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Using pairs of pollen donors, I analyzed the growth of pollen tubes growing in different channels of the same style in Erythronium grandiflorum. After 24 hr the length of pollen tubes of randomly selected pollen donors was affected by the presence of other donors. The mean pollen tube lengths of donors did not differ when taken across all of the donor pairings, but in individual pairs, pollen from one donor was often significantly longer than pollen from the other donor when tested across several recipients. Pollen tube lengths were also consistently longer for pollen paired with pollen from the same donor than when paired with pollen from other donors, apparently because of mutual stimulation between the pollen populations from the same plant. In a second experiment, the amount of pollen tube attrition after five days of growth of pollen from a donor growing near (within 3 m) the recipient depended upon the source of other pollen growing in the same style. Local pollen experienced more attrition paired with self pollen than when paired with outcross pollen. Pollen from different outcross distances also modified the attrition of local pollen, but local pollen usually outcompeted pollen from greater distances. Since the growth of local pollen was modified depending upon the source of other pollen growing in the same style, it is probable that recipient styles are selectively inhibiting pollen tubes to produce the patterns of pollen tube interaction observed. The results from these two experiments indicate that the amount of attrition for pollen can be dependent on the composition of the pollen pool. Both direct pollen tube interactions and mediation by the stylar tissue appear to affect the growth rate and attrition of pollen in Erythronium.  相似文献   

Pollen tetrads within Amaryllidaceae are reported for the first time for Stenomesson elwesii. Tetrads were examined with light and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The tetrads are tetragonal in shape. Tetrad-members are rounded-triangular in equatorial view and elliptic in polar view. Average polar diam is 50.1 μm; average longest equatorial diam is 62.5 μm. Morphology of the aperture is monosulcate. Exine sculpturing of the intectate pollen is gemmate. Systematic implications are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Development of the exine and viscin threads in Oenothera was studied by a combination of transmission electron microscopy and field emission scanning electron microscopy. Exine formation is initiated in the early tetrad stage by plate-like structures of preexine formed evenly around the microspore within a callosic wall. In the late tetrad stage, an endexine accumulates on white-lined lamellae underneath the preexine. After dissolution of the callosic wall, the preexine develops into beaded ektexine which is differentiated into an undulate tectum-like layer and columellae-like components. Interwoven fibrous strings connect the developing ektexine and the surface of the tapetal cells, and later develop into the viscin threads. These developmental processes imply that the columellae-like components are different in structure from the columellae of other angiosperms and that the formation of viscin threads is associated with the tapetal cells.  相似文献   

The pollen of 40 species of Cordia L. was studied by light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Three major types were found, 3-porate with a reticulate sexine, 3-colpate to 3-colporoidate with a striatoreticulate sexine, and 3-colpate to 3-colporate with a spinulose sexine. These pollen types are correlated with significant differences in the inflorescence, flower, and fruit structures found in the sporophyte. The following revisions are suggested and discussed: that Cordia sect. Varronia P. Br. be elevated to generic status; that Cordia sebestena L. and a few close allies be treated as generically distinct; and that Cordia myxa L. be conserved as the lectotype for the genus, thus continuing a wide application of the epithet Cordia.  相似文献   

Variation in pollen production was measured within five hermaphrodite species of bromegrass (Bromus). Anther length is an excellent predictor of pollen production in this genus (R2 = 0.97). Anther length varied considerably within each of the species, both among and within individual plants. Within plants, most of the variation occurred among florets within spikelets; florets in upper spikelet positions were smaller and produced less pollen. In B. inermis, pollen production was decreased by defoliation and increased in shoots that grew on thatching ant (Formica obscuripes) mounds. Whole-shoot pollen yield was determined by spikelet number, number of florets per spikelet, and pollen production per floret. All of these yield components must be considered in attempts to estimate pollen production accurately.  相似文献   


Ultrastructural changes during omniaperturate pollen development in Trillium kamtschaticum Pall, was examined using transmission electron microscopy. The pollen mother cells are not enveloped within a thick callosic wall. The microspores resulting from successive meiosis are divided by scanty deposition of callosic wall in the tetrad. A primexine/exine template is not recognizable within the tetrad during formation of exinous components. Preexinous globules, originating from vesicles in the callosic wall, accumulate electron-dense materials and develop into exinous globules. The preexinous globules have ca 10 nm wide contacts with tilted and invaginated plasma membrane of the microspore within the callosic wall. After dissolution of the callosic wall, the microspores separate and mitosis subsequently leads to the formation of a generative cell and vegetative cell encased in a loose aggregation of developing exinous globules. When the generative cell is at the pollen grain surface, the channeled zone is initiated at the opposite side of the microspore on the surface of the vegetative cell. Just before pollen maturity, a new layer develops under the channeled zone. Thus, development of the omniaperturate pollen grains of T. kamtschaticum involves some processes that are distinct from those of Canna and Heliconia and some that are similar.  相似文献   

