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Apical buds of Xanthium were grown in aseptic culture under short-day cycles known to induce flowering in the intact plants or under “light-break” conditions known to prevent flowering. The total light provided in each 24-hr cycle was the same under the two photoperiods. Various numbers of leaves were excised from the apical buds. Excision of leaves did not change the response to photoperiod: even with all leaves excised the apical buds cultured under short-day conditions reached the same average floral stage as the control buds, and those under light-break conditions all remained vegetative. Fresh weight was not significantly changed by the excisions, either. However, excision of the young leaves resulted in an increase in the number of new leaves developed by the apical bud during the two-week culture period.  相似文献   

Raghavan , V. (Princeton U., Princeton, N. J.) Studies on the floral histogenesis and physiology of Perilla. III. Effects of indoleacetic acid on the flowering of apical buds and explants in culture. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(10): 870–876. Illus. 1961.—The responses of apical buds and explants of a short-day plant, Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. var. 'Tall Late,' when grown in vitro in White's medium supplemented with indoleacetic acid (IAA) and subjected to short-days (SD) or long-days (LD), are described. Additions of varying concentrations of IAA to the medium inhibited the flowering of the photoinduced apical buds in 2 ways. There was a progressive delay in the appearance of the first signs at the apex and a gradual transition from the more flower-like structures in lower concentrations of IAA (0.1 mg/liter) to sterile cones in higher doses. The sterile cones had florets with well-developed calyx and corolla lobes, but lacked the sporogenous tissues. When subjected to LD, visible signs were observed only in buds grown in 0.1 and 1.0 mg/liter IAA, the pronounced effect of the auxin being in the step-wise inhibition in the formation of the non-sporogenous tissues of the differentiating florets. Flowering of the explants with the 1st pair of unfolded leaves was also inhibited by IAA in either SD or LD, but the 1st signs appeared relatively faster than in apical buds. When photoinduced, explants with the 1st and 2nd pairs of unfolded leaves flowered in all concentrations of IAA tried (up to 100 mg/liter) while those kept in LD remained entirely vegetative.  相似文献   

Vegetative plants of Xanthium strumarium (a short-day species) were induced to flower by exposure to a single 16-hr long night. By cutting off the induced leaf (half-expanded leaf) at various times, it was established that, by 8 hr after the end of the long night, a sufficient amount of floral stimulus had reached the meristem to induce a flowering response. The following sequence of events occurred in both the peripheral and central zones of the apical meristem of induced plants: 1) a rise in the mitotic index beginning at 28 hr after the end of the long night and culminating at 36 and 56 hr; 2) a stimulation of DNA synthesis starting at 32–36 hr and reaching a maximum at 60 hr; 3) an increase in nucleolus diameter starting at 32 hr. The cell population in the meristems of both vegetative and induced plants displayed a similar distribution, with about 80 % of the nuclei with the 2C amount of DNA. The comparison of the kinetic data concerning the mitotic index and DNA synthesis indicated that one of the early effects of the floral stimulus in the peripheral and central zones was the release in mitosis of cells whose nuclei were in the postsynthetic (G2) phase of the mitotic cycle. In the pith-rib meristem, the following events were recorded: 1) a stimulation of DNA synthesis starting at 20 hr; 2) a rise of the mitotic index beginning at 28 hr; 3) the vacuolation and elongation of cells starting at 48 hr. All these events occurred well before the initiation of bract and flower primordia, which began at 96 and 136 hr, respectively. Neither stimulation of mitotic activity nor flowering occurred in the meristems of plants subjected to a long night interrupted at its midpoint by a 5-min light break. The results are discussed in relation to the early events which are known to occur in the meristems of other photoperiodic species in transition to flowering.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The modified Rogosa media (acetate broth and acetate agar) developed by Mabbitt & Zielinska (1956) have been compared with tomato juice media for the growth of representative Lactobacillus species.
Most of the species tested grew markedly better in acetate broth than in tomato dextrose broth, but some cultures did not grow well in the acetate broth although they grew normally in tomato dextrose broth. The acetate agar was satisfactory for counting those lactobacilli cultured at 30° but was inferior to tomato dextrose agar for counting those grown at 37°.  相似文献   

