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An actively growing cottonwood bud was embedded in epon-araldite and serially sectioned at 2 μm. The sections were analyzed microscopically with the optical shuttle system of Zimmermann and Tomlinson, and all data were quantitatively recorded relative to the apex and to leaf plastochron index (LPI). Analysis of the sections revealed an acropetally developing procambial system organized according to a precise phyllotaxy. Six procambial strands could be recognized and followed long before the leaf primordia that they would enter were evident at the apex. Origin of these strands coincided with developmental events both in the parent trace and its primordium and in the antecedent leaf on the same orthostichy. Once a primordium and its trace attained a certain stage of development, trace bundles began to develop basipetally from the primordium base. These trace bundles appeared to be the earliest progenitors of wood formation in cottonwood. It was concluded that the concept of residual meristem and its corollary, the hypothesis that acropetally developing procambial strands determine the inception sties of new primordia, apply to the cottonwood apex.  相似文献   

Organization of the stem vascular system was analyzed in Victoria species and Euryale ferox. The stem vascular system consists of a number of concentrically-organized continuing axial stem bundles. At the node each leaf is supplied with a root trace, two lateral leaf traces, and a median leaf trace. A peduncle fusion bundle is also present at each node. The peduncle fusion bundle supplies vascular tissue to the median leaf trace and to the peduncle trace. Flowers are nonmedian axillary but have specific vascular, spatial, and developmental relationships to leaves in a manner that resembles the genus Nymphaea. On the basis of the analysis of the stem vascular system, Victoria and Euryale are more similar to each other than to Nymphaea. However, the vascular system in Victoria and Euryale is similar enough to Nymphaea to suggest that Nymphaea, Victoria, and Euryale form a natural taxon of unique angiosperms. The organization of the stem vascular system in Victoria and Euryale is dicotyledonous.  相似文献   

Tucker , Shirley C. (U. Minnesota, Minneapolis.) Phyllotaxis and vascular organization of the carpels in Michelia fuscata. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(1): 60–71. Illus. 1961.—Phyllotaxis pattern and vascular organization are closely related in the floral receptacle of Michelia fuscata (Magnoliaceae). The carpels arise in a spiral or helix. They are initiated alternately along each of 7, 8 or 10 helical parastichies according to a complex repetitive sequence. The pattern of the dorsal carpellary trace fusions is orderly for each of the 10 flowers investigated. The dorsal carpellary traces in each parastichy diverge from the same vascular sympodium. Among flowers one finds differing numbers of parastichies, differing angles of divergence, and varying sequences of parastichies which reflect the order of carpel initiation. The angle of divergence, although consistent for any 1 parastichy in a flower, can vary greatly between parastichies. The nature and importance of the organizers which determine appendage position at the apical meristem are considered. Changes in apical size, configuration, and activity are shown to be related to phyllotaxis.  相似文献   

The vascular system in the stems of Nymphaea odorata and N. mexicana subgenus Castalia, and N. blanda subgenus Hydrocallis consists of continuing axial stem bundles with eight being the usual number. The stem bundles are concentric and xylem maturation is mesarch. Xylem elements consist of tracheids with spirally or weakly reticulated secondary wall thickenings. The phloem is made up of companion cells and short sieve tube members with simple sieve plates that are nearly transverse. At the node each leaf is supplied with two lateral leaf traces and a median leaf trace. A root trace is also present and supplies a series of adventitious roots borne on the leaf base. Flowers and vegetative buds develop directly from the apical meristem and occupy leaf sites in a single genetic spiral. Each flower or vegetative bud is related to a leaf through specific spatial and vascular association. The related leaf is separated from the related flower by three members of the genetic spiral and occupies an adjacent orthostichy. Vascular tissue for the related flower arises from the inner surfaces of the four stem bundles supplying leaf traces to the related leaf and extends through the pith to the flower or vegetative bud via a peduncle fusion bundle. The vascular system organization in the investigated species of Castalia and Hydrocallis is not typically monocotyledonous or dicotyledonous, nor can it be considered transitional between them. The ontogeny of the vascular system is similar to typical dicotyledons and the investigated species of Nymphaea can, therefore, be considered to represent highly specialized and modified dicotyledons.  相似文献   

