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We investigated the spatial cohort structure of Trillium populations in old-growth cove forests in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (TN, USA). We mapped the locations of all Trillium erectum L., Trillium grandiflorum (Michaux) Salisbury, and Trillium vaseyi Harbison occurring within two 10 × 10 m sample plots at each of three old-growth sites—Anthony Creek, Cove Mountain, and Kalanu Prong. The height and life stage of each individual were recorded and a randomly selected subset was excavated for age determination. Our results suggest that Trillium populations in cove forests of the southern Appalachians display a high degree of spatial aggregation and are relatively stable, spatially, over long time periods (i.e., decades). Individual patches (aggregations of plants) within populations were typically multi-aged and no clear spatial cohort structure was observed. Surprisingly, more isolated plants (distal from large aggregations) were among the oldest plants in the population, rather than recent colonists dispersing away from parent populations. Individual species were less mingled than expected given that they share a common dispersal agent (ants). This study provides a double-baseline for Trillium population structure in old, primary forests with low browse pressure.  相似文献   

Post-pollination processes governing mating patterns in Trillium,a well-known genus of insect-pollinated woodland herbs, arepoorly understood. Mechanisms influencing outcrossing were investigatedin T. grandiflorum and T. erectum, two widespread species nativeto eastern North America. In southern Ontario, Canada, the twospecies are often sympatric; they flower in early May, and arepollinated by different assemblages of insects. Controlled cross-and self-pollinations and structural observations of pollengermination and pollen tube growth were conducted to determinewhether the two species possess a self-incompatibility (SI)system and, if so, the specific site(s) of self-rejection. Controlledpollinations indicated that both species set significantly moreseeds from cross-pollination than self-pollination, implicatingthe action of SI. This was confirmed by structural studies whichdemonstrated that self-recognition and rejection reactions occurredon dry-type stigmatic papillae. Observations of pollen hydrationrevealed that self-rejection was rapid, being initiated within10 min of pollination and prior to pollen tube emergence. Finalself-rejection resulted in failure of pollen tube growth atthe base of stigmatic papillae. SI was expressed more weaklyin T. erectum and thereby resulted in considerable self-seedset in some individuals . Estimates of outcrossing rates usingallozyme markers indicated that T. erectum displayed a mixed-matingsystem whereas T. grandiflorum was more highly outcrossed. Structuralstudies of pollen traits indicated that the two species differedwith respect to the size of grains and their aggregation withimplications for pollen dispersal and mating. The ecologicaland evolutionary implications of the variable expression ofSI in Trillium are discussed. Copyright 2001 Annals of BotanyCompany Trillium grandiflorum, Trillium erectum, self-incompatibility, mating  相似文献   

American trilliums are all diploid and are classified into three groups with regard to compatibility withTrillium kamtschaticum, a single diploid Asian species: (1) Compatible pedicellate-flowered species, i.e.T. erectum, T. gleasoni, andT. vaseyi. (2) Incompatible pedicellate-flowered species, i.e.T. grandiflorum. (3) Incompatible sessile-flowered species, i.e.T. decunbens, T. luteum, T. sessile andT. stamineum. HybridsT. kamtschaticum×T. erectum flowered for the first time 9–10 years after sowing F1 seeds. The F1 were completely sterile in pollen and in seed-setting.  相似文献   

The size-advantage model predicts that hermaphroditic organisms adjust sex allocation depending on their resource status. We investigated the relationship between size and sex allocation in the co-sexual perennial herbs Trillium erectum and Trillium grandiflorum at two sites in southern Ontario, Canada by measuring pollen and ovule production and biomass allocation at flowering and fruiting. In both species, there was a strong relationship between size and gender; larger plants allocated proportionately more biomass to female reproduction and produced fewer pollen grains relative to ovules than smaller plants. Variation in gender was better explained by size than age, although age and size were correlated. While the relationship between size and gender was similar between species, T. erectum allocated proportionately more to female reproduction than T. grandiflorum, independent of size. In the absence of pollen limitation, there was no evidence of secondary adjustment of gender at fruiting. The results are discussed in the context of models predicting size-dependent gender modification in animal-pollinated plants. Evidence about the pollination and seed dispersal biology of Trillium spp. suggests that the relative effects of local mate and resource competition may be important in driving size-dependent sex allocation in these species.  相似文献   

