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Shoot tissue of Psilotum nudum (L.) Griseb. was fixed in glutaraldehyde and postfixed in osmium tetroxide for electron microscopy. Young sieve elements can be distinguished from contiguous parenchyma cells by their distinctive plastids, the presence of refractive spherules, and the overall dense appearance of their protoplast. The refractive spherules apparently originate in the intracisternal spaces of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). With increasing age the sieve-element wall undergoes a marked increase in thickness. Concomitantly, a marked increase occurs in the production of dictyosome vesicles, many of which can be seen in varying degrees of fusion with the plasmalemma. Other fibril- and vesicle-containing vacuoles also are found in the cytoplasm. In many instances the delimiting membrane of these vacuoles was continuous with the plasmalemma. Vesicles and fibrillar materials similar to those of the vacuoles were found in the younger portions of the wall. At maturity the plasmalemma-lined sieve element contains a parietal network of ER, plastids, mitochondria, and remnants of nuclei. The protoplasts of contiguous sieve elements are connected by solitary pores on lateral walls and pores aggregated into sieve areas on end walls. All pores are lined by the plasmalemma and filled with numerous ER membranes which arise selectively at developing pore sites, independently of the ER elsewhere in the cell. P-protein and callose are lacking at all stages of development.  相似文献   

At maturity the sieve elements of Ulmus americana L. contain a parietal network of very fine strands of slime which is continuous from one sieve element to the next through the sieve-plate pores. Upon injury this parietal network, which is derived from the slime bodies of immature sieve elements, sometimes becomes distorted into longitudinally oriented strands. Some of these strands frequently extend the length of the cells and often are continuous from one sieve element to the next through the sieve-plate pores. At times past such strands have erroneously been interpreted as normal constituents of the mature sieve-element protoplast. Many mature sieve elements of U. americana contain nuclei, which apparently persist for the life of the sieve elements. In addition, some evidence has been found in mature sieve elements for the presence of a membrane which delimits the parietal layer of cytoplasm, including its network of slime strands, from the vacuolar region of the cell.  相似文献   

The sieve elements of Nereocystis from the base of phylloids contain numerous small vesicles, cytoplasm, ribosomes, and the usual organelles and membrane systems, including nuclei, plastids, mitochondria, dictyosomes, and endoplasmic reticulum. They have a thick secondary wall layer which is deposited along the longitudinal walls and at the sieve plate excluding the sieve pores. The sieve pores range in diameter from 100 to 400 nm and are lined by plasmalemma. The sieve elements from the hollow basal parts of the pneumatocyst show essentially the same features but have larger and fewer vesicles, relatively little cytoplasm, larger sieve pores, 400–900 nm in diameter, and may lack a nucleus. In old sieve elements there are large deposits of callose on the sieve plate and along the longitudinal wall; the vesicles seem to break down, and the protoplast appears necrotic. It is concluded that the trumpet hyphae and sieve tubes are basically the same type of cell, and that the trumpet-shape of the sieve elements is due to their passive stretching during extension growth of the organ in which they occur. There are minor but significant differences among the sieve elements from different regions of the thallus which may reflect possible levels of structural specialization of the sieve elements within the same plant.  相似文献   

TRIP  P.; COLVIN  J. ROSS 《Annals of botany》1970,34(5):1101-1106
End walls of sieve elements of minor veins of the leaves ofBeta vulgaris L. do not contain the multi-perforate sieve plateswhich typically occur on the end walls of sieve-tube membersof major veins. Instead, both end and side walls of the sieveelements of minor veins contain scattered pores which may occursingly or in small numbers. These pores are similar to thosewhich are grouped in sieve plates of major veins in size, possessionof callose and plugs of filaments. In addition to these pores,there are tubular connections 0.1 µ in diameter throughcharacteristically thickened parts of the cell wall betweensieve cells and companion cells. Sieve elements of minor veinsdiffer from those of major veins in structure as well as infunction.  相似文献   

A light and electron microscope investigation was conducted on phloem in the aerial stem of Epifagus virginiana (L.) Bart. Tissue was processed at field collection sites in an effort to overcome problems resulting from manipulation. At variance with earlier accounts, Epifagus phloem consists of sieve elements, companion cells, phloem parenchyma cells, and primary phloem fibers. The sieve elements possess simple sieve plates and the phloem is arranged in a collateral type of vascular bundle. In addition, this constitutes the first study on phloem ultrastructure in the aerial stems of a holoparasitic dicotyledon, an entire plant which could be viewed as an “ideal sink.” Epifagus phloem possesses unoccluded sieve plate pores in mature sieve elements and a total lack of P-protein in sieve elements at all stages of development. Mature sieve elements lack nuclei. Plastids were rarely observed in mature sieve elements. Vacuoles with intact tonoplasts were encountered in some mature sieve elements. Otherwise, the ultrastructural features of sieve elements appear to differ little from those described by investigators of non-parasitic species.  相似文献   

