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Graham, Alan. (U. Michigan, Ann Arbor.) Systematic revision of the Sucker Creek and Trout Creek Miocene floras of southeastern Oregon. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(9): 921–936. Ilus. 1963.—The Sucker Creek flora is preserved in shales of volcanic origin exposed in Malheur County, southeastern Oregon. A study of the flora has been made and the systematic revisions presented. The following new species are described: Osmunda claytonites, Davallia solidités, Shepherdia argen∗∗∗teaites, Magnolia ovulata, Anoda suckerensis, and Platanus youngii. A new combination, Hiraea knowltoni (Berry), is proposed. Additional synonymies, Incertae Sedis, and other taxonomic changes are included. The Trout Creek flora is to the west of Sucker Creek in Harney County, southeastern Oregon. The fossils are preserved in diatomite. Four new species are described: Equisetum miocenicum, Gossypium arnoldii, Urena miocenica, and Spiraea miocenica. New combinations are Pteridium calabazensis (Dorf), and Nymphaea rotunda (Arnold). A revised species list is given for the 2 floras. The Sucker Creek flora contains 47 families, 60 genera, and 69 species, presently identified. The Trout Creek flora contains 29 families, 51 genera, and 75 species. The distributional, ecologic, and geologic interpretations of the 2 floras will be presented in a subsequent publication.  相似文献   

The organic chemical profiles of fossil Acer and Quercus leaf tissues are presented and correlated with those of previously described fossil Celtis, Ulmus and Zelkova and interpreted in conjunction with referable extant genera. Intrageneric comparisons among fossil and extant taxa indicate that relatively minor phytochemical differences exist suggesting that little flavonoid and steroid evolution since post-Miocene times has occurred. Biosystematic relationships between living North American and Asian genera indicate that in some cases (Quercus, Zelkova) a greater affinity exists between living Asiatic species and elements of the Succor Creek Flora. The chemical data are proposed as an independent parameter in assessing angiosperm biogeography and proposed migration patterns of the Fagaceae and Ulmaceae. The high chemical fidelity seen between some living and fossil genera preserved in ash-fall deposits is ascribed to the reaction of membrane bound lipids with various organic acids and to subsequent rapid dehydration.  相似文献   

湖南植物区系增补   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
刘克明  李丙贵 《植物研究》1996,16(3):281-285
湖南种子植物地理分布新记录属1个,新记录种15个,新记录变种2个。  相似文献   

Miocene Liriodendron carpels, whole fruiting structures and leaves from Clarkia and Oviatt Creek sites in northern Idaho are preserved as imprints and compressed fossils in soft lacustrine clays. The isolated carpels are indistinguishable from those described as L. hesperia Berry from the Spokane Latah flora. Fruit aggregates from the type Clarkia and Oviatt Creek localities and leaves from three Clarkia sites are considered to be within the range of variation of the single species L. hesperia. Comparisons were made regarding leaf architecture, lower leaf epidermal structures, leaf flavonoid and steroid analysis, morphological features of receptacles and carpels, and the venation pattern of carpels of the fossil material to the two extant species, L. tulipifera L. (native to southeastern United States) and L. chinense Sarg. (native to southeastern Asia). Leaf architecture features analyzed by standard statistical and canonical tests and marginal venation patterns near the base of leaves suggest that L. hesperia is more similar to L. tulipifera, whereas the size dimensions of lower epidermal cells and the common presence of two sterane compounds imply that L. hesperia is more similar to L. chinense. The fossil species, however, is a distinct taxon indicated by statistical discriminant and canonical tests, leaf base shape, often smaller epidermal cell dimensions, and the shape of round receptacle carpel scars. Both the fossil and the two living Liriodendron species are associated with comparable mixed mesophytic floras.  相似文献   

贵州植物区系增补   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
何顺志 《植物研究》1997,17(3):308-312
本文报道了贵州种子植物地理分布新记录属6个,新记录种14个,新记录变种1个。  相似文献   

安徽植物区系新增补   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报导了安徽植物地理分布新记录种6种。分别是:麻椰树、膜叶椴、细枝绣线菊、毛花绣线菊、巴东胡颓子、紫斑风铃草。  相似文献   

