured and sapwood growth layers were counted on these cores. Regression and Classification and Regression Tree (CART) analyses of sample data found no age-related changes in cambial products. Phloem and xylem production appeared normal at all ages, with no evidence of cambial malfunction.  相似文献   

Kenaf responded to salt stress in a manner that was typical of moderately salt tolerant non-halophytes. Increase in leaf area was more sensitive to salinity than either leaf emergence rate or dry matter accumulation. Dry weight was reduced only above a threshold of approximately 37 mM NaCl while leaf area was already significantly reduced at this salt concentration. Measurement of epidermal cell cross sectional area and epidermal cell numbers showed that the salt induced reduction in leaf area was due primarily to smaller epidermal cell size. Epidermal cell numbers were also significantly reduced by salinity. Stomatal density increased with increasing salt stress and there was no effect on leaf thickness.  相似文献   

The present paper contributes the knowledge of wood structure of Manglie- tiastrum sinicum Law, a new monotypic genus of the family Magnoliaceae. The anatomical feature of this wood is described as follows: Diffuse-porous wood ; pores 15-25 per sq. mm, solitary or in radial multiples of 3- 4 (may be up to 6) pore cluster also occur but rare, more or less angular in shape, perforation plates scalariform, with 6-12 bors (may be up to 17), generally 7-8 or 10, intervascular pittings scalariform with fine spiral thickenings; vessel elements 748-1224, generally 876 longl wood rays heterogeneous, type IIA with 1-2, sometimes 3-4 rows of upright cells on both margins, uniserate rays 3-7 cells (may be up to 13) or 193-230u high, the multiseriate rays 3-5 cells or 68-119.2u wide, and 16-22 cells or 340-748u height; oil cells absent, fiber-tracheids 0.8-2.8 mm, generally 1.5 mm long; wood parenchma terminal, narrow banded (generally 7-8 cells wide, may be up to 12), rarely scanty paratracheal.  相似文献   

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