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The anther connective tissue and hypodermal stomium between adjacent locules in the anthers of Capsicum annuum L. (Solanaceae) are the sites of formation of calcium salt crystals with four different habits. The spatial and temporal associations of these crystals and the idioblastic cells in which they form indicate that crystal sand occurs earliest in anther development near the single vascular strand, followed by spherulites and prismatic crystals farther out in the connective tissue, and finally druses occur in the hypodermal stomium. Both the druses and the crystal sand crystals are encased in crystal chambers and are associated with distinct membranes, whereas the spherulites and prismatic crystals are not bounded by any apparent membranes but they are surrounded by dense material that is rich in calcium and stains positively for polysaccharides and proteins. Quite often spherulites and prismatic crystals are observed within a single cell in contact with each other. X-ray diffraction of crystal preparations containing all four crystal habits and X-ray elemental analyses of single crystals, as well as visual observations and acid treatments, suggest that all four crystal habits consist of calcium oxalate. The hypodermal stomium and adjacent connective tissue degenerate at the pollen stage causing adjacent locules to fuse. Shortly afterward, each stomium epidermis splits open along the length of the anther releasing the pollen. It is suggested that the crystal idioblasts are involved in this process, possibly by a temporally orchestrated sequestration of calcium from both the cell cytoplasm and cell wall.  相似文献   

甜椒始花期吸收的氮素在体内的动态分配规律   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 通过水培试验,利用15N示踪技术研究了甜椒(Capsicum annuum L.)始花期吸收的氮素在体内的动态分配规律。结果表明:甜椒营养器官干物质积累动态呈快速直线增长趋势,而果实则从盛采前期开始 超过其它器官。根与果实含氮量从始采期开始一直维持在同一水平;叶片中氮的含量则随生长发育而不断下降。在果实盛采期,叶片、果实和根中的氮素含量差异不明显,但是均比茎和侧枝高两倍。甜椒植株各器官的氮素积累动态与干物质积累动态相似。在始花期通过根吸收的大部分标记态氮首先分配、贮存在叶片中,吸收后第二周发现有1/2的标记态氮运转到了植物的新生部分,至吸收后的第四周标记态氮运转显著下降,但是,在吸收后的第六周仍然发现有小部分标记态氮运转到了新生部分。说明新近吸收的氮素在甜椒体内的再运转相对容易,其再利用率也高,随着在植物体内某器官存在时间的延长其再利用率逐渐降低。在整个果实收获期间,甜椒不同器官之间以果实对氮素的竞争力最强。在整株水平上,始花期吸收的标记态氮从营养器官向生殖器官的运转,既受到氮素竞争库(果实)强度和容量的影响,也受到时间因素的制约。  相似文献   

辣椒游离小孢子细胞团培养的胚状体形成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从预培养15天后的花药中机械游离小孢子及其细胞团,经28℃液体悬浮暗培养.30天后,获得了自球形期胚到子叶期胚发育程度不等的各类胚状体。从12个花药中可以形成高达22个胚状体,且子叶期胚的比例约为23%。显微镜检表明,这些胚状体来自游离的小孢子细胞.经核的对称分裂形成多核细胞或者早期形成多细胞团,最后经细胞的分裂分化形成。胚状体体表具毛,活力有差异。在适当培养基上,具活力的鱼雷期及子叶期胚状体均能发育成正常植株。7℃、32℃、35℃8天的胁迫处理均能诱导小孢子胚状体发生。但花药培养中7℃、35℃处理下的出胚率较32℃下高,而游离小孢子细胞团培养中以35℃、32℃下较好。7℃处理下获得的胚状体数很少.对产生这种现象的原因进行了探讨。出胚率在基因型间,不同胁迫处理温度间表现明显差异。而在温度处理的不同天数间差异不明显。流式细胞仪对再生株真叶的DNA含量分析表明.获得的再生株中具有单倍体、双单倍体以及单倍一双倍嵌合体植株。本结果为进一步开展辣椒雄性生殖途径的胚状体发育研究。提高辣椒成熟胚状体的频率提供了实验体系。  相似文献   

Cu~(2 )作用下辣椒膜脂过氧化及倍半萜环化酶基因转录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了在CuCl2作用下辣椒叶片倍半萜环化酶活性、倍半萜环化酶mRNA表达、细胞GS H和GSSG代谢及膜脂过氧化。结果表明,Cu2+能诱导辣椒叶片表达倍半萜环化酶活性,酶活性的表达与相应的基因转录有关。辣椒叶片在CuCl2作用下合成了含-SH的螯合肽,相应地GSH含量下降,GSSG的含量有所上升,细胞膜脂过氧化作用加剧。推测细胞膜脂过氧化产物或GSH氧化产物可能参与了CuCl2诱导辣椒倍半萜环化酶基因表达的信号传递作用。  相似文献   

利用集团分离分析法(Bulked segregant analysis BSA),以辣椒细胞质雄性不育系BU-12、恢复系RF-12为材料共筛选了336条RAPD引物,其中引物S418在恢复系中呈现特异性扩增,得到一条约3000bp的特异片段。回扩得到两条片段,测序表明大小为1515bp,1162bp。荧光原位杂交证实1515bp片段为恢复系特有,命名为S418_(1515)。序列分析表明S418_(1515)为一新发现的序列,Blastn序列比对同源性小于40%,tBlastx比对发现该序列与水稻2、4、7、10号染色体的几个BAC克隆上的序列高度同源。推测可能与其具有相似的编码功能,为进一步从分子水平研究辣椒育性恢复打下了坚实的基础。根据测序结果设计特异引物,将S418_(1515)转化成特异PCR标记,证明能用于候选材料的初筛。  相似文献   

