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Chromosome numbers were determined for 63 Anthurium species. Thirty-eight of these were newly determined. Generally the present work confirmed existing chromosome counts when these were available for comparison. The most common somatic chromosome number found was 30, but counts ranged from 2n = 20 to 90. In a few instances conflicting counts were obtained. B chromosomes were found frequently in Sect. Cardiolonchium and varied in number from one to three. Four polyploid series were evident from all available counts: 20-40, 24-30-48-84, 28-56 and 30-60-90-ca 124. Most species were part of the polyploid complex based on 30. Although species were not observed with n = 5, 6 or 7, movement among the basic numbers was considered to have occurred at this level. The relationship among these basic numbers and n = 15 (x2) is still obscure.  相似文献   

山茶属植物的染色体数目和核型   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
李光涛  梁涛   《广西植物》1990,10(2):127-137+191
本文对已报道的(包括作者的研究)山茶属植物的染色体数目和核型作一简单的讨论,结合地理分布情况,提出由二倍体向多倍体进化可能是山茶属植物进化的一个重要途径。山茶属植物的核型多为Stebbins核型分类的“2A”型,表明山茶属植物是一个较原始的种系。本文中12种的染色体数目和2种的核型为首次报道。  相似文献   

三种绞股蓝植物染色体观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对分布于陕西省的3种绞股蓝植物进行了染色体观察,其结果:绞股蓝染色体数为2n=2x=22,长梗绞股蓝为2n=2x=22,心籽绞股蓝为2n=6x=66。后两种为本文首次报道,这些观察结果为我国绞股蓝属植物的分类和推广利用提供了细胞学依据。  相似文献   

盐肤木(Rhus)属(广义)是漆树科中最多态最大的属,全世界分布有300余种,我国有20余种。本文报道了4种盐肤木属(Rhus)植物的染色体观察结果:1.盐肤木R.chinensis 2n=30,有0-5个B染色体存在;2.青麸杨R.potaninii 2n=30,本文为首次报道;3.火矩树R.typhiflua 2n=30;4.R.verniciflua 2n=30,但其中一个栽培品种为三倍体(2n=3x=45)。盐肤木、青麸杨为我国重要的倍子树,漆树是我国特种经济林木,火矩树为速生绿化风景树种,本文为进一步发掘利用及深入研究这些植物提供了细胞学依据。B染色体在木本植物中极少出现,在盐肤木中发现B染色体,对深入研究B染色体的起源、分布等有一定的意义。同时本文为Rhus属的分类问题提供了一些细胞学信息。  相似文献   

国产堇菜属植物花粉形态的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙坤  王漪 《植物研究》1994,14(1):81-87
本文应用光学显微镜及扫描电镜对国产32种堇菜属植物的花粉形态进行了观察,结果表明,在光学显微镜下,除V.tricolorL.外,堇菜属植物的花粉形态比校一致,对本属的分类意义不大。在扫描电镜下的花粉外壁纹饰亦表明本属是一个较为自然的类群。但国产四亚属之间的花粉在外壁纹饰,颗粒的多少和有无,穿孔的多少和有无等方面存在着较明显的差异,而在亚属内则分化校小。支持了Juzepchuk(1949)和王庆瑞(1991)的分类处理。  相似文献   

