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Edwardson , John R. (U. Florida, Gainesville.) Cytoplasmic differences in T-type cytoplasmic male-sterile corn and its maintainer. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49 (2) : 184–187. Illus. 1962.—Differences in inclusions in sections of T-type male-sterile and maintainer corn were found with electron microscopy. Some male-sterile root tip cells contain dense inclusions ca. 50–60 mμ dia. These inclusions are always associated with areas of dense cytoplasm, while no such inclusions or dense cytoplasmic areas occur in maintainer material. The majority of maintainer tapetal cells contain inclusions ca. 46–52 mμ dia.; the majority of male-sterile tapetal cells contain inclusions ca. 58–64 mμ dia. Well-defined membranes always enclose the inclusions in maintainer material; indistinct membranes are occasionally associated with inclusions in sterile material.  相似文献   

囟土白蚁Odontotermes fontanellus Kemner是安徽为害林木、水库堤坝的主要蚁种。研究结果表明:1.在一定的巢龄范围内,随着蚁后身体增长,卵巢管数量增多,一侧的卵巢管最多可达3726条。2.蚁后体长与工蚁数、兵蚁数、幼蚁数、整巢蚁数之间成幂函数关系。3.卵巢管数与蚁后体长、工蚁数、兵蚁数、幼蚁数、整巢蚁数之间成幂函数关系,4,蚁巢体积(y)与蚁后体长(X_2)、兵蚁数(X_4)、的关系式为:y=6.687e~(0.0566)X_2+0.6741X_4  相似文献   

Anther development of the C-cytoplasmic male-sterile (cms C) and the normal cytoplasm version (N) in the W182BN corn inbred was studied by light and electron microscopy. Deviation from normal pollen development was first observed in the tapetal cells at the tetrad stage of development. Two types of tapetal abnormalities were observed in plants with C cytoplasm. The first behaved like the N anther until the tetrad stage, when numerous small vacuoles appeared in the tapetal cells. Inner and radial tapetal cell walls broke down normally, but irregular Ubisch body deposition was observed, and exine development was inhibited and delayed. The tapetum and microspores disintegrated at the intermediate microspore stage. The second type of tapetum was highly vacuolated at the early tetrad stage, with dense inner and radial cell walls that remained intact and enlarged when the tetrads aborted. No organellar abnormalities, such as the mitochondrial changes observed in cms T, were observed in C anthers.  相似文献   

The anther development of the S male-sterile cytoplasm and the fertile maintainer (N) cytoplasm versions of corn inbred W182BN and the restored S cytoplasm version of inbred NY821LERf was studied by light and electron microscopy and compared to pollen abortion in the C and T types of male-sterile cytoplasms. The S anthers did not deviate from the non-male sterile (N) anthers until a very late stage of pollen development. Tapetal cells developed and disappeared normally in the S version which differentiates this cytoplasm from the C and T types. Although some modified membranous structures were seen in a higher frequency in the large vacuole of the sterile S pollen than in the N and restored S counterparts, the mitochondria and other organelles in the S pollen appeared normal up to the time of pollen abortion. Pollen abortion in the S cytoplasm did not occur until the developing pollen was nearly mature. At this time the pollen grains disintegrated abruptly but other anther tissues appeared unaltered. The male sterility of S plants appeared to be determined by the pollen itself without external influence from the tapetum.  相似文献   

陈博尧  杨润卿 《昆虫学报》1992,35(4):438-442
囟土白蚁Odontotermes fontanellus Kemner是安徽为害林木、水库堤坝的主要蚁种.研究结果表明:1.在一定的巢龄范围内,随着蚁后身体增长,卵巢管数量增多,一侧的卵巢管最多可达3726条.2.蚁后体长与工蚁数、兵蚁数、幼蚁数、整巢蚁数之间成幂函数关系.3.卵巢管数与蚁后体长、工蚁数、兵蚁数、幼蚁数、整巢蚁数之间成幂函数关系,4,蚁巢体积(y)与蚁后体长(X2)、兵蚁数(X4)、的关系式为:y=6.687e0.0566X2+0.6741X4  相似文献   

