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Winter , Dorothy M. (Iowa State U., Ames.) The development of the seed of Abutilon theophrasti. I. Ovule and embryo. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(1): 8–14. Illus. 1960.—Abutilon theophrasti Medic, is a widespread annual weed which produces an abundance of seed in capsules which mature within 20 days after pollination. Ovule differentiation may be observed at least 8 days before anthesis when a sporogenous cell becomes evident and 2 integuments are initiated. An 8-nucleate embryo sac is produced from the chalazal megaspore approximately 2 days before anthesis. The outer integument of the mature campylotropous ovule consists of 2 cell layers, the inner integument has 6 to 15 cell layers. The initially free-nucleate endosperm becomes cellular betwen 3 and 7 days after pollination. At maturity a thin layer of gelatinous endosperm encases the embryo. The Asterad-type proembryo of Abutilon has a stout suspensor and develops rapidly. Four days after pollination cotyledons are initiated; 4 days later a leaf primordium is evident. Fifteen days after pollination the embryo, which has essentially completed its growth, consists of a large hypocotyl with root promeristem and root cap at its basal end, and 2 flat, folded, leaflike cotyledons enclosing a small epicotyl at its upper end. The epicotyl consists of an embryonic leaf and a stem apex.  相似文献   

The structure of embryo sac, fertilization and development of embryo and endosperm in Vigina sesquipedalis (L.) Fruwirth were investigated. Pollization occures 7–10h before anthesis, and fertilization is completed 10 h after anthesis. After fertilization, wall ingrowths are formed at the micropylar and chalazal ends of the embryo sac. Embryo development conforms to the Onagrad type, and passes through 2 or more celled proembryo, long stick-shaped, globular, heart shaped, torpedo, young embryo, growing and enlarging embryo and mature embryo. Wall ingrowths are formed on the walls of basal cells and outer walls of the cells at basal region of suspenser. The suspensor remains as the seed reaches maturity. The starch grains accumulate in the cells of cotyledons by 9–16 days after anthesis, and proteins accumulate by 12–18 days after. The endosperm development follows the nuclear type. The endosperm ceils form at the micropylar end, and remain free nuclear phase at chalazal end. The outer cells are transfer cells. Those cells at the micropylar end form folded cells with wall ingrowths. At heartembryo stage, the endosperm begins to degenerate and disintegrates before the embryo matures.  相似文献   

Endosperm development was studied in normally setting flowersand pods of soybean from anthesis to a pod length of 10–20mm. The free-nuclear stage following double fertilization istypified by loss of starch and increasing vacuolation. The cytoplasmprovides evidence of extensive metabolic activity. Wall ingrowths,already present at the micropylar end of the embryo sac wallprior to fertilization, develop along the lateral wall of thecentral cell as well as at the chalazal endosperm haustorium.Endosperm cellularization begins when the embryo has developeda distinct globular embryo proper and suspensor. Cellularizationstarts at the micropylar end of the embryo sac as a series ofantidinal walls projecting into the endosperm cytoplasm fromthe wall of the central cell. The free, growing ends of thesewalls are associated with vesicles, microtubules, and endoplasrnicreticulum. Pendinal walls that complete the compartmentalizalionof portions of the endosperm cytoplasm are initiated as cellplates formed during continued mitosis of the endosperm nuclei.Endosperm cell walls are traversed by plasmodesmata. This studywill provide a basis for comparison with endosperin from soybeanflowers programmed to abscise. Glycine max, soybean, endosperm, ovules  相似文献   

对苏铁(Cycas revoluta Thunb.)种子的胚和胚乳组织进行了解剖研究。结果表明:苏铁种子为有胚乳种子,兼有胚乳和外胚乳,成熟时具直立型胚。胚乳的表层细胞含有角蜡质,胞核大,不含淀粉粒;中层细胞胞核明显;内层细胞胞核不明显,富含淀粉颗粒,淀粉粒单脐点明显。胚孔端的胚乳内陷成一凹槽,似贮藏窖。成熟的子叶胚为倒生胚胎,位于胚乳细胞解体后形成的囊腔中,子叶胚长度在胚乳中占到种子的1/3至2/3,已达到生理成熟阶段。双子叶直立,半合生。胚状体基部呈喙状突起,喙状突起下端连着一根肠叠着的丝状吸器,吸器基部连着一个小气囊。胚芽由顶端分生组织和数枚真叶组成,此时真叶已具羽状叶原基和绒毛原始体。在胚状体中发现有长管细胞及螺纹加厚的导管,在子叶中脉有数条并列的螺环纹导管。  相似文献   

