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Anatomical observations were made on 1-, 2-, and 3-yr-old plants of Yucca whipplei Torr, ssp. percursa Haines grown from seed collected from a single parent in Refugio Canyon, Santa Barbara, California. The primary body of the vegetative stem consists of cortex and central cylinder with a central pith. Parenchyma cells in the ground tissue are arranged in anticlinal cell files continuous from beneath the leaf bases, through the cortex and central cylinder to the pith. Individual vascular bundles in the primary body have a collateral arrangement of xylem and phloem. The parenchyma cells of the ground tissue of the secondary body are also arranged in files continuous with those of the primary parenchyma. Secondary vascular bundles have an amphivasal arrangement and an undulating path with frequent anastomoses. Primary and secondary vascular bundles are longitudinally continuous. The primary thickening meristem (PTM) is longitudinally continuous with the secondary thickening meristem (STM). Axillary buds initiated during primary growth were observed in the leaf axils. The STM becomes more active prior to and during root initiation. Layers of secondary vascular bundles are associated with root formation.  相似文献   

Silicified stems with typical cycadalean anatomy are described from specimens collected from the Fremouw Formation (Triassic) in the Transantarctic Mountains of Antarctica. Axes are slender with a large parenchymatous pith and cortex separated by a narrow ring of vascular tissue. Mucilage canals are present in both pith and cortex. Vascular tissue consists of endarch primary xylem, a narrow band of secondary xylem tracheids, cambial zone, and region of secondary phloem. Vascular bundles contain uni- to triseriate rays with larger rays up to 2 mm wide separating the individual bundles. Pitting on primary xylem elements ranges from helical to scalariform; secondary xylem tracheids exhibit alternate circular bordered pits. Traces, often accompanied by a mucilage canal, extend out through the large rays into the cortex where some assume a girdling configuration. A zone of periderm is present at the periphery of the stem. Large and small roots are attached to the stem and are conspicuous in the surrounding matrix. The anatomy of the Antarctic cycad is compared with that of other fossil and extant cycadalean stems.  相似文献   

Miller , Robert H. (U. Nevada, Reno.) Morphology of Humulus luppulus. II. Secondary growth in the root and seedling vascularization. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(4): 269–277. Illus. 1959.—In the primary state the roots of Humulus lupulus L. have a diarch xylem plate with 2 strands of primary phloem lying on either side of the primary xylem. Secondary histogenesis is described for the primary root. Fibrous and fleshy storage roots are developed by the hop plant and their respective developmental and anatomical structures are described. Lateral roots are initiated in the pericycle opposite the protoxylem poles. The architecture of these secondary roots is similar to that of the primary root. The seedling develops a fleshy storage organ through secondary growth of the primary root and the hypocotyl. The hypocotyl eventually resembles a fleshy taproot throughout most of its extent. The vascular cambium differentiates large amounts of parenchymatous tissues. A relatively smaller amount of tracheary tissue is formed. The secondary phloem comprises a high percentage of phloem parenchyma and ray cells containing numerous large starch grains, and constitutes the larger portion of the fleshy storage root. Numerous thick-walled lignified fibers occur throughout the secondary vascular tissues. Resin and tannin cells are abundantly distributed. A phellogen is differentiated from the pericycle and develops a persistent periderm on the outer surface of the fleshy storage organ. A relatively short transition region occurs in the upper part of the hypocotyl. The transition takes place from a radially alternate arrangement of the vascular tissues in the root to a collateral arrangement in the cotyledons.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Brassica napus L. 2–11 days after germination were used. However, the most investigation was concentrated on the 6-day old seedlings. The primary root has a diarch protostele, the two groups of primary phloem alternate with the primary xylem. At higher level, the metaxylem is gradually differentiated in a lateral direction. Being coincident with this changes of the metaxylem, the groups of phloem cell are extended. The stele of the lower hypocotyl is root-like and has no pith. In the middle hypocotyl, there is a further lateral differentiation of the metaxylem. At the higher level, four metaxylem arms appear and the groups of phloem are extended circumferentially to form two crescent shaped sectors. In the upper hypocotyl below 0.2 cm of the cotyledonary node, a central pith has been formed which separates the differentiating primary xylem into two distinct units. At a slightly higher level, each primary phloem divides into two small groups, at this time, each xylem unit and the two adjacent groups of phloem constitute a cotyledonary trace. The foliar traces of the first two foliage leaves appear in the inter-cotyledonary plane between the vascular elements of the cotyledonary traces. At this level, the vascular tissue of the hypocotyl forms a siphonostele made up of two cotyledonary traces and the two foliage leaves, where the root-stem transition has nearly been completed, while the endarch condition is not attained in the hypocotyl. At incresing distances from the cotyledonary node upwards, in the cotyledonary petiole, the protoxylem occupies a more and more adaxial position and the metaxylem a more and more abaxial direction and, thus, the endarch condition is attained. The primary system of the root, hypocotyl, and cotyledons forms a complete circular system, the plumular vascular elements are directly connected by secondary elements formed by the cambium in the region of the hypocotyl. As for the results mentioned above, the authers have not detected that the primary xylem has a rotation of 180˚, as described by Van Tieghem.  相似文献   