Stem tissue of Lycopodium lucidulum Michx. was fixed in glutaraldehyde and postfixed in osmium tetroxide for electron microscopy. Although their protoplasts contain similar components, immature sieve elements can be distinguished from parenchymatous elements of the phloem at an early stage by their thick walls and correspondingly high population of dictyosomes and dictyosome vesicles. Late in maturation the sieve-element walls undergo a reduction in thickness, apparently due to an “erosion” or hydrolysis of wall material. At maturity, the plasmalemma-lined sieve elements contain plastids with a system of much convoluted inner membranes, mitochondria, and remnants of nuclei. Although the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in most mature sieve elements was vesiculate, in the better preserved ones the ER formed a tubular network closely appressed to the plasmalemma. The sieve elements lack refractive spherules and P-protein. The protoplasts of contiguous sieve elements are connected with one another by pores of variable diameter, aggregated in sieve areas. As there is no consistent difference between pore size in end and lateral walls these elements are considered as sieve cells.  相似文献   

Roots of Equisetum hyemale L. var. affine (Engelm.) A. A. Eat. were fixed in glutaraldehyde, postfixed in osmium tetroxide, and sieve elements of various ages were examined with the electron microscope. Young sieve elements are distinguished by their position within the vascular cylinder and by the presence of numerous refractive spherules, which originate within dilated portions of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Early in development, the sieve-element walls undergo a substantial increase in thickness. This is followed by the appearance of massive ER aggregates in the cytoplasm and then by a phase involving stacking and sequestering of the remaining ER. Nuclear degeneration is initiated shortly after the appearance of the ER aggregates. The chromatin condenses into masses of variable size along the inner surface of the nuclear envelope. The envelope then ruptures and chromatin is released into the cytoplasm. During the period of nuclear degeneration, mitochondria and plastids undergo structural modification, while components such as dictyosomes, microtubules, and ribosomes degenerate and disappear. The remaining cytoplasmic components assume a parietal position in the cell, leaving the lumen of the cell clear in appearance. At maturity, the plasmalemma-lined sieve element contains plastids, mitochondria, some ER, and refractive spherules. At this time many of the refractive spherules are discharged into the region of the wall. Pores between sieve elements occur largely on the end walls. During pore development, tubules of ER apparently traverse the pores, but because of the presence of massive callose deposits in the material examined, the true condition of mature pores could not be determined. The connections between mature sieve elements and pericycle cells are characterized by the presence of massive wall thickenings on the pericycle-cell side. Plasmodesmata in the wall thickening are matched by pores on the sieve-element side. Ontogenetic and cytoplasmic factors argue against use of the term “companion cell” for the vascular parenchyma cells associated with the sieve elements.  相似文献   

At maturity the vascular cylinder of the stem of Lycopodium lucidulum contains two distinct types of parenchyma cells, one which is always associated with sieve cells, the other with tracheids. The remaining parenchyma cells have characteristics intermediate between the two extremes. The most conspicuous feature of the sieve cell-associated parenchyma cell is the very dense appearance of its protoplast, due to a high ribosome population and absence of large vacuoles. The large, ramifying nuclei of these cells have numerous connections with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The tracheid-associated parenchyma cells, which are light in appearance, contain many small vacuoles and a relatively small ribosome population. These cells also contain relatively small nuclei and considerable ER cisternae. The parenchymatous elements which have characteristics intermediate between sieve cell- and tracheid-associated parenchyma may or may not be contiguous to the sieve cells or tracheids. An intergradation in wall thickness occurs among parenchyma cells of the vascular cylinder, the thicker-walled cells being adjacent to the sieve cells, the thinner-walled ones next to the tracheids. An intergradation also occurs in the frequency of plasmodesmata between the various parenchyma cells. The closer parenchyma cells are to the sieve cells the greater the number of connections between them. No plasmodesmata were found between the tracheid-associated parenchyma cells.  相似文献   

