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Apical cells of Onoclea sensibilis L. protonemata were measured to determine areas of new walls which were formed during both transverse and longitudinal cell division. Actual wall areas were compared with calculated areas of hypothetical walls oriented in the opposite sense (i.e., an actual transverse wall compared with a hypothetical longitudinal wall, and the reverse). Among 87 out of 90 cells which were analyzed the actual walls had the least area. Thus, the minimal area hypothesis of cell partitioning accurately predicts wall orientation in this instance, although it appears, on other grounds, that the hypothesis does not furnish a plausible mechanism for wall orientation. The application of Lintilhac's concept of the orientation of cell walls in response to anisotropic stresses in the cell was explored. Photographs of apical cells during deplasmolysis indicated that unequal stresses might be generated in apical cells as a result of the osmotic distension of the elastic protoplast. It is concluded that the primary factor which determines the plane of cell division in the apical cell, and the transition from one- to two-dimensional growth, is the local pattern of stress which exists at the position of the nucleus at the time of onset of cell division and wall formation. Calculations of some geometrical properties of idealized model cells are interpreted to mean that the accuracy of the minimal area hypothesis results from a coincidence of its predictions with predictions of Lintilhac's hypothesis, and no causal significance is attributed to wall areas.  相似文献   

Three-day-old seedlings of ‘Atlas’ barley were treated for 1 hr with an aqueous solution of 2-mercaptoethanol at various concentrations. This caused a general delay of mitosis, suppression of subsidiary cell formation in manystomatal complexes, and complete inhibition of the formation of some stomatal complexes. In a small proportion of stomatal complexes the orientation of the division of the guard cell mother cell was changed so that its mitotic spindle was no longer transverse but parallel to the long axis of the leaf and produced daughter cells proximally and distally to each other. The highest frequency of such proximal-distal orientations, a mean of 2.23 per stomatal row, was produced by concentrations of 0.175–0.2 m. Proximal-distal reorientations were concentrated in a region of the leaf distal to that in which the greatest inhibition of stomatal complexes occurred. Susceptible complexes were those at early stages of subsidiary formation when exposed to mercaptoethanol; this is long before prophase of GCMC division. The mean length/width ratio of cells at this stage was significantly greater in treated than in control material. Gibberellic acid at 550 ppm significantly increased both the 1/w ratio and the frequency of proximal-distal divisions. A much higher proportion of proximal-distal divisions was obtained in upper leaf sheaths excised and placed for 24 hr in a moist atmosphere. This effect was associated with a period of quiescence following excision, after which mitoses were resumed, many of them with proximal-distal reorientation.  相似文献   

When gametophytes of Onoclea sensibilis are placed on an auxin-containing medium in darkness, the cells of the plant increase in length and width. Measurements were made to determine the effects of cell age and auxin concentration on the magnitude of the cells’ response. When comparing final size with size before auxin treatment, the youngest cells have the greatest response. However, they also have the greatest endogenous growth. The optimum auxin concentration for increase in length changes with the age of the cells. The greatest length is attained in young cells with an auxin concentration of 10−-6–10−-7 m; 10−-5 m auxin is supraoptimal. The greatest increase in width of the cells is produced by 10−-5 m auxin, regardless of cell age. The data are believed best to be interpreted as showing an age-dependent change in the capacity of the cells to respond to auxin.  相似文献   

When protonemata of Adiantum capillus-veneris L. which had been grown filamentously under continuous red light were transferred to continuous white light, the apical cell divided transversely twice, but the 3rd division was longitudinal. An intervening period of darkness lasting from 0 to 90 hr either between the 1st and the 2nd cell division or between the 2nd and the 3rd one did not affect the number of protonemata in which the 3rd cell division was longitudinal. The insertion of red light instead of darkness greatly decreased the percentage of 1st longitudinal divisions occurring at the 3rd division, and increased the number of transverse divisions. Fifty percent reduction of induction of 1st longitudinal division was caused by ca. 50 hr exposure to red light between 1st and 2nd division and by ca. 20 hr between 2nd and 3rd division, and total loss was induced by an exposure of ca. 100 hr or longer to red light in the former and by ca. 40 hr longer in the latter. Thus, by using an appropriate intervening dark period or exposure to red light, the orientation and timing of cell division could be controlled in apical cell of the fern protonemata.  相似文献   

Periodic cell divisions were induced in gametophytes of Pteridium aquilinum by daily irradiation with white light. In white-dark cycles, the rate of cell division was promoted by increased time in white light; cell elongation was not affected. The time of transition to two-dimensional growth (days to 5% 2-D) was closely associated with the mitotic rate. For white-red cycles, the rate of elongation was controlled by the intensity of red light (wavelengths over 550 nm). This increased elongation delayed the initiation of 2-D development. In both cases the rate of transition to 2-D growth was correlated with the amount of elongation per division.  相似文献   

