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猪冠状动脉的解剖学观察 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
本文对50例健康的商品猪心脏的铸型标本进行了观察,结果如下:左冠状动脉旋枝与锥旁室间枝的夹角为74.4±2.07度。对角枝出现率为24%,并证明了对角枝出现率与其夹角大小呈正比关系。窦房结枝84%来自右冠状动脉。房室结枝98%来自右冠状动脉。左房旋枝出现率为8%。室间隔的供血由锥旁室间枝的分枝负担61%,约为3/5,窦下室间枝的分技负担39%,约为2/5。室上嵴技、Kugel动脉、室间隔中枝和室间隔背倒前枝的出现率分别为78%、20%、68%和28%。心尖区的血液由左、右冠状动脉共同供应。50例左、右冠状动脉始部外径之比为1.2∶1。左、右冠状动脉在心膈面的分布类型以右强型为主。本文还讨论了猪冠状动脉与狗、人冠状动脉的异同。 相似文献
云南及邻近地区竹亚科增补 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
报道了云南竹亚科新记录2种,即冷箭竹和西藏香竹,归并了5个种名,它们是Chimonocalamus tortuosus Hsueh et Yi,Dendrocalamus factitus Yi,Chimonobambusa yunnnensis Hsueh et W.p.Zhang,Chimonobambusa nepourpurea Yi,Ferrocalamus rimosivaginus 相似文献
赵南先 《热带亚热带植物学报》1995,3(2):47-51
本文对沟稃草属Anisebytron Merrill的系统分类进行了初步的整理与修订。认为Aulacolepis Hackel(1907)(Neoaulacolepis S.Rauschert(1982)pro nom.nov.Aulacdepis)non C.v.Eitingshausen(1893)、Aniselytron Merrill(1910)与Anisachne Keng(1958)是 相似文献
Diploid (2n = 36) Tripsacum australe Cutler and Anderson var. hirsutum de Wet and Timothy, T. cundinamarce de Wet and Timothy, T. dactyloides (L.) L. var. dactyloides and var. meridonale de Wet and Timothy, and T. laxum Nash were crossed with Zea mays L. (2n = 20) as the pollen parent. True hybrids combine the cytologically nonreduced genome of Tripsacum (36 chromosomes) with the haploid (10 chromosomes) or more rarely diploid (20 chromosome) genome of Zea. Maternal offspring with 2n = 36 Tripsacum chromosomes commonly result from parthenogenetic development of cytologically nonreduced eggs. Some individuals with 2n = 36 Tripsacum chromosomes, however, resemble true hybrids in phenotype. These counterfeit hybrids incorporated Zea genetic material into their Tripsacum genomes without true fertilization having taken place. Offspring of counterfeit hybrids that were grown to maturity resembled their mothers in phenotype, and must have originated parthenogenetically. It is proposed that counterfeit hybrids are also produced in nature, and that this process contributes to origins of variation in gametophytic apomicts, and perhaps also in sexually reproducing species. 相似文献
J. M. J. de Wet K. E. Prasada Rao D. E. Brink M. H. Mengesha 《American journal of botany》1984,71(4):550-557
Finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn. subsp. coracana) is cultivated in eastern and southern Africa and in southern Asia. The closest wild relative of finger millet is E. coracana subsp. africana (Kennedy-O'Byrne) Hilu & de Wet. Wild finger millet (subsp. africana) is native to Africa but was introduced as a weed to the warmer parts of Asia and America. Derivatives of hybrids between subsp. coracana and subsp. africana are companion weeds of the crop in Africa. Cultivated finger millets are divided into five races on the basis of inflorescence morphology. Race coracana is widely distributed across the range of finger millet cultivation. It is present in the archaeological record of early African agriculture that may date back 5,000 years. Racial evolution took place in Africa. Races vulgaris, elongata, plana, and compacta evolved from race coracana, and were introduced into India some 3,000 years ago. Little independent racial evolution took place in India. 相似文献
中国荩草属叶片表皮的微形态及其分类意义 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文报道荩草属及其邻近属共5属17种4变种的叶片表皮微形态研究,其中有些种类为首次报道。主要有以下几点: 1、荩草属叶片表皮微形态有5种类型,根据这几种类型结合小穗的外部形态,可在荩草属下分为两亚属及5个组。 2、荩草属及其哑铃形的硅细胞及三角形或圆屋顶形的气孔副卫细胞等近似须芒草属Andropogon Linn.应位于禾本科Gramineae蜀黍族Andropogoneae下,但硅细胞多为短哑铃形而且伴有其它各种类型,微毛的顶细胞远长于基细胞的独特性状,应独立成为荩草亚族Arthraxoninae Benth。 3、根据A.breviaristatus Hack.,A.quartiniana A. Rich.,A.pauciflorus Honda and A.hispidus(Thunb.)Makino 4者叶片表皮细胞类型完全相似特征,赞同P.C.van Weltzen意见,应作一种处理;根据国际命名法规优先律,应用A.hispidus (Thunb.) Makino。 4、海南荩草A. hainanensis Keng et S.L.Chen与茅坪荩草A. maopingensis S.L.Chen et Y.X.Jin应当独立成种.因其两种的叶片表皮细胞类型完全不同。 相似文献
Distichlis spicata tissue cultures were initiated from mature seeds. Cultures displayed regenerable callus that was compact, white, and streaked with purple and green. Selection of compact areas at subculture established long-term, regenerable cultures. Removal of auxin and inclusion of 1 mg 1–1 BA in the maintenance media induced regeneration. Histological sections indicate that although cells were typical of embryogenic types, regeneration was by shoot organogenesis. Regenerated plants flowered and set seed under field conditions. 相似文献