The aerial shoots of Equisetum hyemale L. var. affine (Engelm.)A. A. Eat. were examined with the electron microscope as partof a continuing study of sieveelement development in the lowervascular plants. Young E. hyemale sieve elements are distinguishablefrom all other cell types within the vascular system by thepresence of refractive spherules, proteinaceous bodies whichdevelop within dilated portions of the endoplasmic reticulum(ER). Details of cell wall thickening differ between protophloemand metaphloem sieve elements. Following cell wall thickeningthe ER increases in quantity and aggregates into stacks. Shortlythereafter, nuclear degeneration is initiated. During the periodof nuclear degeneration some cytoplasmic components-dictyosomes,microtubules and ribosomes-degenerate and disappear, while organellessuch as mitochondria and plastids persist. The latter undergostructural modifications and become parietal in distribution.Eventually the massive quantities of ER are reduced, leavingthe lumen of the cell clear in appearance. At maturity the plasmalemma-linedsieve element contains a parietal network of tubular ER, aswell as mitochondria, plastids, and refractive sphemh At thistime many of the spherules are discharged into the region ofthe wall. Sieveelement pores occur in both lateral and end walls.At maturity many pores are traversed by large numbers of ERmembranes. The metaphloem sieve elements of the mid-internodalregions apparently are sieve-tube members. The connections betweenmature protophloem sieve elements and pericycle cells are associatedwith massive wall thickenings on the pericyclecell side.  相似文献   

Root tissues of Isoetes muricata Dur. were fixed in glutaraldehydeand postfixed in osmium tetroxide for electron microscopy. Veryyoung root sieve elements can be distinguished from contiguousparenchyma cells by the presence of crystalline and/or fibrillarproteinaceous material in dilated cisternae of rough endoplasmicreticulum (ER). Similar crystalline-fibrillar material accumulatesin the perinuclear space. During differentiation, the portionsof ER enclosing this proteinaceous substance become smooth surfacedand migrate to the cell wall. Along the way many of them formmultivesicular bodies which fuse with the plasmalemma, dischargingtheir contents toward the wall. Nuclear degeneration is pycnotic.At maturity, the sieve element contains a degenerate, filiformnucleus, plastids, and mitochondria. In addition, the wall ofthe mature sieve element is lined by a plasmalemma and a parietalnetwork of smooth ER. Sieve-area pores are present in both endand lateral walls of mature sieve elements. Whereas a singlecluster of pores occurs in each end wall, the pores of the lateralwalls are solitary and few in number.  相似文献   

The physiological phloem equivalents, leptoids, of the polytrichaceous moss Atrichum undulatum appear to be similar to the nacreous sieve elements that occur in many higher plants. These leptoids are elongated cells with nacreous thickenings on their radial and tangential walls. Their oblique end walls, which lack such thickenings, are traversed by numerous pores through which the plasmalemma, endoplasmic reticulum, and cytoplasm are continuous between adjacent leptoids of a longitudinal file. These end walls closely resemble the simple sieve areas of the sieve elements found in Polypodium vulgare. The leptoid sieve pores have a median expanded area and frequently are occluded by small amorphous protein plugs at each end. Also, callose was observed as electron-luscent areas both on the faces of the end walls and as a thin cylinder surrounding the lateral area of each pore. Amorphous and granular cytoplasmic contents of the leptoids appear to be morphologically similar to the slime (P-protein) found in the sieve-tube elements of many angiosperms. Differentiating leptoids are characterized by the formation of numerous membrane-bound protein bodies in close association with polysomes and endoplasmic reticulum. As the leptoid matures, the contents of the protein bodies become dispersed in the cytoplasm. Ultrastructurally and ontogenetically the leptoids in the gametophores of A. undulatum appear almost identical to the sieve elements of P. vulgare and therefore should be considered sieve elements rather than phloem-like equivalents.  相似文献   

Sieve tube elements occur in the rhizomes and petioles of Marsileaquadrifolia. These are either thick walled with compound sieveplates in oblique end walls or thin walled with simple sieveplates in transverse end walls. Vessels are restricted to themetaxylem in the roots where the phloem contains sieve cellsonly. The sieve pores are invariably callose lined and as inother pteridophytes, excepting the Lycopsida, refractive spherulesare ubiquitous in the sieve elements of Marsilea. The luminaof the protoxylem tracheary elements in the rhizomes and petiolesare occluded by tyloses but probably remain functional in theroots. Pericycle cells backing on to the root protoxylem armspossess wall ingrowths. Transfer cells are however absent fromthe vascular tissue of the rhizomes and leaves. It is suggestedthat their presence in the root pericycle is related to theretrieval of ions from the xylem sap which may be particularlycritical in water plants. The incidence of transfer cells incryptogams appears to be far more sporadic than in angiosperms.The root endodermis of Marsilea possesses a casparian stripand abundant vacuolar tannin deposits. Plasmalemmasomes arenumerous adjacent to the pericycle transfer cells. vascular ultrastructure, Marsilea quadrifolia L, transfer cells, sieve tube elements, tyloses  相似文献   

