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Schieferstein , R. H., and W. E. Loomis . (Iowa State U., Ames.) Development of the cuticular layer in angiosperm leaves. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(9): 625–635. Illus. 1959.—The cuticularized layers of leaves and other plant surfaces consist of a primary cuticle, formed by the oxidation of oils on exposed cell walls, plus various surface and subsurface wax deposits. The primary cuticle appears to form rapidly on the walls of any living cell which is exposed to air. Surface wax is present on the mature leaves of about half of the 50 or 60 species studied. In general, wax is extruded at random through the newly formed cuticle of young leaves and accumulated in various reticulate to semicrystalline patterns. No wax pores through the cuticle or primary wall can be observed in electron-micrographs of dewaxed mature leaves. Wax accumulations on older leaves are generally subcuticular and may involve the entire epidermal wall. These deposits appear to be of considerably greater ecological significance than those on the surface. Isolated cuticular membranes from Hedera helix increased slightly in permeability to water with age of the leaf, but permeability to 2,4-D decreased 50 times. Evidence based on the patterns of cellulose in primary walls, of surface wax on growing leaves, of the appearance of the cuticle at the margins of growing epidermal cells, of the forms of the cuticle plates digested from growing and older leaves, and of the marginal location of new wax deposits on growing maize leaves is presented to support the thesis that the enlargement of the outer surface of the epidermal cells of leaves occurs at the margins of the surface. Earlier formed cuticle and wax are thus undisturbed during growth. These observations, coupled with evidence for apical growth in fibers, root hairs, etc. suggest that the primary walls of angiosperm cells are formed in specific, localized growth regions, rather than by plastic extension and apposition.  相似文献   


中国白垩纪被子植物花粉的宏演化   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
张一勇 《古生物学报》1999,38(4):435-453
根据中国白垩纪被子植物花粉产出记录与形态构造分析以及与世界其它地区产出顺序比较,假设中国白垩纪被子植物花粉的宏演化序列,共划分为10个发育阶段,归于7个形态演化期:1)欧特里夫期至早巴列姆期的无口器类演化期(含:1:1网纹无口器粉发育阶段);2)晚巴列姆至晚阿普梯期的单沟类演化期(含:2:1。棒纹粉发育阶段;2.2,星粉-棒纹粉发育阶段);3)早,中阿尔必期的三沟类演化期(含:3.1,三沟粉类-星  相似文献   

为了进一步研究花药花粉发育过程,我们通过EMS诱变,筛选到拟南芥雄性不育突变体zy1511。遗传分析表明,zy1511为隐性单位点突变。细胞学观察表明.突变体花药中小孢子从四分体释放出后绒毡层并没有开始退化,花药发育后期绒毡层依然部分存在。说明突变体花药绒毡层退化比野生型的要迟,因此,小孢子不能发育成正常花粉粒。利用图位克隆的方法将zv1511定位于第一条染色体上分子标记F25P12和T8L23之间134.kb的区间内。本项工作为zy1511基因的克隆及对花粉发育功能分析奠定了基础。目前尚未见到该区间内雄性不育基因的报道。因此,zy1511是控制花粉发育的尚未发现的关键基因。  相似文献   

The relative importance of random genetic drift and local adaptation in causing population substructuring in plant species remains an important empirical question. Here I estimate the effective size of the genetic neighborhood, Nb, as a means of evaluating the likely role of genetic drift in creating genetic differentiation within a population of a marine plant, Zostera marina L. (eelgrass). Calculations of effective neighborhood size are based on field estimates of pollen and seed-dispersal distributions, an electrophoretic estimate of the mating system using open-pollinated progeny arrays, and determination of the effective density of reproductive individuals in the population. Neighborhood area calculated from the parent-offspring dispersal variances was equal to Na = 524 m2; variance in the seed-dispersal distribution contributes more than twice as much as variance in pollen dispersal to Na. Including an outcrossing rate slightly different from random, estimated neighborhood size for Z. marina is Nb = 6255. This estimate is one of the largest reported for plants or animals and indicates that genetic drift in small neighborhoods is highly unlikely to cause genetic substructuring in the study population. High gene-flow levels provided by the marine environment appear to prevent genetic isolation by distance among eelgrass patches, but the importance of drift through founder events in this population characterized by high patch turnover cannot be discounted and is the subject of ongoing study.  相似文献   