Investigations of the growth of anthers and ontogeny of pollen grains of Oryza sativa (rice) IR-30 were undertaken for the purpose of 1) providing a set of growth measurements and 2) describing stable cytological features of anther and pollen development. Correlations exist between elongation of the floret and growth parameters of the anther such as its length, width, fresh and dry weights and cytological stage of pollen development. In the early ontogeny of the anther, hypodermal archesporial initials divide periclinally to form primary parietal cells and primary sporogenous cells. Each of the latter divides twice mitotically to generate four microspore mother cells, which undergo meiosis. The anther wall is formed by anticlinal and periclinal divisions of the primary parietal cells as well as of cells surrounding the primary sporogenous cells. Subsequent cytological features in the development of anther and pollen grains of rice have much in common with anther and pollen developmental biology of other members of Gramineae.  相似文献   

南瓜雌蕊与自花及远缘花粉的相互作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南瓜柱头表面经去垢剂、蛋白酶及Con A处理后花粉不能萌发或花粉管生长受阻,Con A能专一地与柱头表面结合。柱头块加入培养液可促进花粉萌发。不同的远缘花粉授粉后在雌蕊不同部位受阻。在成熟南瓜雌蕊提取液中检测到血凝活性,凝集素可能参与雌蕊对远缘花粉的抑制。  相似文献   

To determine the effects of soil nitrogen on pollen production, pollen size, and pollen performance, two cultivars of zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) were grown under two nitrogen regimes in an experimental garden. The two cultivars were true breeding for alternative alleles for a one gene trait, ovary color. The soil nitrogen treatment had a significant effect on most measures of reproductive output through the female function. The nitrogen treatment did not affect the number of staminate flowers per plant but did have an effect on the number of pollen grains per staminate flower and the mean pollen grain size. A pollen mixture experiment revealed that pollen produced by plants in the high nitrogen treatment sired significantly more seeds than pollen from low nitrogen plants. Moreover, we found that the high nitrogen pollen sired even a greater percentage of seeds in the region of the fruit (ovary) previously shown to be fertilized by the fastest growing pollen tubes. Thus, the difference in the number of seeds sired by pollen from the two nitrogen treatments is due to differences in pollen performance. We conclude that spatial heterogeneity in soil nitrogen can influence the paternity of seeds in a plant population.  相似文献   

笼养条件下间蜂猴(Nycticebus intermedius)的母婴关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文是1990年2—3月在笼养条件下出生的5胎10/只(9(?),1♀)间蜂猴与其母猴之间的行为观察结果:(1)间蜂猴的母婴关系历时约20周,幼猴15—16周断奶,断奶1—2周后又与母猴联系1—2周,主要是相互之间梳理和玩耍;(2)间蜂猴的母婴关系和高等灵长类相比,母猴没有表现出强烈的护仔力;(3)间蜂猴幼仔单独活动时间较早,出生12小时,母猴就将其放在树枝上而自己去活动;(4)母婴之间没有很强的识别力,只要幼仔主动爬向母猴,该母猴都会喂奶,但不帮其梳理;(5)幼猴与母猴的接触方式主要是以腹部相贴为主,转移方式均为幼猴抓住母猴的腹部皮肤和毛随母猴转移。  相似文献   

Heteromorphic characters and structural features of the pollen tube pathway are described in tristylous Pontederia sagittata to assess their influence on the pollination process and in mediating self-incompatibility behavior. Heteromorphic characters that distinguish the floral morphs include style length, stigma depth, stigmatic papillae length, stylar parenchyma cell length, area of the stylar canal, stamen height, anther size, and pollen size. Unlike several distylous species that have been investigated, the exine of pollen in P. sagittata was not strongly differentiated among the pollen types, and no differences in stigma cytochemistry were apparent. Features common to the floral morphs were a wet stigma, a hollow trilobed stylar canal separating into two sterile and one fertile canal, and a single anatropous ovule with a highly elaborated integumentary obturator. The similarity in structural features of the pollen tube pathway of P. sagittata to those found in monocotyledonous taxa with gametophytic self-incompatibility suggests that phylogenetic constraints may have influenced the evolution of trimorphic incompatibility in the Pontederiaceae.  相似文献   