The paper Chiefly deals with the anatomy of the structure of the vegetative organs of Sinopodophillum emodi Wall. The structure of its root was analogous to that of the typical root of the dicotyledon, but it was very much interesting to find that the structure of its stem is something different from the character of dicotyledonous. The vascular bundles were arranged in two rows. There were 16–27 collateral bundles of various size around the cortex but there were 3–10 accessary bundles at the center of the pith. The phlcem was surrounded by the crescent shaped xylem. So, its, stem was generally similar to the structure of the atactostele of the moncotyledon. Besides that, there were obvious primary extraxylaxy fibers. Two types of the fibers could be recognized by their positions: the perivascular fibers and the primary phloem fibers. The structure of the leaf of SinopodophiUum was analogous generally to that of the dicotyledonous. There were 15–27 vascular bundles arranged in its petiole tissues and 3 aceessary bundles at its cent. er, one of which was amphivasal bundle, the rest two were the transitional forms from the collateral bundles to the amphivasal bundles.  相似文献   

Medullary bundles are absent from the pith of the leafy, relictual cacti (genus Pereskia) but are present in most members of subfamily Cactoideae. They are absent only from tribes Hylocereeae, Rhipsalideae, and some members of Cacteae and Notocacteae. Presence of medullary bundles tends to be correlated with presence of a broad pith, but exceptions occur. Most medullary bundles are collateral, and in all genera phloem is produced and accumulates throughout the lifetime of the bundle. Xylem definitely accumulates as medullary bundles age in some groups, but it definitely does not accumulate in others, being produced only while the bundle is young. Pith can be broad (up to 75 mm in diameter), can constitute half the shoot volume, and is long-lived, remaining alive as long as the shoot is alive. Medullary bundles appear to be adaptive in allowing this large pith to be used for storage of water and starch. Medullary bundles have fewer, narrower tracheary elements than does the stele xylem in the same region; medullary bundles probably could not carry out significant longdistance transport if a major part of the stele becomes damaged.  相似文献   

濒危植物海南风吹楠营养器官解剖结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究采用石蜡切片和光学显微技术,对海南风吹楠营养器官的解剖结构及其对环境的适应性进行了探讨。结果表明:海南风吹楠为典型异面叶,叶片中脉发达,中部分化出髓,上表皮外侧具角质层,内侧具1层内皮层,下表皮外侧无角质层,有气孔器分布,气孔器为双环型,略下陷;栅栏组织3~4层细胞,海绵组织4~6层细胞。茎的初生结构中表皮轻微角质化,维管束为外韧型,8~10个初生维管束围绕髓排列为1轮;茎的次生结构中,表皮外部角质层加厚,维管柱紧密排列连成环状,次生韧皮部和次生木质部发达,形成层细胞3~5层。根的初生结构中表皮细胞外壁加厚,外皮层细胞体积大,形状不规则,内侧具1层形成层,内皮层具凯氏带,初生木质部为多原型,呈辐射状排列。根的次生结构中木栓层细胞5~6层,木栓层内侧具1层木栓形成层,栓内层细胞3层。海南风吹楠营养器官具有一定耐阴和耐旱结构特征,同时与其生活的热带雨林沟谷中高温荫湿的环境相适应。  相似文献   

