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Distributions of two forms of the A chromosome of Haplopappus gracilis in a hybrid natural population and in artificial crosses are analyzed. Pollen bearing the standard type A chromosome is generally superior to that bearing the Mexican type A when they compete on homozygous pistils of either type, but there is no selection on heterozygous pistils. The distribution of sporophyte karyotypes in the natural population is not in equilibrium, and it is surmised that the standard type A chromosome is increasing in frequency in the population.  相似文献   

Haplopappus gracilis (Nutt.) Gray is an aneuploid species of Compositae of wide distribution in the southwestern U.S.A. and northern Mexico. Except for 2 types of supernumeraries, cytological samples from throughout its range have regularly shown 2 pairs of chromosomes. However, recent collections from a small area in south-central Arizona had 2n = 4, 2n = 5, and 2n = 6 in the same population. The 2n = 5 plants were hybrids between the 2n = 4 and 2n = 6 types. Both natural and artificial F1 hybrids show preferential disjunction from a trivalent and produce genetically balanced gametes with n = 2 and n = 3. In backcrosses of the F1 to n = 2 plants, a 1:1 ratio of 2n = 4 and 2n = 5 plants was obtained. The possible mechanisms for the evolution of n = 2 from n = 3 and vice versa are discussed.  相似文献   

Analysis of meiosis in a haploid (monoploid) sporophyte of Haplopappus gracilis (n = 2) showed a nonrandom distribution of chromosomes at anaphase I. Chromosomes A and B were associated at various prophase I stages in 34 % of the microsporocytes. Presumably, this association persisted long enough to disrupt random distribution in a portion of those meiocytes showing such an association. Pollen stainability of 26.5 % in the haploid was in agreement with the normal expectation. However, this number resulted from a nonrandom chromosome distribution. The usual method of predicting fertility of haploids, 1/2n, is not accurate for monoploids with low chromosome numbers, and more functional methods are proposed.  相似文献   

Chromosome counts are reported for 33 species from all four sections of the genus Haplopappus in South America. These include first reports for 28 species and two putative hybrids. All chromosome numbers reported herein are 2n = 5II, with the exception of H. prunelloides with 2n = 6II. Unlike the North American species, the morphological diversity of South American taxa is not concomitant with chromosomal variation.  相似文献   

Mitra , J., and F. C. Steward . (Cornell U., Ithaca, New York.) Growth induction in cultures of Haplopappus gracilis. II. The behavior of the nucleus. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(5): 358–368. Illus. 1961.—Cells of Haplopappus, which have been stimulated to grow under the influence of coconut milk and such synergists as naphthalene or 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid, can be cultivated as free cells, as small cell clusters, or as peripheral cells on a cultured colony or mass. Such cells display forms and cell lineages, the general pattern of which is reminiscent of those that may occur in early embryogeny. To this extent, Haplopappus resembles what has previously been observed in the growth of free cells of carrot. The form of the normal chromosome of Haplopappus (2n = 4) is described with respect to root tip cells. The range of effects which may be observed in the nuclei of the cultured cell is also described. Such variations as the following were encountered: (1) multinucleate giant cells which may divide by internal segmentation; (2) polyploidy, giving rise to highly polyploid nuclei up to, and even in excess of, 64 chromosomes; (3) somatic pairing; (4) haploidy; (5) pseudochiasmata, with the evident implication of somatic “crossing-over”; (6) chromosome breaks, reunions and bridges, such as are commonly associated with effects of radiation and with chemical mutagens. Attention is drawn to the usefulness of this material for the further experimental investigation of the biochemical basis for the cytological events which are here described, and, if the variant cells may be cloned, of the relationship between the aberrant nuclear cytology and the ability of the cells or colonies to differentiate or to undergo morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Blakely , L. M., and F. C. Steward . (Cornell U., Ithaca, New York.) Growth induction in cultures of Haplopappus gracilis. I. The behavior of the cultured cells. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(5): 351–358. Illus. 1961.—Because of the unusual cytology of Haplopappus gracilis (2n = 4), a study has been made of the growth of its stem tissue in culture. Although growth may occur on a basal medium supplemented in various ways, it was stimulated for present purposes by the use of a basal medium containing casein hydrolysate, coconut milk (2–10% by volume) and naphthaleneacetic acid (0.5 p.p.m.). A definite synergism between coconut milk and naphthaleneacetic acid was demonstrated. The general form of the colonies so obtained responds to the composition of the medium, and certain effects of pigmentation indicate that the biochemistry of the cultured tissue is also a function of the conditions. The Haplopappus cultures were maintained in liquid culture either in the form of free cells or of the small cell clusters to which they readily gave rise. The form of typical cells and cell clusters is described, and stress is laid upon the range of growth forms that are encountered. Variations in suspensions of cells, or small cell clusters, may be investigated by the application of simple microbiological techniques. Haplopappus gracilis is thus a useful material for the further study of growth and morphogenesis by tissue culture techniques.  相似文献   

