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Two taxa of Carthamus, each with 32 pairs of chromosomes, merit specific status. C. baeticus (Boiss. & Reut.) Nym. is found on islands of and in countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, whereas C. turkestanicus Popov extends from western Turkey to Kashmir. Compared to C. baeticus, C. turkestanicus has wider leaves, wider and less divaricate bracts, larger heads with more florets and achenes, and florets with longer lobes. Their chromosomes differ to the extent that microsporocytes of their F1 hybrids had a reciprocal translocation in pachytene and a mean of over six, and up to 22, univalents at metaphase I. Pollen stainability and seed fertility were reduced in F1 hybrids.  相似文献   

Carthamus divaricatus (Beg. et Vacc.) Pamp., found only in Libya, has 11 pairs of chromosomes, a new chromosome number in the genus. The species is distinct morphologically. It has yellow, purple, and white corollas, yellow pollen, dark-purple striped anthers, horizontal branches, and strongly divaricate outer involucral bracts. The terminal portion of the middle involucral bracts is dentate and reddish brown. It is self-incompatible. Meiosis is regular in the different corolla-color types of C. divaricatus and their intraspecific hybrids. C. divaricatus was crossed to six species with n = 12, to three species with n = 10, to C. lanatus with n = 22, and to two species with n = 32 chromosomes. The morphological characteristics and cross-ability of the parental species plus the pollen viability, seed-set, and meiotic behavior of the hybrids involving C. divaricatus and other Carthamus species indicated that C. divaricatus is very closely related to species with n = 10, closely related to C. lanatus with n = 22, and less closely related to C. tinctorius with n = 12 chromosomes. C. divaricatus seems to be distantly related to C. nitidus (n = 12). It is proposed that C. divaricatus be included provisionally with 10-chromosome species in Section II. Alternative hypotheses for the development of the three basic chromosome numbers are discussed.  相似文献   

Meiosis and mode of reproduction are described in Agropyron ferganense Drob., a perennial forage grass from Central Asia. This species is diploid (2n = 14); it exhibits normal meiosis and reproduces by cross-pollination. Hybrids were produced between A. ferganense and six species with known genome formulas: 1) North American A. spicatum (Pursh) Scribn. & Smith, an SS diploid (2n = 14), 2) Middle Eastern A. libanoticum Hack., an SS diploid (2n = 14), 3) North American A. dasystachyum (Hook.) Scribn., an SSHH tetraploid (2n = 28), 4) Eurasian A. caninum (L.) Beauv., an SSHH tetraploid (2n = 28), 5) North American Sitation hystrix (Nutt.) J. G. Smith, an SSHH tetraploid (2n = 28), and 6) South American Elymus patagonicus Speg., an SSHHHH hexaploid (2n = 42). Almost complete chromosome pairing in the A. ferganense x A. spicatum and A. libanoticum hybrids demonstrated that A. fergenanse is an SS diploid, but it is genetically isolated from the other SS diploids because of high sterility in the F1 hybrids. S-genome diploids form a network of species that extend from the Middle East through Central Asia to western North America. Frequent occurrence of seven univalents and seven bivalents at metaphase I in the triploid hybrids of A. ferganense x A. dasystachyum, A. caninum and S. hystrix was consistent with the proposed genome formulas of SS for A. ferganense, SSHH for the three tetraploid species, and SSH for the hybrids. Chromosome pairing was highly variable in the A. ferganense x E. patagonicus hybrids; however, some cells had almost complete bivalent pairing, an expected observation in an SSHH hybrid from a cross between an SS diploid (A. ferganense) and an SSHHHH hexaploid (E. patagonicus). Various options were considered concerning the appropriate generic classification of the S-genome diploids, which are now commonly placed in Agropyron. The inclusion of these species in the genus Eiytrigia, as advocated by some Soviet taxonomists, appears to be a reasonable decision.  相似文献   

