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Stem tissue of Lycopodium lucidulum Michx. was fixed in glutaraldehyde and postfixed in osmium tetroxide for electron microscopy. Although their protoplasts contain similar components, immature sieve elements can be distinguished from parenchymatous elements of the phloem at an early stage by their thick walls and correspondingly high population of dictyosomes and dictyosome vesicles. Late in maturation the sieve-element walls undergo a reduction in thickness, apparently due to an “erosion” or hydrolysis of wall material. At maturity, the plasmalemma-lined sieve elements contain plastids with a system of much convoluted inner membranes, mitochondria, and remnants of nuclei. Although the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in most mature sieve elements was vesiculate, in the better preserved ones the ER formed a tubular network closely appressed to the plasmalemma. The sieve elements lack refractive spherules and P-protein. The protoplasts of contiguous sieve elements are connected with one another by pores of variable diameter, aggregated in sieve areas. As there is no consistent difference between pore size in end and lateral walls these elements are considered as sieve cells.  相似文献   

Functional sieve elements are present year-round in the secondary phloem of the trunk of Acer negundo L., the box elder tree. Judging from numerous collections made between May, 1962, and May, 1964, the seasonal cycle of phloem development is as follows: cambial activity and new phloem differentiation begin in late March or early April; xylem differentiation begins about a month later and is completed in most trees in late August. At the time of cessation of cambial activity most of the relatively wide sieve elements of the current season's increment are mature. However, numerous groups of narrow, immature sieve elements and companion cells located on the outer margin of the cambial zone do not reach maturity until fall and winter. By the time of cambial reactivation in spring, most, if not all, of these narrow elements are mature. Some of the sieve elements which reach maturity either shortly after cessation of cambial activity or during dormancy become non-functional within 6 weeks after resumption of cambial activity in spring, while others remain functional until mid-August. For the phloem increment of a given year, cessation of function begins in September with the accumulation of definitive callose on the sieve plates of the first-formed sieve elements and spreads to all but the last-formed ones by the end of December.  相似文献   

Summer and winter (July and January) samples of secondary phloem of Tilia americana were studied with the electron microscope. Parenchyma cells contain: nuclei, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, plastids, mitochondria and occasional dictyosomes. Well-defined tonoplasts separate vacuoles from cytoplasmic ground substance. Vacuoles often contain tannins. Lipid droplets are common in cytoplasm. Endoplasmic reticulum–connected plasmodesmata are aggregated in primary pit fields. Companion cells differ from parenchyma cells in having numerous sieve-element connections, possibly slime, and in lacking plastids. Mature, enucleate sieve elements possess 1–4 extruded nucleoli. Numerous vesicles occupy a mostly parietal position in association with plasmalemma. The mature sieve element lacks endoplasmic reticulum, organelles (except for few mitochondria) and tonoplast. In OsO4– and glutaraldehyde-fixed elements, slime has a fine, fibrillar appearance. Normally, these fine fibrils are organized into coarser ones which form strands that traverse the cell and the plasmalemma-lined pores of sieve plates and lateral sieve areas.  相似文献   

The phloem of Etapteris leclercqii and Botryopteris tridentata petioles is described from Lower Pennsylvanian coal balls. Petioles of B. tridentata are characterized in transverse section by an omega-shaped xylem trace, a phloem zone which extends from 2-10 cells in width, and 2-parted cortex. Etapteris leclercqii petioles exhibit a 4–9 cell-wide phloem zone surrounding the central clepsydroid xylem mass, and a 3-parted cortex. In both taxa a 1–2 cell layer parenchyma sheath separates the xylem from the extra-xylary tissues. The phloem of both species consists of sieve elements that average about 20 μm in diam by 200 μm in length in Botryopteris, and 100 μm in length in Etapteris, with horizontal-slightly oblique end walls. In transmitted light, the radial walls of the sieve elements form an irregular reticulate pattern enclosing elliptical lighter areas. With the scanning electron microscope, these areas appear as horizontal-slightly oblique furrows on the cell wall, with many small indentations lining the furrows. These indentations, because of their regular occurrence and size (from a few fractions of a micron up to 1.0 μm in diam), are interpreted as sieve pores, and the elliptical areas that enclose them as sieve areas. The phloem of E. leclercqii and B. tridentata is compared with that described for other fossil genera and with that of extant ferns.  相似文献   

