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Chromosome counts are reported for plants from 171 populations of Australian Compositae; most of these are first reports for the approximately 104 taxa distributed among 37 genera. New generic counts with base numbers indicated include: Astereae —Bellida (x = 9), Minuria (x = 9); Inuleae —Angianthus (x = 12, 13), Calocephalus (x = 7), Cephalipterum (x = 12, 14), Craspedia (x = 11), Gnaphalodes (x = 10), Gnephosis (x = 4, 12), Myriocephalus (x = 6), Isoetopsis (x = 17); Calenduleae —Tripteris (x = 8); and Artcoideae —Arctotheca (x = 9). Most of the counts were from the tribes Astereae (47) and Inuleae (95). The phyletic import of these data is discussed selectively and comparisons are made with the chromosomal variation found in the Australian desert Compositae with that found in the North American desert Compositae.  相似文献   

Chromosome counts from 132 plant populations representing 124 taxa (in 67 genera) are reported. These include previously unreported counts for over 70 species and 5 new generic counts (Hofmeisteria, x = 19; Oxypappus, x = 10; Pterocaulon, x = 10; Stenocarpha, x = 8; and Urbinella, x = 8). Two new base numbers are reported for specieis of Perityle (P. californica, x = 13 and P. palmeri, x = 17), and previously unreported n numbers have been found for species of the genera Bidens (n = 17) and Hymenostephium (n = 21). Several gametic cells with differing meiotic configurations were found in the same head of Stevia viscida (n = 11 pairs; 11 pairs and 11 univalents; 33 univalents). When appropriate, the chromosomal information has been related to systematic problems, especially for genera of the subtribes Flaverinae, Coreopsidinae, Galinsoginae and Peritylinae.  相似文献   

One hundred and ninety-three new counts are reported for the tribe Heliantheae of Compositae, mostly based on determinations of meiotic material, including first counts for the genera Adenothamnus, Chrysogonum, Enceliopsis, Guardiola, Isocarpha, Lipochaeta, Otopappus, and Oyedaea, as well as first counts for 66 species. The original counts are discussed in relation to those previously reported for the tribe, by genera and subtribe. Two-thirds of the approximately 150 genera and more than a third of the roughly 1500 species have now been examined. The incomplete knowledge of generic relationships in the tribe often make the interpretation of these chromosome numbers difficult. Three observations are documented and discussed: (1) genera with low chromosome numbers are few; (2) genera with aneuploid series are abundant; and (3) the original basic chromosome number in the tribe is probably in the range of x = 8 to x = 12.  相似文献   

Original chromosome counts are reported from 91 populations and 73 taxa distributed among 46 genera. Most of these were obtained from meiotic material and are first reports. Some of the more interesting counts are from genera with amphitropical distributions such as Gaillardia and Helenium. When appropriate, systematic implications of the data are discussed.  相似文献   

Reports of 150 original chromosome counts are recorded, including reports of 22 genera and 57 species and subspecific taxa in tribe Lactuceae. Also included are first reports for 12 specific or subspecific taxa. x = 9 appears to be the ancestral base of the tribe. Chromosome numbers are known for over 85% of the genera of the tribe and the frequency of polyploidy is ca. 23%, which is about one-half that of the angiosperms.  相似文献   

Reports of 129 new chromosome counts are made for the tribe Astereae of Compositae. They are mostly based on determinations of meiotic material, including first counts for one genus and 43 species or subspecies. Counts are now available for more than 63 of the 100-120 genera and 564 of the approximately 2,000 species in the tribe. Three of every four genera with more than one species counted show more than one chromosome number; 15 genera have species with populations with different numbers. Such variation is very high and indicates the need for more detailed cytotaxonomical study in the group.  相似文献   

Turner , B. L., W. L. Ellison , and R. M. King . (U. Texas, Austin.) Chromosome numbers in the Compositae. IV. North American species, with phyletic interpretations. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(3): 216–223. Illus. 1961.—Chromosome counts from 116 different plant populations representing 75 taxa (72 species in 39 genera) are reported. These include the first species counts for the following genera: Actinospermum (x = 19), Baltimora (x =15), Calea (x = ca. 17, 18), Calyptocarpus (x = 12), Hecubaea (x = 17), Lagascea (x = 17), Schistocarpha (x = 8), Melanthera (x = 15), Pectis (x = 12), Perymenium (x = 15), Sanvitalia (x = 8), and Trigonospermum (x = 15). Chromosome counts for Chrysopsis trichophylla (n = 5), Cirsium horridulum (n = 16), Hidalgoa ternata (n = 16,) Tridax balbisioides (n = 10), Tridax trilobata (n = 10), and Verbesina crocata (n =18) differ from the reported basic numbers as determined from other species in these genera. Taxa closely related to Tridax procumbens were found to have the diploid number n = 9, thus establishing the polyploid nature (n = 18) of this widespread polymorphic species. When appropriate, the chromosomal information has been related to systematic problems.  相似文献   

