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Absorption cytophotometry was used to measure nuclear Feulgen-DNA content of myxamoebae and Plasmodia in seven heterothallic isolates of Didymium iridis. Measurements of myxamoebal nuclei from clones of four isolates (Hon 1, Pan 1, Pan 2, and CR 5) gave a mean DNA value of 0.34, whereas the nuclei of Plasmodia which develop from each of the four intraisolate crosses had a mean value of 0.63. These values correspond to the 2C haploid level in myxamoebae and the 4C diploid level in Plasmodia. DNA values in two additional isolates (Pan 3 and CR 2) are much higher than the mean for the other five. Accordingly, it is proposed that these may be polyploid. The question of polyploidy in D. iridis and in other myxomycetes is evaluated. The seventh isolate, Ky 1, is taxonomically very close to D. nigripes and was not included in calculations of mean values for D. iridis.  相似文献   

Comparative measurements were made of the nuclear Feulgen-DNA content of a heterothallic and a self-fertile isolate of the myxomycete Didymium iridis. Plasmodial nuclei of both isolates contain the diploid amount of DNA. The replicated diploid (4C) values for the heterothallic and the self-fertile isolates are 5.66 and 5.95, respectively. Myxamoebae, however, are quite dissimilar in their nuclear DNA content. Those of the heterothallic isolates, Honduran 1–2 (A1) and Panamanian 2–4 (A7), have mean values of 3.81 and 3.69, whereas myxamoebae of the self-fertile Philippine-1 isolate were found to have a mean value of 6.07. Myxamoebae of the Ph-1 isolate are, therefore, at the same ploidy level as the Ph-1 Plasmodium. Mean DNA values for Ph-1 sporangial nuclei were in category 4C. Measurement of the DNA content of mitotic metaphases in sporangia at T = 6 hr confirmed that the mean DNA content of both Ph-1 myxamoebae and plasmodial nuclei is equivalent to 4C. It is concluded that nuclear phase alternance is lacking in the Ph-1 isolate and that the Plasmodium of this isolate develops by apogamy.  相似文献   

Genetic and cytochemical investigations of the origin, development, nuclear activity, and ploidy level of Plasmodia obtained from selfed clones S-2 and B1P-33 of the heterothallic myxomycete, Didymium iridis, are presented. To demonstrate that selfing did not result from contamination of the clones, or mutations at the mating-type locus, crosses were made between F1 clones and clones of known mating types. The data were inconsistent with these two possibilities. DNA was quantified by Feulgen-DNA microspectrophotometry. All cellular phases studied (logarithmic amoebae, swarmers, and encysted amoebae) appear to be haploid, with the nuclear DNA being in the replicated (2C) state. The plasmodia are in all cases diploid; however, the data indicate that the selfed Plasmodia are in an extended G1 condition. The nuclear DNA content of these is therefore 2C, whereas that of the cross Plasmodium is 4C. Sporangial nuclei exhibit DNA in diploid replicated (4C) category.  相似文献   

At least eleven somatic compatibility loci exist in the myxomycete Didymium iridis. Cell fusion is controlled by at least seven fusion loci (Fus1–Fus7). Cytoplasmic compatibility is controlled by at least four clear-zone loci (Cz1–Cz4). Plasmodia with identical phenotypes at all seven fusion loci, but different phenotypes at the clear-zone loci, will fuse temporarily, but fusion is soon blocked by cytoplasmic reactions which prevent complete mixing. Areas which contain cytoplasm from two incompatible Plasmodia become clearly delineated from healthy cytoplasm. Such areas, termed clear zones, have been isolated and found to recover. If clear zones are sectioned into several small pieces, not all pieces will recover, indicating that toxic cytoplasmic reactions have occurred. Plasmodial fusion studies and F1 studies of recovered clear zones indicate that the clear-zone loci may also control nuclear survival in heterokaryons.  相似文献   

Analysis of progeny from a cross between a Honduran clone and a Panamanian clone of Didymium iridis has revealed existence of five new plasmodial fusion loci in the Panamanian isolate. These are in addition to six which were previously known.  相似文献   

By making appropriate crosses between heterothallic sexual clones of Didymium iridis we can recover apogamic lines in the F1 generation. In this organism, heterothallic forms typically produce a haploid myxamoebal stage, but recently two diploid myxamoebal clones homozygous for mating types were discovered. When these are crossed, A2A2 x A5A5, tetraploid Plasmodia are produced which later yield diploid F1 meiospores. Sixty-four percent of the single-spore-derived clones produce both myxamoebae and Plasmodia, while the remainder do not progress past the myxamoebal stage. These results are consistent with the predictions that from tetraploid nuclei, mating types should segregate in the meiospores in a ratio of 1A2A2:4A2A5:1A5A5, and that myxamoebae heterozygous, A2A5, for mating type should yield Plasmodia apogamously. As the means for verifying relative ploidy levels of myxamoebae and Plasmodia, nuclear DNA was measured with a scanning microspectrophotometer.  相似文献   