A total of 235 accessions of Tripsacum dactyloides (L.) L. representing natural populations from 88 locations distributed throughout ten states of the United States were collected in the wild and studied morphologically and cytologically. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was applied to 17 morphological characters recorded for 868 specimens from the 88 locations, which were further combined into 25 groups to facilitate analysis. Multivariate F ratios for six comparisons involving different groups were highly significant, indicating that the populations were significantly different on the basis of all 17 characters. Non-significant MANOVA F ratios for two comparisons between sympatric diploid and polyploid accessions showed them to be morphologically similar. Discriminant function (DF) analysis was employed to determine which characters contributed towards group discrimination. No one variable was found to distinguish between groups; rather, a combination of characters was necessary, and the combination changed with each comparison. Accessions were mainly either diploid (2n = 36) or tetraploid (2n = 72), with two triploids (2n = 54) reported from separate locations in Texas. Cytological data revealed that diploids and tetraploids occupy a more sympatric distribution than previously supposed. Morphological analysis suggested that diploids could not always be distinguished from polyploids on the basis of morphology alone, unless the appropriate characters were used. Information from cytological and morphological data showed Tripsacum dactyloides to be composed of many populations covering a wide range of variability, with each population possessing a characteristic combination of morphological attributes. It was concluded that T. dactyloides can be most meaningfully analyzed in terms of particular geographic regions, rather than attempting to elucidate natural relationships by correlating data from the entire United States. 相似文献
BARBARA M. STOKES 《The Annals of applied biology》1957,45(1):122-132
Experiments showed that a stem midge collected locally on couch grass ( Agropyron repens ) and similar midges collected on wheat, barley and rye were of the same species, i. e. the hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor Say. There were three main flights per year, with some overlapping of the generations. In experiments, Aegilops ovata, Triticum compactum, T. dicoccoides, T. durum, T. spelta and T. turgidum were successfully used as host plants besides wheat, barley, rye and couch grass. Individual female midges when moved from plant to plant gave rise to families on the different host plants; similarly, succeeding generations of midges were able to breed on various host plants other than those from which they themselves were reared. Oviposition also took place on plants on which larvae failed to establish themselves.
Wheat seemed more favourable for the hessian fly than couch grass, and more midges were reared from young plants than from mature ones.
Unisexual families occurred in about half the experiments. The following parasites were bred: Trichacis didas Walker, Eupteromalus? hemipterus Walker, Platygaster sp., Chrysocharis sp. and Tetrastichus sp. 相似文献
Wheat seemed more favourable for the hessian fly than couch grass, and more midges were reared from young plants than from mature ones.
Unisexual families occurred in about half the experiments. The following parasites were bred: Trichacis didas Walker, Eupteromalus? hemipterus Walker, Platygaster sp., Chrysocharis sp. and Tetrastichus sp. 相似文献
Lichenized Physolinum Printz and free-living Physolinum from a dimly lit cave were studied from fresh collections and cultures, preserved specimens fixed in situ, and cultures that had persisted for 5 years in an environmental chamber. The branched filamentous association consists of a phycobiont and a characteristic ascomycetous mycobiont of one layer that completely ensheathes the algal partner. Epiphytic blue-green algae commonly occur attached to the mycobiont. The phycobiont, Physolinum monilia (De Wildem.) Printz, produces thick-walled, green spiny cells, some of which enlarge and contact the sheathing mycobiont cells; the phycobiont and mycobiont may then develop into new lichenized filaments. The hyaline mycobiont cells extend haustoria bound by the fungus wall deeply into the phycobiont chloroplasts. The epiphytes, Synechocystis-like colonies, are firmly attached to the outer walls of the mycobiont and are associated with several-celled extensions of the fungus beyond the apical phycobiont cells. Free-living Physolinum monilia filaments are branched and moniliform; the search-containing uninucleate cells are spherical to pyriform and have walls of cellulose. Each cell has a single massive chloroplast with plastoglobuli among tightly packed thylakoids. Except for their larger cells, P. monilia filaments appear to be identical to the phycobiont of lichenized Physolinum. 相似文献