Rice embryo development was examined, histochemically and ultrastructurally, from the time of fertilization to embryo maturity. At the time of fertilization, the megagametophyte consists of an antipodal mass of 10–15 cells, parietally positioned along the placental side of the central cell, and, at the micropylar end, two partly fused polar nuclei and the egg apparatus. Hydrolysis of adjacent nucellar tissue suggests the secretion of hydrolytic enzymes by the antipodal mass. The antipodal cells stain intensely for RNA and protein, indicating that they are metabolically active. The egg, supported by two overarching synergids, occupies a small, wall ingrowth-lined pocket of the central cell that quickly fills with cellular endosperm after fertilization. The endosperm cells, initially supplied with nutrients from wall ingrowth-derived vesicles, are digested and utilized by the embryo as a nutritive source. The developing embryo is also supplied with assimilates via the nucellus at the base of the embryo until about 8 days after fertilization. After 8 days, the embryo is no longer connected to the nucellus, and the nucellar cells at the base of the embryo are crushed. The zygote is not structurally polarized and contains a central nucleus, amyloplasts, lipid bodies, dictyosomes and extensive dilated ER. The first division of the zygote is transverse and unequal and occurs about 4 hours after fertilization. Embryo development is rapid, and within 24 hr, the embryo consists of 5–8 cells. Organ development begins with scutellum emergence in the 3-day-old embryo. The shoot apex organizes and the coleoptile develops from scutellum tissue at 4 days postfertilization, the epiblast emerges at 5 days, and the vascular bundle and root apex differentiate by 6 days after fertilization. Starch begins to accumulate in the basal cells of the 3-day-old embryo and deposition proceeds acropetally over the next 9–10 days. Lipid accumulation begins in the basal scutellum in the 6-day-old embryo and also proceeds acropetally. Storage protein synthesis is first detected in 6-day-old embryos and accumulation again proceeds acropetally, reaching the apex of the scutellum of the 25-day-old embryo. The ultrastructure of the 24-hr-old embryo is distinctive. The cells are characterized by numerous vesicles, heterochromatin and extensive nuclear evaginations.  相似文献   

Pollen tube growth from the stigma into the ovule, and the early fruit and seed development following fertilization were examined using fluorescence microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy inPetunia inflata. After growing intercellularly in the transmitting tract for 24–36 hr, the pollen tubes emerged into the top part of the ovary cavity and grew along the surface of the septum to reach the ovule. It grew around the furnicle and penetrated the micropyle to enter the embryo sac for fertilization. After fertilization, the endosperm nucleus divided first before the embryo, and the cell wall formation occurred following the division, exhibiting the pattern of cellular type of endosperm development. The first division of the zygote did not occur until 3 days after pollination. At 6 days after pollination, the seeds grew considerably and the endosperm has gone through multiple rounds of cell division. High starch formation in the integument, especially around the embryo sac, was also observed.  相似文献   

The pollen tube enters the embryo sac through the crassinucellus at the micropylar end, and brings about the porogamy. The embryogeny corresponds to the Solanad type. The defference of the suspensor structure is notable by comparing it with the other genera of Zygophyllaceae that have been studied. The endosperm is of the Nuclear type. Mitosis is the main form of the free endosperm nuclei proliferation. No cell plates develop in the early free nuclear division, however, they appear in late development, without developing into the cell wall and disappear ultimately. At the late globular embryo stage, cell formation in endosperm starts first from the micropylar end. The first anticlinal walls develop from the cell plate that is initiated from tile phragmoplast as a result of normal cytokinesis. Follwing this a wall begins to grow from the base of the cell plates, the outer growing margin soon fuses with the wall of the central cell, and the inner growing margin continues to grow towards the central vacuole. The growing walls branch and eventually fuse on the side nearest the central vacuole. Thus, the first periclinal walls are initiated, and a complete endosperm cell is formed. Along with the development of embryo, cell is gradually formed in the endosperm from the micropylar end towards the chalazal end, but the chalazal endosperm is still coenocytic until the endosperm disintegrate completely. The mature seed has no endosperm.  相似文献   

