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Daucus carota, a common herbaceous weed, grows over a wide latitudinal range in eastern North America. Viability and germination tests of mature seeds collected from 36° to 45°N were conducted to measure predispersal seed mortality. Viability and germination declined as latitude of the seed source decreased. Only 30–50% of the seeds from southern populations germinated owing to high embryo inviability and absence of embryos. Sixty to ninety percent of the seeds from northern populations germinated. Reciprocal planting of seeds in outdoor experimental plots at three latitudes and testing of seeds over two generations together showed that the environment in which seeds mature, rather than environmental preconditioning over generations or genetically-based differences among populations, explain this variation in germination ability. Within-latitude germination declined in experimental plots as population age of the seed source within latitudes increased. The data indicate that predispersal seed mortality can influence local population persistence and that seed mortality is an increasingly important factor in population regulation at the southern limit of the species’ range.  相似文献   

The proexine that forms within the callosic envelope before the end of the microspore tetrad period is thick (about 1 μm) and exceptionally complex. It has components equatable with tectum, columellae, and a nexine that includes lamellar zones. All these components persist in the exine although late in development they become difficult to recognize because this exine is reduced in thickness, apparently by stretching, to a maximum of 0.2 μm. Strelitzia is an example of an exine template, with receptors for sporopollenin, that is not maintained during development. The Strelitzia microspore surface changes from an exine like that on an interaperture sector to the channeled intinelike system common for the apertures of pollen grains. The exine on sterile grains gives what may be a rare view of a stabilized immature exine. The mature exine on viable pollen grains resembles this early exine only in the most impressionistic way. Tapetal cells go through at least one cycle of hyperactivity, dedifferentiation, mitosis, and then again hyperactivity before they finally decline.  相似文献   

Microsporogenesis was investigated in hermaphroditic and male-sterile plants in nine gynodioecious taxa of Hawaiian Bidens. Normal microsporogenesis in hermaphrodites and the onset of abortion in male steriles were similar in all taxa and in a hybrid between two gynodioecious species. The early abnormal vacuolation of tapetal cells is the first visible evidence leading to premeiotic abortion of microsporogenesis in male steriles. The sporogenous cells disintegrate rapidly after the vacuolation of the tapetum, resulting in a shrunken, indehiscent anther which is composed of only the epidermal layer with some remnant cells of the endothecium and the connective at anthesis. In hermaphrodites, the tapetal cells remain dense and undergo karyokinesis to become binucleate during meiosis I. The tapetum becomes plasmodial after microspores are released from tetrads and gradually disappears during pollen formation. The genetic factor(s) which cause the abortion act with remarkable precision and consistency in all taxa investigated. This suggests that gynodioecy in all Hawaiian Bidens is homologous and the establishment of male sterility in Hawaiian Bidens occurred only once. The spread of the genetic male-sterile factor(s) may be the result of adaptive radiation of the original gynodioecious species or natural interspecific hybridization.  相似文献   

我们曾报道,白萝卜提取物是一种干扰素诱生剂,对致死性病毒感染动物有很显著的保护作用。 本实验在组织培养单层细胞上测试了十字花科萝卜属几种萝卜栽培变种,包括“心里美”、“卫青”、“象牙白”(白萝卜)和伞形科胡萝卜提取物的抗病毒感染活性。 萝卜提取物的制备和定量方法,按文献进行。萝卜提取物在组织培养单层细胞上抑  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in sunflower anthers is compared with its normal (N) line by using light and electron microscopy. Degeneration and disintegration of CMS tapetum and microspore tetrads occur after meiosis II, resulting in sterility. At the onset of meiosis, the CMS tapetum enlarges radially and shows signs of disorganization of organelles and walls. The developing CMS meiocytes and tetrads of microspores do not show these abnormalities when compared with their N counterparts. The CMS microspore tetrads remain viable until a rudimentary exine forms around each microspore. At this time, the radially enlarged tapetum disintegrates, followed by disintegration of the tetrads. In N-line microsporogenesis, a peripheral, dense tapetum is present at the tetrad stage, and as each locule enlarges, free spaces occur around the tetrads. After a rudimentary exine with associated spines and colpi is formed around each microspore, the callose holding each tetrad together dissolves, freeing the microspores for further development. Eventually the binucleate tapetum becomes plasmodial, persisting until the vacuolate pollen stage.  相似文献   

