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Comparative studies of the nodal and vascular anatomy in the Cyatheaceae are discussed as they relate to the taxonomy and phylogeny of the family. There is in the Cyatheaceae (excluding Metaxya and Lophosoria) a basic nodal pattern consisting of four major phases of leaf trace separations. Abaxial traces arise from the leaf gap margins, and the last abaxial traces from each side of the gap are larger and undergo numerous divisions. Distally adaxial traces separate from the gap margins, and the last adaxial traces are usually larger and undergo multiple divisions. In addition, medullary bundles frequently become petiole strands of the adaxial arc in the petiole. Rarely, cortical bundles form petiole strands in the abaxial arc in the petiole. Leaf gaps of the squamate genera of the Cyatheaceae are fusiform and possess prominent lateral constrictions which result from medullary bundle fusions and the separation of leaf traces. A characteristic petiole pattern is found in all members of the Cyatheaceae. There is an increase in the complexity of the petiole vascular tissue which results in a gradation from the undivided strand in Metaxya, to the three-parted petiole pattern in Lophosoria, and finally to the much-dissected petiole vascular tissue in the advanced genera. Nodal and vascular anatomy data basically support Tryon's phyletic scheme for the family. The Sphaeropteris-Alsophila-Nephelea line shows certain tendencies toward increased complexity of nodal and vascular anatomy, whereas the Trichipteris-Cyathea-Cnemidaria line shows the same anatomical and morphological characters in a direction of increased simplification or reduction.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy and transmitted light microscopy are used in a palynological study of Lophosoria, Metaxya, Sphaeropteris, Alsophila, and Nephelea of the tree fern family Cyatheaceae. The monotypic American genera Lophosoria and Metaxya each have a unique spore morphology which reinforces the taxonomic distinctness of these genera as indicated by their other characters. All investigated paleotropical species of Sphaeropteris develop a single type of perine characterized by coarse, pointed projections. In the neotropics, the Sphaeropteris horrida group shares this perine type, whereas all other neotropical Sphaeropteris species appear to have a different kind of perine with fine hair-like processes. The exine in paleotropical Sphaeropteris appears uniformly unsculptured, whereas in the neotropics several exine morphologies are found. In Alsophila all investigated neotropical species and the vast majority of the paleotropical species are characterized by a basically ridged perine morphology and an unsculptured exine. In several paleotropical Alsophila species, however, a perine with hair-like processes similar to those in neotropical Sphaeropteris is found, and the exine in several species is variously pitted. In at least one paleotropical Alsophila species, the porate exine morphology is indistinguishable from that in the neotropical genus Cnemidaria. The spores of the American genus Nephelea are similar to those of the majority of Alsophila species in ridged perine morphology and unsculptured exine. Several new instances of atypical spore numbers per sporangium are reported in Sphaeropteris and Alsophila. These and the palynological data are discussed in a taxonomic framework. The spore morphology in these genera is consistent with Tryon's recent generic revision of the family.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of vascular bundles in the nodal region of Populus deltoides Bartr. was examined to understand more thoroughly the structure-function relation between leaf and stem. Three vascular traces from the stem independently enter each leaf in the nodal region. At the base of each developing leaf a region was observed in which both bundle size and vascular development was reduced; this region was referred to as the constricted zone. The constricted zone was described quantitatively at 13 locations within the nodal region of a leaf at LPI 5 by determining the number of metaxylem vessels and the total metaxylem vessel area in each of the three leaf traces. A plot of these data showed a distinct minimum value for total metaxylem vessel area within the constricted zone of each trace; the location of this minimum value was referred to as the constriction plane. Each vascular bundle within the nodal region is composed of independent subsidiary bundles that originate within the constricted zone. These bundles provide a direct connection between the leaf lamina and the stem. The node was defined anatomically on the basis of the ontogenetic development of the subsidiary bundles. The node began at the initial exit point of the central trace from the vascular cylinder and extended distally to the constriction plane. This definition allowed us to quantify the limits of each node. The origin of the initiating layer and metacambium was also examined within the nodal region. These precursors of the cambium develop continuously and acropetally from the stem into the leaf. The developmental implications of the constricted zone and the metacambium within the nodal region are discussed with respect to wood formation.  相似文献   

