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The anatomy and organization of the stem vascular system was analyzed in representative taxa of Nymphaea (subgenera Anecphya, Lotos, and Brachyceras). The stem vascular system consists of a series of concentric axial stem bundles from which traces to lateral organs depart. At the node each leaf is supplied with a median and two lateral leaf traces. At the same level a root trace supplies vascular tissue to adventitious roots borne on the leaf base. Flowers and vegetative buds occupy leaf sites in the genetic spiral and in the parastichies seen on the stem exterior. Certain leaves have flowers related to them spatially and by vascular association. Flowers (and similarly vegetative buds) are vascularized by a peduncle trace that arises from a peduncle fusion bundle located in the pith. The peduncle fusion bundle is formed by the fusion of vascular tissue derived from axial stem bundles that supply traces to certain leaves. The organization of the vascular system in the investigated taxa of Nymphaea is unique to angiosperms but similar to other subgenera of Nymphaea.  相似文献   

Primary shoot vasculature has been studied for 31 species of Pereskioideae and Opuntioideae from serial transections and stained, decorticated shoot tips. The eustele of all species is interpreted as consisting of sympodia, one for each orthostichy. A sympodium is composed of a vertically continuous axial bundle from which arise leaf- and areole-trace bundles and, in many species, accessory bundles and bridges between axial bundles. Provascular strands for leaf traces and axial bundles are initiated acropetally and continuously within the residual meristem, but differentiation of procambium for areole traces and bridges is delayed until primordia form on axillary buds. The differentiation patterns of primary phloem and xylem are those typically found in other dicotyledons. In all species vascular supply for a leaf is principally derived from only one procambial bundle that arises from axial bundles, whereas traces from two axial bundles supply the axillary bud. Two structural patterns of primary vasculature are found in the species examined. In four species of Pereskia that possess the least specialized wood in the stem, primary vascular systems are open, and leaf traces are mostly multipartite, arising from one axial bundle. In other Pereskioideae and Opuntioideae the vascular systems are closed through a bridge at each node that arises near the base of each leaf, and leaf traces are generally bipartite or single. Vascular systems in Pereskiopsis are relatively simple as compared to the complex vasculature of Opuntia, in which a vascular network is formed at each node by fusion of two sympodia and a leaf trace with areole traces and numerous accessory bundles. Variations in nodal structure correlate well with differences in external shoot morphology. Previous reports that cacti have typical 2-trace, unilacunar nodal structure are probably incorrect. Pereskioideae and Opuntioideae have no additional medullary or cortical systems.  相似文献   

In species of Casuarina with multileaved whorls, each stem vascular bundle divides radially into two at the site of a leaf trace separation, and the same two bundles rejoin acropetally to where the trace supplies a leaf. Such divisions are divisions of a single vascular bundle, and the rejoining of bundles forms a single bundle. Proposals that the extant primary vascular systems of dicotyledons may have been derived as in conifers are incorrect in so far as Casuarina is concerned, or the system has evolved beyond that so far proposed for dicotyledons. Reasons are offered, however, for considering that fernlike leaf gaps are not present. Leaf traces supply leaves at the first nodes distal to their origins. The ways by which an increase or decrease of stem bundles occur are described. Phyllotactic patterns range from helical (rare) to whorled. In the embryo, where leaves occur decussately, of certain species with multileaved whorls, and in the shoot apices of species with tetramerous whorls, slight differences in the levels of leaf attachments and the bending of leaf traces indicate the probable evolution of extant whorled phyllotaxies from one or more helical arrangements. Stages in the evolution are suggested. The leaves in most species with multileaved whorls are in true whorls. The original periderm of branchlets lies internally to the internodal traces and chlorenchyma, but is otherwise external to the vascular system. It is concluded that each leaf originates at its level of separation from the axis despite several structural features suggesting that the leaf bases have become congenitally adnate to the stem.  相似文献   