Leaf and stem explants of Trillium grandiflorum and T. erectum produced mini-rhizomes (MRs) in vitro which gave rise to shoots and roots. The apical portion of the stem and the basal portion of the leaves were the most effective explants from these tissues, while stem tissue was more responsive than leaf tissue. The best response with both species was observed on half-strength MS basal medium supplemented with cytokinin and auxin. T. erectum was more responsive than T. grandiflorum overall, and in some cases produced MRs in the absence of growth regulators. Culture at 21°C appeared to stimulate growth from T. grandiflorum tissues, compared with controls at 27°C, whereas the outgrowth of shoots from MRs was inhibited in both species at 21°C. In vitro production of MRs could provide a more rapid, alternative propagation method for these species than traditional methods.  相似文献   

Three flavonol glycosides were identified in the leaves ofTrillium undulatum. The main glycoside was kaempferol 3-O-α-rhamnosyl-(1→2)-O-[α-rhamnosyl-(1→6)]-β-glucoside; the glycosidic sugars and their linkage pattern were quite different from those of the leaf flavonoids ofT. tschonoskii, T. apetalon, T. Kamtschaticum, T. erectum andT. grandiflorum. Two minor compounds were kaempferol/quercetin 3-O-rutinoside. Part 2 in the series “Studies of the flavonoids of genusTrillium”. For Part 1, see Yoshitamaet al., (1992) Bot. Mag. Tokyo105: 555.  相似文献   

Previous studies examining the seeds of most Trillium species have reported double dormancy, a type of seed dormancy where two cold periods and one warm period are needed for complete germination. In the present paper, we describe a field study examining the federally endangered Trillium reliquum Freeman (Trilliaceae) in which moderate to high numbers of seeds germinated after one winter following seed production. Sixteen baskets with seeds were placed in four T. reliquum populations (four baskets in each population) in Georgia, USA, in June 2005. In spring 2006, all seed baskets contained seedlings. Germination percentages ranged from 33.3 to 83.3% across sites with a mean of 56.9 ± 3.9%. Trillium reliquum had higher germination percentages compared with other field‐based germination studies with other Trillium species. Our findings will inform future demographic studies of T. reliquum and suggest that double dormancy in seeds may not be as widespread as previously reported within the genus Trillium.  相似文献   

Pollen grains of five species and two interspecific hybrids ofTrillium from eastern Asia have been examined with scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy. All species from eastern Asia, excludingT. govanianum, are characterized by inaperturate pollen and an unstratified and granulated exine structure. Pollen of the Himalayan species,T. govanianum, is, however, monocolpate and intectate. The palynological evidence suggests that the Asiatic species, excludingT. govanianum, are closely related to each other and toT. erectum in North America, andT. govanianum is independent of the other species in the genus.  相似文献   

In agricultural landscapes, linear habitats, such as hedgerows at field margins increase structural connectivity among forest patches, potentially providing dispersal corridors for forest herbs. The spatial structure of linear habitats, however, also results in edge effects and perturbations that can influence the individual and population performance of forest plants. This study compares the stage structure and components of growth and reproduction of 14 Trillium grandiflorum populations in hedgerows and forests. Hedgerow Trillium tended to grow faster and, when mature, produced more flowers and more ovules per flowers than forest Trillium, a pattern possibly associated to differences in nutrients and light availability between the two habitats. Seed production and germination rate, however, did not differ between hedgerows and forests. At the population level, seedlings and juveniles were proportionally less abundant in hedgerows than in forests. Although well-established plants can thrive in hedgerows, reduced recruitment may eventually limit the capacity to establish new populations and therefore hamper migration along hedgerow-corridors. Considering the strategies by which plants persist in linear habitats becomes particularly relevant at a time when species are expected to be much in need of dispersal corridors because of climatic stress.  相似文献   

