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Macrosclereid differentiation was investigated by light and electron microscopy in pea testae during the transformation of protodermal precursors to the mature sclereids. The protodermal cells divide anticlinally and elongate into the macrosclereid layer during seed coat development. Young sclereids have elongate nuclei, plastids become somewhat granal during cellular maturation, vacuolation appears to be an autolytic process, and the cells have dense arrays of endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes. Considerable dictyosome activity and microtubule development is observed as the secondary wall is produced. Many coated vesicles are associated with and fuse with the plasmalemma. During development, the outer tangential wall area of the macrosclereids acquires a definite cuticle and subcuticular layer. Also, at this time the sclereid walls under the subcuticular layer display semicircular microfibril orientation. The sclereid walls adjacent to the hypodermis become multilayered. As the macrosclereids near maturity, the “light line” becomes discernable in the light microscope at the junction of the cellulosic tips of the macrosclereids and the subcuticular layer. This “light line” is prominent using interference optics and is an osmiophilic layer in the electron microscope. This layer may represent the suberin “caps” reported by earlier workers.  相似文献   

Miller, John H. (Yale U., New Haven, Conn.) The effect of growth conditions and the stage of leaf development on the Hill reaction in homogenates of Pisum sativum leaves. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(7): 532–540. Illus. 1960.—With plants grown under short-day conditions (8 hr. light and 16 hr. dark), crude chloroplast suspensions from young leaves have a higher Hill-reaction activity between 1 and 3 hr. after the beginning of illumination than suspensions from older leaves, while after 5–7 hr. of illumination, this activity difference is not found. These differences result from a marked diurnal rise and fall in the Hill reaction. The magnitude of the rise depends on the age of the leaf from which the chloroplast suspension is prepared. Peak activity occurs after the plants have received between 3 and 4 hr. of light and is highest in suspensions prepared from young leaves. Suspensions from the oldest leaves show no diurnal change in activity. No diurnal changes in activity are found in chloroplast suspensions from plants which are grown under continuous light, and the diurnal rise and fall is dependent on the plant receiving an alternation of light-dark-light.  相似文献   

Hummon , Margaret R. (Montana State U., Missoula.) The effects of tritiated thymidine incorporation on secondary root production by Pisum sativum. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(10): 1038–1046. Illus. 1962.—Most studies of effects of radiation on plants have involved a general exposure of all the cells and tissues of an organ or entire plant. Tritiated thymidine offers a tool for selective irradiation of the nucleus with little effect on the cytoplasm of a cell. Furthermore, differential incorporation due to variation in the pattern of DNA synthesis permits selective irradiation of cells and tissues. In this study, developing primary roots of Pisum sativum were submerged for brief periods in a solution of tritiated thymidine. This resulted in an alteration of the lateral root pattern. In the area corresponding to the region of elongation during treatment, subsequent lateral root production was suppressed. This correlated with the portion of the root in which there was incorporation of tritiated thymidine into a high percentage of pericycle nuclei. Abnormal development of vascular tissues also occurred, with evidence of altered polarity in the xylem. Although incorporation also occurred in the apical meristem, the latter was not affected at this level of exposure. Thus, differential sensitivity as well as differential incorporation may have been involved in producing the temporary alteration of lateral root production.  相似文献   

豌豆根瘤侵染细胞衰老过程的电镜观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用透射电镜观察了豌豆根瘤侵染细胞在衰老过程中的超微结构变化,结果表明,侵染细胞和拟菌体的衰老有一定的规律和特征,首先是一些包裹拟菌体的包囊变得疏松,包囊和拟菌体之间出现较大间隙,间隙中常有一些纤维状和泡状物质。然后,细胞质失去正常结构,逐渐凝聚为染色很深的团块,进而完全泡状化,伴随着拟菌体的衰老,寄主细胞质染色由深变浅,细胞器逐渐减少,最后,液泡和质膜相继破裂,细胞完全瓦解,有时在衰老细胞的胞间隙,或在衰老的细胞质中有一定年轻的细菌,甚至在一片崩溃的拟菌体中还有侵染丝,有的还正在向寄主细胞质释放细菌。  相似文献   


Near-ultraviolet and visible radiations increased the duration of the mitotic cycle in excised pea root meristems primarily by lengthening the duration of the pre-DNA synthetic period (G1). All radiations tested shortened the duration of the post-DNA synthetic period (G2). The most pronounced effects were exhibited by green radiation, which lengthened the duration of the cell cycle, G1, DNA synthesis (S), and mitosis (M), and shortened the duration of G2. Progression of cells arrested by starvation in G1 and G2 into DNA synthesis and mitosis was also affected by light treatments. Green radiation appeared to arrest a group of cells in DNA synthesis as well as in G1 and G2. Meristems receiving green and near-ultraviolet radiations exhibited the most rapid progression of G1 cells through S and G2.  相似文献   