The histological development of fertilized ovules during fruit-set and development in pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) has been investigated. Killing the ovules on day 0 (anthesis) or day 1 prevented fruit-set and resulted in ovary degeneration. When the ovules were destroyed at later stages the ovaries developed, though the rate of growth of the pod was reduced significantly. Pollination in pea occurs normally the day before anthesis, and fertilization of the egg cell 32 to 48 h later. The first divisions of the zygote and endosperm nuclei started simultaneously (ca 48 h after pollination) but the endosperm developed more rapidly than the embryo; the embryo sac cavity was lined with free endosperm nuclei at the time of beginning suspensor elongation. Extracts of endosperm and ovule coats from ovules at day 7 after anthesis showed fruit-set activity in pea, the latter material having about 3 times more activity than the former per ovule basis. These results indicate that fertilization of the ovule is necessary for fruit-set in pea, and that compounds which induce fruit-set are probably synthesized in the ovules following fertilization.  相似文献   

In addition to the primary seminal primordium, the so-called secondary seminal root primordia are also initiated in a barley embryo. The primary root primordium is developmentally most advanced. It is formed by root meristem covered with the root cap, and by a histologically determined region with completed cell division. On germination, the restoration of growth processes begins in this non-meristematic region of root primordium by cell elongation, with the exception of the zone adjacent to the scutellar node, the cells of which do not elongate but continue differentiating. In the root primordia initiated later, the zone with completed cell division is relatively shorter, in the youngest primordia the non-meristematic cells may be lacking. The root meristem is reactivated after the primary root primordium has broken through the sheath-like coleorrhiza and emerges from the caryopsis as the primary root. The character of root meristem indicates a reduced water content at the embryonic development of root primordium. With progressing growth the root apex becomes thinner, the meristematic region becomes longer, and the differences in the extent of cell division between individual cell types increase. — The primary root base is formed of cells pre-existing in the seminal root primordium. Upon desiccation of caryopsis in maturation, and subsequent quiescent period, their development was temporarily broken, proceeding with the onset of germination. The length of this postembryonically non-dividing basal zone is different in individual cell types. The column of central metaxylem characteristic of the smallest number of cell cycles, has, under the given conditions, a mean length of about 22 mm, whereas the pericycle, as the tissue with most prolonged cell division, has a mean length of about 6 mm. In the seminal root primordia initiated later the non-dividing areas are relatively shorter. The basal region of seminal roots thus differs in its ontogenesis from the increase which is formed “de novo” by the action of root meristem upon seed germination.  相似文献   

糜子(Panicum miliaceum L.)受精的全过程在开花后3小时内完成。开花后20分钟,花粉管到达珠孔,30分钟进入胚囊并释放精子;雌、雄性核融合发生在开花后30分钟至3小时。精核与卵核和极核融合的过程基本相同,但总是先完成与极核的融合。开花后2小时,初生胚乳核形成,随后立即分裂。开花后3小时,合子形成,此时胚乳含两个游离核。开花后8—10小时,合子进入分裂期。合子的休眠期约5—7小时。受精作用属于有丝分裂前配子融合的类型。  相似文献   

Cross- and partially cross-pollinated capitula of Cichorium intybus (Compositae, Lactuceae) were examined for a study of normal and seedless fruit development respectively. Embryos develop according to the Asterad pattern, and the free-nuclear endosperm becomes cellular 15–17 hrs after pollination. A zone of disorganized cellular material surrounds the embryo sac at anthesis, and, in normal achenes, this zone expands as the seed develops. Initially the developing seed elongates and comes into contact with the top of the ovary by 48 hrs. In contrast to this pattern, the ovule in developing seedless achenes degenerates within 72 hrs. Irregularities, such as an abnormally proliferating endothelium, embryo formation without endosperm, and endosperm formation without an embryo often accompany this degeneration. Differentiation of the pericarp in seeded achenes begins between 48 and 72 hrs, starting at the apex and proceeding basipetally; in seedless fruits the process is similar though initiated somewhat later. The normal pericarp at maturity exhibits a pigmented exocarp, a broad mesocarp of thick-walled lignified cells, and a tenuous endocarp. In seedless achenes the fruit coat is similar except that the exocarp is colorless and the cells of the mesocarp are relatively small.  相似文献   

矮沙冬青雌配子体及胚胎发育研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周江菊  唐源江  廖景平   《广西植物》2006,26(5):561-564
矮沙冬青子房单心皮1室,边缘胎座,弯生胚珠,胚珠具双珠被、厚珠心。大孢子孢原细胞发生于珠心表皮下,大孢子母细胞减数分裂形成直线排列的四分体,合点端大孢子具功能,并按蓼型胚囊发育,雌配子体成熟于4月中旬。双受精后,胚乳发育为核型。在矮沙冬青大孢子发生、雌配子体和胚胎发育过程中未发现异常现象,因此认为矮沙冬青濒危不存在雌性生殖结构与发育过程异常的内在因素。  相似文献   

