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The development of giant cells induced by the nematode Meloidogyne in tomato roots has been followed under controlled growth conditions and the ultrastructure and histochemistry of these structures have been examined. Entry of the nematode larvae into the roots took place within 24 hours; giant cell formation started on the 4th day and involved breakdown of the cell walls accompanied by thickening of a surrounding giant cell wall and an increase in density and area of the cytoplasm. The nuclei increased in number by simultaneous mitosis throughout a single giant cell. The peak of cytoplasmic density was reached after moulting and during egg production. The rate of protein synthesis in the giant cell is correlated with the rate of growth of the nematode. The giant cell wall is a thick, irregularly surfaced structure which contains all the normal polysaccharide components of a cell wall. The cytoplasm is rich in protein and RNA and contains mitochondria, proplastids, Golgi bodies, and a dense endoplasmic reticulum. The nuclei are large and irregular in shape and contain large nucleoli and a number of Feulgen-positive bodies scattered irregularly along the nuclear envelope. The nucleolus contains RNA and fat as well as Feulgen-positive granules which are revealed after treatment with ribonuclease. It consists of a dense outer cortex surrounding a much lighter central core and is connected at times with the Feulgen-positive bodies in the nucleus. Speculation is provided on the role of these bodies in cytoplasmic protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The development of jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) microsporangia from October to April was investigated with a microdensitometer and a transmission electron microscope. DNA, RNA, and protein content of sporogenous cells was measured at monthly intervals. DNA was unreplicated (2C) until March when DNA synthesis was first noted, coinciding with a loss of heterochromatin. Protein content doubled in April. RNA staining increased in December and then decreased. Numerous whorls and stacks of rough endoplasmic reticulum and ribonucleoprotein-like granules appeared in December and may be related to the RNA increase. A fibrillar, light-staining region was found in the cytoplasm of the sporogenous cells from November to March. It was hydrolyzed in the presence of protease and may be a winter morphology of microfilament bundles or dictyosomes. Lipid bodies and vacuoles were abundant in the tapetum and sporangial wall cells during the winter. Observations substantiate reports that winter is not a time for cessation of development.  相似文献   

The posterior oesophagus of N. reticulatus (Linnaeus) consistsof two histologically distinct regions. The epithelium of thethickened segment in the visceral haemocoel is virtually uniform.The cells are lipid-rich and can take up lipid from food. Inaddition, enzyme histochemistry indicates a capacity for theuptake of sugars and amino acids. The basal plasmalemma is elaboratelyinfolded and associated with numerous elongate mitochondria,features indicating an active ion pump. The physiological roleof this pump is unknown. (Received 26 March 1985; accepted 10 May 1985)  相似文献   

本文分别对草鱼性成熟前、后垂体STH细胞进行了组织化学和超微结构研究。垂体STH细胞多位于中腺垂体中部和背部,为嗜酸性细胞,用PMB(PAS-MB)和APG(AB-PAS-OG)两种组织化学方法染色,对橙黄G阳性,对PAS、AB阴性;电镜下电子密度较高,内质网绕核呈环形,分泌颗粒多而小。  相似文献   

棉纤维由棉胚珠表皮细胞分化生长而成,是研究细胞分化、细胞伸长等机理的良好材料。为了更好地研究它的分化和发育,人们建立了多种实验系统:离体胚珠培养系统、胚珠来源的单细胞悬浮培养系统、胚珠愈伤组织细胞来源的细胞悬浮培养系统,并对这些实验系统的特点对纤维细胞分化和生长,如培养基的配方、激素配比、pH值、抑制剂或促进剂的影响等进行了较为系统的研究。发现棉纤维的发育  相似文献   