The structural interrelationships among several membrane systems in the cells of brown algae have been examined by electron microscopy. In the brown algae the chloroplasts are surrounded by two envelopes, the outer of which in some cases is continuous with the nuclear envelope. The pyrenoid, when present, protrudes from the chloroplast, is also surrounded by the two chloroplast envelopes, and, in addition, is capped by a third dilated envelope or "pyrenoid sac." The regular apposition of the membranes around the pyrenoid contrasts with their looser appearance over the remainder of the chloroplast. The Golgi apparatus is closely associated with the nuclear envelope in all brown algae examined, but in the Fucales this association may extend to portions of the cytoplasmic endoplasmic reticulum as well. Evidence is presented for the derivation of vesicles, characteristic of those found in the formative region of the Golgi apparatus, from portions of the underlying nuclear envelope. The possibility that a structural channeling system for carbohydrate reserves and secretory precursors may be present in brown algae is considered. Other features of the brown algal cell, such as crystal-containing bodies, the variety of darkly staining vacuoles, centrioles, and mitochondria, are examined briefly, and compared with similar structures in other plant cells.  相似文献   

繁殖器官的大小和数量之间的权衡是植物繁殖对策研究的重要问题之一, 但是支持权衡关系的实验研究非常有限。该文以青藏高原东缘高寒草甸菊科风毛菊属优势植物种风毛菊(Saussurea japonica)为材料, 通过不同光照和营养处理, 研究其花序、种子大小和数量之间的关系。结果表明: 光照和营养处理对花序数目没有显著影响, 但对花的大小, 以及种子大小和数量均有显著影响。大小和数量之间的关系同样会受到处理条件的影响: 在对照和低营养处理下, 花序、种子的大小和数量之间呈显著的正相关关系, 而在低光照处理和低光照低营养处理下, 花序、种子的大小和数量之间的关系变为显著负相关, 即出现大小和数量之间的权衡。结果表明: 环境胁迫(比如有限的土壤养分和光资源的抑制)加剧了花序、种子大小和数量之间的权衡。风毛菊花序和种子的大小和数量之间的权衡关系的环境依赖性, 使其能够对外界环境的变化做出响应, 这种繁殖对策能提高其适合度。  相似文献   

A range of phyllotactic variation in Zea mays has been obtained from progeny derived from a single ‘opposite-leaved’ plant. Some segregants exhibit a form of alternate phyllotaxy with poor separation between nodes, while others duplicate the original decussate condition. Numerous intermediate examples have also been observed. Some have both spiral and opposite arrangements on the same plant; others, which begin their ontogeny with the normal distichous arrangement, switch at different stages of maturity to spiral or decussate arrangement. Leaves from ABPHYL plants are up to one-half the width of comparable normal leaves although their length is similar. Since ABPHYL plants may have twice as many leaves as do normal siblings, total area and dry weight of leaf blades per ABPHYL plant are greater than in normal siblings. Leaf width of both ABPHYL and normal plants correlates well with the number rather than the width of epidermal cells.  相似文献   

The transition to cooperative breeding may alter maternal investment strategies depending on density of breeders, extent of reproductive skew, and allo‐maternal care. Change in optimal investment from solitary to cooperative breeding can be investigated by comparing social species with nonsocial congeners. We tested two hypotheses in a mainly semelparous system: that social, cooperative breeders, compared to subsocial, solitarily breeding congeners, (1) lay fewer and larger eggs because larger offspring compete better for limited resources and become reproducers; (2) induce egg size variation within clutches as a bet‐hedging strategy to ensure that some offspring become reproducers. Within two spider genera, Anelosimus and Stegodyphus, we compared species from similar habitats and augmented the results with a mini‐meta‐analysis of egg numbers depicted in phylogenies. We found that social species indeed laid fewer, larger eggs than subsocials, while egg size variation was low overall, giving no support for bet‐hedging. We propose that the transition to cooperative breeding selects for producing few, large offspring because reproductive skew and high density of breeders and young create competition for resources and reproduction. Convergent evolution has shaped maternal strategies similarly in phylogenetically distant species and directed cooperatively breeding spiders to invest in quality rather than quantity of offspring.  相似文献   