The anatomy and organization of the stem vascular system was analyzed in representative taxa of Nymphaea (subgenera Anecphya, Lotos, and Brachyceras). The stem vascular system consists of a series of concentric axial stem bundles from which traces to lateral organs depart. At the node each leaf is supplied with a median and two lateral leaf traces. At the same level a root trace supplies vascular tissue to adventitious roots borne on the leaf base. Flowers and vegetative buds occupy leaf sites in the genetic spiral and in the parastichies seen on the stem exterior. Certain leaves have flowers related to them spatially and by vascular association. Flowers (and similarly vegetative buds) are vascularized by a peduncle trace that arises from a peduncle fusion bundle located in the pith. The peduncle fusion bundle is formed by the fusion of vascular tissue derived from axial stem bundles that supply traces to certain leaves. The organization of the vascular system in the investigated taxa of Nymphaea is unique to angiosperms but similar to other subgenera of Nymphaea.  相似文献   

王立军  汪矛  谷安根 《植物研究》1990,10(4):101-106
肾叶唐松草(Thalictrum petaloideum L.)幼苗初生维管系统的个体发育研究证明,正如谷安根等在"Studies on Cotyledon Node Zone"的研究中所发现的那样,它也存在一个子叶节区和以该区为中心的两个过渡区,即子叶节区向下的子叶节-根过渡区(下胚轴)与子叶节-茎过渡区(即子叶节区的中部和上部)。在它的子叶节区下部存在中始式二原型具双钩状后生木质部的单中柱。  相似文献   

Developmental study of the stem-node-leaf vascular continuum of Austrobaileya scandens White reveals that the vasculature within each leaf originates from a single procambial strand, that becomes separated into two strands only at the junction of leaf and stem. At lower levels in the stem the two strands become incorporated into independent portions of the stele. At later stages of development the solitary vascular bundle within the young leaf undergoes considerable lateral growth, resulting in an essentially continuous arc of vascular tissue. Ontogenetic evidence indicates that the vascular bundle in the midrib of the lamina should be regarded as a fundamentally single bundle and not interpreted as two bundles that have undergone various degrees of secondary fusion. A condition of two totally separate bundles extending the entire length of the leaf was not encountered. Our observations confirm the characterization of Austrobaileya as an example of “second rank” level of leaf vasculature. Nodal anatomy emphasizes the extremely isolated taxonomic position of Austrobaileya within the primitive dicotyledons.  相似文献   