皱纹盘鲍肾脏的组织化学和超微结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以组织学、组织化学和透射电镜观察等方法研究了皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai)的肾脏。肾脏由无数肾小管和集合管组成。肾小管上皮细胞游离面有明显的刷状缘,并有少量纤毛,细胞顶端存在大量直径为0.8-1.8μm的折光小体,组化研究显示小体内含铁。基底端质膜高度内折,并呈碱性磷酸酶活性。上皮细胞与血窦仅有基底膜相隔,细胞内最具特征性的结构是“膜囊体”,光镜下它呈嗜酸性团块,组化研究显示含丰富的蛋白质,电镜下观察它由双层单位膜围成的众多的小管及扁囊构成,小管的直径或扁囊的高度为30-80nm,某一局部的小管或扁囊的形状及排列很有规律性。“膜囊体”的性质尚不清楚。除纤毛数量增加和“膜囊体”较小一局部的小管或扁囊的形状主排列很有规律性。“膜囊体”的性质尚不清楚。除纤毛数量增加和“膜囊体”较小外,集合管上皮细胞的组织化学和超微结构类似于肾小管上皮细胞。在集合管和腔上皮还存在少量的粘液细胞。  相似文献   

Rice embryo development was examined, histochemically and ultrastructurally, from the time of fertilization to embryo maturity. At the time of fertilization, the megagametophyte consists of an antipodal mass of 10–15 cells, parietally positioned along the placental side of the central cell, and, at the micropylar end, two partly fused polar nuclei and the egg apparatus. Hydrolysis of adjacent nucellar tissue suggests the secretion of hydrolytic enzymes by the antipodal mass. The antipodal cells stain intensely for RNA and protein, indicating that they are metabolically active. The egg, supported by two overarching synergids, occupies a small, wall ingrowth-lined pocket of the central cell that quickly fills with cellular endosperm after fertilization. The endosperm cells, initially supplied with nutrients from wall ingrowth-derived vesicles, are digested and utilized by the embryo as a nutritive source. The developing embryo is also supplied with assimilates via the nucellus at the base of the embryo until about 8 days after fertilization. After 8 days, the embryo is no longer connected to the nucellus, and the nucellar cells at the base of the embryo are crushed. The zygote is not structurally polarized and contains a central nucleus, amyloplasts, lipid bodies, dictyosomes and extensive dilated ER. The first division of the zygote is transverse and unequal and occurs about 4 hours after fertilization. Embryo development is rapid, and within 24 hr, the embryo consists of 5–8 cells. Organ development begins with scutellum emergence in the 3-day-old embryo. The shoot apex organizes and the coleoptile develops from scutellum tissue at 4 days postfertilization, the epiblast emerges at 5 days, and the vascular bundle and root apex differentiate by 6 days after fertilization. Starch begins to accumulate in the basal cells of the 3-day-old embryo and deposition proceeds acropetally over the next 9–10 days. Lipid accumulation begins in the basal scutellum in the 6-day-old embryo and also proceeds acropetally. Storage protein synthesis is first detected in 6-day-old embryos and accumulation again proceeds acropetally, reaching the apex of the scutellum of the 25-day-old embryo. The ultrastructure of the 24-hr-old embryo is distinctive. The cells are characterized by numerous vesicles, heterochromatin and extensive nuclear evaginations.  相似文献   

The crypt cells lining the Aplysia punctata digestive tubulescomprise of three types of cell; calcium, excretory, and thincells. The calcium cells play a role in osmoregulation, mineral storage,exocrine secretion, iron detoxification, and excretion processes.They possess well- developed microvilli and a basal labyrinth,suggesting a role in absorption. The Golgi apparatus is involvedin the production of two main components of calcium spherules;the fibrillar material and mineralized granules. Golgi complex,rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), ribosomes, and altered mitochondriaare involved in the formation of calcium spherules. Secretoryactivity is indicated by the formation of dense granules containingiron and calcium salts. Lipofuscin pigment has been found inlarge concretions which may arise from cytoplasmic areas surrounded byendoplasmic reticulum, RER and Golgi tubules. There are threestages of excretory cells, called early, mature, and post-excretorycells. This study traces the development of granulofibrillarvacuoles up to the formation of the lipofuscin concretions andshows that excretory cells are in fact degenerating calciumcells. The fine structure of thin cells suggests that they areyoung calcium cells. (Received 29 December 1997; accepted 15 November 1998)  相似文献   

