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The origin of morphological differences attributable to mutant genes can be identified at certain switch points in the developmental pathway. The effect of the Polytypic (Pt) gene is a stimulus to meristems in the developing inflorescence to continuous initiation of differentiating structures. The most severe expression is a suppression of meristematic activity. The action of the gene is a superimposition of its effect on the normal developmental pathway. The ramosa-1 (ra1) gene interrupts the normal sequence of events, at the switch point, which would normally result in spikelet formation, and there is produced instead a lateral branch. The response of numerous switch points in the developmental pathway of the maize inflorescence supports the conclusion that meristems are a plastic system genetically programmed at successive intervals.  相似文献   

A study of a mutant variety of Zea mays (ON8147) revealed that the mutant plants, in contrast with normal maize plants, do not exhibit a light-induced increase in the rate of transpiration, and that the ontogeny of the stomatal complex is abnormal. In later stages of differentiation, the guard cells of mutant plants deteriorate, leaving the mature stomata with only the two subsidiary cells. The subsidiary cells in stomata of mutant leaves are similar to those of normal leaves with respect to their capacity to accumulate K+ in the dark, but they do not lose K+ in the light, as do subsidiary cells of stomata of nonmutant plants. It is suggested that impairment of guard cell function causes death of the mutant plant seedlings primarily by restricting CO2 entry into the leaf.  相似文献   

Developmental arrest of the embryo proper in aborted seeds from mutant 50B, a recessive embryo-lethal mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, was shown to be followed by abnormal growth of the suspensor. Each of the 12 aborted seeds examined in sectioned material contained an abnormally large suspensor and an embryo proper arrested at a preglobular stage of development. Analysis of serial sections revealed that mutant suspensors contained 15–150 cells whereas wild-type suspensors were composed of only six to eight cells. Development of the mutant endosperm continued to a late nuclear or early cellular stage even in the absence of further development of the embryo proper. These results suggest that the missing gene product in mutant 50B is required for development of the embryo proper but not for continued growth of the suspensor or endosperm tissue. The pattern of abnormal development observed in this mutant provides further evidence that continued growth of the suspensor during normal development is inhibited by the developing embryo proper and that the full developmental potential of cells in the suspensor is expressed only when this inhibitory effect is removed through a mutation or experimental treatment that is lethal only to cells of the embryo proper.  相似文献   

在水稻遗传转化过程中发现一个不含外源基因的条斑和颖花异常的双突变体。该突变体的茎、叶、穗出现条斑。在分蘖盛期,一些叶片开始分岔或卷曲;花器官数目增多,表现为多内外稃,叶片状浆片,或浆片增大,雌雄蕊增多,颖花开裂。透射电镜对叶片白色组织细胞超微结构观察,发现细胞壁内陷,质体结构异常,不能发育出正常叶绿体所具有的片层和类囊体。叶绿素总含量和净光合速率明显低于野生型。突变体绿色组织部分中的细胞生长正常,但细胞较大。利用扫描电镜对花器官形态发生过程进行观察,雄蕊原基发育严重不同步,原基大小也不一样;心皮原基较小。  相似文献   

Bertsch, Walter F. (Yale U., New Haven, Conn.) The photoinhibition of growth in etiolated stem segments. II. Growth caused by cobalt in Pisum. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(3): 213–219. Illus. 1963.—Etiolated pea stem sections were utilized to study the effects of various metal ions on the red, far-red photoinhibition of stem growth. Excision of immature tissue results in loss of photosensitivity. All growth caused by cobalt, either in the presence or absence of sugar, was inhibited by brief exposure of the excised tissue to red light. Since growth caused by sugar is also light-sensitive, it may be said that either cobalt or sugar may induce photosensitivity in this immature tissue. Other divalent metal ions were tested, but only nickel promoted growth. Although cobalt and nickel showed the same optimal concentration (ca. 2 × 10−5 m), growth caused by nickel was not photosensitive, suggesting that cobalt and nickel promoted growth through separate mechanisms. Since growth caused by indole-3-acetic acid or gibberellic acid is also insensitive to light in this tissue, a photosensitive sugar-cobalt growth system has been experimentally separated from other growth-controlling systems. The photoinhibition of a growth system which utilizes sugars and is promoted by cobalt and the relation of this system to certain de-etiolation phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

Most of the younger cartilage cells taken from chick embryos at the stage 35 were known to regress after the initial cell multiplication in in vitro clonal culture. A partial supplementation of conditioned medium (CM) to the standard medium was effective to permit colony formation from many of these younger cells. Most colonies thus derived from the younger cells by the aid of CM expressed differentiative traits as cartilage, as the cells from older embryos did. CM exerted multiple effects on clonal development of the younger cells. It vitalized the cells destined to regress, to promote cell multiplication and to flatten the shape of the colony. The experimental results suggested that these effects were associated with an independent factor each.  相似文献   