To reexamine the relationships among the Japanese Trillium species that form a polyploid series, we performed principal-coordinates analysis (PCOA) based on proposed karyotypic compositions and on amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis. A hexaploid species, T. smallii, whose karyotypic composition had been hypothesized as K2K2SSUU, with hybridization between tetraploid T. apetalon (SSUU) and a presumed K2K2 diploid species, showed a genotype corresponding to T. yezoense (K1SU). Accordingly, T. smallii appears to be an allopolyploid of T. yezoense, with the karyotypic composition K1K1SSUU. Trillium channellii, a recently described tetraploid species whose origin and genealogical position remains unclear, showed a genotype corresponding to K1K1K2T. We conclude that T. channellii may be derived from hybridization of T. camschatcense (K1K1) as the seed parent and T. tschonoskii (K2K2TT) or hexaploid T. hagae (K1K1K2K2TT) as the pollen parent.  相似文献   

Studies of species' range limits focus most often on abiotic factors, although the strength of biotic interactions might also vary along environmental gradients and have strong demographic effects. For example, pollinator abundance might decrease at range limits due to harsh environmental conditions, and reduced plant density can reduce attractiveness to pollinators and increase or decrease herbivory. We tested for variation in the strength of pollen limitation and herbivory by ungulates along a gradient leading to the upper elevational range limits of Trillium erectum (Melanthiaceae) and Erythronium americanum (Liliaceae) in Mont Mégantic National Park, Québec, Canada. In T. erectum, pollen limitation was higher at the range limit, but seed set decreased only slightly with elevation and only in one of two years. In contrast, herbivory of T. erectum increased from <10% at low elevations to >60% at the upper elevational range limit. In E. americanum, we found no evidence of pollen limitation despite a significant decrease in seed set with elevation, and herbivory was low across the entire gradient. Overall, our results demonstrate the potential for relatively strong negative interactions (herbivory) and weak positive interactions (pollination) at plant range edges, although this was clearly species specific. To the extent that these interactions have important demographic consequences—highly likely for herbivory on Trillium, based on previous studies—such interactions might play a role in determining plant species' range limits along putatively climatic gradients.  相似文献   

In order to refine the measure of karyotype asymmetry a new chromosomal parameter of dispersion index is proposed that has the potential to decipher even the minor karyotypic variations, thus permitting further evolutionary gradations to the karyotype asymmetry classes of Stebbins. The higher the dispersion index, the more specialized would be the karyotype. The dispersion index takes into account the variance lor gradual change in chromosome size within a complementvis-a-vis variance for the position of centromere in a karyotypic totality. The dispersion index is calculated as the proportionate measure of centromeric gradient to the coefficient of variation for chromosome length; wherin centromeric gradient = length of median short arm — length of median chromosome. Thus, the three most important karyotypic criteriaviz., differences in: absolute chromosome size, position of centromere and relative chromosome size, are all covered in the proposed parameter. The effectiveness of dispersion index has been tested on a plant taxa,Papaver L., where karyomorphological details, nuclear DNA content, and morphotaxonomic parameters have been amply elucidated from an evolutionary stand point. It is hoped that dispersion index would find immense utility in delimiting species interrelationships particularly in the closely related taxa, when applied in conjunction with other systematic parameters.  相似文献   