目的研究己酮可可碱(PTX)对非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(NASH)大鼠肝脏超微结构和酶组织化学的影响。方法高脂饮食建立大鼠非酒精性脂肪性肝炎模型。取SD大鼠40只,分为对照组、12w模型组、16w模型组和治疗组,每组10只。腹主动脉采血,测ALT、AST、血糖等水平。取肝组织做电镜和SDH、CCO、ATPase、LDH的酶组织化学染色。结果两个模型组均比对照组ALT、AST、血糖升高,LDL降低(P<0.05)。治疗组血糖、AST比16w模型组降低(P<0.05)。电镜显示16w模型组线粒体肿大,嵴排列紊乱,基质密度降低。治疗组结构改善。酶组织化学显示四种酶的活性16w模型组均较对照组降低(P<0.05),治疗组活性均较16w模型组升高(P<0.05)。结论NASH时存在肝细胞能量代谢障碍,经PTX治疗后能量代谢障碍得到改善。  相似文献   

慢性缺氧对大鼠膈肌组织化学和超微结构影响的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究慢性缺氧和参麦注射液治疗对大鼠膈肌组织化学和超微结构的影响,结果显示:缺氧使膈肌SDH活性降低,Ⅰ类纤维极显著减少,运动终板ChE活性极显著降低,线粒体肿胀变性,神经肌肉运动终板突触前部囊泡减少,突触间隙模糊,终板模电子密度降低;参麦治疗可恢复缺氧膈肌的SDH活性及Ⅰ类纤维数目,显著提高终板ChE活性,线粒体结构恢复正常,运动终板突触前部囊泡丰富,突触间隙清晰,终板膜电子密度正常。表明慢性缺氧降低膈肌有氧氧化能力,影响其能量代谢及神经冲动的传递,从而减弱其收缩力,而参安治疗可改善缺氧造成的上述损害,为其临床应用提供了实验医学依据。  相似文献   

薏苡种子的糊粉层及亚糊粉层细胞的组织化学和超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薏苡(Coixlacryma-jobi)种子的糊粉层为1层细胞,径向细胞壁内含有胞间连丝,有细胞核,冰箱内浸泡的材料,未见细胞器,室温浸泡的,则观察到很多核糖体及一些嵴不明显的线粒体。细胞内充 了大量糊粉粒及脂体,糊粉粒含蛋白质,不溶性多糖,可被TBOpH4.4染成绿色,基质内通常有1个球状体,球状体含有脂肪,但不被ABB和PAS及TBOpH4.4染色。脂体大小悬殊,随机分布。亚糊粉层细胞含有许多复合淀粉粒及小形蛋白质体。蛋白质体呈弱的PAS正反应,亦可被TBOpH4.4染成绿色,并具有同心圆坏结构,中央具核心或不具,边缘具裂隙或否。内部胚乳具很多大的简单淀粉粒,蛋白质体同心圆环结构不甚明显。对薏苡与其他禾本科植物的糊粉层细胞,糊粉粒及胚乳蛋白质体的结构进行了比较。  相似文献   

Foliar nectaries on the midveins of 7-cm leaves from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., cv. Stoneville 213) were examined by light and electron microscopy. The nectaries consist of external multicellular papillae and internal subglandular tissue that extends from the bases of the papillae to the vascular tissue of the midveins. The subglandular tissue is composed of small parenchyma cells; it does not contain sieve elements or xylem vessels. The parenchyma cells are rich in mitochondria, and their walls contain numerous pit fields having a high concentration of plasmodesmata. The absence of vascular tissue and the significance of the pit fields in the subglandular tissue are discussed in relation to symplastic transport of nectar secretions.  相似文献   

砂仁种子的解剖学和组织化学研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
砂仁种子包括假种皮、种皮、外胚乳、内胚乳与胚。假种皮由内表皮、外表皮及其间的6-9层薄壁细胞组成。种皮分为外种皮、中种皮与内种皮。外种皮由1层表皮细胞构成,其壁增厚并略木质化。中种皮包括各含1层细胞的下层皮和半透明细胞层与含3-5层细胞的色素层;下皮层与色素层细胞均含有红综色素,后者的壁呈网状增厚。内种皮由1层内切向壁与径向壁非常增厚的石细胞构成。种皮表面具有许多疣状突起,它们是体积较小的表皮细胞  相似文献   