Abstract— The membrane-associated diphosphatase from rat brain which catalyses the hydrolysis of thiamine diphosphate and nucleoside diphosphate is described. The parallel sub-cellular distribution of thiamine diphosphatase and nucleoside diphosphatase activity and the equal inhibition of both activities by adenosine methylenediphosphonate, a non-hydrolysable structural analogue of ADP, suggests that a single enzyme is involved. The divalent cation requirement and basic kinetic properties of this enzyme have been determined. This nucleoside diphosphatase is not activated by ATP.  相似文献   

This report investigates the physiological basis for the production of dimorphic leaves on the aquatic angiosperm Callitriche heterophylla. In nature, the leaf morphology of this plant depends on whether the shoot apex is submerged in or emergent from water. The water-form leaves that develop on submerged apices assume a long, linear shape in contrast to the short, obovate appearance of land forms on emergent apices. The parameters of length/width ratio and stomatal density were used as developmental indices to characterize how natural conditions, fluctuating water levels and other experimental treatments affect leaf shape. Transferring submerged and emergent shoots to the alternative culture conditions caused immature leaves to assume the characteristics appropriate to their new environment. Moreover, the treatments of 0.24 mol mannitol, high temperature (30 C) and 10−-5 m abscisic acid induced submerged shoots to produce land-form leaves whereas 10−-5 m gibberellic acid mediated the development of water-form leaves on emergent shoots. Water, osmotic and pressure potentials of immature leaves in the control and experimental treatments were determined by thermocouple psychrometry. Under natural conditions, growing water forms exhibited high turgors (3–5 bars) while developing land forms showed much lower turgors (0–1 bar). Similar correlations between turgor pressure and leaf morphology were observed in the case of the gibberellic acid and mannitol treatments. However, abscisic acid and high temperature caused the developing land-form leaves to exhibit high turgors without a concomitant change to the water-form morphology. Microscopic measurements of epidermal cells established that irrespective of the experimental conditions, water-form leaves had longer and narrower epidermal cells with less convoluted anticlinal walls than land forms. Cell counts indicated that the numbers of epidermal cells did not account for the observed differences in leaf morphology. The results are interpreted in terms of how cell expansion might regulate leaf morphology in aquatic angiosperms.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence data are available for ribulose biphosphate carboxylase, plastocyanin, cytochrome c, and ferredoxin for a number of angiosperm families. Cladistic analysis of the data, including evaluation of all equally or almost equally parsimonious cladograms, shows that much homoplasy (parallelisms and reversals) is present and that few or no well supported monophyletic groups of families can be demonstrated. In one analysis of nine angiosperm families and 40 variable amino acid positions from three proteins, the most parsimonious cladograms were 151 steps long and contained 63 parallelisms and reversals (consistency index = 0.583). In another analysis of six families and 53 variable amino acid positions from four proteins, the most parsimonious cladogram was 161 steps long and contained 50 parallelisms and reversals (consistency index = 0.689). Single changes in both data matrices could yield most parsimonious cladograms with quite different topologies and without common monophyletic groups. Presently, amino acid sequence data are not comprehensive enough for phylogenetic reconstruction among angiosperms. More informative positions are needed, either from sequencing longer parts of the proteins or from sequencing more proteins from the same taxa.  相似文献   

Developmental arrest of the embryo proper in aborted seeds from mutant 50B, a recessive embryo-lethal mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, was shown to be followed by abnormal growth of the suspensor. Each of the 12 aborted seeds examined in sectioned material contained an abnormally large suspensor and an embryo proper arrested at a preglobular stage of development. Analysis of serial sections revealed that mutant suspensors contained 15–150 cells whereas wild-type suspensors were composed of only six to eight cells. Development of the mutant endosperm continued to a late nuclear or early cellular stage even in the absence of further development of the embryo proper. These results suggest that the missing gene product in mutant 50B is required for development of the embryo proper but not for continued growth of the suspensor or endosperm tissue. The pattern of abnormal development observed in this mutant provides further evidence that continued growth of the suspensor during normal development is inhibited by the developing embryo proper and that the full developmental potential of cells in the suspensor is expressed only when this inhibitory effect is removed through a mutation or experimental treatment that is lethal only to cells of the embryo proper.  相似文献   

  • 1 Thiamine diphosphatase (TDPase) of brain was activated by a low concentration of ATP.
  • 2 In thiamine-deficient rats TDPase activity in the brain increased significantly relative to that in pair-fed animals, while in liver it decreased by the same amount as in the pair-fed controls.
  • 3 Liver TDPase was localized almost entirely in the soluble fraction, but in the brain it was bound to insoluble protein. On treatment with Triton X-100 brain TDPase activity increased.
  • 4 The ATP content of the brain of deficient rats, but not the ADP or AMP content, was significantly higher than in the control group. The level of inorganic phosphate in the brain and spinal cord of deficient animals was elevated markedly, while that of P-creatine was unchanged.
  • 5 The possible roles of brain TDPase in relation to nerve conduction and the blood-brain barrier are discussed.