Question: How have long-term herbivory and past land use impacted the population structure of Trillium catesbaei, a long-lived rhizomatous herb? Location: Western Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, USA. Methods: We examined T. catesbaei populations at three sites: (1) Cades Cove (CC), an area of intensive historic land use that has been maintained as open fields and woodlots with a history of chronic deer herbivory, (2) Whiteoak Sink (WOS), a reference area with similar land-use history, geology, and soils that has succeeded to closed-canopy forest with relatively low levels of deer herbivory, and (3) Leadbetter Ridge (LBR), an area of primary forest that has never received significant anthropogenic disturbance. Trillium catesbaei is the most common Trillium species at the three study sites, but smaller in stature, shorter lived, and more of a habitat generalist. Results: Chronic herbivory in CC has created a highly-truncated age structure with no plants older than 9 years, while plant ages at the other sites were more evenly distributed. Compared to WOS, plants in CC were younger at a given height and more likely to flower when younger. Across all life stages, populations at CC contained 68 × fewer plants than WOS. The age structures of WOS and LBR were similar. Compared to published age estimates for other Trillium species, our results suggest that T. catesbaei is relatively short lived within the genus. Conclusions: Chronic herbivory had pronounced effects on the population structure of a perennial herb. Other long-lived herbaceous species may exhibit similar truncated age structures and flowering by younger and smaller plants. Habitat generalist species within a genus, such as T. catesbaei, that are able to reproduce more quickly may persist longer under chronic herbivory. However, chronic herbivory has likely caused the loss of herbaceous species from CC and may eventually cause the local extirpation of T. catesbaei populations.  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision, based mainly on morphological and distributional criteria, is presented for all taxa ofTrillium subgen.Phyllantherum Raf., which is characterized by sessile flowers. The 22 species recognized as valid include 17 morpho-geographical species in the eastern United States and five in the northwestern United States and California. These species form three morphological alliances that are characterized informally as “species groups.” All the taxa are described, and a key to species and varieties is provided. Five new species are described:Trillium decipiens, T. reliquum, T. foetidissimum, T. albidum, and T. kurabayashii; and a new status,T. angustipetalum (Torrey) Freeman, based onT. sessile var.angustipetalum Torrey, is proposed. Six new flower color forms are described:T. reliquum f. luteum, T. stamineum f. Iuteum, T. maculatum F. luteum, T. maculatum f. simulans, T. foetidissimum f. luteum, and T. cuneatum f. luteum. County distribution maps are included for all species and varieties, and an annotated synonymy is presented for each taxon.  相似文献   

Huang L  Chi J  Nie W  Wang J  Yang F 《Genetica》2006,127(1-3):25-33
A set of Chinese muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi) chromosome-specific paints has been hybridized onto the metaphases of sika deer (Cervus nippon, CNI, 2n = 66), red deer (Cervus elaphus, CEL, 2n = 62) and tufted deer (Elaphodus cephalophus, ECE, 2n = 47). Thirty-three homologous autosomal segments were detected in genomes of sika deer and red deer, while 31 autosomal homologous segments were delineated in genome of tufted deer. The Chinese muntjac chromosome X probe painted to the whole X chromosome, and the chromosome Y probe gave signals on the Y chromosome as well as distal region of the X chromosome of each species. Our results confirmed that exclusive Robertsonian translocations have contributed to the karyotypic evolution of sika deer and red deer. In addition to Robertsonian translocation, tandem fusions have played a more important role in the karyotypic evolution of tufted deer. Different types of chromosomal rearrangements have led to great differences in the genome organization between cervinae and muntiacinae species. Our analysis testified that six chromosomal fissions in the proposed 2n = 58 ancestral pecoran karyotype led to the formation of 2n = 70 ancestral cervid karyotype and the deer karyotypes is more derived compare with those of bovid species. Combining previous cytogenetic and molecular systematic studies, we analyzed the genome phylogeny for 11 cervid species.  相似文献   

Victor G. Soukup 《Brittonia》1980,32(3):330-333
A new species,Trillium parviflorum, is described inTrillium subgen.Phyllantherum Raf.Trillium parviflorum is easily distinguished fromT. albidum Freeman, which it superficially resembles, by its overall smaller size, much smaller linear-lanceolate petals, clove-like fragrance, and dark maroon fruit.  相似文献   