Analysis of an isolate of Didymium iridis from Costa Rica indicates that it possesses a pair of incompatibility factors. These factors have been shown to be allelic with those of a Honduras and a Panama isolate. Data presented in this paper show that, among them, the 3 isolates possess 6 incompatibility alleles at 1 locus.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of spore maturation in the myxomycete Didymium iridis was investigated using morphometric analytical techniques. Changes in actual volume (μm3) and relative volume (Vv) of nuclei, autophagic vacuoles, mitochondria, microbodies, lipid droplets, and spore wall were described for spores in three stages of development. Stage I spores were newly formed, surrounded only by the cell membrane. Stage II spores were approximately 1 hr older than Stage I spores and possessed surface spines, but little if any additional wall material. Stage III spores were 24 hr old and possessed a fully formed, multilayered wall. The results of this study indicate that spore maturation in D. iridis is a multistep process involving a decrease in spore volume and coordinated changes in specific organelle compartments. From Stage I to Stage III, mean spore volume decreased by more than 50%. Percent volume data (Vv) showed that Stage I spores allocated volume equally to all measured organelles except microbodies and the spore wall, the latter of which had not yet begun to develop. By Stage II, only the nucleus and spore wall showed significant changes in Vv values, both increasing. In terms of actual volume, the nucleus, autophagic vacuole and spore wall increased by Stage II. Between Stages II and III the cell wall was the only component to increase in volume, all others decreased in volume. Our data indicate a close relationship between a decrease in organelle volume and an increase in cell wall volume in the Stage III spore. The autophagic vacuole and the cell wall dominated the volume of the Stage III spore while the remaining volume was allocated unequally to the other components.  相似文献   

Collins , O'Neil Ray . (Queens Coll., New York City.) Multiple alleles at the incompatibility locus in the Myxomycete Didymium iridis. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(5): 477–480. 1963.—Working with 2 isolates of Didymium iridis, from Honduras and Panama, respectively, it was shown that each isolate possesses a pair of incompatibility factors. On the basis of results from inter-isolate crosses, one pair was designated A1 A2 and the other A3 A4 to indicate that these factors actually constitute a series of multiple alleles at a single locus.  相似文献   

Single pore studies of 27 isolates of Didymium iridis from several geographical locations revealed that 11 are heterothallic, displaying a one-locus, multiple allelic mating system. Collectively, 9 of the 11 possess a total of 12 mating types in one multiple allelic series. Each of the remaining two isolates has a pair of mating types which are either incompatible with the 12 or they have not yet been tested against them. Sixteen isolates proved to be homothallic.  相似文献   

Plasmodial fusion in a Panamanian isolate (Pan. 1) of Didymium iridis is controlled by at least six fusion loci. Only plasmodia with identical phenotypes for these six loci are capable of fusion. No evidence was obtained in this study to indicate that any one fusion locus more strongly affects the fusion process than any of the other loci. Control of plasmodial fusion in the Pan. 1 strain of D. iridis is similar to that found earlier for a Honduran strain (Hon. 1).  相似文献   

Zabka , George G. (U. Iowa, Iowa City), and Waldo R. Lazo . Reciprocal transfer of materials between algal cells and myxomycete plasmodia in intimate association. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49 (2) : 146–148. Illus. 1962.—Pure cultures of Fuligo cinerea, a myxomycete, and Chlorella xanthella, a green alga, were separately permitted to accumulate sodium radiophosphate from an agar medium and come into full association with non-radioactive cultures of the other organism. Manipulation of such mixed cultures indicates that a Plasmodium of Fuligo cinerea and vegetative cells of Chlorella xanthella are both able to absorb radiophosphorus from a nutrient medium and transfer it to each other. It is suggested that these phenomena support the possibility of a symbiotic relationship between the alga and myxomycete in association.  相似文献   

In crosses involving a polyploid myxamoebal clone. CR 2-25*, F1 plasmodia and myxamoebae display a variety of unexpected ploidy levels as indicated by nuclear DNA measurements. Genetic analyses of the F1 generations reveal either complete elimination of certain genetic markers or greatly skewed segregation ratios. On the basis of these two kinds of evidence, it is assumed that chromosome elimination occurs at some stage (or stages) following karyogamy between parental nuclei. The possible significance of polyploidy in relation to myxomycete speciation and evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

Somatic incompatibility in two strains of the myxomycete Didymium iridis is controlled by at least 13 loci: seven fusion loci and six clear-zone loci. Details on correlating loci of the Hon 1 strain with Pan 1 loci are given and a unified nomenclature, applicable to both strains, has been developed from data presented in this paper. Although fusion loci generally prevent fusion between different plasmodial incompatibility phenotypes, studies on individual loci have shown that a limited transient fusion may occasionally take place. Thus, the differences between the fusion and clear-zone loci are not as distinct as once thought. However, the 13 somatic incompatibility loci are still easily designated as either fusion or clear-zone loci, and no locus has thus far been found with true intermediate function. Studies on individual locus function are also discussed.  相似文献   