中国沙拐枣属花粉形态的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

We investigated pollen-mediated gene flow and interspecific matings in natural populations of poke milkweed, Asclepias exaltata. Genetic data from 16 polymorphic isozymes allowed unambiguous identification of the diploid paternal genotype for 225 singly sired fruits collected from six populations in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia. Paternity analysis of progeny arrays revealed that 29%–50% (39.2%, mean) of the seeds produced in these populations were sired by plants located outside each target population. Variation among populations appears to be related to isolation distance (Kendall's τ = ?0.69, N = 6, P > 0.1), although the negative correlation was statistically significant only when the results from a previous study of A. exaltata were also included in the analysis (Kendall's τ = ?0.78, N = 7, P < 0.05). The coupling of standard paternity exclusion analysis on individual seeds (12 seeds/fruit) with estimation of cryptic gene flow from Monte Carlo simulations accounted for only 65% of the gene flow detected using the progeny-array analysis. These results suggest that standard paternity exclusion, incorporating cryptic gene flow, will inherently underestimate actual gene flow rates when the number of paternal parents is smaller than the number of seeds per fruit (i.e., matings are correlated). Indirect estimates of the number of migrants per generation (Nm ≈ 2.3) obtained from Nei's genetic diversity statistic (GST) are much smaller than realized gene flow measured in 1990 (Nm = 9.4, progeny-array method). In addition, interspecific hybridization with common milkweed, Asclepias syriaca, via long-distance pollen dispersal was detected in two fruits (0.8%). Thus, pollen-mediated gene flow and infrequent interspecific matings provide mechanisms to lower genetic differentiation among populations to maintain novel, low-frequency alleles within populations of A. exaltata.  相似文献   

Primarily on the basis of aperture structure, 31 species of Hedyotis subg. Edrisia (Houstonia) are separable into 5 palynological groups. Group 1 is characterized by a simple os circumscribed by varying nexinous thickenings, groups 2–4 combine this os with a crassimarginate one to form a compound os, while group 5 is known only with the crassimarginate os. The first type is considered primitive, the compound os specialized and more advanced, and the third type reduced and highly advanced. Other characteristics of the pollen, including size and shape, aperture number, thickness of sexine and nexine, and reticulum, are discussed in relation to the apertures, and their probable primitive and advanced expressions are outlined. The data agree with the phyletic trends found in the sporophyte on the basis of results from morphology, chromosome number and size, and distribution, and they support and add to an earlier phylogenetic scheme proposed for the subgenus. The evidence from palynology also supports the treatment of Hedyotis and Houstonia as congeneric.  相似文献   

Pollen of the scrophulariaceous genera Melosperma and Monttea was studied with light and scanning electron microscopy. Both have single, radiosymmetric, isopolar, trizoniaperturate pollen grains with usually ruptured colpus membranes, tectate-perforate to semitectate exines with a columellate interstitium and pitted or perforate nexines. Intergeneric differences in pollen morphology are established based on the differential correlation of sculpturing characters. Comparisons of the pollen of Melosperma and Monttea with that of the tribe Minuleae sensu stricto reveals no difference in the case of Melosperma and the existence of intermediate morphologies and “reticulate” similarities in the case of Monttea; the taxonomic significance of this morphological intergradation is considered. The transfer of Oxycladus aphyllus to Monttea is consistent with the pollen evidence, but proposed affinities between Monttea and tribe Antonieae of the Loganiaceae are not supported.  相似文献   

A wide range of transitional forms of granular interstitia from simple to complex and from random to ordered occur in the pollen of the subfamily Papilionoideae. Three main types are described: 1) large, widely spaced irregular granules (Type A); 2) densely packed groups of columellae and granules (Type B); and 3) a mass of more or less disorganized granules (Type C). In the genus Calopogonium (tribe Phaseoleae) all three types have been found in different species. Two of the types have been found in different species of the genus Psoralea (tribe Psoraleeae). Granular structures so far occur in six tribes: Desmodieae, Indigofereae, Loteae, Phaseoleae, Psoraleeae, and Vicieae. All of the tribes are regarded as being evolutionarily advanced in both macro and micro characters and many, but not all, show specialized pollen characters. It is concluded that the granular interstitium is a derived structure in papilionoid legumes.  相似文献   

The proexine that forms within the callosic envelope before the end of the microspore tetrad period is thick (about 1 μm) and exceptionally complex. It has components equatable with tectum, columellae, and a nexine that includes lamellar zones. All these components persist in the exine although late in development they become difficult to recognize because this exine is reduced in thickness, apparently by stretching, to a maximum of 0.2 μm. Strelitzia is an example of an exine template, with receptors for sporopollenin, that is not maintained during development. The Strelitzia microspore surface changes from an exine like that on an interaperture sector to the channeled intinelike system common for the apertures of pollen grains. The exine on sterile grains gives what may be a rare view of a stabilized immature exine. The mature exine on viable pollen grains resembles this early exine only in the most impressionistic way. Tapetal cells go through at least one cycle of hyperactivity, dedifferentiation, mitosis, and then again hyperactivity before they finally decline.  相似文献   

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