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罗汉果染色体组型的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文采用根尖和组织培养材料,观察了罗汉果四个品种染色体数日和形态。结果表明,罗汉果体细胞染色体数目为2n=28染色体小,长度在1.4μm以下而又不易分辩着丝点,不同品种的染色体形态有所不同,染色体长度比为2.00-2.46之间。对罗汉果的归属问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   


CHO chromosomes, prepared for fluorescence microscopy, or for scanning electron microscopy, sometimes show a splitting of the centromere proper into two sister centromeres, with a space between them, while the sister chromatids are joined in the most proximal regions of the chromosome arms. It is suggested that this might represent the final stage of chromatid splitting before the anaphase separation of chromatids.  相似文献   

The facts and ideas which have been discussed lead to the following synthesis and model. 1. Heteromorphic sex chromosomes evolved from a pair of homomorphic chromosomes which had an allelic difference at the sex-determining locus. 2. The first step in the evolution of sex-chromosome heteromorphism involved either a conformational or a structural difference between the homologues. A structural difference could have arisen through a rearrangement such as an inversion or a translocation. A conformational difference could have occurred if the sex-determining locus was located in a chromosomal domain which behaved as a single control unit and involved a substantial segment of the chromosome. It is assumed that any conformational difference present in somatic cells would have been maintained in meiotic prophase. 3. Lack of conformational or structural homology between the sex chromosomes led to meiotic pairing failure. Since pairing failure reduced fertility, mechanisms preventing it had a selective advantage. Meiotic inactivation (heterochromatinization) of the differential region of the X chromosome in species with heterogametic males and euchromatinization of the W in species with heterogametic females are such mechanisms, and through them the pairing problems are avoided. 4. Structural and conformational differences between the sex chromosomes in the heterogametic sex reduced recombination. In heterogametic males recombination was reduced still further by the heterochromatinization of the X chromosome, which evolved in response to selection against meiotic pairing failure. 5. Suppression of recombination resulted in an increase in the mutation rate and an increased rate of fixation of deleterious mutations in the recombination-free chromosome regions. Functional degeneration of the genetically isolated regions of the Y and W was the result. In XY males this often led to further meiotic inactivation of the differential region of the X chromosome, and in this way an evolutionary positive-feedback loop may have been established. 6. Structural degeneration (loss of material) followed functional degeneration of Y or W chromosomes either because the functionally degenerate genes had deleterious effects which made their loss a selective advantage, or because shorter chromosomes were selectively neutral and became fixed by chance. 7. The evolutionary routes to sex-chromosome heteromorphism in groups with female heterogamety are more limited than in those with male heterogamety. Oocytes are usually large and long-lived, and are likely to need the products of X- or Z-linked genes. Meiotic inactivation of these chromosomes is therefore unlikely. In the oocytes of ZW females, meiotic pairing failure is avoided through euchromatinization of the W rather than heterochromatinization of the Z chromosome.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

By means of 1 M NaCl isolated lymphocyte chromosomes can be separated into two fractions, each of which contains nucleoprotein. The fraction soluble in M NaCl consists largely of desoxyribose nucleohistone, and constitutes 90 to 92 per cent of the mass of the chromosome. The insoluble residue (the residual chromosome is a coiled thread containing some 12 to 14 per cent of ribose nucleic and about one-fifth as much desoxyribose nucleic acid; the residual chromosome accounts for 8 to 10 per cent of the mass of the chromosome. The staining of chromosomes—whether by the Feulgen procedure, by hematoxylin, orcein, or by basic dyes such as crystal violet—is due to the nucleohistone fraction which contains about 96 per cent of the nucleic acid of the chromosome. The form of the chromosome is due primarily to the protein thread of the residual chromosome. This thread is the only linear structure of microscopic dimensions in the chromosome that is not readily dispersed. When chromosomes are broken, it must be supposed that a break is made in the protein thread of the residual chromosome. The foregoing provides evidence for considering the residual chromosome to be the basis of the linear order of the genes. This would mean either that the residual chromosome is a structure around which the genes are organized or that the genes form part of its substance.  相似文献   

Uhl , Charles H. (Cornell U., Ithaca, New York.) Chromosomes of the Sempervivoideae (Crassulaceae). Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(2): 114–123. Illus. 1961.—Chromosome numbers are reported for 207 collections representing 68 of the ca. 95 species in this subfamily. Basic numbers are 16, 17, 18, and 19 in Sempervivum, Section Sempervivum (10 species, with many tetraploids and one hexaploid); 19 in Sempervivum, Section Jovisbarba (5 species, all diploid); 15 in Aichryson (9 species, including 1 aneuploid, 1 tetraploid, and 1 aneutetraploid); and strictly 18 in Aeonium (31 species, including 4 wholly and 1 partly tetraploid), Greenovia (3 species, 1 partly tetraploid), and Monanthes (10 species, including 2 wholly and 1 partly tetraploid). The cytological evidence appears decisive in ranking several species of disputed generic position definitely with Aichryson rather than with Aeonium. Possible relationships between various Canarian genera and certain North African species often classed in Sedum are discussed briefly in the light of the scanty morphological and cytological evidence. It is suggested that both these groups may be descended from the same ancestors that were widespread in North Africa before the deserts developed.  相似文献   

A method for the isolation of metaphase chromosomes from mouse L1210 leukemia cells has been developed. Cells, arrested at metaphase with colchicine, were exposed to hypotonic solution and the pH was then adjusted to 5.6 to stabilize the chromosomes. The metaphase figures were subsequently disrupted and the chromosomes isolated by a series of differential centrifugations in sucrose. The isolated chromosomes were well preserved, as judged by morphological criteria. The effect of various enzymes and chemical agents on the isolated chromosomes was studied. Chymotrypsin, trypsin, and deoxyribonuclease caused a marked disintegration of the chromosomes, whereas treatment with pepsin and ribonuclease induced no significant morphological alterations.  相似文献   

我们对11个水稻品种染色体进行了观察,现将结果报道如下: 材料:1、籼稻:广陆矮四号、竹莲矮、“909”、IR8、IR36、桂朝2号、辐桂1号、CP2140(本所中稻品系)、525—1(IR661选系);2、粳稻:鄂晚5号;3、糯稻:181(本所花培选育而成)。方法:花药:取大部分颖花的花粉母细胞处于减数分裂阶段的幼穗,整穗固定于甲醇:  相似文献   

Meiotic chromosomes were isolated from male Oncopeltus fasciatus by dissecting the testes under insect Ringer's solution and spreading the living cells on the Langmuir trough. After being dried by the critical point method, preparations were examined under the electron microscope. Chromosomes at all stages of prophase prove to be multistranded. A significant increase in the number of parallel 250 A fibers in the chromosomes occurs between zygotene and diakinesis. Parallel folding, rather than true multistrandedness, is interpreted as the mechanism responsible for this observed increase in multistrandedness. It has not been possible to determine whether the multistrandedness observed at leptotene represents true multistrandedness or is the result of parallel folding. Apparent multistrandedness is lost at metaphase when the 250 A fibers of the chromosomes become coiled more tightly. In preparations isolated by these methods, no structures other than the 250 A chromosome fibers are visible in the chromomeres, which appear as regionally coiled or folded areas of the fibers along the arm of the chromosome.  相似文献   

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