绞股蓝属的染色体研究 总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9
报道了葫芦科绞股蓝属(Gynostemma B1.)8种共20个居群的染色体数目,分别为2n=22,33,44,66,88多倍体现象极为普遍。两个亚属;绞股蓝亚属(Subgen.Gynostemma)和喙果藤亚属(Subgen.Triostellum)的染色体基数均为X=11,并结合该属植物形态特征、繁殖方式和地理分布,对普遍出现的多倍体现象进行了讨论。 相似文献
Eric Karrfalt 《American journal of botany》1984,71(8):1023-1030
The patterns of root arrangement and stelar morphology in the Lower Cretaceous fossil Nathorstiana are essentially identical with those of extant Isoetes. These structural similarities imply a similar mode of development in both plants and are used to infer an Isoetes-like, linear, root-producing meristem along the lower end of the stele in Nathorstiana. The root-bearing base of Nathorstiana differs from that of Isoetes principally in two respects. In earlier developmental stages, the rooting base of Nathorstiana was unlobed and radially symmetrical, whereas Isoetes is originally bilobed. Unlike Isoetes, which lacks stelar elongation and sheds its root-bearing cortex at the periphery of the cortical lobes, the downward growth of the root-bearing base of Nathorstiana resulted in the accumulation of a substantial extent of axial root-bearing surface. 相似文献
Delbert Wiens 《American journal of botany》1968,55(3):325-334
Chromosome numbers and other karyological features of Arceuthobium are reported for all species and subspecific groups in the United States and 7 of the 13 entities occurring in Mexico. The only chromosome number known in the genus is n =14 and the karyotype appears to be fundamentally symmetrical. The bivalents are significantly smaller than in the related genus Phoradendron. No supernumerary chromosomes, sometimes present in Phoradendron, were observed in Arceuthobium. The existence of strong isolating mechanisms, which apparently preclude natural hybridization, is advanced as a possible explanation for the absence of polyploidy in the dwarf mistletoes. The flowering characteristics of the American species are analyzed and classified into three principal groups: (1) winter and early spring flowering species with southern distributions, (2) summer flowering species with more northerly distributions, and (3) spring flowering species with the highest latitudinal distributions, but which essentially complete floral development during the previous summer. A fourth group is intermediate between the first and second categories. 相似文献
Terry W. Lucansky 《American journal of botany》1977,64(3):253-259
Comparative anatomical studies of the mature stems of two species each of Trichipteris and Cyathea (Cyatheaceae) are described. The outermost boundary of the stem is typically a two-layered hypodermis. Mucilage-sac cells are randomly distributed in all parenchymatous areas of the stem and form articulated laticifer systems. Localized areas of sclerenchyma tissue occur in the cortex of both T. microphylla and C. suprastrigosa. All species studied possess medullary bundles, whereas cortical bundles are found only in T. trichiata. Accessory bundles occasionally are associated with indentations in the internal stelar sheath of T. trichiata. The stelar pattern in each genus is a dictyostele and consists of individual meristeles. Distinctive cubical cells typically occur wherever sclerenchymatous fibers and parenchyma cells abut one another. Tangential cells occur within the primary phloem of each meristele, and occasionally within the larger accessory bundles. The primary xylem of the adventitious roots is typically diarch, although triarch and tetrarch xylem may occur. Leaf traces and petiole strands are similar anatomically to the accessory bundles. Based upon this study Trichipteris and Cyathea show striking anatomical similarities, and appear to be closely-related taxa. 相似文献
云南盘鳇消化系统解剖学、组织学及消化酶活性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用形态学、组织学及酶学方法对云南盘逗(Discogobio yunnanensis)成体消化系统进行研究。结果表明, 云南盘逗消化系统有以下特征: 口下位, 口腔上皮分布有较多味蕾及杯状细胞, 食道粗大, 含有大量黏液细胞, 无胃, 肠道较长, 盘旋于体腔中, 成鱼盘旋10回, 肠道系数为5.06±0.61, 肠分为前中后三段, 肠腔中密布肠绒毛。消化腺为肝胰脏, 肝脏分为左右两叶, 胰脏弥散分布在肝脏中。消化系统不同部位消化酶活性大小不同, 脂肪酶活性: 肝胰脏>前肠>中肠>后肠, 胰蛋白酶、淀粉酶、碱性磷酸酶活性: 前肠>中肠>肝胰脏>后肠。云南盘逗口下位, 食道粗短, 肠道细长, 肠绒毛丰富, 肠道含较高的胰蛋白酶和淀粉酶活性, 消化系统所具有的这些特征与其以固着藻类为食有关。 相似文献
本工作以C带、硝酸银染色、对黑眉锦蛇(Elaphe taeniura)的有丝分裂染色体进行了显微观察。其二倍体染色体数目2n=36,核型组成为16(8m+6sm+2t)大染色体+20微小染色体。C带显现于几乎所有染色体的着丝粒区,有一对插入型C带位于第6对端着丝粒染色体。一个银染核仁组织区(NORs)位于No.12小染色体。同时以界面铺张——硝酸银染色技术,对黑届锦蛇减数分裂精母细胞联会复合体(SC)的结构进行了亚显微观察。发现黑眉锦蛇的SC结构与其他动物的SC相似,是由两股平行的侧线组成,SC组型与有丝分裂染色体组型有较好的一致性。 相似文献