Reports of 126 new counts are recorded for 9 tribes of Compositae, including reports for 45 genera and 102 species. Six genera, Psilocarphus (n = 14). Relhania (n = 7), Rutidosis (n = 9), Chaetanthera (n = 14), Hecastocleis (n = 8), and Hesperomannia (n = 10), and 41 species were previously unreported.  相似文献   

New chromosome observations are reported for 30 species and varieties from 4 genera of Ambrosieae: Ambrosia (including Franseria), Diceria, Hymenoclea and Iva. Neither polyploidy nor aneuploidy is known in the genera Dicorea, Hymenoclea or Xanthium. Aneuplcid reduction appears to have played a role in the genome evolution of several species of Iva and Ambrosia. Polyploid species occur in both Iva and Ambrosia and polyploid series exist for at least 5 species or species aggregates of the latter. All available evidence indicates that the primitive chromosome number for the tribe is x = 18, differentiation and speciation having occurred at this level, which is here termed diploid. The group, however, must ultimately have been of polyploid origin from forms with x = 9.  相似文献   

Raven , Peter H. (U. California, Los Angeles.), Otto T. Solbrig , Donald W. Kyhos , and Richard Snow . Chromosome numbers in Compositae. I. Astereae. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(2) : 124—132. Illus. 1960.–Ninety-two new counts are reported for the tribe Astereae of Compositae, mostly based on determinations of meiotic material. These include the first counts reported for the genera Acamptopappus, Amphipappus, Benitoa, Chrysothamnus, Corethrogyne, Lessingia, Monoptilon, and Xanthocephalum, as well as for many species. The original counts are discussed in relation to those previously reported for the tribe; together these constitute a total of 39 genera examined cytologically out of the approximately 100 known. Because of its widespread occurrence in diverse phylogenetic lines within the tribe and the family, and because of its high degree of correlation with the woody habit, which is thought to be primitive, x=9 is regarded as the original basic number for Astereae. Within the Haplopappus alliance there is a strong secondary mode of chromosome numbers centering around x=5. The hiatus between these two modes in number is explained on the basis of ancient phylogenetic reduction in chromosome number followed by the extinction of less successful intermediate types, and is compared with similar trends that have been reported for Cichorieae. It is suggested that the family is not of polyploid origin but may have had an original diploid basic number.  相似文献   

Reports of 89 new counts are recorded for the tribe Helenieae, including reports for 28 genera and 56 species. One genus, Hypericophyllum (n = 9), and six other taxa were previously unreported.  相似文献   

Ornduff , Robert (Duke U., Durham, N. C), Peter H. Raven , Donald W. Kyhos , and A. R. Kruckeberg . Chromosome numbers in Compositae. III. Senecioneae. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(2): 131–139. Illus. 1963.—Chromosome counts are reported for 75 taxa of tribe Senecioneae (Compcsitae) and are listed with a generic summary of previous counts in the tribe. First counts are reported for Bedfordia, Crocidium, Dimeresia, Gamolepis, Lepidospartum, Luina, Peucephyllum, Telradymia, and the first definite count recorded for Euryops. New numbers are added to those previously known in Arnica and Psathyrotes. Intraspecific differences in ploidy-level are reported in 4 North American species of Senecio. Although chromosome numbers are useful as an aid in delimiting some genera of Senecioneae, they are of little use in circumscribing genera peripheral to Senecio, primarily because of the great range of chromosome numbers of that genus. Chromosome numbers support suggestions based on morphological considerations that genera such as Crocidium and Dimeresia do not belong in Senecioneae, whereas chromosome number and morphology of the plants virtually prohibit the removal of such genera as Peucephyllum, Lepidospartum, and Telradymia from Senecioneae, despite the suggestions of several recent authors. It is proposed that the base number for the tribe is 10 and that the tribe originated in the Old World, with subsequent widespread migration and diversification.  相似文献   