Members of at least two unrelated genera of plants, Dalechampia (Euphorbiaceae) and Clusia (Guttiferae), attract pollinators by secreting resins from floral structures. Bees that pollinate these flowers collect and use the resin in nest construction; these include Euglossa, Eulaema, Eufriesea, Trígona and, Hypanthidium in the neotropics, and Heriades in Africa. Floral resins are slow in hardening as compared with many other plant resins; this facilitates collection and storage by bees, hence probably enhancing the attractiveness of the flowers. Floral resins are probably of great utility and dependability and may be an especially important resource to certain bees, which in turn are major pollinators of many species of tropical plants. Bees appear to forage floral resin using a “strategy” of energy efficiency; large bees collect resin only from copious sources, smaller bees collect resin from sources with small amounts as well as from sources with large amounts of resin. Resin secretion in flowers may have originated as defense against herbivores and secondarily assumed the role of pollinator reward.  相似文献   

Ninety-five seedling populations of southwestern ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum) along with single populations of Pinus engelmannii and Pinus arizonica were compared in four environmentally disparate common gardens. Differentiation among ponderosa pine populations was detected for a diverse assortment of variables that included patterns of shoot elongation, measures of growth potential, winter and spring freezing damage, and leaf characteristics. Multiple regression models accounted for as much as 85% of the variance among populations and described complex clines that were dominated by elevational and latitudinal effects. Although P. ponderosa, P. arizonica, and P. engelmannii were readily differentiated, the performance of progenies from one population suggested introgression primarily involving P. ponderosa and P. arizonica but also implicating P. engelmannii.  相似文献   

五十多年前胡骕在研究山东临朐县山旺组的植物化石中,发现有花的化石,仅保存了5个花瓣或仅5个萼片,均难给予确切的分类位置;六十年代我们两次去山旺野外工作,发现为数较多,同样仅保存花瓣或萼片的化石。本文研究的是80年代发现并保存较为完好的花化石。新近李凤麟详细论述了各门类化石,均认为山旺组的地质时代属中中新世。近十余年来,国际上被子植物的花化石的研究进展较快。每次花化石的发现,对研究被子植物种系发生、系统位置及在地史中的演化及演变速率等均是极重要  相似文献   

Depending on the position of the shoot tip relative to the water surface, the aquatic angiosperm Callitriche heterophylla produces either ovate land-form or linear water-form leaves. This paper is concerned with the developmental basis for the leaf dimorphism of this species. Little significant difference is observed between the apical meristems of submerged vs. emergent shoots; moreover, land-form and water-form primordia undergo similar, if not identical, patterns of initial development until they attain a length of 350 to 400 μm. These findings are interpreted to mean that the divergent leaf forms result from the marked sensitivity of the primordia to their respective environments rather than from the mode of their inception. Subsequent growth of the young water-form leaf emphasizes longitudinal extension, while the immature land-form leaf continues balanced expansion in both longitudinal and lateral directions. The lateral growth of the land-form primordium is accomplished in part by a more persistent marginal meristem, but the morphological difference between the two leaf forms is mostly attributable to the difference in the predominant direction of intercalary expansion. In addition, certain anatomical features, such as vasculature, stomates, and cuticle, are much more prominent in mature land-form leaves than in water-form leaves. These anatomical differences seem to represent structural adaptations of each leaf form to the specific physiological requirements of its environment.  相似文献   

Abstract— It is shown that transketolase activities in red blood cells and whole brain of normal and thiamine-deficient rats correlate well with heart frequencies.
The effect of thiamine depletion on the levels of acetylcoenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) and acetylcholine (ACh), and on the activities of pyruvate dehydrogenase, choline acetyl-transferase and acetylcholine esterase was studied in whole brains of thiamine-deficient, thiamine-supplemented ad libitum and pair-fed rats. The concentrations of acetyl-CoA and ACh decreased in thiamine-deficient brains by 42 and 35 per cent, respectively.
Total pyruvate dehydrogenase activity did not change during vitamin B1 deficiency. The 'resolved' enzyme, reconstituted with thiamine diphosphate, had an association constant of 5.4 × 10−6 m . Choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholine esterase activities remained unchanged in thiamine deficiency.
Possible mechanisms which could explain the reduced Ach levels in vitamin B1 deficiency are discussed.  相似文献   

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