Cell development and starch granule formation in seeds of three pea (Pisum sativum L.) genotypes, R/R Rb/Rb, r/r Rb/Rb, and R/R rb/rb, affecting cotyledon starch were compared. Cotyledon cells at 10 days after flowering were highly vacuolated and contained small protein bodies in the vacuoles and small oval starch granules in the cytoplasm in all three genotypes. Gradients of cell development from the center to the periphery of the cotyledon and toward the cotyledon-hypocotyl axis persisted through the cell enlargement, reserve synthesis, and into the maturation stages of cotyledon development. By 14 days after flowering, many small vacuoles lined with protein deposits had been formed. Vacuoles were only observed in peripheral and basal cells by 18 days after flowering. Starch granules were oval and birefringent in all three genotypes at 10 days. Starch granules in R/R Rb/Rb and R/R rb/rb cotyledons expanded regularly remaining nearly oval and birefringent throughout development. In contrast, starch granules from r/r Rb/Rb cotyledons began to fragment by 14 days after flowering. This process began as a single fissure, followed by a second fissure usually at or near right angles. Finally, because of the fragmentation, the granules appeared compound, and only a portion of the granule was birefringent. All genotypes contained nearly equal volumes of liquid endosperm and embryo at 10 days after flowering. In addition, a layer of parenchyma tissue (ovular and/or endospermic) inside the seed coat was observed. Although, thin walled and poorly defined cytologically, the parenchyma cells contained large numbers of starch granules. These granules were a mixture of simple and compound types in all genotypes. By 18 days after flowering, the parenchyma tissue was reduced to a small layer of cell walls and all starch granules had been mobilized.  相似文献   

Label and mitotic indices and microspectrophotometry of unlabeled interphase cells were used to measure the proportion of root meristem cells of Pisum sativum in each cell cycle stage after exposure to protracted gamma irradiation. Three seedling types were investigated: 1) intact seedlings, 2) seedlings with cotyledons detached and treated with lanolin paste applied to the area of cotyledon excision, and 3) seedlings with detached cotyledons and treated with a G2 Factor applied to the area of cotyledon excision in lanolin paste. In intact seedling meristems, predominant cell arrest occurred with a 4C amount of DNA while 0.30 of the cells underwent endoreduplication to arrest with an 8C amount of DNA. Only 0.07 cells arrested with a 2C amount of DNA. Polyploid cells were produced several days after the start of irradiation and were derived from a diploid cell population. In seedlings exposed to lanolin only, without cotyledons, most cells arrested with a 2C amount of DNA with no polyploid cells. In seedlings exposed to a G2 Factor in lanolin after cotyledon excision, most cells arrested with a 4C amount of DNA but no cells underwent endoreduplication. These experimental results suggest that the G2 Factor derived from cotyledons of Pisum sativum was necessary for predominant cell arrest in G2 but alone was not sufficient for the polyploidization step.  相似文献   

利用细胞化学DNA特异染色法——NAMA-Ur特异染色法对豌豆细胞核仁中rDNA的位置及其排布构型进行了原位观察。结果表明,核仁中的rDNA位于纤维中心(FC)以及FC与致密纤维组分的交界处,以环绕FC的形式排布。不同位置的rDNA成分都具有集缩和解集缩两种形态结构,核仁外的核仁伴随染色质经过核仁通道进入核仁,沿FC周边排列,与其中的DNA相连。  相似文献   

Increase in cell number, and in anlage volume and length have been investigated during the development of lateral root primordia in roots of intact plants of Pisum sativum and Vicia faba and in excised roots of both species cultured in White's medium supplemented with 2% sucrose. With the exception of primordia in excised roots of Vicia, the general equation which best described increase in each aspect of primoridium growth measured against time was that for exponential growth. When the times necessary for cell number and primordium volume and length to double were determined at intervals over the period of development studied, however, they were found to vary. Similarly, estimates of the size of the proliferative fraction of cells at different times during anlage development indicated that this index of meristematic activity also fluctuated over the developmental period investigated, i.e., increase in cell number and in primordium volume and length do not occur in a truly exponential fashion as the primordia increase in size and cell number. One difference between anlage development in the roots of intact plants and in those grown in culture was that whereas the former primordia completed their development and emerged as lateral roots over the period of the investigation, the latter did not. Moreover, cell doubling time and anlage volume and length doubling times were longer, and the proliferation fraction of cells lower, over the whole period of, and at intervals during, primordium development in the excised roots compared with the results obtained for the roots of the corresponding intact plants.  相似文献   

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