The leaf of Pyrossia longifolia (Burm.) Morton, an epiphytic fern known to exhibit CAM, was examined by light and electron microscopy. The relatively thick leaf contains a single-layered epidermis, “water-storage” tissue, and a reticulate vascular system embedded in mesophyll tissue not differentiated into palisade and spongy layers. Mesophyll is composed of large, slightly elongate cells each with a thin, parietal layer of cytoplasm and a large central vacuole. The chloroplast-microbody ratio in mesophyll cells indicates that Pyrossia may be a high photorespirer and thus similar in that sense to C3 plants. Mesophyll is separated from the vascular tissue by a tightly-arranged layer of endodermal cells with Casparian strips. The inner layer of mesophyll cells and the endodermal cells lack suberin lamellae. The collateral veins contain sieve elements, tracheary elements, pericycle and vascular parenchyma cells, the latter conspicuously larger than the sieve elements. The vascular parenchyma is the only cell type in the leaf which contains plastids with a peripheral reticulum. The parenchymatic elements of the leaf are connected by plasmodesmata, all of which lack neck constrictions and sphincters, or sphincter-like structures. The connections between sieve elements and adjacent parenchymatic elements are pore-plasmodesmata characterized by prominent wall thickenings on the parenchymatic-element side of the wall. The distribution and relative frequencies of plasmodesmata between the various cell types of the leaf indicate photoassimilates may move either symplastically or by a combination of symplast and apoplast from the mesophyll to the site of phloem loading in the veins.  相似文献   

Phloem histology in the petioles of two genera of Pennsylvanian ferns is detailed from coal balls collected at various localities in North America. Both Ankyropteris and Anachoropteris have primary phloem that completely surrounds the central xylem trace and is separated from it by a parenchymatous sheath. Ankyropteris contains very narrow (about 13.5 μm diam) sieve elements and a few strands of phloem parenchyma. End walls are either horizontal or slightly oblique and sieve areas as well as scattered individual pores have been observed. Anachoropteris phloem contains two different sizes of sieve elements. Small sieve elements that surround the C-shaped trace are similar to those seen in Ankyropteris. Larger elements (approximately 50–120 μm in diam) are present only within the C-shaped trace, and are elongate (up to 2.5 mm) with very oblique end walls. Sieve areas on these large cells are conspicuous, 5–8.5 μm in diam and aggregated into groups. The cell wall within each sieve area appears to be composed of criss-crossed fibrillar material. Phloem anatomy in these two ferns is compared to that previously described in other Carboniferous vascular cryptogams, as well as that known from extant plants.  相似文献   

Sieve tubes in metaphloem of palm stems function throughout the life of the plant and merit close investigation. A stem of Sabal palmetto estimated to be 50 years old was sampled extensively. Variation in length of sieve-tube elements throughout this stem was measured and is discussed. In the metaphloem of individual vascular bundles companion cells are not sharply differentiated from other phloem parenchyma cells. Definitive callose deposits and slime are normally absent from mature sieve tubes, even in fixed material. Otherwise no conspicuous structural features which might account for the longevity of sieve tubes can be discerned. Occlusion of phloem strands after leaf fall is initially by callose deposition on sieve plates followed immediately by tylosoid formation. Similar sampling of Cocos nucifera, Washingtonia robusta and to a lesser extent Archontophoenix alexandrae confirmed these results except for quantitative differences.  相似文献   

The phloem of most fossil plants, including that of Sphenophyllum, is very poorly known. Sphenophyllum was a relatively small type of fossil arthrophyte with jointed stems bearing whorls of leaves ranging in form from wedge or fan-shaped to bifid, to linear. The aerial stem systems of the plant exhibited determinate growth involving progressive reduction in the dimensions of the stem primary bodies, fewer leaves per whorl, and smaller and simpler leaves distally. The primary phloem occurs in three areas alternating in position with the arms of the triarch centrally placed primary xylem. Cells of the primary phloem, presumably sieve elements, are axially elongate with horizontal to slightly tapered end walls. In larger stems with abundant secondary xylem and secondary cortex or periderm, a zone of secondary phloem occurs whose structure varies in the three areas opposite the arms of the primary xylem, as opposed to the three areas lying opposite the concave sides of the primary xylem. The axial system of the secondary phloem consists of vertical series of sieve elements with horizontal end walls. In the areas opposite the protoxylem the parenchyma is present as a prominent ray system showing dilation peripherally. Sieve elements in the areas opposite the protoxylem arms have relatively small diameters. In the areas between the protoxylem poles the secondary phloem sieve elements have large diameters and are less obviously in radial files, while the parenchyma resembles that of the secondary xylem in these areas in that it consists of strands of cells extending both radially and tangentially. An actively meristematic vascular cambium has not been found, indicating that this layer changed histologically after the cessation of growth in the determinate aerial stem systems and was replaced by a post-meristematic parenchyma sheath made up of axially elongate parenchyma lacking cells indicative of being either fusiform or ray initials. A phellogen arose early in development in a tissue believed to represent pericycle and produced tissue comparable to phellem externally. Normally, derivatives of the phellogen underwent one division prior to the maturation of the cells. Concentric bands of cells with dark contents apparently represent secretory tissue in the periderm and cell arrangements indicate that a single persistent phellogen was present. Sphenophyllum is compared with other arthrophytes as to phloem structure and is at present the best documented example of a plant with a functionally bifacial vascular cambium in any exclusively non-seed group of vascular plants.  相似文献   

