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The feasibility of grouping anther-derived plants of Solarium phureja according to ploidy based on their morphological characteristics was studied. Canonical discriminant analysis identified four characteristics (anther length, number of chloroplasts per pair of guard cells, leaf width, corolla width at widest diam) of nine measured as the most effective combination for diagnosing ploidy. Data for these characteristics from two sets of plants were subjected to two clustering techniques, one using the average linkage clustering (UPGMA of the NT-SYS programs) and the other using centroid sorting (SAS-Fastclus). Screening of anther-derived plants by cluster analysis proved to be an efficient means of separating monoploids from the other ploidy levels.  相似文献   

Winter , Dorothy M. (Iowa State U., Ames.) The development of the seed of Abutilon theophrasti. II. Seat coat. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(3) : 157—162. Illus. 1960.–The integuments of Abutilon theophrasti Medic. undergo a rapid increase in size, predominantly by anticlinal cell divisions during the first 3 days after fertilization. Within 7 days, the outer epidermis of the inner integument becomes thick walled. At maturity this compact, lignified, and cutinized palisade layer accounts for more than half the thickness of the seed coat. During early growth, the palisade cells form a continuous layer in the micropylar region. In the chalazal region the palisade layer is discontinuous in a slit-shaped region, 60 × 740 microns. The shape of this discontinuity constitutes a major difference between dormant-seeded Abutilon and non-dormant Gossypium seeds. Exterior to the palisade layer is the outer integument which consists of a small-celled layer and a large-celled layer sparsely covered with unicellular, lignified hairs. Interior to the palisade is the thick mesophyll of the inner integument which is largely digested during seed growth and leaves only 2 pigmented cell layers in most regions at maturity. The inner epidermis is small-celled, pigmented and cutinized and adheres tightly to the endosperm. Seed coat impermeability increases with seed maturity. Even immature seeds will germinate, if scarified, indicating a lack of embryo dormancy.  相似文献   

Mohan Ram , H. Y. (U. Delhi, India.) The development of the seed in Andrographis serpyllifolia. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(3) : 215—219. Illus. 1960.–Andrographis serpyllifolia, a member of the Acanthaceae, has an embryo sac with a bifurcated chalazal part. At the time of fertilization both synergids and antipodal cells disintegrate. Early in its development the endosperm is composed of 3 distinct parts: (1) a binucleate densely cytoplasmic chalazal haustorium; (2) a large binucleate micropylar haustorium; and (3) a central chamber which develops into the endosperm proper. The divisions in the central endosperm chamber are ab initio cellular. A few of the endosperm cells elongate enormously, ramify into the integument and destroy the surrounding cells. These cells have been termed secondary haustoria. Due to the unequal destruction of the integument, the endosperm assumes a ruminate condition. The mature seed is nearly naked because the seed coat is almost completely digested. The embryo has a long suspensor. The micropylar cells of the suspensor are hypertrophied and multinucleate. Contrary to Mauritzon's (1934) belief, the course of endosperm development is markedly different from that observed in Thunbergia. So far, albuminous seeds have been reported only in the subfamily Nelsonioideae. The present investigation provides a case of its occurrence in the Acanthoideae also.  相似文献   

Winter , Dorothy M. (Iowa State U., Ames.) The development of the seed of Abutilon theophrasti. I. Ovule and embryo. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(1): 8–14. Illus. 1960.—Abutilon theophrasti Medic, is a widespread annual weed which produces an abundance of seed in capsules which mature within 20 days after pollination. Ovule differentiation may be observed at least 8 days before anthesis when a sporogenous cell becomes evident and 2 integuments are initiated. An 8-nucleate embryo sac is produced from the chalazal megaspore approximately 2 days before anthesis. The outer integument of the mature campylotropous ovule consists of 2 cell layers, the inner integument has 6 to 15 cell layers. The initially free-nucleate endosperm becomes cellular betwen 3 and 7 days after pollination. At maturity a thin layer of gelatinous endosperm encases the embryo. The Asterad-type proembryo of Abutilon has a stout suspensor and develops rapidly. Four days after pollination cotyledons are initiated; 4 days later a leaf primordium is evident. Fifteen days after pollination the embryo, which has essentially completed its growth, consists of a large hypocotyl with root promeristem and root cap at its basal end, and 2 flat, folded, leaflike cotyledons enclosing a small epicotyl at its upper end. The epicotyl consists of an embryonic leaf and a stem apex.  相似文献   

