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Soybean plants grown in controlled environment cabinets under light intensities of 220 w/m2 or 90 w/m2 (400–700 nm) and day to night temperatures of 27.5–22.5 C or 20.0–12.5 C in all combinations, exhibited differences in growth rate, leaf anatomy, chloroplast ultrastructure, and leaf starch, chlorophyll, and chloroplast lipid contents. Leaves grown under the lower light intensity at both temperatures had palisade mesophyll chloroplasts containing well-formed grana. The corresponding leaves developed under the higher light intensity had very rudimentary grana. Chloroplasts from high temperature and high light had grana consisting of two or three appressed thylakoids, while grana from the low temperature were confined to occasional thylakoid overlap. Spongy mesophyll chloroplasts were less sensitive to growth conditions. Transfer experiments showed that the ultrastructure of chloroplasts from mature leaves could be modified by changing the conditions, though the effect was less marked than when the leaf was growing.  相似文献   

GUS基因在大豆未成熟子叶原生质体中的表达   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  


The composition and ultrastructure of the synergids of cotton were studied. The cells were found to be surrounded by a partial wall composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectins. The structure of the wall was observed to consist of an unusual fibrillar arrangement. The filiform apparatus was demonstrated to be an extension of the wall at the micropylar end of the cell. Large amounts of ER surround the filiform apparatus. Also associated with the latter are large numbers of plastids and mitochondria. The nucleus is large and contains a single, large nucleolus and, frequently, 1 or more micronucleoli. The nuclear membrane contains membrane-bound vesicles but has few extensions into the cytoplasm. The ER is oriented parallel to the long axis of the cell and decreases in concentration from the micropylar to the chalazal end of the cell. Dictyosomes are common throughout the cell but are more numerous in the midportion where they are closely associated with the ER. The chalazal end of the cell is occupied by vacuoles rich in an inorganic compound which leaves a considerable residue of ash. Spherosome-like bodies are common throughout the cell. Both the plastids and mitochondria show evidence of division. Ribosomes are numerous and are both free and associated with the ER, nucleus, plastids, and mitochondria. The function of the synergids is proposed to be the absorption, storage, and transport of compounds from the nucellus. On the basis of this function, it is suggested that the synergids act by providing material to the egg and the developing embryo and endosperm and that they are involved in the growth of the pollen tube into the embryo sac.  相似文献   

BA(benzyl adenine)专一性地促进离体黄瓜子叶的扩张。为了研究 BA 的作用机理,我们采用间接 EIISA 和 HPLC 的方法测定了子叶扩张过程中内源玉米素(Z)和玉米素核苷(ZR)含量的变化。离体黄瓜(Cucumis sativus,津研4号)子叶用10mg/l 的 BA 培养,72小时之后,处理子叶鲜重的增加比对照高70%。Z+ZR 在 BA 处理的子叶中有大量的积累。结果表明 BA 可能诱发了黄瓜子叶中的细胞分裂素生物合成和代谢的某些基因。  相似文献   

The fluorescent boundary across the stalk of an antheridium of Polytrichum appears as a distinctive, secondary wall layer in electron micrographs. Lamellations of electron-dense and -lucent materials cause this layer to resemble the “suberized lamellae” of root endodermis and leaf bundle sheaths in grasses. The cells of the stalk below the boundary are especially rich in lipid droplets, whereas those in the base of the antheridium, above the boundary, have markedly fewer and smaller lipid droplets and abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum often in loosely parallel arrays. Cytological differences develop before the boundary appears, so that the distinctive wall layer is secreted by protoplasts that are already specialized morphologically. During maturation of an antheridium there is a secretion of a fluid into a space that forms at the bottom of the sperm chamber. However, the cells surrounding this fluid show no special morphological adaptations that would seem to relate to secretion.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of elevated CO2 on relationships between leaf area (A) and linear leaf dimensions (length [L] and width [W]) and leaf dry weight (M) in soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Bragg). Based on dimensional measurements made on trifoliolates 1–6 for plants grown under three CO2 levels (348, 502 and 645 μl l−-1), the best predictor for both trifoliolate leaf area and for fully expanded central leaflets of the trifoliolates was an equation of the form A = bo + b1L·W; these relationships were unaffected by CO2, although there was a small effect of leaf position. For expanding central leaflets of the fifth trifoliolate, no CO2, leaf size (age) or CO2 × leaf size effect was found. Specific leaf weight (i.e., M/A) was significantly affected by CO2, increasing with increasing CO2. Hence, trifoliolate dry weight can be nondestructively estimated from trifoliolate area using the equation M = 0.097 + (6.71 × 10−-3 + 1.04 × 10−-6[CO2])A, where [CO2] is mean daytime CO2 concentration of the growth environment.  相似文献   