Ethylene, a natural product of sensitive fern (Onoclea sensibilis L.) gametophytes, has been demonstrated to inhibit cell division in light-grown prothallia. When plants were grown on Knop's solution plus 1 % sucrose under 300 ft-c or more of white light, all ethylene concentrations from 1–1000 μl/liter reduced the rate of increase of cell number by about one-half. The over-all rate of increase of cell number was regulated by various environmental and chemical factors, but regardless of the rate established in control cultures, ethylene treatment of 1–1000 μl/liter produced a relative 50 % depression of cell number. Ethylene was specific for inhibition of cell division and was not a general inhibitor of growth. The ethylene inhibition did not result from a reduction of photosynthesis or energy supply. Further demonstration of ethylene as the active gaseous component resulted when cultures were grown in small enclosed containers with an ethylene absorbent, mercuric perchlorate, and consequently the cell number of gametophytes was restored to the level of unenclosed controls.  相似文献   

A fertile frond of O. sensibitis was found which yielded spores with unusual growth characteristics. About 25% of the gametophytes derived from the spores were able to undergo 2-dimensional development in darkness, in contrast to normal plants which are filamentous in darkness. When the aberrant spores were cultured in darkness under conditions of reduced ethylene concentration, the proportion of 2-dimensional plants rose to 75%, and, moreover, up to 50% of the gametophytes produced antheridia within 2 weeks. Under comparable conditions normal gametophytes produced no antheridia. The medium from antheridial cultures of the aberrant spores failed to induce the formation of antheridia in other plants.  相似文献   

Protonemata of Onoclea sensibilis were grown for 7 days in darkness and were then transferred into light on new media, either liquid or agar-solidified, which contained 0.15% colchicine. The growth of individual plants was observed on solid media in microchambers. Unequivocal evidence was obtained that cell wall expansion and an increase in cell diameter occurred in regions well behind the apex of the protonema. This finding is related to an hypothesis which proposes light-induced changes in microtubule orientation and cell wall structure as an explanation for certain changes in cell form in fern gametophytes.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional (2-D) development of gametophytes of Pteridium aquilinum was estimated by the percentage of plants with at least one cell wall at an oblique angle, relative to the long axis. Inhibition of cell division per se was assayed by counting the cell number per filamentous (1-D) gametophyte. Specific concentrations of 8-azaguanine, 5-fluorouracil, p-fluorophenylalanine, actinomycin D, streptomycin, and cycloheximide were found to selectively inhibit 2-D development. A reduction in the percentage of 2-D gametophytes was accompanied by a reduction in the relative protein content (protein per dry weight). A comparable association was found only during the initial stages of 2-D development; after 5 days the relative protein content decreased as the percentage of 2-D gametophytes increased. Different intensities of white light resulted in a 10-fold difference in the percentage of 2-D plants with no alteration of the relative protein content. These results demonstrate that no strict relationship between 2-D development and relative protein content occurred in these gametophytes.  相似文献   

Actinomycin D affected the morphological type of growth in the gametophytes of Pteridium aquilinum and the distribution of RNA and protein in their particulate fractions. Increasing concentrations of the drug progressively inhibited two-dimensional growth at the end of a period during which controls had formed typical two-dimensional plants. RNA was lost maximally from the nuclei-rich and ribosome-rich fractions of plants growing in a concentration of actinomycin D which inhibited two-dimensional growth. The magnitude of changes in protein content of the plants was less striking. Presence of actinomycin D in the medium also suppressed incorporation of uridine-H3 into cytoplasmic fractions of gametophytes. The possibility that two-dimensional growth in the gametophytes is under control of a newly synthesized messenger RNA, which is sensitive to actinomycin D, is discussed.  相似文献   

A series of events in the differentiation of rhizoid cells in the gametophyte of Pteris vittata L. is described. Differential in vivo staining reactions make it possible to trace a sequence of stages from pre-mitotic nucleocytoplasmic staining (corona stage), through the events of mitosis, to formation of an internally segmented rhizoid cell which then grows out from the parent thallus cell. When the standard ribonuclease test is employed, basophilic protoplasmic staining due to pyronin is prevented in developmental stages up through early formation of the rhizoid cell. Staining in these stages is therefore assumed to be due to ribonucleic acid associated with protein synthesis. A new developmental phase starts just prior to the protrusion growth of this cell when an intensely pyroninophilic material appears at the membrane of the rhizoid cell nucleus and along cytoplasmic strands radiating to the peripheral regions of the cell. The staining of this newly synthesized material cannot be prevented by ribonuclease treatment, and it shows strong positive tests for protein and polysaccharide. As long as the rhizoid continues to grow, this material remains concentrated in the growing tip region. Material showing similar staining reactions is also found in the cells of the meristematic notch area. Although thallus cell walls do not stain, the rhizoid cell wall adsorbs basic stain, in some cases, metachromatically. Finally, it is suggested on the basis of observations reported here that the sometimes neglected role of the nucleus in theories of unequal cell division-differentiation should be re-examined.  相似文献   