Pollen competition in mixed pollinations involving a time handicap was studied among the five aneuploid members of section Isopappus of Haplopappus. Foreign pollen was applied to the stigmas of a plant followed after a delay of 0–180 min by domestic pollen. Domestic pollen was prepotent over foreign pollen in all cases, but with increasing delay an increasing percentage of hybrids appeared in the progeny. The time interval required to produce 50% of hybrids in the progeny (at which time the two pollen types were competitively matched in potency) was determined for each cross. The interval is correlated with relatedness, with chromosome number, and with length of the style of the pollen parent. It can be used as an estimate of the potential frequency of hybridization in nature, with all other factors being equal.  相似文献   

Reports of 209 original chromosome counts are made for the tribe Astereae of Compositae, including first counts for two genera and 46 species or subspecies. With over 80 % of the species counted, chromosome numbers are now available for all North American sections of Haplopappus. Two major groupings are apparent: one, with basic numbers of x = 4, 5, or 6, is basically herbaceous; the other, with x = 9, consists of shrubs or subshrubs. Aneuploidy is known only in the “herbaceous” group of Haplopappus, and polyploidy is more extensive there than in the woodier group of sections.  相似文献   

九种山茶属植物的减数分裂研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  

Analysis of 368 plants derived from 239 natural populations showed that this taxonomically perplexing and wide-ranging species-complex consists of diploids (n = 8), tetraploids, hexaploids and octoploids. Microsporocytes were the source of most of the chromosome counts. Meiosis was basically regular. Multivalent formation was uncommon, but 11 % of all the plants examined had one or more full-sized extra chromosomes. The frequency of plants with extra chromosomes varied significantly among the taxa, from 0 (five varieties) to over 20 % (two varieties). Except in one instance, where one population yielded a diploid and a triploid, different ploidy levels were not found in the same population. The frequency of diploid, tetraploid, hexaploid and octoploid populations was, respectively, 71, 22, 4 and 2%. Variety obovatum appears to be exclusively diploid, and var. aphanactis exclusively tetraploid. Diploids and one or more polyploid levels occurred in the other taxa. No correlation was found between polyploidy and geological history, soils, topography or climate, nor were the polyploids more widely distributed than the diploids. Some of the polyploid populations seem to have been derived from inter-varietal hybridizations, but others do not. The complex has a “pillar” structure in which 10 diploid taxa support a three-level polyploid superstructure. The available evidence suggests that the major role of polyploidy here has been to stabilize the products of intra- and inter-varietal hybridizations.  相似文献   

Analysis of 512 plants derived from 200 populations shows that the widely distributed western North American Chaenactis douglasii species-complex consists of diploids (n = 6), triploids, tetraploids, and hexaploids. Microsporocytes were the source of most of the chromosome counts. About 9% of all plants examined had one or more full-sized extra chromosomes. Multivalents, usually a ring or chain of four chromosomes, were almost entirely restricted to polyploids, where one or more were identified in 38% of the tetraploids and 33% of the hexaploids. With two exceptions, diploids and polyploids were not found in the same population. Frequencies of diploid, triploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid populations were, respectively, 34, 1.5, 55 and 9.5%. With significant exceptions, diploid populations predominate in the Pacific and Rocky Mountain Systems, whereas polyploid ones are most frequent in the intervening plateaus. Ploidy level is correlated with age of substrate, rather than with climate, elevation, vegetation, or soil type. Range, morphology, ploidy level, and meiotic behavior suggest that var. achilleifolia tetraploids and hexaploids are descendents of hybrids between other variants of the complex. The diploid-tetraploid-hexaploid geographic distribution and the age of the substrates where each tends to occur suggest that the complex evolved in late Cenozoic time in response to major climatic and geologic changes that induced migration and hybridization. The hybrid derivatives, stabilized by polyploidy and tolerant of increasing aridity, came to occupy newly available habitats in areas disturbed by volcanic activity and glacial or glacial-related processes.  相似文献   