Increase in cell number, and in anlage volume and length have been investigated during the development of lateral root primordia in roots of intact plants of Pisum sativum and Vicia faba and in excised roots of both species cultured in White's medium supplemented with 2% sucrose. With the exception of primordia in excised roots of Vicia, the general equation which best described increase in each aspect of primoridium growth measured against time was that for exponential growth. When the times necessary for cell number and primordium volume and length to double were determined at intervals over the period of development studied, however, they were found to vary. Similarly, estimates of the size of the proliferative fraction of cells at different times during anlage development indicated that this index of meristematic activity also fluctuated over the developmental period investigated, i.e., increase in cell number and in primordium volume and length do not occur in a truly exponential fashion as the primordia increase in size and cell number. One difference between anlage development in the roots of intact plants and in those grown in culture was that whereas the former primordia completed their development and emerged as lateral roots over the period of the investigation, the latter did not. Moreover, cell doubling time and anlage volume and length doubling times were longer, and the proliferation fraction of cells lower, over the whole period of, and at intervals during, primordium development in the excised roots compared with the results obtained for the roots of the corresponding intact plants.  相似文献   

Samples of Cypraea (Notocypraea) angustata Gmelin 1791 and ofCypraea errones L. 1758 have been measured, and the sex of theindividuals determined. The males of C. angustatawere foundto be significantly shorter than the females. Differences betweenother dimensions in this species, and between all dimensionsmeasured in C. errones, were of little significance It has recently been shown (Griffiths, 1961) that the malesof Umbilia hesitata Iredale were greater in length than thefemales. Other evidence in this paper, and some subsequent measurementsmade by Schilder and Schilder (1961) have suggested that theconverse might be true for some other species of CYPRAEIDAE Sample groups of shells of C. errones and C.(N) angustata havenow been measured. The shells were then cut open, and thesexof the animal determined by the presence or absence of a penis.The results are givenin Tables I and II (Received 10 March 1961;  相似文献   

12#Bt/CXC是以能定植在玉米维管束系统的内生菌I>Clavibacter xyli subsp.Cynodon—tis(CXC)为宿主菌,将Bt urstaki的δ—内毒素基因cryIA?整合到其染色体上形成的内生工程菌。以玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis Guenee为供试昆虫的生测结果表明:在同一浓度下,12#菌株对玉米螟的毒力均高于野生型Bt菌株HD73和空白对照(最低浓度除外)。浓度最高时12#处理的死亡率为63%,而m工73为53%,死亡率与浓度呈正相关,相关系数r12#大于rHD—73。在用12#Bt/CXC接种玉米的活体生测中,人工接虫4周后检测,注射接种法效果明显优于种子处理法。不同浓度的注射接种处理,玉米螟幼虫减少率最低70%,最高可达96%,与未处理对照相比差异显著。12#菌剂处理后对玉米螟的生长发育也有抑制作用,虫体重减轻26.4%~44.5%,处理株虫龄平均为2龄,而对照株为4龄。  相似文献   

A hypothesis in the literature suggests that apical size is one of the critical determinants of the number of organs a flower will form. Genetically selected and control lines of Linanthus androsaecus ssp. androsaecus (Polemoniaceae) were used to test this hypothesis. Plants in the selection up (SU) line of this species produce flowers with greater than the normal number of corolla lobes, and plants in the selection down (SD) line produce less than the normal number of corolla lobes. Apices from lateral branches collected from plants just prior to flowering differed in size among these two lines and controls. Plants in the SU line showed an increase in apical diameter in median section while plants in the SD line showed a decrease in apical diameter in comparison to controls. SU plants may be flowering later, and SD plants earlier, than controls. SU and control apices from the main stem, collected from plants in a late stage of vegetative growth, also differed in apical diameter. Increase in the number of apical cells is associated with increased size in SU apices in comparison to controls. Apical size differences associated with petal number appear to become established during vegetative growth by the time the first two pairs of foliage leaves are formed. The selected and control lines of L. androsaecus offer support for the hypothesis that apical size is an important factor in the determination of petal number.  相似文献   

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