The secondary phloem of 6 species of woody dicotyledons was examined for the occurrence of callose on the sieve plates of active sieve elements. Fluorescence and bright-field staining methods were used to detect callose. Tissue from the 6 species was killed and fixed in each of 5 solutions. Some tissue of each species was submerged in the killing solutions as quickly as possible, the remainder within 15 min after removal from the tree. In each species, some active sieve elements of the quick-killed tissue gave negative callose reactions. All active sieve elements of the delay-killed tissue gave positive callose reactions. These and other results suggest that the active sieve elements in the secondary phloem of the species studied normally lack callose and that the extent of callose deposition in these cells depended primarily upon the rapidity with which the sieve-element protoplasts were killed after wounding of the phloem. In addition, bright-field observations of sieve plates of large numbers of sieve elements from a seasonal collection of Tilia americana secondary phloem suggest that the active sieve elements normally lack callose during the growing season and that the inactive sieve elements normally possess it (dormancy callose).  相似文献   

In Juniperus californica, all sieve cells of the previous season's phloem growth increment overwinter in a mature state. Initiation of cambial activity begins in early March and, by the end of March, the oldest sieve cells that overwintered lose their contents and die. By mid-April, even the youngest sieve cells of the previous season's growth increment have lost their contents. The period of greatest cambial activity begins in the last half of April and continues through May. With the slowing of cambial activity in June, callose begins to collect on the sieve areas of the first-formed sieve cells of the new increment. By July, the cambium and phloem are in a dormant state. Initiation of phloem production precedes that of the xylem by about 1 month. Production of new xylem and phloem ceases simultaneously in July.  相似文献   

Plasmolytic studies utilizing a graded series of mannitol solutions (0.1–1.4 M in 0.1 M increments) were conducted on adventitious roots of Zea mays to determine solute concentrations of cell types at various locations in the root. Results indicated that mature sieve-tube members had the highest solute concentration as determined by their C50 (the estimated mannitol concentration plasmolyzing an average of 50% of a given cell type) of any cell type in the root. In tissue 12 cm from the tip, C50 values calculated for proto- and metaphloem sieve-tube members were 1.15 and 1.19 M, respectively, while in tissue 0.5 cm from the root tip, values for the same cell types were 0.68 and 0.46 M, respectively. The C50 values for sieve elements in tissue 5 cm from the tip were intermediate (1.08 and 1.11 M). Although the companion cells generally plasmolyzed at nearly the same concentrations of mannitol as the sieve elements, their C50 values were slightly lower than adjacent mature sieve elements. The lowest C50 (0.35 M) for any cell type examined was associated with meristematic cells in tissue 0.1 cm from the root tip. Taken collectively, the results indicate that positive concentration gradients exist between mature sieve tubes and meristematic cells of the root apex of maize.  相似文献   

The conducting elements of phloem in angiosperms are a complex of two cell types, sieve elements and companion cells, that form a single developmental and functional unit. During ontogeny of the sieve element/companion cell complex, specific proteins accumulate forming unique structures within sieve elements. Synthesis of these proteins coincides with vascular development and was studied in Cucurbita seedlings by following accumulation of the phloem lectin (PP2) and its mRNA by RNA blot analysis, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, immunocytochemistry and in␣situ hybridization. Genes encoding PP2 were developmentally regulated during vascular differentiation in hypocotyls of Cucurbita maxima Duch. Accumulation of PP2 mRNA and protein paralleled one another during hypocotyl elongation, after which mRNA levels decreased, while the protein appeared to be stable. Both PP2 and its mRNA were initially detected during metaphloem differentiation. However, PP2 mRNA was detected in companion cells of both bundle and extrafascicular phloem, but never in differentiating sieve elements. At later stages of development, PP2 mRNA was most often observed in extrafascicular phloem. In developing stems of Cucurbita moschata L., PP2 was immunolocalized in companion cells but not to filamentous phloem protein (P-protein) bodies that characterize immature sieve elements of bundle phloem. In contrast, PP2 was immunolocalized to persistent ␣ P-protein bodies in sieve elements of the extrafascicular phloem. Immunolocalization of PP2 in mature wound sieve elements was similar to that in bundle phloem. It appears that PP2 is synthesized in companion cells, then transported into differentiated sieve elements where it is a component of P-protein filaments in bundle phloem and persistent P-protein bodies in extrafascicular phloem. This differential accumulation in bundle and extrafascicular elements may result from different functional roles of the two types of phloem. Received: 31 July 1996 / Accepted: 27 August 1996  相似文献   