A. Schulz 《Planta》1987,170(3):289-299
Experimental interruption of the root stele of Pisum sativum L. induces in the cortex tissue the development of wound-sieve tubes which bridge the wound and reconnect the vascular stumps. Outside the stele, sieve plates arise from primary pit fields. This origin is confirmed by the distribution of future sieve pores over the original parenchyma cell wall and by remnants of the pitfield cavity in developing sieve plates. Differentiation of wound-sieve elements is similar to that of bundle-sieve elements and includes the chromatolytic disintegration of nuclei as well as the development of typical sieve pores arising from pit-field plasmodesmata. The completion of first woundsieve tubes (indicated by a continuous chain of anilin-blue-positive sieve plates by-passing the wound) was observed 55–62 h after wounding. However, effective translocation, visualized with fluoresceine as a phloem-mobile marker, was not found until 10 h (on average) later. It is suggested that this time delay corresponds to the maturing of the last link within a chain of wound-sieve-tube members. Presumably, enucleate sieve elements with widened pores are a prerequisite for effective phloem translocation.Abbreviations DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole·2 H2O - ER endoplasmic reticulum Preliminary results of this investigation have been presented at the International Phloem Transport Conference in Asilomar, Cal., USA 1985 (cf. Schulz 1986c)  相似文献   

The structure of the mature leaves of 13 species from 9 families of homosporous leptosporangiate ferns was examined by light and electron microscopy. In 11 species (Adiantum pedatum L., Athyrium angustum Roth., Cyathea dregei Sm., Lygodium palmatum Sw., Mohria caffrorum (L.) Desv., Oleandra distenta Kuntae, Pellaea calomelanos (Sw.) Link, Pityrogramma calomelanos (L.) Link var. austro-americana (Domn.) Farw., Trichomanes melanotrichum Schlechtend., Vittaria guineensis Desv., and Woodwardia orientalis Sw.) the lamina veins are collateral; in two (Phlebodium aureum and Platycerium bifurcatum), bicollateral as well as collateral veins are present. The vascular bundles in the midribs of C. dregei and those in the petioles and midribs of Phlebodium and Platycerium are concentric. All of the vascular bundles in the homosporous leptosporangiate ferns studied are delimited by a tightly arranged cylinder of endodermal cells with Casparian strips. Within the veins without parenchymatic xylem sheaths, some sieve elements commonly abut tracheary elements with hydrolyzed primary walls. The majority of vascular parenchyma cells contact both sieve elements and tracheary elements, although some parenchyma cells are associated with only one type of conducting cell. Transfer cells (parenchyma cells with wall ingrowths) occur in the veins of 6 species examined. Most of the vascular parenchyma cells, however, have no distinctive structural characteristics. The sieve elements of the homosporous leptosporangiate ferns are very similar structurally and each consists of a plasmalemma, a parietal, anastomosing network of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and variable numbers of refractive spherules, plastids and mitochondria. The sieve elements of L. palmatum also contain plasmalemma tubules. The parenchymatic cells of the leaf (mesophyll, endodermal and vascular parenchyma cells) are united by desmotubule-containing plasmodesmata. The sieve elements are connected to each other by sieve pores and to parenchymatic cells by pore-plasmodesma connections. The sieve-area pores contain variable amounts of membranous material, apparently ER membranes, but do not occlude them. These membranes commonly are found in continuity with the parietal ER of the lumen. Based upon the relative frequencies of cytoplasmic connections between cell types, the photosynthates may move from the mesophyll to the site of phloem loading via somewhat different pathways in different species of homosporous leptosporangiate ferns.  相似文献   

An ontogenetic study of the sieve element protoplast of Nicotiana tabacum L. by light and electron microscopy has shown that the P-protein component (slime) arises as small groups of tubules in the cytoplasm. These subsequently enlarge to form comparatively large compact masses of 231 ± 2.5 (SE)A (n = 121) tubules, the P-protein bodies. During subsequent differentiation of the sieve element, the P-protein body disaggregates and the tubules become dispersed throughout the cell. This disaggregation occurs at about the same stage of differentiation of the sieve elements as the breakdown of the tonoplast and nucleus. Later, the tubules of P-protein are reorganized into smaller striated 149 ± 4.5 (SE)A (n = 43) fibrils which are characteristic of the mature sieve elements. The tubular P-protein component has been designated P1-protein and the striated fibrillar component P2-protein. In fixed material, the sieve-plate pores of mature sieve elements are filled with proteinaceous material which frays out into the cytoplasm as striated fibrils of P2-protein. Our observations are compatible with the view that the contents of contiguous mature sieve elements, including the P-protein, are continuous through the sieve-plate pores and that fixing solutions denature the proteins in the pores. They are converted into the electron-opaque material filling the pores.  相似文献   