Three different closed flower types were identified in safflower and were classified as arrowhead, bar, and cage. Histological observations revealed that the closed flower condition is caused by a differentiation of epidermal cells into papillae that become interdigited. The primary difference between the three types is the length of the fused edge along the petal lobe. The papillae are pointed and have thickened walls of cutin. Reduced seed set results from changes in the internal environment during microsporogenesis. The expression of each closed flower type is governed by a single gene; the arrowhead, bar, and cage types have, respectively, the genotypes arar, baba, and coca.  相似文献   

The seed fertility of 172 interspecific and 32 intraspecific F1 hybrids in the genus Tragopogon was determined. Intrageneric barriers to interbreeding were variable; some were weak and others quite strong. Maternal influences on fertility were found in 18 pairs of reciprocal interspecific crosses. It was postulated that cytoplasmic and nuclear factors interacted to determine the level of seed fertility. Although F1's were generally sterile or semi-sterile, the proportion of fertile seeds produced in most crosses increased in the F2 generation. In two cases, however, a significant decrease was observed.  相似文献   

梁健英   《广西植物》1994,14(2):126-129
异裂菊属两新种梁健英(广西植物研究所,桂林541006)关键词菊科;异裂菊属;新种TWONEWSPECIESOFHETEROPLEXISCHANG(COMPOSITAE)¥LiangJiangying(GuangxiInstituteofBotany...  相似文献   

Karyotypes of nine Brazilian taxa of genus Hypochoeris were studied utilizing root-tip mitotic metaphases. Two distinct groups were found. One group includes six species that showed high asymmetric bimodal karyotypes, while the second group has two species that have a karyotype similar to those observed in European species. All the species have karyotypes with 2n = 8 that are very uniform within each group, with only small morphological differences. Nucleolar organizing region and C-band patterns are shown for H. brasiliensis.  相似文献   

四种牛首科吸虫染色体的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者对四种牛首科吸早的染色体进行了观察和相对长度的测量。结果显示,假扇盘吸虫的染色体组型为n=4m+1st+2t=6,吴氏似牛首吸虫的染色体组型为n=4m+2sm+1t=7,湖北似牛首吸虫的染色体组型为n=7m=7,范尼道 佛吸虫的染色体组型为n=6m+1sm=7。其中,假扇盘吸虫、吴氏似牛首吸虫和湖北似牛首吸虫的染色体数目和组型为首次报道。  相似文献   

A morphometric approach proved useful for characterizing pollen from the Ambrosia species that are responsible for most ragweed hayfever and for correctly identifying individual pollen grains. Pollen was harvested from 4 species (A. trifida, A. artemisiifolia, A. bidentata, A. psilostachya) grown in Champaign County, Illinois, and observed with a scanning electron microscope. Quantitative measurements of 6 different exine characters were made on micrographs of 96 pollen grains from each species. Discriminant analysis based on these characters was used to obtain a population centroid for each species and indicated that these centroids were distinctly different. This analysis also included a species classification for individual pollen grains and indicated probability of species membership. About 86% of all individuals were correctly classified when the 4 species were included, with a range from 80% (A. artemisiifolia) to 95% (A. psilostachya). When three species (A. trifida, A. artemisiifolia, A. bidentata) were analyzed, about 87% of the individuals were correctly classified, and almost all individuals (97%) were classified correctly when only A. trifida and A. artemisiifolia were included. The validity of the derived discriminant functions was also tested by treating herbarium specimens as unknowns. The species and percentages of these individuals correctly classified were A. trifida (100%), A. artemisiifolia (58%), A. bidentata (100%), and A. psilostachya (31%). The classification results using three species were A. trifida (100%), A. artemisiifolia (75%), and A. bidentata (100%); and using two species were A. trifida (100%) and A. artemisiifolia (92%). Hence, the disciminant functions do seem valid for 3 species, but further investigation of A. psilostachya is needed. This type of approach may be useful in pollen analysis, especially where these species significantly contributed to aeroallergens.  相似文献   