Six species of Cabomba have been examined although the anatomy of the vegetative axes is based on the study of only C. caroliniana and C. palaeformis. A plant consists of an erect short shoot with decussate leaves which bears axillary flowering shoots and rhizomes. A rhizome bears decussate leaves and may also form axillary flowering shoots or turn upward and become a new short shoot. The phyllotaxies of the flowering shoots are proximately decussate or ternate (C. piauhyensis). The flowering shoots with decussate phyllotaxy change to 1/3 phyllotaxy distally; they bear axillary flowers proximally, and extra-axillary flowers distally. Flowering shoots with ternate phyllotaxy do not change distally but each produces first axillary and then extra-axillary flowers. Decussate vegetative axes and flowering shoots have four vascular bundles; ternate vegetative axes and flowering shoots have six vascular bundles, distantly paired into two or three vascular bundle-pairs, respectively. An elliptical vascular plexus occurs at each node. Each leaf receives one bundle-pair from one trace and each flower three bundle-pairs. A two-level receptacular vascular plexus occurs in flowers; the proximal, larger portion provides traces to perianth and stamens and the distal, smaller portion becomes carpellary traces. Each of the three sepals typically receives five branch traces from a basal principal trace, and each of the three petals receives, typically, three branch traces from a basal principal trace. Sepals and petals generally occur in a single, basally connate whorl. Each stamen receives one trace. Each stamen of three-stamen flowers is opposite a petal; each stamen of six-stamen flowers is aligned with an interval between a petal and adjacent sepal. Each staminal trace, which is just above the principal petal trace, in a three-petal flower, is frequently adnate to the latter trace. Each carpel receives one principal trace from the distal, small extension of the receptacular plexus, and each principal trace becomes three conventional veins of a carpel. Ovules may be borne directly over one of the veins or in any position between veins and are supplied by branches of the nearest vein or nearest two veins. All traces, ovular supply veins and the proximal portions of all veins are amphicribral. The several anatomical and morphological differences in vegetative axes and flowers between Cabomba and Brasenia suggest a greater taxonomic distance between the two genera than commonly supposed. It is suggested that extra-axillary flowers in 1/3 helical and ternate flowering shoots of Cabomba might be advantageous in preventing anthesis of flowers beneath peltate leaves. The aberrant position might be the initial evolutionary step toward what, in other nymphaeaceous genera, has shifted each flower to an adjacent helix. It is proposed that the zigzag stem accompanying the trigonal and sympodial flowering shoots may offer greater stability and floatability in water than the monopodial form. Several suggestions are offered for the variability of ovular positions: 1) the variability is a vestige of former laminar placentation in conduplicate carpels; 2) it is a vestige of a primitive condition antedating the current close association of ovules with ventral carpellary veins; 3) it is an early stage of evolution which might have terminated in laminar placentation and cantharophily, but which was replaced by a trend toward myophily.  相似文献   

Organization of the stem vascular system was analyzed in Victoria species and Euryale ferox. The stem vascular system consists of a number of concentrically-organized continuing axial stem bundles. At the node each leaf is supplied with a root trace, two lateral leaf traces, and a median leaf trace. A peduncle fusion bundle is also present at each node. The peduncle fusion bundle supplies vascular tissue to the median leaf trace and to the peduncle trace. Flowers are nonmedian axillary but have specific vascular, spatial, and developmental relationships to leaves in a manner that resembles the genus Nymphaea. On the basis of the analysis of the stem vascular system, Victoria and Euryale are more similar to each other than to Nymphaea. However, the vascular system in Victoria and Euryale is similar enough to Nymphaea to suggest that Nymphaea, Victoria, and Euryale form a natural taxon of unique angiosperms. The organization of the stem vascular system in Victoria and Euryale is dicotyledonous.  相似文献   