The floral development and vascular anatomy of Nitraria retusa were investigated in order to understand its characteristic androecium of 15 stamens and to clarify the systematic position of the genus relative to Zygophyllaceae. Sepals arise in a helical sequence and are relatively small at maturity. Petals are initiated almost simultaneously or in a rapid helical sequence. Five stamen primordia arise opposite the sepals. Next, two other antesepalous primordia are incepted centrifugally to the first primordia on the remaining receptacular surface. The outer stamens tend to be squeezed between the petals and upper stamens and appear to make up an antepetalous whorl of stamens. Three carpels arise from a low ringwall and grow into a hairy trilocular pistil. In each locule a single pendulous ovule is present. Disclike nectarial tissue is initiated in pits between the stamens and petals. Long trichomes develop on its surface. It is concluded that the androecium is linked with a haplostemonous condition because the stamens of each triplet develop on strictly localized sectors. The distinction between stamens arising on complex primordia and the inception of three independent units is explained by the “principle of variable proportions.” The vasculature also tends to confirm that the outer stamen pairs belong to antesepalous triplets.  相似文献   

The vascular bundles in the uppermost 1-4 mm of the coleoptiles of 9 varieties of Avena sativa, and also of Avena fatua L., all terminate essentially vertically with a small “cap” of tracheary elements. In Triticum vulgare Vill., by contrast, they terminate with a horizontal or downward-pointing section. This brings the two bundles more or less together and may result in their complete fusion, usually with a short vascular extension. In both genera the bundles contain one or more series of apparently active, undifferentiated cells. In the mature embryos the bundles are entirely procambial in nature, but xylem differentiation begins rapidly upon germination and proceeds towards the tip, which is reached by the time the coleoptile is 1.5 mm long; thereafter it proceeds basipetally and it may continue at the base after elongation has ceased there. The differentiation of stomata also appears to proceed basipetally. It may be deduced that the coleoptile cannot form lignin while in the embryo but begins to do so upon germination. Parallels are brought out between auxin production first by the endosperm and then by the tip, on the one hand, and lignification in the xylem and in the stomata, on the other.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study of nodal anatomy of the Cunoniaceae has revealed an unusually diverse assemblage of nodal types, including patterns with “split-lateral” traces previously undescribed for dicotyledons. On the basis of leaf arrangement and nodal vascularization, six distinct nodal conditions are recognized in the family. The trilacunar, three-trace pattern is the ancestral type from which the multilacunar condition evolved by amplification in the number of lateral traces. The “split-lateral” condition, distinguished by the fusion of lateral leaf traces of adjacent leaves, or the bifurcation of a single trace, and their association with a “common gap,” probably evolved concomitant with the transition from opposite to whorled leaves. The characteristic interpetiolar stipules of the Cunoniaceae are vascularized by veins originating from lateral leaf traces, or by a combination of complete lateral traces and veins arising from lateral leaf traces. Both Aphanopetalum and Bauera possess unilacunar one-trace nodes. The most satisfactory family placement of both genera remains uncertain, although the unilacunar nodes of Bauera can reasonably be interpreted as a case of reduction from the trilacunar pattern in response to reduced plant size.  相似文献   

卫矛科16种藤本与乔木次生木质部比较解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对卫矛科(Celastraceae)16种生长于不同生境的藤本和乔木次生木质部的结构,进行比较解剖学的观察,比较它们之间的异同。本科中南蛇藤属(Celastrus L.)独子藤属(Mo-nocelastrus Wang et Tang)和雷公藤属(Tripterygium Hoook.f.)为典型藤本结构,次生木质部特化水平较高;假卫矛属(Microstropis Wall.et Mcissn)、十齿花属(Dipentoden Dunn)和盾柱属(Pleurostylia Wight.et Arn.)为乔木,次生木质部结构特化水平较低;卫矛属(Eu-onymus L.)中既有藤本,又有乔木,其藤本结构与乔木相似,表现出一系列原始性和保守性。本研究初步探讨藤本与乔木的木质部结构、生活习性与生境之间的关系,为进一步研究卫矛科的系统演化提供一些解剖学的证据。  相似文献   

Secondary growth begins in the nodal regions before the internodal regions in Coleus, so that longitudinally discontinuous vascular cambia are formed in the 6th through the 9th or 10th nodes, where the internodal cambium becomes continuous between nodal cambia. The nodal cambia are identifiable by radial seriation in interfascicular regions, typical cytology of fusiform initials, and the presence of a ray system. Anatomical features distinct from the primary plant body are shared by the nodal and internodal cambia. Branching of primary vascular strands, restricted to procambium and phloem, is virtually confined to nodal regions. In secondary growth, vascular branching of xylem and phloem occurs in both nodes and internodes. Xylem strand branches are formed only from derivatives of vascular cambia. It is proposed that the cambium provides the secondary plant body an efficient channel for lateral auxin transport, by which branching across interfascicular regions is facilitated.  相似文献   

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