重楼属两种植物种子及其附属结构的发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重楼属两种植物(五指莲Paris axialis和滇重楼Paris polyphylla var.yunnanensis)种子发育的过程基本一致。双受精发生于授粉后10—15天。胚乳为沼生目型。种子发育延续的时间约为150—170天。胚胎发育终止于球形或稍有分化的阶段。种子具二层种皮。 二种重楼种子成熟时的外部形态显著不同。五指莲Paris axialis的种子呈浅棕黄色,长椭圆形,部分为绿白色海绵质假种皮所包裹。假种皮由珠柄发育而来,呈楔形。滇重楼Parispolyphylla var.yunnanensis的种子鲜红色,不规则圆形,外种皮肉质多浆。无假种皮。珠柄橙黄色,短而纤细。  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to determine conditions critical to the isolation and culture of protoplasts from leaf mesophyll cells of a Solanum Section Tuberarium diploid clone, a S. phureja × S. chacoense F1 hybrid. The optimum concentration of cellulase (Cellulysin) was 0.4%, while pectinase (Macerase) was inhibitory, even at a low concentration (0.075%). Maximum yields of protoplasts were achieved when the enzyme solution was not changed during incubation, and slow oscillation (60 rpm) on a shaker was used. When detached leaves were held under low light intensities or in the darkness for 3–5 days prior to protoplast production, results were more consistent than when the leaves were used directly from the greenhouse. Following dark or low light treatment the optimum osmolarity of the isolation and growth media was approximately 0.3–0.4 M. Of nine growth media tested only those of Nitsch and Ohyama and of Upadhya supported callus development, but the callus was often loose and did not differentiate roots or shoots. Callus from protoplasts cultured in the Upadhya medium modified by addition of glycine, vitamins, and casein hydrolysate, and subsequently transferred to the medium of Lam, formed roots and shoots when cultures were maintained in light. Mature plants were obtained following transfer to modified White's medium and later transplantation to soil.  相似文献   

①泡桐属植物以虫媒传粉,在柱头室内萌发为花粉管。②从传粉至受精需时11—20天。花冠脱落后受精,受精后花柱呈现紫色。③为有胚乳种子,胚乳发育为细胞型,第一次分裂为横分裂并具有两个吸器。④胚的发育为十字花型,胚柄将胚推移到胚囊深处,当胚开始分化时,胚柄即消失。⑤种皮扩展为扁而薄的翅状,由栓化细胞构成。⑥果实为蒴果,发育期约半年,可划分为迅速增长期、缓慢增长期、充实成熟期三期。  相似文献   

土壤种子库的研究进展及若干研究热点   总被引:96,自引:2,他引:96       下载免费PDF全文
 土壤种子库是指存在于表层土壤(包括凋落物)中的有生命的种子。土壤种子库的研究已是植物生态学研究不可缺少的一部分,现已成为植物种群生态学中比较活跃的领域。土壤种子库时期是植物种群生活史的一个重要阶段,有人称之为潜种群阶段。土壤种子库对一年生植物来说尤其重要。土壤种子库简单地可分为瞬时土壤种子库和长久土壤种子库,即使给予理想的萌发条件如季节、温度、湿度等,土壤种子库中也仍有部分种子保持休眠状态,休眠的种子组成了土壤长久种子库的成分。时空异质性是土壤种子库的基本特性之一,不仅不同植被类型的土壤种子库具有不同的组成、大小和多样性,而且微环境也影响土壤种子库的分布格局。由于萌发、捕食和衰老等原因,土壤种子库具有季节动态,一般在旧种子萌发之后,新种子散布之前达到最低点。在高等植物占据的大多数生境中,以休眠繁殖体形式存在的个体远远超过地上植株的数量;土壤种子库、幼苗库和成年植被相互联系相互影响。由于各种原因如群落类型的差异、群落的演替阶段、取样的时间等,地上植被和土壤种子库之间关系大体上可分为两种情况,即相似性和差异性;研究土壤种子库的方法通常有萌发法和物理分离法。土壤种子库能部分反应群落的历史,对退化生态系统的恢复起着重要的作用。目前土壤种子库的主要研究热点问题可分为以下几个方面:1)土壤种子库的研究方法,2)土壤种子库的分类问题,3)土壤种子库分布的时空格局,4)地上植被和土壤种子库的关系,5)土壤种子库的动态等。  相似文献   