The odd-pinnate leaves of Polyscias quilfoylei have a sheathing leaf base that completely encircles the stem. At each node, many traces depart the vascular cylinder and traverse an obliquely upward course through the leaf base before aggregating in the rachis. Lateral traces diverge from parent traces in the stem vasculature at variable times relative to the leaf they serve, from variable positions in the vascular cylinder and from parent traces of variable ages. The stem vasculature is formed by the coalescing of leaf traces from as many as five leaves. All bundles departing the vascular cylinder at a node to serve a leaf are true leaf traces originating independently in the stem. Leaf traces develop acropetally from their positions of origin on parent traces. Primordial leaves are first served by the median trace and later by lateral traces. Many traces were recognized in the internodes subtending embryonic leaves, but they could not be related either to a specific leaf or to a specific position within a leaf. Because these traces had not yet achieved contact with a primordial leaf site, they were assumed to be in the process of developing acropetally at the time of sampling. Observations suggest that the multiple traces in this species might perform a similar function of integrating the vascular cylinder that subsidiary bundles perform in certain uni- and trilacunar species.  相似文献   

Tucker, Shirley C. (Northwestern U., Evanston, III.) Development and phyllotaxis of the vegetative axillary bud of Michelia fuscata . Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(7): 661–668. Illus. 1963.—The vegetative axillary buds of Michelia fuscala are dorsiventrally symmetrical with 2 ranks of alternately produced leaves. The direction of the ontogenetic spiral in each of these buds is related both to the symmetry of the supporting branch and to the position of the bud along the branch. On a radially symmetrical branch, all the axillary buds are alike—all clockwise, for example. But in a dorsiventrally organized branch the symmetry alternates from clockwise in 1 axillary bud to counterclockwise in the next bud along the axis. Leaf initiation and ontogeny of the axillary apical meristem conform with those of the terminal vegetative bud. The axillary bud arises as a shell zone in the second leaf axil from the terminal meristem. During this process the axillary apex develops a zonate appearance. The acropetally developing procambial supply of the axillary bud consists wholly of leaf traces. At the nodal level the bud traces diverge from the same gap as the median bundle trace of the subtending leaf. Only the basal 1–2 axillary buds which form immediately after the flowers elongate each year, while the majority remains dormant with 3 leaves or fewer.  相似文献   

A nearly mature axillary bud of Populus deltoides was embedded in epoxy and serially sectioned at 6 μm. Sectioning extended from the cataphyll tips to a level in the subtending internode about 6 mm below the bud base. Vascular development was followed through the serial microsections and the vascular system was mapped in its entirety from initiation of the original bud traces to termination of the last recognizable leaf trace beneath the bud apex. Each vascular trace was identified as to its origin, its termination within a foliar organ, and its relation to other traces comprising the bud vascular cylinder. Analysis of these data confirmed the procambial patterns found in Part I of this study. Two original bud traces that diverged from the central trace of the axillant leaf gave rise to two pairs of scale traces in quick succession, and these scale traces become the progenitors of all subsequent vascular traces that were perpetuated within the bud. Just before the bud vascular system separated from that of the stem, a third pair of scale traces diverged from the original bud traces; the latter then receded toward the stem to eventually merge with its vasculature. The third pair of scale traces produced a horizontal vascular connection between stem and bud before terminating in the adaxial cataphyll. The vascular system at first conformed with a ½ vascular phyllotaxy when the original bud traces were initiated, progressed through a ⅓ vascular phyllotaxy in the scale trace system, and terminated at the time of sampling with a ⅖ vascular phyllotaxy in the foliage leaf primordia.  相似文献   

The aerial stem of Prionium has been studied by motion-picture analysis which permits the reliable tracing of one among hundreds of vascular strands throughout long series of transverse sections. By plotting the path of many bundles in the mature stem, a quantitative, 3-dimensional analysis of their distribution has been made, and by repeating this in the apical region an understanding of vascular development has been achieved. In the mature stem axial continuity is maintained by a vertical bundle which branches from each leaf trace just before this enters the leaf base. Lateral continuity results from bridges which link leaf traces with nearby vertical bundles. Development of the provascular system involves a meristematic cap into which the blind ends of vertical bundles can be followed. Leaf traces are produced continuously in association with developing leaf primordia for a period of over 30 plastochrones; they connect with the vertical bundles in the meristematic cap and so establish the essential vascular configuration which is later reorientated through about 90° by overall growth of the crown. The last bundles to differentiate from the leaf do so outside the meristematic cap and thus fail to make contact with the axial system; they appear in the mature axis as blind-ending cortical bundles. Prionium is only distantly related to palms and its vascular histology is quite different. Nevertheless, the course of vascular bundles and the origin of this pattern in the stem resembles that of a palm. It is suggested that we are examining the fundamental pattern of vascular development in large monocotyledons.  相似文献   