杂色鲍齿舌的显微与亚显微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究鲍的消化生理学、鲍的齿舌形态构造与鲍健康状况之间的关系,我们采用石蜡切片、Harris苏木素-伊红染色,光学显微技术及扫描和透射电镜技术,较全面地观察研究了杂色鲍的物理消化器官-齿舌的显微与亚显微结构。结果表明:“大龄幼鲍”和“成鲍”的齿舌齿式为:∞+5+1+5+∞,即齿舌由1列中央齿,每边5列侧齿和不定数的缘齿构成。随着鲍龄的增加,齿舌的长带状的基本形态保持不变,但长度和宽度都有所增加,长度的增加是由其齿舌横排数目的增加,舌齿大小的扩大及邻近横排舌齿的间距的增加造成;齿舌宽度的增加是由其舌齿宽度的扩宽,第3到第5侧齿的定期增加,缘齿数目的稳定线性增加造成。  相似文献   

The oesophagus of Patella vulgata Linnaeus is divisible intotwo histologically and functionally distinct regions, a centralfood channel and a series of lateral pouches forming the oesophagealglands: both are lined by a glandular ciliated columnar epithelium.Subepithelial mucous cells are restricted to the epitheliumlining the food channel and posterior section of oesophagus,whilst amylase-secreting cells occur only in the oesophagealglands. The activity of the ciliated cells lining the food channelmixes ingested food with saliva and mucus to form a food stringthat is carried towards the stomach. Amylase-secreting cellsproduce an extracellular amylase in the form of proteinaceoussecretory granules, which are released by apocrine secretionwithin cytoplasmic blebs. Release is correlated with periodsof immersion when feeding is possible. The free blebs are carriedout of the pouches and into the food channel where the amylaseinitiates carbohydrate digestion. The oesophageal epitheliumabsorbs tritiated D-glucose by a Na+-dependent mechanism inhibitedby 2,4-DNP and phloridzin and the amylase-secreting cells pinocytoseferritin. It is suggested that the oesophagus absorbs smallsolute molecules derived from ruptured algal cells and theirpartially digested polysaccharide storage products. There alsoappears to be pinocytosis of dissolved organic matter. *Current address: The R L. Weston Institute for NeurologicalStudiet, University College & Middlesex Medcal School, MortimerSt., London Wl. (Received 8 March 1988; accepted 29 April 1988)  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜子叶和下胚轴再生植株无性系建立   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus L.)豫油2号和6257的子叶和下胚轴为材料,在不同激素配比的MS培养基上诱导出了愈伤组织。将经过继代的部分愈伤转入分化培养基,分化结果表明:除基因型、外植体和分化培养基的激素配比对分化率有影响外,诱导愈伤培养基的激素配比对分化率也至关重要。豫油2号的子叶和下胚轴在最适诱导培养基(ZT 1+NAA0.5+2,4-D 0.2 mg/L)和最适分化培养基(ZT4+IAA 0.2 mg/L)组合中的愈伤分化率分别为12.5%和75%;6257的子叶和下胚轴在其最适诱导培养基(KT 2+NAA1+2,4-D 0.2 mg/L)和最适分化培养基(6-BA 4+IAA 0.02 mg/L)组合中的愈伤分化率分别为50%和37.5%。将其最适诱导培养基中的愈伤组织继代达8个月以上,建立了不同继代愈伤的再生植株无性系。  相似文献   

A study was made of the role of the cotyledons, embryo orientation, surgical treatment, darkness, light, and autoclaved coconut milk on the growth of Pinus lambertiana Dougl. embryos in vitro. The embryos did not require an haustorial function of the cotyledons in vitro. Removal of the shoot meristem drastically altered the developmental physiology of the embryo and the function of the root meristem was severly inhibited. Positional effects on embryo growth were reversed by darkness. In the light vertical-inverted tube cultures displayed better growth than horizontal-inverted tube cultures, whereas in the dark the horizontal-inverted tube cultures displayed better growth than the ver ical-inverted tube cultures. Autoclaved coconut milk had no statistically demonstrable effect on embryo growth as measun d by the analysis of variance and Student-Newman-Keul's range test; however, the graphical analysis suggests that, in conjunction with the presence of the shoot meristem, there may be a slight beneficial response to autoclaved coconut milk.  相似文献   

日本沼虾精子的形态和超微结构研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
应用电子显微镜技术结合细胞化学方法对日本沼虾精子进行子形态和超微结构研究。结果显示,日本沼虾精子琪似外翻的伞状,无鞭毛,不运动的精子主要由前端棘突,中间帽状体和后主体部分组成,精子的核属非浓缩型,内布许多絮状物质,外无核膜包被,呈Feulgen阳性反应,位于后主体部内;中间帽状体的细胞质内含有一对中心粒和15-20根放射状排列的纤丝,纤丝在帽状体凸面中央汇聚并延伸成精子的棘突,棘突和放射状纤丝皆具  相似文献   

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