The phloem of most fossil plants, including that of Sphenophyllum, is very poorly known. Sphenophyllum was a relatively small type of fossil arthrophyte with jointed stems bearing whorls of leaves ranging in form from wedge or fan-shaped to bifid, to linear. The aerial stem systems of the plant exhibited determinate growth involving progressive reduction in the dimensions of the stem primary bodies, fewer leaves per whorl, and smaller and simpler leaves distally. The primary phloem occurs in three areas alternating in position with the arms of the triarch centrally placed primary xylem. Cells of the primary phloem, presumably sieve elements, are axially elongate with horizontal to slightly tapered end walls. In larger stems with abundant secondary xylem and secondary cortex or periderm, a zone of secondary phloem occurs whose structure varies in the three areas opposite the arms of the primary xylem, as opposed to the three areas lying opposite the concave sides of the primary xylem. The axial system of the secondary phloem consists of vertical series of sieve elements with horizontal end walls. In the areas opposite the protoxylem the parenchyma is present as a prominent ray system showing dilation peripherally. Sieve elements in the areas opposite the protoxylem arms have relatively small diameters. In the areas between the protoxylem poles the secondary phloem sieve elements have large diameters and are less obviously in radial files, while the parenchyma resembles that of the secondary xylem in these areas in that it consists of strands of cells extending both radially and tangentially. An actively meristematic vascular cambium has not been found, indicating that this layer changed histologically after the cessation of growth in the determinate aerial stem systems and was replaced by a post-meristematic parenchyma sheath made up of axially elongate parenchyma lacking cells indicative of being either fusiform or ray initials. A phellogen arose early in development in a tissue believed to represent pericycle and produced tissue comparable to phellem externally. Normally, derivatives of the phellogen underwent one division prior to the maturation of the cells. Concentric bands of cells with dark contents apparently represent secretory tissue in the periderm and cell arrangements indicate that a single persistent phellogen was present. Sphenophyllum is compared with other arthrophytes as to phloem structure and is at present the best documented example of a plant with a functionally bifacial vascular cambium in any exclusively non-seed group of vascular plants.  相似文献   

Basipetal to the shoot apex, a procambial ring with parenchymatous gaps is present. The protoxylem poles are endarrh in both the ectophloic siphonostele and the collateral vascular bundle which comprises the leaf trace. Each leaf trace has an anastomosing system of protoxylem poles that decreases in number basipetally from five to three to two. Differentiation of the leaf trace procambium and protoxylem is bidirectional, that is the differentiation first occurs near the base of the leaf and acropetally in the leaf and basipetally in the stem. Then a fascicular cambium differentiates betweem the primary xylem and phloem in the leaf. This vascular cambium which is also present in the stem is unidirectional and only produces secondary xylem centripetally. Limited secondary growth also occurs in roots. Medullary tracheids when present are longitudinally continuous with the vascular system. The stele of the stem is interpretated as a sympodium of leaf traces and the pith is considered to be fundamental tissue enclosed by the anastomosing of leaf traces.  相似文献   