Cellular changes in the shoot apical meristem of Helianthus annuus L. have been investigated in relation to its progress towards flowering. During the strictly vegetative phase, lasting for 6–7 days from sowing, mitotic divisions were confined to the peripheral zone, while the central mother cells zone proper, together with the distal cells positioned above the mother zone and also the central portion of the tunica, were relatively quiescent. Mitotic activity increased in the distal cells zone on day 8 and reached the level of that in the peripheral zone by day 12. This was accompanied by an enlargement of this zone and the consequent recession of the mother zone away from the central tunica. At the same time there was a substantial increase in the amount of cytoplasm in the cells of the central tunica. Mitotic activity in the central tunica began on day 12 and reached a peak on day 16. This zone then lost its distinct entity and was replaced by a uniform dome-shaped meristematic layer that became apparent by day 16. The cells of the mother zone remained quiescent during the transition period.  相似文献   

A toxic extract from unialgal cultures, of Gonyaulax monilata Howell was tested for insecticidal activity on the cricket Acheta domestica L The regression line of the activity was compared with that of ouabain in this insect as well as with that of the toxic extract in mice. Although mice are approximately 2.5°as sensitive as the cricket an a body weight basis, because of the insect's smaller mass‘(1/50 that of the mouse), one can treat 26° as many crickets with the same amount of toxic material. This fact, coupled with the simple rearing requirements of the insect, makes it an ideal bioassay organism as well as a useful subject far further investigations of the physiological properties of the toxic extract and other bioactive compounds available in limited quantities.  相似文献   

本文报道了6种有机磷农药(马拉硫磷、敌敌畏、对硫磷、敌百虫、乐果和杀螟松),6种非有机磷毒物(西维因、氯化高汞、滴滴涕、六六六、三硝基甲苯和苯酚)分别对我国淡水养殖鲤科鱼类的急性致毒试验,以及不同水体中不同种类和年龄的鱼的脑胆碱酯酶活力的测定,证实有机磷农药可以特异地抑制鱼脑胆碱酯酶活力,其抑制程度与农药浓度相关。在有机磷农药对鱼类慢性致毒试验中发现:水中有机磷农药浓度和水温对鱼脑胆碱酯酶活力的恢复和鱼体残毒释放的速度有影响。六六六和对硫磷联合致毒对鱼脑胆碱酯酶活力的影响也进行了初步探讨。    相似文献   

In Pharbitis seedlings, aging is associated with definite trends in the pattern of flowering of the axillaries: 1) the locus of maximum flowering is displaced continuously upward, 2) there is a continuous loss of responsiveness to induction from the base of the plant, upward, 3) flowering of the axillaries is suppressed in general when the terminal bud fails to flower, and 4) flowering at the distal nodes regresses when the terminal bud fails to flower. Phenomena 1 and 2 start at the base of the plant and move progressively upward, whereas 3 and 4 are tied to the possibly rhythmic responses of the terminal buds to floral induction, with aging. Buds at axils that form after induction are capable of flowering. Buds at nodes that flower maximally range in development from those not visible with a stereomicroscope to those with enlarging apices ready to form the first leaf primordia at the time of induction. Axillaries that have formed leaf primordia fail to flower in response to one inductive night.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural changes occurring in the central part of the apical meristem of the SDP Xanthium strumarium, induced to flower by a single 16-hr long night, were quantitatively investigated using stereological methods and compared to the changes previously reported in other species, particularly the LDP Sinapis alba. Changes detected in Xanthium, which are also found in other species, included: increase in cellular, cytoplasmic, cytoplasmic matrix and nucleolar sizes, change in nucleolar structure; increase in mitochondrial number and chondriome size, increase in dictyosome number. These changes are believed to be essential for floral evocation because of their universality. Other changes were specific to Xanthium and not detected in Sinapis. Accordingly, they were thought to be accompanying nonessential events of floral evocation in Xanthium. These changes included an increase in the number of plastid profiles and in plastidome size. The size of the nucleus, chromatin and vacuolar apparatus, as well as the number of vacuolar profiles, did not change in Xanthium, contrary to what was observed in other plants.  相似文献   

来自海洋的链霉菌抑菌活性与其培养条件的关系   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
研究培养条件对来自海洋的12株链霉菌抑菌活性的影响。结果表明,用海水(含3.5%NaCl)制备的高氏1号培养基(pH72)、22℃培养时,能表现抑菌活性的菌株数最多;但减少培养基的营养成分、改变氮源、NaCl浓度、pH和培养温度,部分菌株可表现新的抑菌活性,或使原有的抑菌活性有较大提高;新表现或提高的抑菌活性绝大部分都是针对革兰氏阳性菌和白色假丝酵母。本文结果提示在海洋放线菌抗生素产生菌的筛选中,应注意培养条件的选择。  相似文献   

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