喉毛花的胚胎学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文首次系统地记载了喉毛花属的胚胎发育过程,并以此为依据讨论了该属的分类等级和系统位置。喉毛花花药四室;药壁发育属双子叶型;绒毡层单型起源,细胞具单核,属腺质绒毡层;一层中层细胞;花药壁表皮层宿存,纤维状加厚和膨大;药室内壁减缩。小孢子母细胞减数分裂为同时型,四分体的排列为四面体型;成熟花粉为3-细胞型。子房为2心皮、l室,典型的侧膜胎座,胚珠8列,胚珠胎座靠近两心皮腹缝线。薄珠心,单珠被,倒生胚珠。大孢子母细胞减数分裂形成的4个大孢子呈直列式排列,其中合点端的大孢子具功能。胚囊发育为蓼型。极核在受精前融合为次生核。反足细胞宿存、分裂为8~12个,每个细胞均多核和异常膨大,反足细胞形成的吸器明显。异花传粉,珠孔受精。花粉管通过破坏一助细胞进入胚囊。受精作用属于有丝分裂前配子体融合类型。胚乳发育为核型,每核含2~3核仁。胚胎发育为茄型酸浆I变型,成熟种子胚只发育至球形胚阶段。反足细胞在合子分裂之后才开始退化,在胚的发育过程中反足细胞在胚乳层之外形成一层染色深、类似“外胚乳”的结构。比较喉毛花、龙胆属、假龙胆属以及肋柱花属的胚胎学特征表明喉毛花与假龙胆属的亲缘关系最近,在分类等级上作为一个独立的属较为合适,在系统位置上它比假龙胆属更为原始。  相似文献   

短柄五加开花后雌蕊的发育状态与受精作用的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
短柄五加(EleutherococusbrachypusHarms.)开花当天,花药散粉,而雌配子体需经4~5d才发育成熟。证实短柄五加为雄蕊先熟植物。开花第5天,成熟胚囊的比率为5769%,其余为退化和不育胚囊。开花第6天,胚囊开始受精。开花第10天,受精胚囊占胚囊总数的5357%。柱头的可授期自开花后第4~5天开始,自花粉萌发至雌雄性核融合大约有2~3d的间隔期。短柄五加受精过程与一般被子植物相同,其受精作用属于有丝分裂前配子融合类型。观察并统计了合子中雌性核仁的数目、存在状态,指出短柄五加合子中从雄性核仁出现到与雌雄性核仁融合为一个大核仁需经历3d左右;如果以胚乳游离核数目为对照,大部分合子中雌雄性核仁的融合发生在32~128个胚乳游离核时期。大多数合子是以雌雄性核仁融合为一个大核仁后进入合子分裂期;少数合子的雌雄性核仁不经融合也进入合子分裂期。观察到多精入胚囊、多精入卵以及成熟胚囊退化的现象。讨论了被子植物受精过程中有关受精终结的标志等问题。  相似文献   

腊梅的受精作用及胚胎发生   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
腊梅 (Chimonanthuspraecox)花两性 ,离心皮雌蕊着生在杯状花托上 ,柱头线形 ,干性。花粉经昆虫传播 ,落在柱头上 1d后萌发 ,第 8d从珠孔进入 ,第 1 4d左右完成双受精 ,为珠孔受精。胚乳为核型胚乳 ;初生胚乳核经短暂休眠进行核分裂 ,位于合点端的游离核首先形成细胞 ,并从合点向珠孔端细胞化 ,第 37d胚乳充满整个囊腔。合子经过近 2周的休眠后开始分裂 ,随着胚的发育 ,大部分胚乳降解 ,为胚的发育提供营养。合点端的胚乳细胞则侵入合点珠心组织 ,为胚进一步发育提供营养。其胚胎发生为柳叶菜型。  相似文献   

腊梅(Chimonanthus praecox)花两性,离心皮雌蕊着生在杯状花托上,柱头线形,干性。花粉经昆虫传播,落在柱头上1 d后萌发,第8d从珠孔进入,第14d左右完成双受精,为珠孔受精。胚乳为核型胚乳;初生胚乳核经短暂休眠进行核分裂,位于合点端的游离核首先形成细胞,并从合点向珠孔端细胞化,第37d胚乳充满整个囊腔。合子经过近2周的休眠后开始分裂,随着胚的发育,大部分胚乳降解,为胚的发育提供营养。合点端的胚乳细胞则侵入合点珠心组织,为胚进一步发育提供营养。其胚胎发生为柳叶菜型。  相似文献   