Two types of tubular secretory reservoirs occur in Ambrosia trifida, the first such example known in plants. Paraffin and resin sections, and clearings showed that, although each type consists of many separate unbranched tubes, they differ in anatomy, secretory contents, distribution, and length. Reservoirs (PAR) containing a red substance (presumably a polyacetylene) and lined with a biseriate epithelium parallel the largest leaf and stem vascular bundles. One PAR arises near the base of each leaf lobe midrib and extends through the petiole to the node or continues in the stem cortex to the node below. Other PARs start at the cotyledonary node or in cotyledons and extend down into the primary root, where they have only a single layer of unspecialized epithelium. PARs realign themselves, and more form de novo, until the primary root has two to four separate arrays of PARs abutting the endodermis, each with three to six parallel PARs. Branch roots have similar PAR arrays but unconnected to PARs of the parent root. Inflorescence PARs occur only in bracts, and in petals of male flowers. The second type of reservoir (OR) has a uniseriate epithelium and contains an unidentified oil. ORs occur in phloem, and in pith next to xylem, of stem and large leaf bundles. They dwindle in successively smaller veins until the two smallest orders lack them. ORs occur only in phloem in the hypocotyl; none occur in cotyledons, roots, or floral parts.  相似文献   

Interxylary phloem is here defined as strands or bands of phloem embedded within the secondary xylem of a stem or root of a plant that has a single vascular cambium. In this definition, interxylary phloem differs from intraxylary phloem, bicollateral bundles, pith bundles, and successive cambia. The inclusive but variously applied terms included phloem and internal phloem must be rejected. Histological aspects of interxylary phloem are reviewed and original data are presented. Topics covered include duration of interxylary phloem; relationship in abundance between sieve tubes in external phloem and interxylary phloem; distinctions between interxylary and intraxylary phloem; presence of parenchyma, fibers, and crystals in the interxylary phloem strands; development of cambia within interxylary phloem strands; three-dimensionalization and longevity of phloem, systematic distribution of interxylary phloem; physiological significance; and habital correlations. No single physiological phenomenon seems to explain all instances of interxylary phloem occurrence, but rapidity and volume of photosynthate transport seem implicated in most instances.  相似文献   

The stem of Circaeaster agrestis Maxim. is very short but the length of hypocotyl is comparatively long, almost occupying the whole length of the plant. This tender hypocotyl is mainly supported by the thickening of cuticle on the outer wall of the epidermal cell and the primary xylem in the center. Between primary xylem and primary phloem there are 2–3 layers of parenchymatous cells, regularly or irregularly arranged, but no cambial zone can be recognized. The transition region where root and stem meet showed no evidence of twisting, splitting or inversion of the strands in the primary vascular tissues which are common in most of the dicots. The extending cotyledon traces differentiate directly from the parenchymatous cells which locate on the outside of the poles of primary xylem. The first and the second leaf traces are organized in the middle of the primary phloem.  相似文献   

BELL  A. D. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(2):233-240
The vascular system present in a grass seedling axis persistsin a functional state at the base of a maturing plant, but undergoesa number of modifications. Two strands of phloem, accompanied by some internal xylem, differentiatein association with the bicollateral mesocotyl trace at rightangles to the existing phloem, resulting in a tetrarch bundle.Lateral seminal roots are themselves tetrarch and the vascularinsertion of a seminal root on to the mesocotyl is a distinctivethree-dimensional feature. At the base of the mesocotyl thetetrarch bundle merges with the tetrarch bundle of the primaryseminal root via a transition zone. The four phloem poles uniteand then diverge again; the central xylem strand splits intothree and then reunites, the two tissues being intimately interlockedby this rearrangement. The additional vascular tissue of the mesocotyl extends up intothe coleoptilar node and becomes involved in the vascular attachmentof nodal roots at this point. Additional vascular tissue continuesto differentiate in the periphery of the maturing stem and ishere termed the ‘peripheral plexus’. In the seedling, the xylem of the ‘bridge’ linkingthe mesocotyl trace with the scutellar trace is associated withxylem transfer cells and also contains tracheids with distinctive,thin-barred scalariform thickening. These transfer cells disappearas the plant matures but numerous tracheids with thin-barredscalariform thickening are then to be found. The possible significanceof transfer cells in the coleoptilar node is discussed.  相似文献   