R. E. Ricklefs 《Ibis》1973,115(2):177-201
This analysis was initiated to examine the relationship between the rate of growth in birds and their development of mature function. The literature was surveyed for data on growth and development, and the growth curves of 81 species were chosen for the analysis. Growth curves of most species were fitted with the Gompertz equation, and the rate constants of the equation were used as an index of the growth rate. For those species whose curves were fitted better by other equations, with a slightly different form, appropriate conversion factors, derived in this paper, were employed.
Among species with similar modes of development, growth rate decreases with increasing body weight in an allometric manner, with slopes of –0.26 to –0.42, depending on the group. Between groups, the rate of growth in body weight was found to be closely associated with the rate of development of function, in particular, the acquisition of flight. Among those species that can walk at an early age, but acquire flight relatively late, the rate of growth depends primarily on the relative size of the musculature of the lower extremities.
Data are presented to refute the hypotheses that growth rate is adjusted to nestling mortality, or that the energy requirements of the young (and hence their growth rates) are balanced against brood size. It is concluded that most species grow at some physiologically maximum rate, but as yet it is not possible to distinguish between limitation of growth rate at the level of the organism or at the level of the tissue.  相似文献   

1. Strychnine sulfate 0.000069 M decreased percentage attachment to the substratum by Amoeba proteus in 0.0029 M NaCl from 77.3 to 1.3, in 0.0029 M KCl from 40.8 to 2.5, in 0.002 M CaCl2 from 73.3 to 68.0, in 0.002 M MgCl2 from 85.5 to 83.3. 2. Frequency of ingestion of chilomonads by Amoeba proteus is increased by adding strychnine sulfate to solutions of NaCl, KCl, or CaCl2. Frequency of ingestion is increased in NaCl solution from 1.3 to 2.3, in KCl from 0.75 to 2.25, and in CaCl2 from 1.1 to 1.9 chilomonads per minute. Ingestion is not significantly increased by the addition of strychnine to MgCl2 solution. 3. Frequency of ingestion of food by Amoeba proteus is not closely correlated with attachment to the substratum in NaCl and KCl solutions to which strychnine sulfate is added. 4. Chilomonads adhere to the plasmalemma of Amoeba proteus in solutions of NaCl, KCl, or CaCl2 containing strychnine, but in MgCl2 plus strychnine only a few adhere to it. Strychnine appears to make the surface of the amebae and chilomonads sticky in the former but not in the latter. Frequency of ingestion is apparently correlated with adherence of chilomonads to the plasmalemma. 5. Attachment to the substratum and ingestion by Pelomyxa carolinensis is increased by dead Chilomonas, Colpidium, and Paramecium in aqueous solutions, by materials obtained from paramecia by alcoholic-ether extraction, and by solutions in which these organisms have lived. 6. Attachment to the substratum by Pelomyxa carolinensis is not closely correlated with kind or concentration of inorganic salts used in this study. 7. Materials were found in extracts of paramecia which had certain characteristics in common with choline esters. There is no reason to doubt that under certain conditions materials are present in aqueous and alcoholic extracts which are pharmacologically similar to choline and acetylcholine. 8. Aqueous suspensions of paramecia when subcutaneously injected into young mice for 21 days inhibit the gonadotropic luteinizing hormone of the pituitary. Ovaries from injected mice showed no corpora lutea, and the seminal vesicles from injected males were smaller and contained less fluid than those of the controls.  相似文献   

Incubation of cultures of a high-temperature strain of chlorella at 10 C stopped growth and bleached all chlorophyll in the cells in 24 hr. Optimal conditions of light (3.0 mw/cm2), gas (1% CO2-in-air), and inorganic medium for maximal growth at 39 C were maintained in the transfer from 39 to 12, 10, or 5 C. The bleaching process at 10 C is characterized by a lag period for the first few hours followed by a linear decrease in chlorophyll content of cultures. The amounts of time required to bleach half of the chlorophyll initially present (effective half-times) at 10 C were 14 hr for chlorophyll a and 17 hr for chlorophyll b. Effective half-times of bleaching for total chlorophyll were 47 hr at 12 C and 6 hr at 5 C. Addition of glucose to inorganic medium delayed but did not prevent bleaching. Use of argon gas instead, of 1% CO2-in-air prevented cells from bleaching in both inorganic and glucose media, and indicated an oxygen requirement for bleaching. Incubation of 6 additional strains of Chlorella at 10 C resulted in responses ranging from bleaching to no growth to growth.  相似文献   

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