Five populations of Pinus rigida growing in contrasting ecological situations ranging from North Carolina (35°53'N latitude) to Quebec (45°06'N latitude) showed no significant variation in amounts of nuclear DNA with respect to germinating seedlings. Nuclear volume of dormant nuclei also showed no significant variation between and within populations, a finding that is consistent with the concept that the basic 2C DNA value of Pinus rigida is uniform under all habitats. This finding is in contrast to numerous reports for other coniferous species.  相似文献   

应用图像分析技术对43例膀胱肿瘤细胞DNA含量和核形态参数进行了定量测定,同时进行核仁组成区(AgNORs)计数研究,结果表明:肿瘤细胞的DNA含量及干系水平与组织学分级基本一致,DNA含量及干系水平越高,则恶性程度越高,DNA含量与核面积及核最短直径的变化里正相关性,与AgNORs的计数无明显相关性。这三项检测方法对肿瘤生物学行为判断均有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Erythroblasts of four vertebrate species (Triturus cristatus, Rana esculenta, Lacerta viridis and Gallus domesticus) differing markedly in their nuclear diploid DNA content, are used to study a possible relationship between cell cycle duration and DNA content. DNA is determined cytophotometrically and fluorometrically. The cell cycle is analysed by evaluating labelled mitoses after an injection of tritiated thymidine and also by double labelling with 14C- and 3H-thymidine. A direct but non-linear relationship is demonstrated between DNA content of erythroblast nuclei and the duration of DNA-synthesis.  相似文献   

Flow-cytometric analyses of 29 species of microchiropteran bats representing four families and 20 genera revealed that bats possess only 79% (5.43 pg) of the DNA content of a “typical” mammal (e.g., Mus musculus strain C57BL; 7 pg). Chiroptera, the second largest order of mammals, is thus an exception to the prevailing view that mammals possess a minimum nuclear DNA content of 7 pg. Limitations on cell size resulting from a high metabolic rate may have constrained evolution of DNA content and could explain why the extensive heterochromatic additions that are common in some groups of mammals are absent in bats. Chromosomes of bats have been well studied; detailed chromosomal banding data are available for nearly all the species used in this investigation. However, no significant correlations were found between DNA content and karyotypic characteristics such as 2n, fundamental number, and rate or pattern of chromosomal evolution.  相似文献   

Anatomical and physiological responses to drought stress were compared in two Microseris species differing in DNA content and originating from contrasting habitats relative to water availability (M. bigelovii, DNA = 2.6 pg nucleus–1, more xeric; M. laciniata, DNA = 6.8 pg nucleus–1, mesic). Leaf mesophyll cell volume was positively correlated with DNA content and negatively correlated with tissue elasticity, i.e., low ϵ̄ and thin cell walls. Drought stress increased leaf tissue elasticity (lower ϵ̄, thinner cell walls). Cell volume, cell wall thickness, cell number, and leaf area were decreased most by drought stress in M. laciniata. Osmotic adjustment with a 20% increase in total solutes (mostly amino acids) after stress was observed in both species, but their estimated contribution to the change in osmotic potential was larger in M. bigelovii. These findings indicate that the Microseris species studied respond to low water availability by maintaining turgor with 1) small cell volumes, 2) elastic tissues (low ϵ̄, thin cell walls), and 3) osmotic adjustment. Both enhanced tissue elasticity and small cell volume appear to be inherent characteristics in M. bigelovii and drought-induced responses in M. laciniata. These data are compatible with the hypothesis that natural selection may influence DNA content through differential sensitivity of cell growth to environmental stress.  相似文献   

Nuclear 2C DNA content was determined by laser flow cytometry for 13 diploid (2n = 34) lines (cultivated varieties and inbred lines) of Helianthus annuus. Mean DNA amount of second leaf nuclei varied from 6.01 to 7.95 pg (32%) among lines. Mean DNA content varied up to 19% within lines. Variability in mean DNA content exceeding 27% and 48% was detected among leaves from different nodes of plants of the open-pollinated variety, Californicus, and the inbred line, RHA 299, respectively. The root tip and shoot tip nuclei of H. annuus have been reported to consist of a mixture of aneuploid (17 to 33 chromosomes) and diploid (34 chromosomes) cells, a condition called aneusomaty. Chromosome counts of root tips and an analysis of the distribution of DNA content of large numbers of nuclei from leaves indicate that aneusomaty either does not occur, or is not common, among the lines investigated. The intraspecific, intraline, and intraplant variation in DNA content in H. annuus support the concept that a sizable portion of a plant genome is unstable and subject to rapid changes in DNA amount.  相似文献   

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