Parke , Robert V. (Colorado State U., Fort Collins.) Initial vascularization of the vegetative shoot, of Abies concolor. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(5): 464–469. Illus. 1963.—In the dormant winter bud, the future vascular system of the shoot exists as a rather ill-defined system of procambial strands, which extends acropetally from the scale traces through a plate of thick-walled, deeply staining cells, the crown, and into the axis and the numerous foliar primordia making up the telescoped shoot. Each foliar primordium receives a single procambial strand or leaf trace. The procambial strands differentiate acropetally. No differentiated vascular tissue was observed in the dormant shoot. As the shoot elongates in the spring, vascular differentiation progresses at a rapid rate. In the leaf traces, protophloem differentiates acropetally. The protoxylem, which appears first in the axial region of the trace, differentiates acropetally into the foliar primordium and basipetally into the stem. The first-formed phloem elements are short-lived. They are nucleate and without sieve areas. In the protoxylem, the first-formed tracheids are mostly of the annular or spiral-thickened type.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of vascular bundles in the nodal region of Populus deltoides Bartr. was examined to understand more thoroughly the structure-function relation between leaf and stem. Three vascular traces from the stem independently enter each leaf in the nodal region. At the base of each developing leaf a region was observed in which both bundle size and vascular development was reduced; this region was referred to as the constricted zone. The constricted zone was described quantitatively at 13 locations within the nodal region of a leaf at LPI 5 by determining the number of metaxylem vessels and the total metaxylem vessel area in each of the three leaf traces. A plot of these data showed a distinct minimum value for total metaxylem vessel area within the constricted zone of each trace; the location of this minimum value was referred to as the constriction plane. Each vascular bundle within the nodal region is composed of independent subsidiary bundles that originate within the constricted zone. These bundles provide a direct connection between the leaf lamina and the stem. The node was defined anatomically on the basis of the ontogenetic development of the subsidiary bundles. The node began at the initial exit point of the central trace from the vascular cylinder and extended distally to the constriction plane. This definition allowed us to quantify the limits of each node. The origin of the initiating layer and metacambium was also examined within the nodal region. These precursors of the cambium develop continuously and acropetally from the stem into the leaf. The developmental implications of the constricted zone and the metacambium within the nodal region are discussed with respect to wood formation.  相似文献   

Developmental study of the stem-node-leaf vascular continuum of Austrobaileya scandens White reveals that the vasculature within each leaf originates from a single procambial strand, that becomes separated into two strands only at the junction of leaf and stem. At lower levels in the stem the two strands become incorporated into independent portions of the stele. At later stages of development the solitary vascular bundle within the young leaf undergoes considerable lateral growth, resulting in an essentially continuous arc of vascular tissue. Ontogenetic evidence indicates that the vascular bundle in the midrib of the lamina should be regarded as a fundamentally single bundle and not interpreted as two bundles that have undergone various degrees of secondary fusion. A condition of two totally separate bundles extending the entire length of the leaf was not encountered. Our observations confirm the characterization of Austrobaileya as an example of “second rank” level of leaf vasculature. Nodal anatomy emphasizes the extremely isolated taxonomic position of Austrobaileya within the primitive dicotyledons.  相似文献   

The topologic arrangement of petiolar bundles varies within the length of the cottonwood petiole. Each petiolar bundle is formed by the subdivision and aggregation of acropetally differentiating subsidiary bundles in a predictable pattern. The subsidiary bundles provide vascular continuity between the stem and specific portions of the leaf lamina. Spot-labeling of individual veins with 14CO2, freeze substitution, and microautoradiography were used to establish the relation between the secondary veins of the lamina and the vasculature of the petiole. Within the petiole vasculature each subsidiary bundle was continuous with a specific portion of the lamina and seemed to have a separate function. Subsidiary bundles continuous with the central leaf trace were closely related functionally to the tip region of the lamina, while the subsidiary bundles continuous with the lateral leaf traces were functionally related to the middle and basal portions of the lamina.  相似文献   