Summary The minor veins ofCucurbita pepo leaves were examined as part of a continuing study of leaf development and phloem transport in this species. The minor veins are bicollateral along their entire length. Mature sieve elements are enucleate and lack ribosomes. There is no tonoplast. The sieve elements, which are joined to each other by sieve plates, contain mitochondria, plastids and endoplasmic reticulum as well as fibrillar and tubular (190–195 diameter) P-protein. Fibrillar P-protein is dispersed in mature abaxial sieve elements but remains aggregated as discrete bodies in mature adaxial sieve elements. In both abaxial and adaxial mature sieve elements tubular P-protein remains undispersed. Sieve pores in abaxial sieve elements are narrow, lined with callose and are filled with P-protein. In adaxial sieve elements they are wide, contain little callose and are unobstructed. The intermediary cells (companion cells) of the abaxial phloem are large and dwarf the diminutive sieve elements. Intermediary cells are densely filled with ribosomes and contain numerous small vacuoles and many mitochondria which lie close to the plasmalemma. An unusually large number of plasmodesmata traverse the common wall between intermediary cells and bundle sheath cells suggesting that the pathway for the transport of photosynthate from the mesophyll to the sieve elements is at least partially symplastic. Adaxial companion cells are of approximately the same diameter as the adaxial sieve elements. They are densely packed with ribosomes and have a large central vacuole. They are not conspicuously connected by plasmodesmata to the bundle sheath.  相似文献   

Seminal root tissue of Hordeum vulgare L. var. Barsoy was fixed in glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide and studied with the light and electron microscopes. The roots consist of an epidermis, 6–7 layers of cortical cells, a uniseriate endodermis and a central vascular cylinder. Cytologically, the cortical and endodermal cells are similar except for the presence of tubular-like invaginations of the plasmalemma, especially near the plasmodesmata, in the former. The vascular cylinder consists of a uniseriate pericycle surrounding 6–9 phloem strands occurring on alternating radii with an equal number of xylem bundles. The center of the root contains a single, late maturing metaxylem vessel element. Each phloem strand consists of one protophloem sieve element, two companion cells and 1–3 metaphloem sieve elements. The protophloem element and companion cells are contiguous with the pericycle. Metaphloem sieve elements are contiguous with companion cells and are separated from tracheary elements by xylem parenchyma cells. The protoplasts of contiguous cells of the root are joined by various numbers of cytoplasmic connections. With the exception of the pore-plasmodesmata connections between sieve-tube members and parenchymatic elements, the plasmodesmata between various cell types are similar in structure. The distribution of plasmodesmata supports a symplastic pathway for organic solute unloading and transport from the phloem to the cortex. Based on the arrangement of cell types and plasmodesmatal frequencies between various cell types of the root, the major symplastic pathway from sieve elements to cortex appears to be via the companion and xylem parenchyma cells.  相似文献   

The physiological phloem equivalents, leptoids, of the polytrichaceous moss Atrichum undulatum appear to be similar to the nacreous sieve elements that occur in many higher plants. These leptoids are elongated cells with nacreous thickenings on their radial and tangential walls. Their oblique end walls, which lack such thickenings, are traversed by numerous pores through which the plasmalemma, endoplasmic reticulum, and cytoplasm are continuous between adjacent leptoids of a longitudinal file. These end walls closely resemble the simple sieve areas of the sieve elements found in Polypodium vulgare. The leptoid sieve pores have a median expanded area and frequently are occluded by small amorphous protein plugs at each end. Also, callose was observed as electron-luscent areas both on the faces of the end walls and as a thin cylinder surrounding the lateral area of each pore. Amorphous and granular cytoplasmic contents of the leptoids appear to be morphologically similar to the slime (P-protein) found in the sieve-tube elements of many angiosperms. Differentiating leptoids are characterized by the formation of numerous membrane-bound protein bodies in close association with polysomes and endoplasmic reticulum. As the leptoid matures, the contents of the protein bodies become dispersed in the cytoplasm. Ultrastructurally and ontogenetically the leptoids in the gametophores of A. undulatum appear almost identical to the sieve elements of P. vulgare and therefore should be considered sieve elements rather than phloem-like equivalents.  相似文献   