Sedum cremnophila and Echeveria linguifolia have generally been placed in different genera on the basis of their flowers—largely because the petals are spreading in one and erect in the other—and the genera have been placed in different subfamilies. However, they are very similar vegetatively and in their unusual inflorescence, their karyotypes are similar (n = 33), and they readily hybridize to produce fertile F1 hybrids. Study of hybrids of these two species with numerous others leads to the conclusion that each of the two is effectively diploid, with a genome consisting of 33 chromosomes that are all different and that do not pair with each other. Therefore, the good chromosome pairing and the fertility of the hybrid between them are the result of close structural and genetic homology between the corresponding chromosomes of the two species. Taxonomic revision to reflect their very close relationship is desirable. Some other species of Sedum and Echeveria also may need to be reclassified.  相似文献   

Histological observations were made on normal and mutant strains of safflower in order to compare the development of the “fibrous” tissues among the various strains. The fibers of the vascular bundles of normal and F1's from crosses between normal and thin-hull mutant types had well-developed secondary cell walls, but they appeared reduced in mutant types. The anthers of all types showed a similar pattern of differentiation and maturation up to the final stages of tapetal breakdown when secondary walls and rib formations appeared in the connective regions and endothecial cells of the normal, striped and F1 types. These formations were absent from the thin-hull mutants. In both types dehiscence took place along a longitudinal fissure at the junction of the pollen sacs of one lobe of the anther. The anther flaps of normal types opened abruptly, thus effectively bringing the pollen into contact with the elongating style. Those of the mutants collapsed in place preventing the release of pollen. Hulls of the mutant strains were thin because cells were not sclerified during differentiation of the pericarp. Striped hulls resulted from the additional localization of secretory canals in the pericarp of the striped mutant.  相似文献   

分别以小麦属6个种的变种或品种共9个供试材料为母本,2个黑麦种为父本进行杂交,只有Stewartdurum小麦与2个黑麦种杂交后,才得到F1种子,说明染色体的自然加倍需要一定的遗传背景,对这2个F1代花粉母细胞减数发裂所形成配子的观察表明,配子形成途径的不同,使F2出现了双二倍体和部分双二倍体的差异。  相似文献   

In the four species studied, Grindelia stricta ssp. blakei, G. arizonica, G. lanceolata, and Prionopsis ciliata (Haplopappus ciliatus), the female gametophyte develops according to the Polygonum (normal) type from the chalazal megaspore of a row of four. In most cases only two antipodal cells are formed, the micropylar one originally containing two nuclei. The number of nuclei increases in both cells; one or both antipodal cells typically grow laterally into the integument, often extending to near the surface of the ovule. This resembles the condition previously reported in Grindelia squarrosa. Since the four species of Grindelia have similar antipodal outgrowths, such outgrowths may be considered typical for this genus. The fact that Prionopsis resembles Grindelia in regard to outgrowths from the antipodal cells and differs in this respect from typical Haplopappus helps to justify its separation from Haplopappus, and perhaps its suggested merger with Grindelia.  相似文献   

本文记载了中国25种角蝉的染色体,研究表明染色体的数目、大小及其在减数分裂过程中的行为具有种或属一级的分类特征。该科昆虫染色体的数目变异在n=5到12之间,众数为n=11,另外,n=10的类型也较为普遍。绝大多数种类的性别决定机制为XO型,仅个别种类具有新XY性染色体系统。  相似文献   

通过幼胚培养和秋水仙碱处理,人工合成了具有一对双随体染色体的硬粒小麦——簇毛麦双二倍体(AABBVV)。根尖细胞染色体数目2n=42;花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ,2n=21″的细胞占69.94%,染色体构型为1.0′+20.47″+0.02。天然和自交结实率分别为49.07%和39.23%。籽粒蛋白质含量为20.98%。抗白粉、条锈、叶锈和赤霉病。  相似文献   

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