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Collins , O'Neil Ray . (Queens Coll., New York City.) Multiple alleles at the incompatibility locus in the Myxomycete Didymium iridis. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(5): 477–480. 1963.—Working with 2 isolates of Didymium iridis, from Honduras and Panama, respectively, it was shown that each isolate possesses a pair of incompatibility factors. On the basis of results from inter-isolate crosses, one pair was designated A1 A2 and the other A3 A4 to indicate that these factors actually constitute a series of multiple alleles at a single locus.  相似文献   

Analysis of an isolate of Didymium iridis from Costa Rica indicates that it possesses a pair of incompatibility factors. These factors have been shown to be allelic with those of a Honduras and a Panama isolate. Data presented in this paper show that, among them, the 3 isolates possess 6 incompatibility alleles at 1 locus.  相似文献   

Genetic and cytochemical investigations of the origin, development, nuclear activity, and ploidy level of Plasmodia obtained from selfed clones S-2 and B1P-33 of the heterothallic myxomycete, Didymium iridis, are presented. To demonstrate that selfing did not result from contamination of the clones, or mutations at the mating-type locus, crosses were made between F1 clones and clones of known mating types. The data were inconsistent with these two possibilities. DNA was quantified by Feulgen-DNA microspectrophotometry. All cellular phases studied (logarithmic amoebae, swarmers, and encysted amoebae) appear to be haploid, with the nuclear DNA being in the replicated (2C) state. The plasmodia are in all cases diploid; however, the data indicate that the selfed Plasmodia are in an extended G1 condition. The nuclear DNA content of these is therefore 2C, whereas that of the cross Plasmodium is 4C. Sporangial nuclei exhibit DNA in diploid replicated (4C) category.  相似文献   

The nuclear DNA content of six non-heterothallic isolates of the myxomycete Didymium iridis was measured by combining the Feulgen reaction with absorption microspectrophotometry. This allowed us to distinguish between homothallic (sexual) and apogamic (non-sexual) isolates. Four of the isolates studied, Panamanian 4 and 5, California 1, and Missouri 1 are homothallic. Moreover, the average DNA content of the myxamoebal and plasmodial nuclei (0.32 and 0.61 respectively) does not differ significantly from the calculated haploid and diploid values for heterothallic isolates of D. iridis (0.34 and 0.63). Hence, it is concluded that in each of these isolates the myxamoebae are haploid and the plasmodia diploid. In two of the isolates investigated, Georgia 1 and Hawaii 1, the DNA content of the myxamoebal and plasmodial nuclei did not differ significantly. Therefore, in both of these isolates the plasmodia appear to develop apogamically. In addition the mean DNA values recorded for the Ha-1 isolate suggest that it is aneuploid.  相似文献   

Comparative measurements were made of the nuclear Feulgen-DNA content of a heterothallic and a self-fertile isolate of the myxomycete Didymium iridis. Plasmodial nuclei of both isolates contain the diploid amount of DNA. The replicated diploid (4C) values for the heterothallic and the self-fertile isolates are 5.66 and 5.95, respectively. Myxamoebae, however, are quite dissimilar in their nuclear DNA content. Those of the heterothallic isolates, Honduran 1–2 (A1) and Panamanian 2–4 (A7), have mean values of 3.81 and 3.69, whereas myxamoebae of the self-fertile Philippine-1 isolate were found to have a mean value of 6.07. Myxamoebae of the Ph-1 isolate are, therefore, at the same ploidy level as the Ph-1 Plasmodium. Mean DNA values for Ph-1 sporangial nuclei were in category 4C. Measurement of the DNA content of mitotic metaphases in sporangia at T = 6 hr confirmed that the mean DNA content of both Ph-1 myxamoebae and plasmodial nuclei is equivalent to 4C. It is concluded that nuclear phase alternance is lacking in the Ph-1 isolate and that the Plasmodium of this isolate develops by apogamy.  相似文献   

Somatic incompatibility in two strains of the myxomycete Didymium iridis is controlled by at least 13 loci: seven fusion loci and six clear-zone loci. Details on correlating loci of the Hon 1 strain with Pan 1 loci are given and a unified nomenclature, applicable to both strains, has been developed from data presented in this paper. Although fusion loci generally prevent fusion between different plasmodial incompatibility phenotypes, studies on individual loci have shown that a limited transient fusion may occasionally take place. Thus, the differences between the fusion and clear-zone loci are not as distinct as once thought. However, the 13 somatic incompatibility loci are still easily designated as either fusion or clear-zone loci, and no locus has thus far been found with true intermediate function. Studies on individual locus function are also discussed.  相似文献   