Pollen wall development in Sorghum bicolor is morphologically and temporally paralleled by the formation of a prominent orbicular wall on the inner tangential surface of the tapetum. In the late tetrad stage, a thin, nearly uniform primexine forms around each microspore (except at the pore site) beneath the intact callose; concurrently, small spherical bodies (pro-orbicules) appear between the undulate tapetal plasmalemma and the disappearing tapetal primary wall. Within the primexine, differentially staining loci appear, which only develop into young bacula as the callose disappears. Thus, microspore walls are devoid of a visible exine pattern when released from tetrads. Afterwards, sporopollenin accumulates simultaneously on the primexine and bacula, forming the exine, and on the pro-orbicules, forming orbicules. Channels develop in the tectum and nexine, and both layers thicken to complete the microspore exine. Channeled sporopollenin also accumulates on the orbicules. A prominent sporopollenin reticulum interconnects the individual orbicules to produce an orbicular wall; this wall persists even after the tapetal protoplasts degenerate and after anthesis. While the pollen grains become engorged with reserves, a thick intine, containing conspicuous cytoplasmic channels, forms beneath the exine. Fibrous material collects beneath the orbicular wall. The parallel development and morphological similarities between the tapetal and pollen walls are discussed.  相似文献   

花叶开唇兰(兰科)大小孢子发生和雌雄配子体发育   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
花叶开唇兰的胚珠倒生,双珠被,薄珠心.雌配子体发育属蓼型,成熟胚囊7细胞.大小孢子发生过程中壁上都有胼胝质出现.小孢子四分体为四面体形,左右对称形,交叉形,T形,它们聚集成花粉小块.花粉散出时为2细胞型.药室壁4层,绒毡层底分泌型.  相似文献   

Cultures of callus tissue derived from roots, petioles, or umbellet peduncles of the wild carrot have been observed to form large numbers of adventive embryos which closely resemble ovular embryos of the same species. In the presence of cocoanut milk, which is not otherwise required in the nutrient medium, these embryos germinate and produce plants which may be normal in all respects. The sequence of forms in embryogenesis has been traced back to embryos of fewer than 10 cells, and the pattern of development has been found in many cases to correspond closely to that of ovular embryos, especially with respect to the early filamentous stages. The accumulation of granular starch in both the parenchymatous cells of the callus and in the embryos at certain stages of their development is a marked characteristic of differentiating callus. Investigation of the nutrient requirements of the callus tissue undergoing differentiation of embryos reveals that a wide latitude is possible in the composition of the basal medium, consisting of mineral salts, vitamins, and sucrose. Embryos form readily in tissue which has been extensively subcultured on a simple defined medium which consists of the basal medium plus adenine and 2,4-D. Tissues cultured on cocoanut milk and 2,4-D, or kinetin and 2,4-D, are more heterogeneous in composition and may contain, in addition to embryos, idioblastic tracheids, anthocyanin-pigmented cells, and complex vascularized nodules. Chemical control of alternative morphogenetic pathways, and of embryogenesis itself, is partially demonstrable.  相似文献   

刺五加大、小孢子发生和雌、雄配子体发育的观察   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
刺五加Eleutherococcus senticosus(Rupr.et Maxim.)Maxim.雄株的小孢子发生和雄配子体发育过 程正常,大孢子发生和雌配子体发育过程多不正常。雄花具5个花药,花药4室,药壁发育属双子叶型, 腺质绒毡层,绒毡层细胞多具2核。小孢子母细胞经减数分裂形成四面体形四分体,其胞质分裂为同时 型。成熟花粉为3细胞型。子房下位,5室;每室有上胚珠和下胚珠,上胚珠退化,下胚珠倒生、具单珠 被、厚珠心;大孢子母细胞经减数分裂形成线形或“T”形四分体,偶尔有2个并列或串联的四分体或在 四分体之上又出现孢原细胞。其功能大孢子位置不确定。雌配子体发育中异常现象较多。开花时,雌 配子体主要为反足细胞退化后的四细胞胚囊。刺五加雌株的小孢子母细胞不能进行减数分裂或减数分 裂不正常,不能形成四分体。开花时,药室空瘪,无花粉形成。其大孢子发生和雌配子体发育过程正常, 大孢子母细胞减数分裂形成线形或“T”形四分体,合点端大孢子为功能大孢子,胚囊发育属蓼型。开花 时,雌配子体主要为七细胞八核或七细胞七核胚囊,其卵器尚未发育成熟。刺五加两性株的小孢子发生 过程无异常,但雄配子体发育过程有部分异常;开花时,药室内有或多或少的空花粉,且花粉粒大小悬 殊,大的直径达35μm,小的仅15~18 μm。两性株的雌蕊发育大部分正常,也有一些异常胚囊形成。开 花时,雌配子体主要是七细胞八核胚囊、七细胞七核胚囊和反足细胞退化后的四细胞胚囊,其卵器也未发育成熟。  相似文献   