Phloem histology in the petioles of two genera of Pennsylvanian ferns is detailed from coal balls collected at various localities in North America. Both Ankyropteris and Anachoropteris have primary phloem that completely surrounds the central xylem trace and is separated from it by a parenchymatous sheath. Ankyropteris contains very narrow (about 13.5 μm diam) sieve elements and a few strands of phloem parenchyma. End walls are either horizontal or slightly oblique and sieve areas as well as scattered individual pores have been observed. Anachoropteris phloem contains two different sizes of sieve elements. Small sieve elements that surround the C-shaped trace are similar to those seen in Ankyropteris. Larger elements (approximately 50–120 μm in diam) are present only within the C-shaped trace, and are elongate (up to 2.5 mm) with very oblique end walls. Sieve areas on these large cells are conspicuous, 5–8.5 μm in diam and aggregated into groups. The cell wall within each sieve area appears to be composed of criss-crossed fibrillar material. Phloem anatomy in these two ferns is compared to that previously described in other Carboniferous vascular cryptogams, as well as that known from extant plants.  相似文献   

Seasonal collections were made of rhizomes of Polygonatum canaliculatum and Typha latifolia and of aerial stems of Smilax hispida. Many metaphloem sieve elements in all three species remain functional for 2 or more years, or for the life of the plant parts in which they occur. Although the protoplasts of mature sieve elements remain similar in appearance from one time of year to the next, the amount of callose associated with the sieve plates and lateral sieve areas of such cells apparently varies with the seasons, being heavier in late fall and winter and lighter in late spring and summer. At maturity the metaphloem sieve elements contain strands derived from the slime bodies of immature cells. It is suggested that in mature sieve elements the slime strands normally occur as a network along the wall. Many mature sieve elements of S. hispida contained normal-appearing nuclei.  相似文献   

Leaf tissue of Isoetes muricata Dur. was fixed in glutaraldehyde and postfixed in osmium tetroxide for electron microscopy. The very young sieve elements can be distinguished from contiguous parenchyma cells by their distinctive plastids and the presence of crystalline and fibrillar proteinaceous material in dilated cisternae of the rough ER. During differentiation, the portions of ER enclosing this proteinaceous substance become smooth surfaced and migrate to the cell wall. Along the way they apparently form multivesicular bodies which then fuse with the plasmalemma, discharging their contents to the outside. At maturity, the sieve element contains an elongate nucleus, which consists of dense chromatin material, and remnants of the nuclear envelope. In addition, the mature sieve element is lined by a plasmalemma and a parietal, anastomosing network of smooth ER. Both plastids and mitochondria are present. P-protein is lacking at all stages of development. Tonoplasts are. not discernible in mature sieve elements. The end walls of mature sieve elements contain either plasmodesmata or sieve pores or both, but only plasmodesmata occur in the lateral walls.  相似文献   

As part of a continuing study of sieve elements in primitive angiosperms, a study of this cell type was undertaken in Liriodendron tulipifera. A typical ontogenetic sequence was observed in which synthetic processes such as wall thickening are followed in time by cellular lysis of nucleus, ribosomes, microtubules, vacuoles, and dictyosomes. This lysis is selective in that certain cellular components (e.g., the plasmalemma) remain unaffected. Concomitant with lysis is the formation of sieve-area pores from plasmodesmata. Comparison of pore size on end and lateral walls indicates that the use of the term “sieve tube” rather than “sieve cell” to describe these elements is appropriate.  相似文献   

Summer and winter (July and January) samples of secondary phloem of Tilia americana were studied with the electron microscope. Parenchyma cells contain: nuclei, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, plastids, mitochondria and occasional dictyosomes. Well-defined tonoplasts separate vacuoles from cytoplasmic ground substance. Vacuoles often contain tannins. Lipid droplets are common in cytoplasm. Endoplasmic reticulum–connected plasmodesmata are aggregated in primary pit fields. Companion cells differ from parenchyma cells in having numerous sieve-element connections, possibly slime, and in lacking plastids. Mature, enucleate sieve elements possess 1–4 extruded nucleoli. Numerous vesicles occupy a mostly parietal position in association with plasmalemma. The mature sieve element lacks endoplasmic reticulum, organelles (except for few mitochondria) and tonoplast. In OsO4– and glutaraldehyde-fixed elements, slime has a fine, fibrillar appearance. Normally, these fine fibrils are organized into coarser ones which form strands that traverse the cell and the plasmalemma-lined pores of sieve plates and lateral sieve areas.  相似文献   

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