Eleutherococcus brachypus Harms. is a protandrous plant because the female gametophyte delays its maturation until the fifth day after anthesis and pollen shelling. On the fifth day after anthesis, about 57.69% of the embryo sacs matured and the rest degenerated or failed to develop. Fertilization began in the embryo sac on the fifth day. On the tenth day fertilization took place in 53.37 % of the total of embryo sacs. The stigma became receptible after 3 to 4 days of anthesis. It took 2 to 3 days from the germination of pollen grains on stigma to the fusion of male and female nuclei. The process of fertilization in E. brachypus is not different from most other angiosperms. It belonged to the type of premitotic syngamy. The observations and statistical analysis were made on the number feature of male and female nucleoli in the zygote. The result indicated that it took three days or so from the appearance of male nucleolus in the zygote to its fusion with the female nucleotus. Refering to the number of free nuclei of the endosperm, the fusion of male and female nucleoli in most of the zygotes occurred in the stage of 32 to 128 nuclei of the endosperm. Most zygotes con-tained a big nucleolus resulting from the fusion of male and female nucleolus and proceeding to mitosis. A few without fusion could also proceed to the mitotic stage. Features of multiple sperms entering the embryo sac or entering the egg cell and the degeneration of mature embryo sacs were observed as well. The sign of the termination of fertilization in angiosperms was discussed.  相似文献   

Ca2 作为植物生长发育过程中的必需元素之一,通过特定的时、空分布参与调控植物生长发育的诸多发育过程[1].中央细胞是胚囊中体积最大的细胞,与卵器共同构成雌性生殖单位.在被子植物双受精作用中,卵细胞与一个精细胞融合形成胚,中央细胞与另一个精细胞融合并发育成胚乳,为胚的发育提供营养.  相似文献   

The anther wall is 4-layered thick. Its development is of the Monocotyledonous type. Simultaneous cytokinesis results in decussate, isobilateral, linear and tetrahedral tetrads. At anthesis, the microspores are 2-celled. The mature ovules are anatropous, bitegmic and tenuinucellate. Both the integuments are dermal in origin and 2-layered. The inner integument alone forms the micropyle. Development of the female gametophyte is of the Monosporic type. Double fertilization occurs but the primary endosperm nucleus degenerates without any division. Development of embryo corresponds to the variation of the Onagrad type. The mature embryo lacks differentiation. The seeds are minute and non-endospermic. The seed coat is formed entirely by the outer layer of outer integument. There are three sterile and three fertile valves in the ovary. In the prefertilization stages valves consist of parenchymatous cells. After fertilization, the sterile valves become sclerenchymatous whereas the fertile valves remain parenchymatous.  相似文献   

This paper reports the studies of megasporogenesis and microsporogenesis, development of female and male gametophytes, fertilization, and development of embryo and endosperm, The anther wall consists of four layers, i.e. epidermis, endothecium, middle layer and tapetum. Part of the tapetum cells originates from the primary parietal cells, and the other part comes from the basic tissue of the anther partition. Tapeta? cells are uninucleate or binucleate, and belong to the secretory type. Microsporocyte originates directly from the primary sporogenous cell, Cytokinesis is of the simultaneous type. Arrangement of microspores in tetrad is isobilateral. Mature pollen grain is of the 2-celled type. The ovary is tricarpellum, trilocular with many ovules. The ovule is mono-integinous, tenui-nucellar and anatropous. The embryo sac originates from the single-archesporial cell. The one chalazal megaspore in linear tetrad is the functional megaspore. The development of embryo sac is of the Polygonum type. Before fertilization, two polar nuclei fuse in to a secondary nucleus and the antipodal cells degenerate. Fertilization is porogamy, fusion of one sperm with secondary nucleus is faster than that of one sperm with egg nucleus. The development of endosperm is of the cellular type. The first three divisions of endosperm ceils are regular. Two endosperm cells near the ends of chalaza and the micropyle develop into haustorium without division. The haustoria gradually degenerate at the late stage of globular embryo. The mature seeds contain abundant endosperm. The development of embryo is of the Solanad type. The suspensor consists of 12–20 cells. The optimum development of the suspensor is at the early stage of the globular embryo. It begins to degenerate after late globular stage. The embryo develops from proembryo, heartshaped embryo, dicotyledenous- to mature embryo.  相似文献   

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