舞花姜种子的解剖学和组织化学研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
吴七根  廖景平   《广西植物》1995,15(2):146-153
舞花姜种子表面只许多表皮毛,基部具黄白色的种阜状结构。假种皮着生于种阜结构内缘,基部筒状,中上部指状分裂;假种皮细胞长条形.内含许多细小淀粉粒。种皮由外珠被发育而来.可划分为外种皮、中种皮与内种皮。外种皮由具3—5(6)层表皮细胞的复表在构成,最外层的一些表皮细胞向强突起形成表皮毛。中种皮由下皮层、半透明细胞层、中种皮薄壁细胞层与色素层构成。下皮层由一层下皮细胞构成,细胞内充满结合有单字的红褐色色素;半透明细胞含有与脂类结合的淡黄褐色无定形块状物,中种皮薄壁细胞内无色素或任何颗粒状物;色素层为中种皮最内方的一层,细胞体积大、充满与单宁结合的红褐色色素。内种在由一层体积小、壁局部增厚的砖形薄壁细胞构成,其机械保护作用小。种子在珠孔区分化出珠孔领、孔盖及种阜状结构。珠孔领为异形型,孔盖不具石细胞硬层。种阜状结构以其细胞层数增多、壁增厚并本质化的复表皮加强了珠孔区的机械保护作用。合点区内种皮出现缺口.缺口间充满通常呈多角形的合点区色素细胞,其整体轮廓为长条形。外胚乳细胞壁平直,细胞内充满淀粉粒,部分细胞还含有少量的蛋白质与脂类:近合点外胚乳形成一薄区。内胚乳细胞含有蛋白质、脂类与淀粉.其细胞轮廓清楚,椭圆形或不规?  相似文献   

棉纤维超微结构的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用X射线衍射技术研究了棉纤维的超微结构,其结果是:棉纤维细胞壁微晶区沿纤维轴方向的长度为12.7nm,垂直于纤维轴方向的宽度为6.6nm;沿纤维轴方向的畸变为0.69%,垂直于纤维轴方向的畸变为3.28%。棉纤维在生长过程中其细胞次生壁S2层的平均微原纤螺旋角随花生长天数的增加逐渐减小;纤维素微晶粒间的取向度逐渐增加;花后5-14天结晶度缓慢增加;14-17天陡然增加,17天后极缓慢地趋向稳定值。微原纤螺旋角随果枝位变化自下而上略有增加,随果节位变化由里向外略有增加;微晶取向度随果枝位变化自下而上略有减小,随果节位变化由里向外略有减小。研究表明:棉纤维的宏观品质性状和微观取向参数存在着显著的相关性或呈强相关,并建立了它们间的相关式。棉纤维的品质性状差异主要由取向参数的差异决定。  相似文献   

象牙参种子的解剖学和组织化学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
象牙参种子解剖学和组织化学的研究结果表明, 种子包括假种皮、种皮、外胚乳、内胚乳和胚。假种皮没有完全包被种子, 由约4~5 层薄壁细胞构成。种皮可以分为外种皮、中种皮和内种皮。外种皮由1 层表皮细胞构成, 细胞壁明显增厚;中种皮包括下皮层、半透明细胞层和3~4层细胞的色素层, 下皮层和色素层细胞均充满红棕色色素;内种皮由1 层体积小、壁局部增厚的砖形薄壁细胞构成。种子在珠孔端分化出珠孔领、孔盖和种阜状结构, 珠孔领为同形型, 孔盖不具石细胞硬层。合点区内种皮出现缺口, 缺口间充满合点区色素细胞, 其整体轮廓成新月形。外胚乳可分为厚区与薄区两部分, 外胚乳细胞壁平直, 细胞内充满淀粉。内胚乳细胞主要含蛋白质, 也有少量脂类物质, 细胞界限不清楚。胚棒状, 两端略膨大, 含大量脂类物质, 也含蛋白质和多糖。  相似文献   

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