山黧豆胚胎发育过程中ODAP和一些大分子物质含量的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用微量分析方法检测了山黧豆胚胎发育过程中ODAP毒素含量和核酸、蛋白质、糖类等大分子物质的含量变化。结果表明:每粒种子的ODAP含量随着胚的发育而增加。每粒种子DNA量随着细胞的迅速分裂而增加,R、蛋白质、淀粉含量随着胚的发育而成倍地增加,当进入心形胚时这些物质的增加更为迅速。如以每克干重中的含量来表示,那么ODAP、DNA及可溶性糖含量则随胚的发育而下降,其它大分子物质含量在胚发育前期升高,进入心形胚时,这些物质达到最高峰;到鱼雷胚时,这些物质含量开始下降,直到胚基本分化完全时,降到最低点;只有酸性蛋白质含量一直保持增长。  相似文献   

Macrosclereid differentiation was investigated by light and electron microscopy in pea testae during the transformation of protodermal precursors to the mature sclereids. The protodermal cells divide anticlinally and elongate into the macrosclereid layer during seed coat development. Young sclereids have elongate nuclei, plastids become somewhat granal during cellular maturation, vacuolation appears to be an autolytic process, and the cells have dense arrays of endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes. Considerable dictyosome activity and microtubule development is observed as the secondary wall is produced. Many coated vesicles are associated with and fuse with the plasmalemma. During development, the outer tangential wall area of the macrosclereids acquires a definite cuticle and subcuticular layer. Also, at this time the sclereid walls under the subcuticular layer display semicircular microfibril orientation. The sclereid walls adjacent to the hypodermis become multilayered. As the macrosclereids near maturity, the “light line” becomes discernable in the light microscope at the junction of the cellulosic tips of the macrosclereids and the subcuticular layer. This “light line” is prominent using interference optics and is an osmiophilic layer in the electron microscope. This layer may represent the suberin “caps” reported by earlier workers.  相似文献   

Not more than half the seeds borne by maize plants of the W23 inbred strain, homozygous for a mutant gene termed “indeterminate gametophyte” (ig), develop normally. The remainder exhibit polyembryony (6 %), heterofertilization (7 %), elevated ploidy level of the endosperm (45 %), or other less frequent anomalies. The ig effects were identified and characterized by chromosome counts and genetic tests. Twins were regularly found to be diploid and concordant for heterozygous marker genes introduced maternally. When the marker genes were introduced paternally, twins frequently were non-concordant, or the embryo and endosperm phenotypes did not correspond. The proportion of the various types and the absence of conjoined embryos indicated that, although identical in their maternal inheritance, the twins were regularly dizygotic. Those twins identical in paternal inheritance probably originate from the fertilization of two genetically identical eggs by the two sperm of one male gametophyte. When ig ig compared to normal diploid plants were pollinated by tetraploids, the proportion of plump seed formed was markedly increased. Evidently this result is the consequence of elevation of the endosperm ploidy level by the ig gene. The ig gene thus appears to interfere with differentiation of the components of the female gametophyte so that the number of eggs and polar nuclei, instead of being one and two, is indeterminate.  相似文献   

The amount of gibberellin-like substances in the seed of Pharbitisnil increased in parallel with the growth of the seed, and attained20 days after anthesis to a maximum of 0.115 µg gibberellinA3 eqivalent per seed, when the seed reached its maximum freshweight or four-fifths of its final dry weight. At this maximumlevel, 0.03 µg and 0.1 µg gibberellin A3 equivalentswere localized in the embryo and in the "endosperm", respectively.Three gibberellin-like substances (Factors I, II and III) wereseparated upon paper chromatography. In view of the changesin amount of the factors with respect to the seed maturation,these factors, especially Factor II, in the "endosperm" andembryo were assumed to participate in the initial or the mainpart of growth of the embryo. Dwarf rice seedling and maizedwarfs 1, 3 and 5 responded to the three factors nearly in thesame way. Pharbitis dwarf, however, responded only to FactorI, but not to Factors II and III. (Received February 21, 1963; )  相似文献   

Gamma benzene hexachloride has been used successfully as a seed dressing in field trials for wireworm control. For application to cereals at 2 oz./bushel, the optimum concentration of γ-isomer was 20–30 % in a dressing which advantageously included an organomercurial seed disinfectant.
Risks to germination and plant growth were thoroughly explored in the field. The 20 and 30 % dressings were safe; over-strength dressings containing 50 or 70 %γ-B.H.C. did not reduce grain yields significantly.
Seed dressed with 20 or 30 %γ-B.H.C. germinated normally after storage for 12 months. When seed was dressed at 4 oz./bushel with 35 %γ-B.H.C. and 1 % mercury as organomercurial, germination was delayed but total emergence was not affected.  相似文献   

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