中国豆科植物区系新资料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了中国豆科一新记录属闭荚藤属和一新记录种滇西围涎树前者分布于我国西藏墨脱雅鲁藏布江峡谷热带山地雨林中,后者见于云南西部盈江亚热带山地常绿阔叶林中。  相似文献   

何云核 《植物研究》1997,17(3):313-314
报导了安徽植物地理分布新记录种6种。分别是:麻椰树、膜叶椴、细枝绣线菊、毛花绣线菊、巴东胡颓子、紫斑风铃草。  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper provides a revision of the foliicolous representatives of theGyalectaceae in Costa Rica. Five species of Coenogonium and 13 of Dimerella are distinguished.Coenogonium interplexum, C. interpositum, C. leprieurii, C. linkii and Dimerella vezdana are ubiquitous as to the choice of their substratum, whereas C. moniliforme and Dimerella lutea are facultatively foliicolous. The remainder are typically foliicolous taxa but may occasionally be found on bark. The following species are for the first time reported as foliicolous from Costa Rica: Coenogonium interplexum, C. interpositum, C. leprieurii, C. moniliforme, Dimerella fallaciosa, D. lisowskii , and D. aff. pilifera . Three new species are described: Dimerella isidiifera sp. nov. with disciform isidia, D. subzonata sp. nov. with small, bright yellow, dentate apothecia and a whitish prothallus, and D. siquirrensis sp. nov. with large, orange apothecia and a thin whitish prothallus. A key is presented for neotropical foliicolous Gyalectaceae , and notes on the distribution and ecology of the species are given.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of Fagaceae are established for compressed leaves and attached fruits which represent one of the dominant taxa in the rich Miocene Clarkia flora of northern Idaho. The leaf and fruit morphology, cuticular and pericarp anatomy, and leaf phytoliths fall within the range of variation of the subfamily Fagoideae. The unique fruit consists of a large, exposed, distinctly keeled, trigonous nut and a diminutive basal cupule. The cupule has an apical frill of free, petiolate, leaflike appendages but lacks other ornamentation, and there is no evidence of a distinct Valvation. As no other genus of the Fagaceae has fruits with this combination of characters, a new genus is established and is referred to the subfamily Fagoideae. The Miocene genus seems most closely related to the extant genus Fagus.  相似文献   

郑卓   《广西植物》1989,9(1):13-20
从距今2500万年的中新世初到更新世,欧洲地中海沿岸地区的植被是从东亚型的热带——亚热带常绿阔叶林逐渐过渡为旱生性的蒿——藜草原。古热带和亚洲、北美成份从晚中新世起逐渐消失,少数一直延续到中更新世。孢粉分析表明,地中海成分从中上新世起有明显增加,地中海常绿硬叶林的发展与北极冰盖的形成密切相关。  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the foliicolous members of Arthoniaceae (Arthonia, Arthothelium, Cryptothecia, Ermothecella) in Costa Rica is revised.Cryptothecia farkasiaesp. nov. is described, being closely related toStirtonia sprucei, and bearing pycnidia reminiscent ofEremothecella. Arthonia lividofuscais placed in synonymy withA. aciniformis. Pycnidia and pycnospores are further described forArthonia leptosperma, A. cyanea, A. palmulacea, A. trilocularis, Arthothelium cingulatum, Stirtonia spruceiandS. macrocephala, and campylidia were found on thalli ofArthonia aciniformis. Arthonia nigratulaandCryptothecia candidaare reported for the first time from Costa Rica, and new localities are given for previously reported species. Ecological data are provided, and the relationships between foliicolous members of the Arthoniaceae are discussed.  相似文献   

在研究我国川西、滇、桂、海南岛的牛肝菌目标本中,发现二新种:网盖金牛肝菌(Aureoboletus reticuloceps)和黑牛肝菌(Boletus nigricans),后者属黑牛肝菌组,新组(Boletus sect.Nigres)。并报道了婆罗洲牛肝菌、美丽牛肝菌、怪形牛肝菌、焰色牛肝菌、黑紫牛肝菌、长柄条孢牛肝菌和西藏金牛肝菌的分布型和所呈现的印度——马来西亚热带成分的相适关联。  相似文献   

中国及其东北植物区系新资料   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
钱宏 《植物研究》1990,10(1):77-79
本文报道了8种中国东北地区地理分布新记录的植物,其中5种亦为中国地理分布新记录。  相似文献   

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