Phloem anatomy in the coenopterid fern Stauropteris biseriata is detailed from Lower-Middle Pennsylvanian coal ball specimens from eastern Kentucky. Axes exhibit a cruciate-shaped xylem trace in transverse section. Phloem tissue completely surrounds the xylem, but is more extensively developed in the embayments between the xylem arms. Phloem is composed of elongate conducting elements with a few scattered parenchyma cells. Large and small sieve cells are present, with larger ones occurring in the embayments within the primary plane of symmetry of the axes. Large elements are approximately twice the diameter of the smaller sieve elements. Oval sieve areas and pores have been observed on lateral and oblique end walls of both large and small elements. The structure and composition of Stauropteris phloem is discussed in relationship to the available information on phloem anatomy in other fossil cryptogams.  相似文献   

Functional sieve cells are present at all times in the secondary phloem of Pinus banksiana Lamb., P. resinosa Ait., and P. strobus L. With regard to a given year's growth increment, all but the last-formed sieve cells (2-4 layers) cease functioning the same season they are derived from the cambium. The former overwinter and remain functional until new sieve cells differentiate in spring. Toward the end of March undifferentiated cells in the outer margin of the cambial zone begin to differentiate into sieve cells. About a week later, cambial activity (cell division) commences. All early phloem is produced by early May before new xylem differentiation begins. Most sieve cells are differentiated by late August, but a few not until late September. Cessation of function begins in late May or June with formation of definitive callose on sieve areas of the sieve cells which overwintered and continues slowly to sieve cells of the current season's early phloem. By mid-December all but the last-formed sieve cells (i.e., those which will overwinter in a functional state) are devoid of contents. Phloem differentiation precedes xylem differentiation by approximately 1 1/2 months. Xylem and phloem production cease more or less simultaneously in August, xylem and phloem differentiation in September.  相似文献   

Penetration of the bark of Tilia americana L., the linden tree, by Longistigma caryae (Harr.) is mainly intracellular. Like other aphids, L. caryae secretes a saliva sheath which encloses the path of the stylets, beginning with an external collar of sheath material on the surface of the periderm. Stylet sheaths within the bark gave positive reactions for callose, suggesting that, in reaction to wounding, punctured parenchyma cells secrete callose which diffuses throughout the stylet sheaths. Other, more conspicuous effects of wounding included: proliferation and enlargement of cells of the cortex and dilated rays bordering some stylet sheaths, formation of tylosoids in punctured sieve elements, deposition of massive amounts of callose in penetrated sieve elements and in sieve elements bordering penetrated cells, and stimulation of cambial activity and xylem differentiation. Stylet tips located in living sieve elements projected beyond their sheaths which terminated outside the sieve-element walls. It is suggested that such sieve elements can be considered to be functional. None of the living sieve elements containing stylet tips showed any signs of injury which could be attributed to the presence of the stylets. Stylet tips of feeding aphids were found in living sieve elements of both 1965 and 1966 phloem increments clearly indicating that L. caryae can feed on linden sieve elements more than 1 year of age.  相似文献   

Differentiation of external phloem is earlier than that of internal phloem in the young petiole of Luffa cylindrical. For a single sieve-tube element, one to six companion cells are present. The young sieve element shows many globular slime bodies which fuse longitudinally and disperse into the cytoplasm. Simultaneously the nucleus loses its stainable contents and later disorganizes. The contents of the sieve element are in the form of plugs, strands or a granular mass. Undispersed slime in the form of discrete bodies along the lateral walls is also observed. During one stage, at least, the dispersed slime and other contents of a mature sieve element lie at the periphery around a central cavity. A special type of phloem-parenchyma cell shows disorganizing chloroplasts, an extruded nucleolus, and callose on primary pit fields.  相似文献   

The secondary phloem in Ephedra is atypical of the gymnosperms in general and exhibits several angiosperm-like characteristics. The ray system of the conducting phloem consists of parenchymatous, multiseriate rays. The axial system contains parenchyma cells, sieve cells, and unusual albuminous cells reminiscent of the specialized parenchyma cells found in some angiosperms. These cell types may intergrade with each other. P-protein in the developing sieve element appears early in the form of a single, ovoid slime body. Later, smaller slime bodies appear and quickly disperse. In the mature sieve element the single, ovoid slime body is lost, and P-protein is then evident in the form of a parietal cylinder, thread-like strands, amorphose globules, or a slime plug. Necrotic-appearing nuclei are commonly found in mature sieve cells.  相似文献   

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