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A satisfactory synthetic medium has been developed for continuous growth of Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh. callus cultures. The medium contains modified Reinert and White (1956) inorganic nutrient solution with 5 mg/liter Fe as NaFe-EDTA and supplemented with myoinositol 10 mg/liter, pyridoxine HCl 0.1 mg/liter, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 0.04 mg/liter, kinetin 1 mg/liter, sucrose 20 g/liter, and agar 10 g/liter. myo-Inositol, pyridoxine and an auxin are essential. α-Naphthaleneacetic acid is an effective alternate auxin. Kinetin and to some extent gibberellic acid improve the yields. Thiamine has no effect.  相似文献   

茶薪菇菌丝液体培养的营养需求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探索茶薪菇菌丝液体培养所需的营养条件,并测定了供试氛源和碳源所培养的菌丝的粗蛋白。结果表明:氨源以玉米浆、蛋白胨最佳;碳源以玉米粉、可溶淀粉最适宜;最佳的碳氮比为20.8:1;有机酸中仅富马酸对其生长有促进作用;磷和锌为菌丝生长的必需矿质元素。  相似文献   

All the described species and varieties of the genus Haematococcus were available. After isolation in pure culture they were used studying their nutritional requirements. H. buetschlii and H. droebakensis had already been shown by Droop to need vitamin B12. H. capensis typ., H. capensis var. borealis, and H. zimbabwiensis were found to do so also. The 7 strains of H. pluvialis from various localities investigated showed slight physiological deviations, although morphologically they were so similar that they should not be described as varieties. A dilute inorganic nutrient solution with trace elements and iron kept in solution by EDTA was suitable cither as such or supplemented with growth-promoting compounds. The growth was speeded by low concentrations of acetate and by enhancing photosynthesis. No strain of H. pluvialis absolutely required cobalamin, although it stimulated. Thiamine had a much more pronounced effect; for some strains it was indispensable. Although the response varies slightly from strain to strain, a luxuriant growth for all was obtained only with acetate and B1, and usually enhanced by B12. A peculiar feature of H. pluvialis is the catching up of cultures initially retarded by thiamine deficiency (probably due to slow B1 synthesis). When H. pluvialis multiplied fast its appearance differed from that considered typical: no red pigment and the cell wall not inflated. In nature it evidently lives under conditions unfavorable for good growth although suitable for survival in competition with other organisms.  相似文献   

鲟(Sturgeons)是我国重要的经济养殖鱼类之一,最近几年,我国鲟养殖总产量一直高居世界第一。目前除了一部分开口饲料从国外进口外,鲟其他生长阶段的饲料均采用国产鲟饲料。但国产饲料质量参差不齐,造成鲟生长速度差异较大,甚至导致鱼体抗病力下降。文章对其能量、蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、矿物盐类、维生素需求量,以及蛋白源、脂肪源和添加剂的研究进展进行了综述,以期为鲟营养需求的深入研究和配合饲料的合理配制提供参考依据。幼鲟对蛋白质的适宜需求量约为36%—40%,赖氨酸和蛋氨酸需求量分别为2.80%和1.13%,蛋能比为18—22 mg/kJ,脂肪的需求量约为11.1%—35.7%,碳水化合物约为11%—35%,磷为0.50%—0.87%;鲟能较好地利用动植物蛋白原料和植物油,一些功能性添加剂有促生长和提高免疫的功效,关于维生素和矿物盐需求的研究还不够全面。  相似文献   

All the described species and varieties of the genus Haematococcus were available. After isolation in pure culture they were used studying their nutritional requirements. H. buetschlii and H. droebakensis had already been shown by Droop to need vitamin B12. H. capensis typ., H. capensis var. borealis, and H. zimbabwiensis were found to do so also. The 7 strains of H. pluvi-alis from various localities investigated showed slight physiological deviations, although morphologically they were so similar that they should not be described as varieties. A dilute inorganic nutrient solution with trace elements and iron kept in solution by EDTA was suitable either as such or supplemented with growth-promoting compounds. The growth was speeded by low concentrations of acetate and by enhancing photosynthesis. No strain of H. pluvialis absolutely required cobalamin, although it stimulated. Thiamine had a much more pronounced effect; for some strains it was indispensable. Although the response varies slightly from strain to strain, a luxuriant growth for all was obtained only with acetate and B1, and usually enhanced by B12. A peculiar feature of H. pluvialis is the catching up of cultures initially retarded by thiamine deficiency (probably due to slow Bl synthesis). When H. pluvialis multiplied fast its appearance differed from that considered typical: no red pigment and the cell wall not inflated. In nature it evidently lives under conditions unfavorable for good growth although suitable for survival in competition with other organisms.  相似文献   

金针菇菌丝生长的营养需求及液体发酵研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
金针菇菌丝体液体培养表明,淀粉、玉米粉是适宜的碳源,黄豆粉、酵母粉、蛋白陈是适宜的氮源。采用正交设计考察了培养基的营养成分及其最适浓度。除碳、氮源外,Vb1及K、P、Mg、S等元素也是金针菇菌丝体生长所必需的营养因子。适宜的碳氮比(C/N.)为21~24:1。本研究建立的有实用价值的液体发酵培养基配方是(%):玉米粉4.0、葡萄粉1.0~2.0、黄豆粉15、KH2PO40.1~0.15、MgSO4·7H2O0.05  相似文献   

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