Absorption cytophotometry was used to measure nuclear Feulgen-DNA content of myxamoebae and Plasmodia in seven heterothallic isolates of Didymium iridis. Measurements of myxamoebal nuclei from clones of four isolates (Hon 1, Pan 1, Pan 2, and CR 5) gave a mean DNA value of 0.34, whereas the nuclei of Plasmodia which develop from each of the four intraisolate crosses had a mean value of 0.63. These values correspond to the 2C haploid level in myxamoebae and the 4C diploid level in Plasmodia. DNA values in two additional isolates (Pan 3 and CR 2) are much higher than the mean for the other five. Accordingly, it is proposed that these may be polyploid. The question of polyploidy in D. iridis and in other myxomycetes is evaluated. The seventh isolate, Ky 1, is taxonomically very close to D. nigripes and was not included in calculations of mean values for D. iridis.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of spore maturation in the myxomycete Didymium iridis was investigated using morphometric analytical techniques. Changes in actual volume (μm3) and relative volume (Vv) of nuclei, autophagic vacuoles, mitochondria, microbodies, lipid droplets, and spore wall were described for spores in three stages of development. Stage I spores were newly formed, surrounded only by the cell membrane. Stage II spores were approximately 1 hr older than Stage I spores and possessed surface spines, but little if any additional wall material. Stage III spores were 24 hr old and possessed a fully formed, multilayered wall. The results of this study indicate that spore maturation in D. iridis is a multistep process involving a decrease in spore volume and coordinated changes in specific organelle compartments. From Stage I to Stage III, mean spore volume decreased by more than 50%. Percent volume data (Vv) showed that Stage I spores allocated volume equally to all measured organelles except microbodies and the spore wall, the latter of which had not yet begun to develop. By Stage II, only the nucleus and spore wall showed significant changes in Vv values, both increasing. In terms of actual volume, the nucleus, autophagic vacuole and spore wall increased by Stage II. Between Stages II and III the cell wall was the only component to increase in volume, all others decreased in volume. Our data indicate a close relationship between a decrease in organelle volume and an increase in cell wall volume in the Stage III spore. The autophagic vacuole and the cell wall dominated the volume of the Stage III spore while the remaining volume was allocated unequally to the other components.  相似文献   

本试验通过23株带有遗传标记的粟长蠕孢菌突变菌株,获得生理性状及生长势不同于亲本的异核体。利用营养缺陷型标记菌株研究的结果表明,粟长蠕孢菌异核体的形成及核型成分的变化受选择压力的影响。原生质体检测结果表明,在异核菌丝体中,异核细胞占46.7%,同核细胞占53.3%。分生孢子检测结果表明,只有0.06%的分生孢子保持异核状态。  相似文献   

I. Cytoplasm. 1. The normal cytoplasmic pH, colorimetrically determined, of the starfish eggs in the unfertilized, fertilized, and first and second cleavage stages is 6.7 ± 0.1. 2. Cytolysis lowers the pH to a value 5.5 ± 0.1. 3. The cytolyzed material in time assumes the pH of its environing sea water. 4. The acid due to mechanical injury can also be detected in the environment of the egg. 5. Injury to the cytoplasm unaccompanied by visible disintegration causes an increase in acidity which is quickly neutralized. II. Germinal Vesicle. 6. The intranuclear pH, colorimetrically determined, of the immature Asterias egg is 7.5 ± 0.1. 7. Injury to the nucleus does not change its pH. 8. The spherical nuclear remnant which persists after injury gradually assumes the pH of its environment. III. Plasmalemma. 9. A dye to which the cell is normally impermeable can penetrate through a tear in the surface from an environment more acid than normal. This may be due to a difference in the formation of the plasmalemma in a normal and an acid medium.  相似文献   

In crosses involving a polyploid myxamoebal clone. CR 2-25*, F1 plasmodia and myxamoebae display a variety of unexpected ploidy levels as indicated by nuclear DNA measurements. Genetic analyses of the F1 generations reveal either complete elimination of certain genetic markers or greatly skewed segregation ratios. On the basis of these two kinds of evidence, it is assumed that chromosome elimination occurs at some stage (or stages) following karyogamy between parental nuclei. The possible significance of polyploidy in relation to myxomycete speciation and evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