Approximately 10 % of all fern species reproduce vegetatively in the gametophytic stage by means of gemmae. Gametophyte morphologies in these species depart radically from the commonly figured heart-shaped type and expand considerably the opportunities for physiological and morphological studies utilizing fern gametophytes. Original observations on four species of vittarioid ferns are presented and compared with earlier observations on gametophytes of this family. Vittarioid gametophytes grow from a discontinuous marginal meristem which results in a much branched thallus of indeterminant growth. Aerial branches of the gametophytes terminate in gemma production, which proceeds by a regular and predictable sequence of events. The sequence may differ considerably among species but is remarkably constant within species. Archegonia are produced on short ventral branches, and antheridia are produced primarily on germinating gemmae. Ananthacorus angustifolius is the only known member of the Vittariaceae which does not produce gemmae and is considered to represent the primitive condition. In this species antheridia are scattered over the thallus, suggesting that a change in the mode of control of antheridium production may have evolved in the family along with gemma production.  相似文献   

Two effects of blue light on the development of Onoclea sensibilis spores are demonstrated. Brief irradiation promotes the protonemal or filamentous type of growth, and the rate of filament elongation is greater than in darkness. Longer periods of irradiation induce the formation of 2-dimensional prothallia. Blue-light treatments which promote filament elongation interact with elongation-promoting far-red light. Far-red irradiation alone promotes filament elongation to a greater extent than blue light, but a blue-light irradiation, either following or preceding far-red treatment, strongly inhibits the far-red promotion. In darkness, a slow recovery from the blue-light-induced loss of sensitivity to far-red takes place. The recovery may be greatly accelerated by interposing a red-light treatment between blue and far-red irradiation.  相似文献   

Kelley , A. G., and S. N. Postlethwait . (Purdue U., Lafayette, Ind.) Effect of 2-chloroethyltrimethylammonium chloride on fern gametophytes. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(7): 778–786. Illus. 1962.—2-chloroethyltrimethylammonium chloride (CCC) promotes growth of fern gametophytes by stimulating the rate of cell division. The transition from filamentous to biplanar to triplanar cell division is hastened, resulting in earlier and more numerous gametangia on treated prothalli. Growth is stimulated in the range of 10-4 m –10-2 m CCC, with the optimal effect at 10-3 m CCC. The time sequence of rhizoid production is altered by 10-2 m CCC; the resultant production of rhizoids by prothalli treated with 10-2 m CCC does not exceed that of controls.  相似文献   

Miller , J. H. (Yale U., New Haven, Conn.) The effect of auxin and guanine on cell expansion and cell division in the gametophyte of the fern, Onoclea sensibilis. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(9): 816–819. Illus. 1961.—Auxin and guanine promote cell expansion in 0. sensibilis gametophytes. The optimum concentration of auxin for total expansion is 10−-5 M, but the optimum for elongation is 10−-6 M. Above this concentration the cells expanded isodiametrically. Guanine is active at higher concentrations than auxin. Increasing concentrations of auxin progressively inhibit red light-induced cell division, while guanine has no effect on cell division. Neither kinetin nor adenine promotes cell expansion or cell division.  相似文献   

The purine analogs, 8-azaadenine, 8-azaguanine, 8-azaxanthine and 8-azahypoxanthine, and the pyrimidine analogs, 2-thiocytosine, 5-fluorouracil, 2-thiouracil and 6-azauracil, inhibited the induction of 2-dimensional growth in the gametophytes of the fern Asplenium nidus L. In contrast, thymine analogs such as 5-fluorodeoxyuridine, 2-thiothymine, 6-azathymine and 5-bromouracil caused non-specific growth inhibitions without suppressing 2-dimensional growth. Subinhibitory concentrations of 8-azaxanthine, 8-azahypoxanthine, and 2-thiouracil promoted both 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional phases of growth of the gametophytes. Inhibitory effects of the analogs were observed on treatment of the spores or of gametophytes of different ages. Gametophytes growing in the analogs for different periods of time recovered from inhibition on transfer to the basal medium.  相似文献   

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