Anatomical features of the petiole in several species of Jatropha L. (Euphorbiaceae) are presented as evidence in support of infrageneric relationships. A trilacunar 3-trace nodal pattern is typical for the genus. The vascular supply to the stipules is derived from the branching of the two peripheral leaf traces. The number of vascular bundles range from 11 through 9, 7, 5 and 3, and occur in a ring, as free traces, a medullated cylinder, or as U-shaped free traces. The reduction from nine to three bundles is correlated with the gross morphological features while 11, which occurs only in the section Peltatae (Pax) Dehgan & Webster, presents an increase. Reduction in the number of petiolar traces follows the evolutionary advancement of various taxa. This reduction in traces corresponds with south-north distribution of the species and consequential adaptation to colder and more arid climates in Central America and Africa. Smaller leaves, fewer primary veins and fewer vascular traces have resulted as a response to reduced need for water. Presence of dorsal (super-numerary) bundles which supply the petiolar glands in subgenus Jatropha (= Adenoropium Pax) is considered significant, since African taxa of the section (subsection Pubescentes Pax) have retained these bundles despite the loss of petiolar glands. The latter glands are prominent in the South American and Indian species. Sectional lines in the genus can, therefore, be drawn generally on the basis of numerical constancy and relative uniformity in the arrangement of petiolar traces. The continuity of vascular bundles from the stem into the petiole and variations of bundle arrangements are depicted in three-dimensional drawings.  相似文献   

Leaves of Gleditsia triacanthos L. are served by three leaf traces that subdivide in the node to produce subsidiary bundles. The subsidiary bundles differentiate basipetally in the stem and acropetally in the petiole using the original leaf trace bundles (those that developed acropetally) as templates for their development. Within the pulvinus, the acropetal bundle components merge to form the rachis vasculature consisting of a semicircular arc and a ventral chord; several small bundles diverge to form ventral ridge bundles. Mixing of bundles occurs during vascularization of the lateral rachillae axes. Each diverging rachilla axis receives bundles from the semicircular arc, the ventral chord, and a ridge bundle in a relatively reproducible and predictable pattern. During this process the main rachis vasculature is gradually depleted, but the ridge bundles are reconstituted following divergence of each rachilla pair. The distal rachilla pair is vascularized by a bilateral partitioning of the entire rachis vasculature; a remnant of the central leaf trace terminates in a subulate terminal appendage. Vascularization of the bipinnate G. triacanthos leaf is compared to that of the simple Populus deltoides leaf.  相似文献   

The primary vascular system of 23 species belonging to 18 genera of conifers with helical phyllotaxis has been investigated with the intent of determining the architecture of the system. Special attention has been given to nodal and subnodal relations of the vascular bundles. The vascular system seems to be composed solely of relatively discrete sympodia, that is, axial vascular bundles from which leaf traces branch unilaterally. Although the discreteness of the sympodia is not immediately apparent because of their undulation and lateral contacts with neighboring ones, close examination, including a statistical analysis of the tangential contacts, seems to reveal that each sympodium maintains its identity throughout. Although two traces may be apparent at nodal levels, the trace supply to a leaf originates, in all species, as a single bundle. An analysis is made of the relationship between the vasculature and the phyllotaxis. It is observed that the direction of trace divergence can be accurately predicted when the direction of the ontogenetic spiral, the angle of divergence of leaf traces, and the number of sympodia are known.  相似文献   