Chromosome counts for 30 collections representing 21 species examined by the authors are reported. Of these, eight species counts are a first report; the others are confirmation of earlier reports. The genus Desmodium is shown to be dibasic with base chromosome numbers of x = 10 and x = 11.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers were determined for 86 Anthurium species. Fifty-one of these were newly determined with counts ranging from 2n = 24 to 66 and 30 being the most common. All known Anthurium chromosome numbers were summarized, and 43 taxonomic changes were made in the previous reports to reflect current taxonomy. In terms of somatic chromosome numbers, the numbers form four polyploid series of 20–40–60, 24–30–48–84, 28–56 and 30–60–90–ca. 124. Paleoaneuploidy, polyploidy and B-chromosomes are basic features of the genus, but subsequent recent aneuploidy is not. The exact nature of chromosome evolution in Anthurium remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy supported by light microscopic L-O analysis is used in a palynological study of the genus Trichipteris of the tree fern family Cyatheaceae. The spores of all but two of the 55 species are investigated and the results are related to previous findings for Trichipteris species in the literature. A perine layer consisting of a network of slender, smooth- or rough-textured interlocking strands with free ends uniformly characterizes the genus and is the same as the perine type previously reported in neotropical species of Sphaeropteris excluding the S. horrida group. The exine is analyzed both in spores which have not yet developed the perine layer and in spores whose perine has been removed by chemical treatment. Exine sculpturing shows great variation in the genus, ranging from essentially psilate to variously pitted (foveolate, foraminate), with topography ranging from plane to verrucate-tuberculate, and with the verrucae-tubercles themselves often variously pitted. In many instances, exine sculpturing types correlate with the infrageneric species groupings or affinities hypothesized by the recent monographers. In other cases, palynological characters offer new insight into species relationships that were previously unclear to monographers or that were interpreted differently on the basis of other characters. The exine sculpturing types reinforce the relationship evident between Trichipteris and neotropical Sphaeropteris on the basis of perine morphology.  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜对15种,透射电镜对2种国产酸模属植物的花粉进行观察与研究。本属花粉为球形或近球形,大小为15~40×18~40μm。具3孔沟、4斜孔沟、散孔沟、散沟等;沟或外沟狭长,几达两极,内陷或不内陷,内孔圆形、稍横长或纵长;表面具皱波状纹饰;外壁厚1.0~3.5μm,外层明显厚于内层。在透射电镜下,花粉外壁分3层:覆盖层最厚,具穴状或穿孔,颗粒状或刺状纹饰,内面均匀;柱状层明显,厚,小柱为钝圆锥体或圆柱状,基层和内层不分,最薄,但在萌发孔处明显增厚。根据花粉形态,本属花粉可以分成7个组,它们是:小酸模组、滨海酸模组、酸模组、土大黄组、荒地酸模组、巴天酸模组和钝叶酸模组。对萌发孔分布规律的研究,基本支持Wodehouse(1931)的观点,同时据花粉萌发孔演化的规律,认为本属花粉可能是蓼科花粉由少数萌发孔向多数萌发孔演化的过渡类型。  相似文献   

我国扁桃属植物的染色体数   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文观察了我国扁桃属(Amygdalus)植物的染色体数。其结果:1.普通扁桃A. communis L. 2n=16;2.榆叶梅A. triloba(Lindl.)Ricker 2n=64;3.长柄扁桃A. pedunculata Pall. 2n=96;4.蒙古扁桃A. mongolica(Maxim.)Yü2n=16;5.西康扁桃A. tangutica Korsh. 2n=16;6.矮扁桃A. ledehouriana Schlecht 2n=16。以上这些结果表明,在我国丰富的扁桃种质资源中,多倍体的潜力还相当大,这对我国今后培育扁桃新品种无疑是特别值得注意的。  相似文献   

邹琦丽   《广西植物》1982,(4):195-196
本文对竹柏(Podocarpus nagi(Thb.)Zoll.et Moritz.ex Zoll.)的染色体组型进行了初步观察。观察结果:染色体数目2N=29;染色体长度变化在3.32—6.21微米之间;其相对长度的变动范围是5.29—9.90%;臂比表明有6对染色体具有中部着丝点,7对染色体具有近中部着丝点,其中有2个随体。  相似文献   

通过光学显著 和扫描电镜,对新疆产双属9种植物的花粉形态进行了研究,发现该属花粉大多近球形,萌发孔多数,孔膜上有疣状突起,外壁纹饰为颗粒状,夹杂有小穴散布。  相似文献   

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