The apical 22 cm of a dormant, first-year sprout of Populus grandidentata was sectioned serially, and the primary and secondary xylem systems were studied microscopically and graphically reconstructed. A total of 15 nodes was present on the mature stem and 14 foliar primordia in the dormant bud. The vascular traces in the lower portion of the mature stem conformed to a 2/5 phyllotaxy while those of the upper portion and within the dormant bud conformed to a 3/8 phyllotaxy. The 2/5 to 3/8 phyllotactic transition occurred in an extremely precise and systematic two-step pattern: (1) The lateral traces shifted to a new point of origin on the parent central trace, and (2) three new central traces were initiated in sequence by divergences from left-traces. Metaxylem, when followed downward, conformed to the arrangement of the procambial trace system only within one orthostichy. Below this point, the metaxylem components of lateral traces physically separated from those of the protoxylem and continued downward on a new course. Metaxylem vessels produced by the trace cambium originated from a postulated vessel-generating center at the stem-petiole junction. Each metaxylem vessel developing basipetally through the primary body was continuous with a secondary vessel developing basipetally in the secondary body. Because secondary development closed the vascular cylinder, vessels originating from developing leaves or primordia situated at higher levels in the shoot were displaced radially outward when they entered the secondary xyelm. The distribution of vessels in the secondary xylem can therefore be accounted for by a knowledge of the production and distribution of metaxylem vessels in the primary body.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of the nodal and vascular anatomy in the Cyatheaceae are discussed as they relate to the taxonomy and phylogeny of the family. There is in the Cyatheaceae (excluding Metaxya and Lophosoria) a basic nodal pattern consisting of four major phases of leaf trace separations. Abaxial traces arise from the leaf gap margins, and the last abaxial traces from each side of the gap are larger and undergo numerous divisions. Distally adaxial traces separate from the gap margins, and the last adaxial traces are usually larger and undergo multiple divisions. In addition, medullary bundles frequently become petiole strands of the adaxial arc in the petiole. Rarely, cortical bundles form petiole strands in the abaxial arc in the petiole. Leaf gaps of the squamate genera of the Cyatheaceae are fusiform and possess prominent lateral constrictions which result from medullary bundle fusions and the separation of leaf traces. A characteristic petiole pattern is found in all members of the Cyatheaceae. There is an increase in the complexity of the petiole vascular tissue which results in a gradation from the undivided strand in Metaxya, to the three-parted petiole pattern in Lophosoria, and finally to the much-dissected petiole vascular tissue in the advanced genera. Nodal and vascular anatomy data basically support Tryon's phyletic scheme for the family. The Sphaeropteris-Alsophila-Nephelea line shows certain tendencies toward increased complexity of nodal and vascular anatomy, whereas the Trichipteris-Cyathea-Cnemidaria line shows the same anatomical and morphological characters in a direction of increased simplification or reduction.  相似文献   

Wood samples from Populus deltoides Marsh. were used to investigate the relationship of gelatinous fibers to the size and number of other wood elements. An increase in the amount of gelatinous fibers was related to a decrease in diameter and an increase in wall thickness of non-gelatinous fibers. The relative sizes of rays, vessels, and fibers were inter-related, but all of these wood elements decreased in size with an increase in the amount of gelatinous fibers. Apparently environmental conditions controlling the differentiation of gelatinous fibers also influence the development of associated wood elements. Thus, the adverse physical properties of reaction wood must be attributed to all of these structural differences in the wood and not merely to the presence of large numbers of gelatinous fibers.  相似文献   

Differentiation of external phloem is earlier than that of internal phloem in the young petiole of Luffa cylindrical. For a single sieve-tube element, one to six companion cells are present. The young sieve element shows many globular slime bodies which fuse longitudinally and disperse into the cytoplasm. Simultaneously the nucleus loses its stainable contents and later disorganizes. The contents of the sieve element are in the form of plugs, strands or a granular mass. Undispersed slime in the form of discrete bodies along the lateral walls is also observed. During one stage, at least, the dispersed slime and other contents of a mature sieve element lie at the periphery around a central cavity. A special type of phloem-parenchyma cell shows disorganizing chloroplasts, an extruded nucleolus, and callose on primary pit fields.  相似文献   

Anisophyllea disticha is characterized by strong shoot dimorphism. Orthotropic shoots with helically arranged scale leaves produce tiers of plagiotropic shoots, while plagiotropic shoots are anisophyllous and bear dorsal scale and ventral foliage leaves arranged in a unique tetrastichous system. In this study we compare the patterns of leaf development and primary vascular organization in the two types of shoots. Orthotropic shoots have an open vascular system with five sympodia. Expansion of orthotropic shoot scale leaves occurs from P1 to P10–12, and leaf tissues mature precociously. Plagiotropic shoots have a closed vascular system with six sympodia. Leaves in ventral and dorsal orthostichies do not differ significantly in size until ca. P15, but ventral leaves are distinct histologically from the second node in an orthostichy, P4–6. Ventral foliage leaves have a diffuse plate meristem, and leaf expansion continues until ca. P30. Differentiation of ventral and dorsal leaf trace procambium parallels the divergent patterns of leaf expansion. These observations demonstrate the strong correlation among shoot symmetry, leaf development, and vascular differentiation within dimorphic shoots of one species.  相似文献   

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