Cross- and partially cross-pollinated capitula of Cichorium intybus (Compositae, Lactuceae) were examined for a study of normal and seedless fruit development respectively. Embryos develop according to the Asterad pattern, and the free-nuclear endosperm becomes cellular 15–17 hrs after pollination. A zone of disorganized cellular material surrounds the embryo sac at anthesis, and, in normal achenes, this zone expands as the seed develops. Initially the developing seed elongates and comes into contact with the top of the ovary by 48 hrs. In contrast to this pattern, the ovule in developing seedless achenes degenerates within 72 hrs. Irregularities, such as an abnormally proliferating endothelium, embryo formation without endosperm, and endosperm formation without an embryo often accompany this degeneration. Differentiation of the pericarp in seeded achenes begins between 48 and 72 hrs, starting at the apex and proceeding basipetally; in seedless fruits the process is similar though initiated somewhat later. The normal pericarp at maturity exhibits a pigmented exocarp, a broad mesocarp of thick-walled lignified cells, and a tenuous endocarp. In seedless achenes the fruit coat is similar except that the exocarp is colorless and the cells of the mesocarp are relatively small.  相似文献   

云南松(Pinus yunnanensis Fr.)在小孢子囊发育早期,绒毡层原生质体发生收缩,并伴随着细胞壁厚度的增加。脂肪微滴和孢粉素物质沉积而形成周缘绒毡层膜。随着孢粉素物质的产生,绒毡层细胞质明显地液泡化。孢粉素物质在绒毡层细胞膨大的内质网槽库中形成,随后被排放到近邻的小液泡内或游离于细胞质中。孢粉素物质也可在特化的含片层的质体中形成,孢粉素依附在片层膜上,或释放到细胞质中。  相似文献   

罗汉果大小孢子发生与雌雄配子体发育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Flower buds of a tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) gibberellin-deficient mutant (ga-2/ga-2) were initiated, but did not develop to maturity and eventually aborted. If GA, was applied to a developing inflorescence or stem tip, completion of flower bud development and fruit set occurred. In development of the ga-2 flowers, the corolla and stamens did not elongate and the style was misshapen or extended past the tip of the anthers. Light microscope observations indicated that meiosis of both microsporocytes and megasporocytes did not occur. Cells of the sporogenous layer were initiated, but growth was arrested and they eventually degenerated. The ovary was normal in appearance. However, the megasporocytes degenerated, giving rise to a cavity in the ovule. Thus, although GA is not required for flower initiation in tomato, it is essential for meiosis of the microsporocytes and megasporocytes and elongation of the corolla and stamens.  相似文献   

Four populations of Mimulus glabratus var. utahensis Pennell from the Great Basin and seven of M. glabratus var. fremontii (Bentham) Grant from the New Mexico–Texas–northeastern Mexico area were intercrossed and their F1 hybrids grown. Cytology and fertility of both the parental populations and the F1 hybrids were studied. The following cytological abnormalities were observed in microsporogenesis: cytomixis, the stretching of one or more chromosomes from cell to cell; multipolar divisions, separation of the chromosome complement into two or more parts; unequal disjunction; spontaneous polyploidization; and the production of encapsulated pollen tetrads. Typically, these abnormalities were rare or not observed in the parents, were rare in the intravarietal hybrids, but were more common in the intervarietal hybrids. They were closely associated with, in fact were the probably causes of, barriers to gene exchange between these two diploid (n = 15) varieties. Thus, the apparent causes of barriers to gene exchange in intervarietal hybrids are the likely mechanisms for the evolution of aneuploidy and polyploidy so characteristic of the rest of the Mimulus glabratus complex.  相似文献   

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