1.This article reviews the occurrence, mechanism, and functional significance of the cytoplasmic regulation of nuclear activity during cell differentiation and especially during early animal development. 2.Nuclei from brain, and from other kinds of adult cell normally inactive in DNA synthesis, are rapidly induced to commence DNA synthesis by components or properties of intact egg cytoplasm. The components of egg cytoplasm which induce DNA synthesis are not species-specific and they are likely to include DNA polymerase. It is known that DNA polymerase exists in egg cytoplasm before it becomes associated with nuclei in which it is effective. The induction of DNA synthesis in brain nuclei by living egg cytoplasm is always preceded by a pronounced nuclear swelling, a dispersion of chromosomes or chromatin, and the entry of cytoplasmic protein into the nucleus. 3.RNA synthesis can be experimentally induced or repressed by living cytoplasm. The cytoplasm of unfertilized and fertilized eggs appears to contain components which can reversibly and independently repress the synthesis of ribosomal RNA, transfer RNA, and heterogeneous RNA. RNA synthesis can be induced by introducing nuclei inactive in this respect into the cytoplasm of cells very active in RNA synthesis. The induction and repression of RNA synthesis is preceded by a marked swelling of the nucleus and the dispersion of its chromosome material. 4.The cytoplasmic control of chromosome condensation before division has been demonstrated by introducing sperm or adult brain nuclei into the cytoplasm of oocytes undergoing meiotic maturation. 5.The evidence that regional differences in the composition of eggs and other cells are associated with changes in nuclear and gene activity is reviewed in Section 111. While it is certain that these regional differences are of great importance in cell differentiation, evidence that they have a direct effect on nuclear activity has been obtained in a few instances only. In some species it has been shown that the cytoplasmic components related to germ-cell differentiation include RNA and, frequently, granules. 6.It is concluded that whenever nuclei are introduced experimentally into the cytoplasm of another cell, they very quickly assume, in nearly every respect, the nuclear activity characteristic of the host cell. In many instances, altered function has been demonstrated in nuclei which subsequently support normal development. The induced nuclear changes are therefore regarded as normal and it is believed that they are achieved through the same mechanism as that by which the host cell nucleus originally came to function in its characteristic way. Examples are cited to show that changes in gene activity very frequently arise immediately after mitosis. The changes induced experimentally in transplanted nuclei resemble in very many respects those undergone by nuclei which are naturally reconstituted after mitosis, and it is argued that the two processes are functionally equivalent, It is suggested that during telophase of mitosis, chromosomes are reprogrammed in respect of potential gene activity by association with cytoplasmic proteins. Inter-phase nuclei seem not to show changes of gene activity except when they undergo a pronounced enlargement after entering a new cytoplasmic environment.  相似文献   

An electron microscope study of thin sections of interphase cells has revealed the following:— Circular pores are formed in the double nuclear envelope by continuities between the inner and outer membranes which permit contact between the nucleoplasm and the cytoplasm unmediated by a well defined membrane. The pores, seen in sections normal to the nuclear envelope, are profiles of the ring-shaped structures described by others and seen in tangential section. The inner and outer nuclear membranes are continuous with one another and enclose the perinuclear space. The pores contain a diffuse, faintly particulate material. A survey of cells of the rat derived from the embryonic ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm, and of a protozoan and an alga has revealed pores in all tissues examined, without exception. It is concluded that pores in the nuclear envelope are a fundamental feature of all resting cells. In certain cells, the outer nuclear membrane is continuous with membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum, hence the perinuclear space is continuous with cavities enclosed by those membranes. There are indications that this is true for all resting cells, at least in a transitory way. On the basis of these observations, the hypothesis is made that two pathways of exchange exist between the nucleus and the cytoplasm; by way of the perinuclear space and cavities of the endoplasmic reticulum and by way of the pores in the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

Sex expression in gynodioecious plants is often determined by an interaction between biparentally and maternally inherited genes. Their relative rates of gene flow should be considered when modeling the evolution of the sex ratio in structured populations. In order to understand patterns of gene flow in Silene vulgaris, a gynodioecious plant, genetic structure was estimated from biparentally inherited genetic markers (allozymes) and a maternally inherited marker (chloroplast DNA) using Wright's Fst. Based on data from 16 local populations, chloroplast DNA showed considerably more genetic structure than did allozymes (Fst values of 0.62 and 0.22, respectively). This suggests that the rate of gene flow is about three times greater for nuclear genes.  相似文献   

A method is described for the rapid separation of cellular slime mold (Dictyostelium discoideum) cells into nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions. Sucrose density sedimentation profiles of radioactivity from cells that had been grown for long or short periods in the presence of uridine-3H indicate very low levels of cross-contamination between the fractions. The nuclear fraction contains few, if any, ribosomes. In exponentially growing cells, at least 80% of the ribosomes were associated in polysomal complexes. No loss of counts from pre-labeled rRNA was observed during 2 generations (24 hr) of logarithmic growth and, within the polysomal complexes, the distributions of the preformed material and of rRNA synthesized during the 2 generations were identical. In stationary phase cells that had entered the developmental program leading to fruiting body construction, the rRNA turned over rapidly so that by the end of development at least 75% of the ribosomes fabricated during exponential growth had disappeared and had been replaced by new ones synthesized during the morphogenetic sequence. The preformed ribosomes disappeared preferentially from the monosomal contingent; the newly synthesized ribosomes appeared exclusively in the polysomal contingent and did not appear as monosomes in appreciable numbers for at least 6 hr. The possible significance of this wholesale replacement of ribosomes is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate kin-structured migration and its effects on patterns of genetic variation in cytoplasmic and nuclear genomes. We show that colonization events involving close relatives, such as those that might characterize range expansion and the invasion of new habitats, can change the patterns of nuclear and cytoplasmic genetic variation expected at equilibrium. The difference in the patterns of variation between the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes suggests that it may be possible to estimate the time of the effective kin-structured colonization event. Observations in several taxa are discussed in light of these findings and in relation to their known geological history.  相似文献   

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