应用植物解剖学、组织化学及植物化学方法对白鲜营养器官根、茎、叶的结构及其生物碱的积累进行了研究。结果显示:(1)白鲜根的次生结构以及茎和叶的结构类似一般双子叶植物;白鲜多年生根主要由周皮、次生韧皮部、维管形成层以及次生木质部组成,根次生韧皮部中可见大量的淀粉、草酸钙簇晶、韧皮纤维以及油细胞;茎由表皮、皮层、维管组织和髓组成;叶由表皮、栅栏组织、海绵组织和叶脉组成;在茎和叶初生韧皮部的位置均分布有韧皮纤维,在叶表皮上分布有头状腺毛和非腺毛;在茎和叶紧贴表皮处分布有分泌囊。(2)组织化学分析结果显示:在白鲜多年生根中,生物碱类物质主要分布在周皮、次生韧皮部、维管形成层和木薄壁细胞中;在茎中,生物碱主要分布在表皮、皮层、韧皮部、木薄壁细胞及髓周围薄壁细胞中;在叶中,生物碱主要分布在表皮细胞、叶肉组织和维管组织的薄壁细胞;此外在分泌囊和头状腺毛中亦含有生物碱类物质。(3)植物化学结果显示,秦岭产白鲜根皮/白鲜皮、根木质部、茎和叶中白鲜碱含量分别为0.041%、0.012%、0.004%和0.002%,其中木质部中白鲜碱含量和其他部分地区白鲜皮中白鲜碱含量类似。研究表明,在秦岭产白鲜营养器官中,除根皮/白鲜皮外,在根木质部亦含有大量的白鲜碱,且在茎和叶中亦含有一定的白鲜碱,具有潜在的开发利用价值。  相似文献   

为揭示紫菀根的结构、主要药用成分积累部位和含量,用石蜡切片法研究不同发育阶段根的结构、组织化学法定位三萜皂苷和黄酮类成分的积累部位、HPLC法测定根中紫菀酮、槲皮素和山奈酚的含量。结果表明,紫菀根的初生结构包括表皮、皮层和维管柱。次生结构包括外皮层、皮层和维管组织,其中分泌道位于皮层内侧,数量与韧皮部束一致,随着根的增粗,中央分化出髓部。三萜皂苷成分在韧皮部和皮层内侧积累较多;黄酮类成分积累于皮层和髓部。紫菀根下部的紫菀酮含量高于上部,槲皮素和山萘酚仅为上部的1/3。因此,建议加工时保留下部细根,实现资源综合利用。  相似文献   

白鲜根的发育解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用半薄切片、常规石蜡切片并结合离析法,对药用植物白鲜(Dictamnus dasycarpus Turcz.)根的发生发育过程进行了研究。结果表明:白鲜根的发生发育过程包括4个阶段,即原分生组织阶段、初生分生组织阶段、初生结构阶段以及次生结构阶段。原分生组织位于根冠内侧及初生分生组织之间,衍生细胞分化为初生分生组织。初生分生组织由原表皮、基本分生组织以及中柱原组成。原表皮分化为表皮,基本分生组织分化为皮层,中柱原分化为维管柱,共同组成根的初生结构;在初生结构中,部分表皮细胞外壁向外延伸形成根毛,皮层中分布有油细胞,内皮层有凯氏带,初生木质部为二原型或偶见三原型,外始式;根初生结构有髓或无。次生结构来源于原形成层起源的维管形成层的活动以及中柱鞘起源的木栓形成层的活动;白鲜次生韧皮部宽广,其中多年生根中可占根横切面积的85%,另外除基本组成分子外,还分布有油细胞;周皮发达,木栓层厚;初生皮层、次生木质部和次生韧皮部薄壁细胞中常充满丰富的淀粉粒。  相似文献   

Seedlings of Atriplex hortensis were studied to ascertain; 1) in which organ the primary thickening meristem (PTM) first differentiates; 2) the direction of differentiation of the PTM, and 3) the pattern of differentiation of conjunctive tissue. The PTM initially differentiates in pericycle of the primary root base 11 days after emergence of the primary root. It then differentiates in the transition region of the hypocotyl, mostly in cells of pericycle between pairs of vascular bundles. In the upper hypocotyl, PTM differentiates by day 20 in the inner layer of cortical parenchyma. In the epicotyl, PTM apparently differentiates in the inner layer of cortex, by day 24. Desmogic xylem differentiates from radial files of internal conjunctive tissue cells and desmogic phloem differentiates opposite desmogic xylem strands from newly formed cells of external conjunctive tissue. No interfascicular cambium differentiates in the root, hypocotyl, or epicotyl.  相似文献   