Origin and early development of axillary buds on the apical shoot of a young Populus deltoides plant were investigated. The ontogenetic sequence of axillary buds extended from LPI –1 (Leaf Plastochron Index) near the apical bud base to LPI –11, the fifth primordium below the bud apex. Two original bud traces diverged from the central (C) trace of the axillant leaf and developed acropetally. During their acropetal traverse the original bud traces gave rise to three pairs of scale traces. All subsequent scale traces, and later the foliar traces, were derived by divergencies from the first two pairs of scale traces. Just before the bud vascular system separated from that of the main axis, a third pair of traces diverged from the original bud traces to vascularize the adaxial scale. Concomitantly, the original bud traces were inflected toward the main vascular cylinder where they developed acropetally and eventually merged with the left lateral trace of the leaf primordium situated three nodes above the axillant leaf; they did not participate in further vascularization of the bud. During early ontogeny a shell zone formed concurrent with initiation of the original bud traces and lay interjacent to them. The shell zone defined the position of the cleavage plane that formed between the axillary bud and the main axis. The axillary bud apex first appeared in the region bounded laterally by the original bud traces and adaxially by the shell zone. Following divergence of the main prophyll traces from the original bud traces, the apex assumed a new position intermediate to the prophyll traces. Ontogenetic development suggested that the axillary bud apex may have been initiated by the acropetally developing original bud traces under the influence of stimuli arising in more mature vegetative organs below.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of the nodal and vascular anatomy in the Cyatheaceae are discussed as they relate to the taxonomy and phylogeny of the family. There is in the Cyatheaceae (excluding Metaxya and Lophosoria) a basic nodal pattern consisting of four major phases of leaf trace separations. Abaxial traces arise from the leaf gap margins, and the last abaxial traces from each side of the gap are larger and undergo numerous divisions. Distally adaxial traces separate from the gap margins, and the last adaxial traces are usually larger and undergo multiple divisions. In addition, medullary bundles frequently become petiole strands of the adaxial arc in the petiole. Rarely, cortical bundles form petiole strands in the abaxial arc in the petiole. Leaf gaps of the squamate genera of the Cyatheaceae are fusiform and possess prominent lateral constrictions which result from medullary bundle fusions and the separation of leaf traces. A characteristic petiole pattern is found in all members of the Cyatheaceae. There is an increase in the complexity of the petiole vascular tissue which results in a gradation from the undivided strand in Metaxya, to the three-parted petiole pattern in Lophosoria, and finally to the much-dissected petiole vascular tissue in the advanced genera. Nodal and vascular anatomy data basically support Tryon's phyletic scheme for the family. The Sphaeropteris-Alsophila-Nephelea line shows certain tendencies toward increased complexity of nodal and vascular anatomy, whereas the Trichipteris-Cyathea-Cnemidaria line shows the same anatomical and morphological characters in a direction of increased simplification or reduction.  相似文献   

The structural patterns of the primary vascular systems in some species of Leguminosae and Rosaceae have been determined by tracing the longitudinal course of the vascular bundles in terminal stem segments. These systems are interpreted as consisting of sympodia. Each sympodium is composed of an axial bundle which is continuous through the length of the segment and from which arise trace bundles that supply leaves and axillary buds. A compact arrangement of vascular bundles seems to correlate with the woody habit. Regardless of the degree of compactness of the primary vascular system, the structural identity of the individual sympodia is maintained. The total number of vascular bundles at a particular level is related to the number of axial bundles in the system, the number of traces per leaf and per axillary bud, and the number of internodes traversed by the traces prior to entering a lateral appendage. Shrubs and trees have more vascular bundles than herbs. Data from this study and the literature indicate that the vascular system is predominantly of the open type in dicotyledonous plants which have helically arranged leaves and, further, that in such plants with a 3-trace, trilacunar nodal structure, the number of sympodia coincides with the number of orthostichies (which is also the denominator of the phyllotactic fraction). In open systems leaf gaps cannot be morphologically delimited. Because of the resemblance of the open type of angiosperm vascular system to that of certain gymnosperms, previously interpreted to have evolved from a protostele, we suggest that the eustele of angiosperms is homologous with the stele of gymnosperms. We believe, also, that angiosperms, like gymnosperms, are probably not characterized by leaf gaps of filicinean type. We provide, furthermore, a rationale for the view that the axial bundle of a sympodium is a cauline structure.  相似文献   

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