Raven , Peter H. (Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont, Calif.), and Donald W. Kyhos. Chromosome numbers in Compositae. II. Heleniae. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(9): 842–850. Illus. 1961.—Chromosome counts are now available for 42 of the approximately 55 genera of Compositae, tribe Helenieae, which is predominantly a group of western North America. These chromosome numbers are summarized here at the generic level, and 100 original counts for the tribe are added, including what seem to be the first published reports for the genera Amblyopappus, Baeriopsis, Hulsea, Jaumea, Pericome, Rigiopappus, Trichoptilium, and Venegasia, as well as for many species. The phylogeny of Chaenactis is discussed in the light of published records and 46 original counts, and C. douglasii is shown to include plants in which n = 6, 12, and 18, which differ somewhat morphologically. Helenium has species which have a complete series of aneuploid numbers from n = 13 to n = 17. Chromosome numbers coincide with morphological variability in indicating that Helenieae are a diverse group. More detailed studies of various kinds will be necessary before the genera of Helenieae can be re-aligned effectively, but it is evident that different genera show affinities with various other tribes of the family. Nevertheless, it is thought to be convenient to continue to recognize Helenieae at the tribal level for the present.  相似文献   

Reports of 100 new chromosome counts are made for the tribe Astereae of Compositae, mostly based on determinations of meiotic material, including first counts for 9 genera and 53 species. Counts are now available for 58 of the approximately 100–120 genera and 431 of the approximately 2000 species in the tribe. Comparisons are made between chromosome number and habit and also between chromosome number and geographical distribution. Species and genera with a basic number of x = 9 are the most abundant. Within different phyletic lines x = 9 is also the most abundant number. On the other hand, many species with x = 4 and 5, belonging to a number of small, largely annual genera, are concentrated in southwestern North America. The low chromosome number in these plants is probably correlated with the dry habitat they occupy, and is most likely a specialized condition.  相似文献   

The haplord chromosome numbers of n = 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 20, 23, 25 ± 1, 27, 30, and 33 have been reported by various authors from 26 of the 37 recognized species of Melampodium. A chromosomal survey of 375 plants from 275 different populations suggests that the recorded numbers are stable within the genus and that infraspecific euploidy and aneuploidy are uncommon. These chromosome numbers can be arranged numerically, with morphological and limited cytogenetic substantiation, into four euploid series of x2 = 9, 10, 11, and 12. Of these four groups of species, the x = 10 series is the largest and morphologically most diverse. This consideration, along with additional evidence from the morphology of sterile disc ovaries, suggests that x = 10 is the ancestral chromosomal base in Melampodium. A comparison of morphological and cytological data from the closely related genera, Acanthospermum and Lecocarpus, indicates that the latter are probably on a common base of x = 11. Present day distributional patterns of all three genera support the hypothesis that x = 10 is the ancestral base for the entire complex.  相似文献   

本文报道了我国蒿属6种的染色体核型,它们的核型公式分别为:牡蒿(ArtemisiajaponicaThunb.)2n=18=12m+6sm(2SAT);西南牡蒿(A.parvifloraBucb.-Ham.exRoxb.)2n=36=30m+4sm+2st(6SAT);多花蒿(A.myrianthaWall.exBess.)2n=36=30m+6sm:牛尾蒿(A.dubiaWall.exBess.)2n=36=28m+8sm(2SAT);野艾蒿(A.lavandulaefoliaDC.)2n=54=42m+12sm;荚毛蒿(A.velutinaPamp.)2n=54=36m+18sm.  相似文献   

四种猕猴桃属植物的染色体数目观察   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文报道了四种猕猴桃植物的染色体数目。结合其他作者的有关报道,讨论了猕猴桃属的染色体基数,性染色体,倍性,及其与地理分布之间的关系。  相似文献   

菝葜属13个种的染色体数目   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
获英属(Silmax)常常放在广义的百合科(Liliaceaes.1.),是一个多为木本、攀援的(少为草本、直立)雌雄异株属"'。近几十年来人们根据它的某些独特性状已单立1科:获葵科(Smilaeaceae),一般含茨基属、肖获卖属(Heterosmilax)和RIPogonum等3个属'·'。本研究旨在以  相似文献   

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