Ipomoea hederifolia stems increase in thickness using a combination of different types of cambial variant, such as the discontinuous concentric rings of cambia, the development of included phloem, the reverse orientation of discontinuous cambial segments, the internal phloem, the formation of secondary xylem and phloem from the internal cambium, and differentiation of cork in the pith. After primary growth, the first ring of cambium arises between the external primary phloem and primary xylem, producing secondary phloem centrifugally and secondary xylem centripetally. The stem becomes lobed, flat, undulating, or irregular in shape as a result of the formation of both discontinuous and continuous concentric rings of cambia. As the formation of secondary xylem is greater in one region than in another, this results in the formation of a grooved stem. Successive cambia formed after the first ring are of two distinct functional types: (1) functionally normal successive cambia that divide to form secondary xylem centripetally and secondary phloem centrifugally, like other dicotyledons that show successive rings, and (2) abnormal cambia with reverse orientation. The former type of successive rings originates from the parenchyma cells located outside the phloem produced by previous cambium. The latter type of cambium develops from the conjunctive tissue located at the base of the secondary xylem formed by functionally normal cambia. This cambium is functionally inverted, producing secondary xylem centrifugally and secondary phloem centripetally. In later secondary growth, xylem parenchyma situated deep inside the secondary xylem undergoes de‐differentiation, and re‐differentiates into included phloem islands in secondary xylem. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 30–40.  相似文献   

The primary xylem connection between the diarch parent root and the diarch lateral root was derived from the pericycle and stelar parenchyma. Early in lateral root development stelar parenchyma that was positioned between the parent xylem and the primordium divided transversely. These transverse divisions produced a plate of cells, most of which subsequently differentiated into vessel element connectors. After emergence of the lateral root, xylem maturation began in the stelar vessel element connectors and maturation proceeded acropetally into the lateral root. Protoxylem of the lateral root was connected to the metaxylem of the parent root via stelar vessel element connectors. The circular phloem connection was pericyclic in origin. Axial phloem connections which vascularized the lateral root were established with sieve tube elements of both parent phloem poles. Maturation of the phloem connection occurred prior to lateral root emergence. Transaxial phloem, positioned in arches above and below the lateral root vascular cylinder, was derived from the pericycle; and each arch consisted of three to four sieve tube elements. No transfer cells were found in the transaxial phloem.  相似文献   

The development of radial growth which leads to the pachycaulous form was investigated in eight of the 10 genera of the Cycadales; i.e., Ceratozamia, Cycas, Dioon, Encephalartos, Macrozamia, Microcycas, Stangeria, and Zamia. In all taxa, development of radial growth is essentially the same: a primary thickening meristem is differentiated in the stelar region of the cotyledonary node of the seedling at germination and produces derivatives mainly centrifugally. This primary thickening meristem (PTM) then differentiates acropetally and becomes continuous with the peripheral zone of the shoot apex. At first the PTM is a vertical cylinder, but as the seedling continues to grow into an adult plant, the PTM shows a more horizontal orientation (like an open umbrella) and produces the broad cortex. Secondary growth is by a vascular cambium which produces secondary xylem to the inside and secondary phloem to the outside. The broad pith originates from derivatives of the rib meristem of the massive shoot apex. The seedling and young plant is composed of a shortened shoot (i.e., no internodes) produced by the PTM and rib meristem, and a large fleshy primary root which results from a diffuse growth pattern. Individual cells in both the pith and cortex of the root divide. Their derivatives divide at right angles to the original division plane. Thus, quartets and even octets of cells are recognizable and can be traced to individual parent cells.  相似文献   

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