Two diploid taxa, Grindelia procera and G. camporum, and 3 tetraploid ones, G. camporum, G. hirsutula, and G. stricta, have been studied to ascertain their interrelationships. Meiosis in diploid parental strains was regular, the common chromosome configuration being 5 rod bivalents and 1 ring bivalent. The average chiasmata frequency per chromosome was 0.60. Pollen fertility was about 90% in all strains examined. Diploid interspecific hybrids had normal meiosis with an average chiasmata frequency of 0.56 per chromosome. No heterozygosity for inversions or interchanges was detected, and pollen fertility was above 85%. Meiosis in parental tetraploid strains was characterized by the presence of quadrivalents in addition to a complementary number of bivalents. The average chiasmata frequency per chromosome was 0.59 and pollen fertility was generally about 80%. Tetraploid interspecific hybrids also had quadrivalents, normal meiosis, and high pollen fertility. Close genetic relationships between the diploids and between the tetraploids are indicated, and geographical, ecological, and seasonal barriers to gene exchange exist. Attempts to obtain hybrids between diploids and tetraploids were successful in a few cases. The hybrids were tetraploid and had normal meiosis and fertility similar to parental and F1 tetraploids. Their origin was by the union of unreduced gametes of the diploid female parent and normal pollen from the tetraploid parent. On the basis of chromosome homology, normal meiosis, plus high fertility exhibited in the diploid, tetraploid, and diploid X tetraploid interspecific hybrids, these species of Grindelia are considered to be a part of an autopolyploid complex. Gene exchange between diploids and diploids, tetraploids and tetraploids, and diploids and tetraploids is possible. Tetraploid G. camporum may have originated by hybridization between G. procera and diploid G. camporum with subsequent doubling of chromosomes and selection for the combined characteristics of the diploids.  相似文献   

Nepenthes gracilis, a dioecious carnivorous plant, has inconspicuous flowers lacking petals. Nectaries distributed on the upper surface of four sepals secrete dilute nectar (3%–12% sugar concentration) at night, but the nectar immediately disappears during the day by evaporation in the sunny environment of Sumatra. Male flowers have a higher nectar production rate but lower sugar concentration of nectar than female flowers. Flowers of both sexes were visited by pyralid moths at night and by calliphorid flies in the evening. Pollen was found attached on these insects visiting Nepenthes flowers. The pattern of nectar production of sepals is regarded as attracting nocturnal flying insects and avoiding ants, while the pitchers attract ants by nectar secreted on the pitcher rim.  相似文献   

From numerous pollinations of Helianthus laciniatus A. Gray sect. Ciliares by H. annuus L. sect. Helianthus (each with n = 17), a single hybrid was grown to maturity. The hybrid was vigorous but only 2.24% pollen-fertile compared to greater than 96% fertility in the parents. Backcrossing to the parental species was unsuccessful, so the possibility of gene flow between the species in nature is remote. Chromosome pairing in the parental plants was normal, but the hybrid was heterozygous for at least one paracentric inversion and numerous translocations. Chiasma frequencies of the parental genotypes were significantly different. The hybrid was significantly different from H. laciniatus and from the midparent value but not from H. annuus. These differences in chiasma frequencies were tested by the way chiasmata were allocated among the different meiotic configurations. Methods of converting multivalents to bivalent equivalents for comparison of chiasmata distribution among species and hybrids are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Cytogenetics and embryological studies of male sterility have been reported for the first time in Eupatorium tanacetifolium Gill, ex H. et A. (Gyptis pinnatifida Cass.). This species produces viable seeds but abnormal pollen that is not shed by the anthers. There are great abnormalities in karyokinesis and cytokinesis in microsporogenesis that result in irregular sporads formed by 5–10 cells of variable size, shape, and chromosome number. There is an irregular distribution of chromosomes, due to absence of regular pairing and disjunction, presence of chromatinic bridges in most of telophases, and to succesive aberrant cytokinesis without formation of cell plate and with variably oriented walls. The two chromatids of each chromosome presumably remain joined until the end of the process. Somatic chromosome number of 2n = 30 is reported for one population of this species, an apomict taxon of probable triploid origin. Embryo-sac ontogeny is of the Antennaria type of diplospory, wherein embryo and endosperm development are parthenogenetic.  相似文献   

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