Differential staining of plant chromosomes with Giemsa   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Simple Giemsa staining techniques for revealing banding patterns in somatic chromosomes of plants are described. The value of the methods in the recognition of heterochromatin was demonstrated using five monocotyledonous and two dicotyledonous species. In Trillium grandiflorum the stronger Giemsa stained chromosome segments were shown to be identical with the heterochromatic regions (H-segments) revealed by cold treatment. Preferential staining of H-segments was also observed in chromosomes from three species of Fritillaria and in Scilla sibirica. Under suitable conditions the chromosomes of Vicia faba displayed a characteristic banding pattern and the bands were identified as heterochromatin. The Giemsa techniques proved to be more sensitive than Quinacrine fluorescence in revealing a longitudinal differentiation of the chromosomes of Crepis capillaris, where plants with and without B-chromosomes were examined. Again all chromosome types had their characteristic bands but there was no difference in Giemsa staining properties between the B-chromosomes and those of the standard complement.  相似文献   

Aim We examine several hypotheses emerging from biogeographical and fossil records regarding glacial refugia of a southern thermophilic plant species. Specifically, we investigated the glacial history and post‐glacial colonization of a forest understorey species, Trillium cuneatum. We focused on the following questions: (1) Did T. cuneatum survive the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in multiple refugia, and (if so) where were they located, and is the modern genetic structure congruent with the fossil record‐based reconstruction of refugia for mesic deciduous forests? (2) What are the post‐glacial colonization patterns in the present geographical range? Location South‐eastern North America. Methods We sampled 45 populations of T. cuneatum throughout its current range. We conducted phylogeographical analyses based on maternally inherited chloroplast DNA (cpDNA haplotypes) and used TCS software to reconstruct intraspecific phylogeny. Results We detected six cpDNA haplotypes, geographically highly structured into non‐overlapping areas. With one exception, none of the populations had mixed haplotype composition. TCS analysis resulted in two intraspecific cpDNA lineages, with one clade subdivided further by shallower diversification. Main conclusions Our investigation revealed that T. cuneatum survived the LGM in multiple refugia, belonging to two (western, eastern) genealogical lineages geographically structured across south‐eastern North America. The western clade is confined to the south‐western corner of T. cuneatum’s modern range along the Lower Mississippi Valley, where fossil records document a major refugium of mesic deciduous forest. For the eastern clade, modern patterns of cpDNA haplotype distribution suggest cryptic vicariance, in the form of forest contractions and subsequent expansions associated with Pleistocene glacial cycles, rather than simple southern survival and subsequent northward colonization. The north–south partitioning of cpDNA haplotypes was unexpected, suggesting that populations of this rather southern thermophilic species may have survived in more northern locations than initially expected based on LGM climate reconstruction, and that the Appalachian Mountains functioned as a barrier to the dispersal of propagules originating in more southern refugia. Furthermore, our results reveal south‐west to north‐east directionality in historical migration through the Valley and Ridge region of north‐west Georgia.  相似文献   

matK was conducted using 41 Trillium taxa and two out-group taxa (Veratrum maackii and Helonias bullata). A total of 1608 base pairs were analyzed and compared., and then there were 61 variable (36 informative) sites among Trillium species. Fifteen insertion/deletion events (indels) of six or fifteen base pairs were also detected. Phylogenetic analyses of the sequence data revealed that the subgenus Phyllantherum (sessile-flowered species) forms a distinct monophyletic group, whereas the subgenus Trillium (pedicellate-flowered species) does not form a monophyletic group, and is composed of three distinct groups and three basally located species in the tree: (1) the Erectum group, (2) the Grandiflorum group, and (3) the Pusillum group and (4) the three species, including T. govanianum, T. undulatum, and T. rivale. T .rivale appears to be the most basally diverged and a very specialized taxon among the ingroup members. Our matK data indicated that the closest relative of the subgenus Phyllantherum is the Grandiflorum group. The results are concordant with the results of the RFLP analysis of cpDNA and also more or less with those of the cladistic analysis of morphological characters. Received 11 September 1998/ Accepted in revised form 25 December 1998  相似文献   

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