Differentiation in the anther of Lilium longiflorum occurs in discrete stages that correlate well with flower bud length. Using both sodium dodecyl sulfate and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, detectable proteins that accumulated during the development of lily anthers were documented. In terms of histology and protein patterns, anther ontogeny was divided into three major phases. Phase I encompassed early proliferative stages as well as the differentiation of the locules. Phase II extended from the onset of meiosis through to mature microspores. Phase III began after microspore mitosis occurred to form pollen. Ten floral organ-enriched and 17 floral organ-specific polypeptides were detected during development. The appearance and disappearance of these polypeptides correlated well with the transitions between phases. Two groups of floral organ-specific proteins in Phase II were chosen for further analysis. Both groups of polypeptides were stamen-specific. The 15.0 kD proteins were anther-specific and were the most abundant floral proteins detected; the 75.0 kD proteins were detected in both the anther and filament.  相似文献   

选用甜椒的小孢子单核期花药,用100、300、500、2000ppm的马来酰肼溶液浸泡处理,并设对照,进行无激素MS固体培养基培养。分别取样用各种组化方法对花药内部多糖、蛋白质、核酸及ATP酶进行组化反应和形态学上的观察。与对照组相比,处理组花药外部形态和内部结构出现许多变异。小孢子内多糖,蛋白质含量减少;绒毡层无明显变化;两组中,核酸的含量均无明显变化;ATP酶的活性低于对照组。可能,马来酰肼对于花药中ATP酶等产生抑制作用,致使花药败育。  相似文献   

高等植物花药结构复杂,其发育更是一个迅速、多变的过程,如小孢子母细胞减数分裂期间的细胞质改组、胼胝质壁的形成与降解、大液泡的形成与消失、花粉内外壁的形成、绒毡层细胞的降解、营养物质的积累与转化等。除了上述花药组成细胞的形态和结构发生明显变化外。花药发育的另一个显著特点是以花粉为中心的营养物质单向运输和转化,尤其是小孢子有丝分裂形成二胞花粉后开始积累大量的营养储存物以供成熟花粉萌发时利用。  相似文献   

The pollination mechanisms and pollen vectors of Solarium rostratum have been examined by greenhouse experiments and field studies. Although the capacity for autogamy exists in this weedy annual, it rarely occurs because of two factors: (1) the morphology of the flower and (2) the foraging behavior of the various species of Bombus, the primary pollen vector in the regions studied. The percentages of geitonogamy and xenogamy are dependent on the flight pattern of the bees and the number of open flowers on a plant.  相似文献   

A survey of the species of the genus Nicotiana was carried out to determine the distribution and the cytological characteristics of heterochromatin in this genus. All examined species of the genus possess knob-type heterochromatin, which is defined as spherical, densely staining regions of the pachytene chromosomes. These knobs are most frequently located near the centromere, the nucleolar organizer, and the ends of the chromosomes. Block-type heterochromatin, defined as any longer-than-broad heterochromatic segment seen at pachytene, was found in three species of the section Paniculatae, three species of the section Tomentosae, and two species of the section Noctiflorae. Three categories of the block-type heterochromatin, corresponding to the three subgenera, were found to differ with respect to overall size, staining properties, and location of the blocks. The distribution of these three types of block heterochromatin is discussed in the light of the latest taxonomic treatments of the genus.  相似文献   

Earle's L-929 fibroblasts from cultures treated with 5–10 µg/ml of vincristine sulfate have a large number of eosinophilic, proteinaceous crystals in their cytoplasm. In electron micrographs, large arrays of helical polyribosomes, stacks of Golgi lamellae, and membranes of granular endoplasmic reticulum are seen in the cytoplasm of these cells. "Stalks" of fine granular material, approximately 300 A wide, are often seen in association with the arrays of the helical polyribosomes. In many sections rows of helical polyribosomes and filaments emerging from individual polyribosomes are seen in intimate contact with the crystals. A gradual reduction in the number of crystals and crystal-bearing cells is seen in cultures removed from the drug-containing medium and reincubated in fresh medium. In electron micrographs, these reincubated cells show large aggregates of filamentous material in the cytoplasm, and in many sections filaments are seen in continuity with the crystals.  相似文献   

本文对我国栽培辣椒Capsicum annuum L.的四个品种即汉川椒、华椒一号、牛角椒和二金条进行了核型分析,其染色体数目均为2n=2x=24,核型公式均为2n=24=20m+2sm+2st,但汉川椒和华椒一号具一对随体,牛角椒和二金条具两对随体。本文还对它们的进化关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

本文对我国栽培辣椒Capsicum annuum L.的四个品种即汉川椒、华椒一号、牛角椒和二金条进行了核型分析,其染色体数目均为2n=2x=24,核型公式均为2n=24=20m+2sm+2st,但汉川椒和华椒一号具一对随体,牛角椒和二金条具两对随体。本文还对它们的进化关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A study has been made of developmental variations in anthers of Lilium longiflorum with respect to the deamination of deoxycytidine and 5-methyldeoxycytidine. Although a periodicity of enzymatic activities surrounding the mitotic cycle has been found, the over-all evidence is against the significance of such periodicity to chromosome duplication. On the basis of evidence obtained a distinction has been drawn between enzyme systems functioning in a broad supporting role and those immediately tied to morphogenetic events.  相似文献   

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