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Apical cells of Onoclea sensibilis L. protonemata were measured to determine areas of new walls which were formed during both transverse and longitudinal cell division. Actual wall areas were compared with calculated areas of hypothetical walls oriented in the opposite sense (i.e., an actual transverse wall compared with a hypothetical longitudinal wall, and the reverse). Among 87 out of 90 cells which were analyzed the actual walls had the least area. Thus, the minimal area hypothesis of cell partitioning accurately predicts wall orientation in this instance, although it appears, on other grounds, that the hypothesis does not furnish a plausible mechanism for wall orientation. The application of Lintilhac's concept of the orientation of cell walls in response to anisotropic stresses in the cell was explored. Photographs of apical cells during deplasmolysis indicated that unequal stresses might be generated in apical cells as a result of the osmotic distension of the elastic protoplast. It is concluded that the primary factor which determines the plane of cell division in the apical cell, and the transition from one- to two-dimensional growth, is the local pattern of stress which exists at the position of the nucleus at the time of onset of cell division and wall formation. Calculations of some geometrical properties of idealized model cells are interpreted to mean that the accuracy of the minimal area hypothesis results from a coincidence of its predictions with predictions of Lintilhac's hypothesis, and no causal significance is attributed to wall areas.  相似文献   

Miller , J. H. (Yale U., New Haven, Conn.) The effect of auxin and guanine on cell expansion and cell division in the gametophyte of the fern, Onoclea sensibilis. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(9): 816–819. Illus. 1961.—Auxin and guanine promote cell expansion in 0. sensibilis gametophytes. The optimum concentration of auxin for total expansion is 10−-5 M, but the optimum for elongation is 10−-6 M. Above this concentration the cells expanded isodiametrically. Guanine is active at higher concentrations than auxin. Increasing concentrations of auxin progressively inhibit red light-induced cell division, while guanine has no effect on cell division. Neither kinetin nor adenine promotes cell expansion or cell division.  相似文献   

Time-lapse observations of filamentous fern gametophytes were used to evaluate whether the plane of cell division is referable to the plane of minimal surface area before and during the transition to two-dimensional growth. Cell dimensions of the apical cell were related to the length/width ratios associated with minimal area in the transverse plane vs. longitudinal plane, by modeling the apical cell as a hemisphere subtended by a cylinder. Our working hypothesis predicts that filamentous growth is perpetuated by an apical cell geometry that makes the transverse division plane the orientation of minimal surface area, whereas the transition to two-dimensional growth (longitudinal division of the apical cell) occurs once the longitudinal plane becomes the position of minimal surface area. The predictions of this hypothesis are fulfilled regardless of variations in light intensity and light quality, the presence of regulators of metabolism, or whether the experimental perturbation causes a corresponding selective inhibition of the transition to two-dimensional growth. Thus, the control of the plane of cell division in this system seems to depend on thermodynamic considerations of surface area. Furthermore, we favor the conclusion that the role of the genome in the transition to two-dimensional growth involves its influence on apical cell dimensions rather than the induction of specific genes for specific morphogenetic mRNAs.  相似文献   

Periodic cell divisions were induced in gametophytes of Pteridium aquilinum by daily irradiation with white light. In white-dark cycles, the rate of cell division was promoted by increased time in white light; cell elongation was not affected. The time of transition to two-dimensional growth (days to 5% 2-D) was closely associated with the mitotic rate. For white-red cycles, the rate of elongation was controlled by the intensity of red light (wavelengths over 550 nm). This increased elongation delayed the initiation of 2-D development. In both cases the rate of transition to 2-D growth was correlated with the amount of elongation per division.  相似文献   

Three responses resulted from the treatment with ethylene of dark-grown gametophytes of Onoclea sensibilis. Elongation of the filament was increased, elongation of the rhizoid was decreased, and cell division was inhibited. The optimal ethylene concentrations were between 0.01 and 0.1 ppm. Filament elongation was very tolerant of high ethylene concentrations, since up to 1,000 ppm did not inhibit growth below control levels. Enclosing cultures of gametophytes in chambers of limited volumes produced all the effects of treatment with ethylene, but the responses to sealing were eliminated if plants were enclosed in a chamber which contained a solution of mercuric Perchlorate. This evidence that gametophytes produced ethylene was substantiated by a direct gas chromatographic demonstration of ethylene formation. The growth-regulating effects of ethylene and auxin appeared to be independent in filament and rhizoid growth. Inhibition of elongation by supra-optimal auxin concentrations could not be attributed to an auxin-stimulated production of ethylene.  相似文献   

Single-celled protonemata of the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris, kept under continuous red light, grew with a very low rate of cell division, and the cell cycle was arrested in the early G1 phase. Cell division was induced by transferring the protonemata to the dark after various light treatments, and the duration of component phases in the cell cycle was determined by a continuous-labelling technique with 3H-thymidine. Blue light irradiation greatly reduced the duration of the G1 phase but did not affect that of other phases. The greater the fluence of blue light, the shorter was the duration of G1 phase was observed. In contrast, a brief exposure of red-light-grown protonemata to far-red light given immediately before the dark incubation showed no effect on the duration of G1 S and M phases but significantly extended that of the G2 phase. The effect of far-red light on the G2 phase was reversed by red light, and the effects of red and far-red light were repeatedly reversible. The progression in the M phase was shown by means of a time-lapse video system to be not at all influenced by any pre-irradiation described above.  相似文献   

A fertile frond of O. sensibitis was found which yielded spores with unusual growth characteristics. About 25% of the gametophytes derived from the spores were able to undergo 2-dimensional development in darkness, in contrast to normal plants which are filamentous in darkness. When the aberrant spores were cultured in darkness under conditions of reduced ethylene concentration, the proportion of 2-dimensional plants rose to 75%, and, moreover, up to 50% of the gametophytes produced antheridia within 2 weeks. Under comparable conditions normal gametophytes produced no antheridia. The medium from antheridial cultures of the aberrant spores failed to induce the formation of antheridia in other plants.  相似文献   

The effects of accelerating and retarding amounts of abscisin (Ab II), auxin (IAA), and gibberellin (GA3) on abscission in explants of 14-day-old cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) seedlings were studied. Applications of Ab II, a potent accelerant (0.025 μg/abscission zone), resulted in a lysigenous breakdown of cells in a weakly defined separation layer in contrast to GA3, an accelerant (0.01 μg/abscission zone), and IAA, a retardant (0.125 μg/abscission zone), which resulted in a schizogenous type of breakdown of cells in a well-defined separation layer, three or more rows of cells wide. Separation usually commenced adaxially with GA3, abaxially with IAA and in the controls, and either ad- or abaxially with Ab II. Cell division preceded abscission, the number of cells increasing greatly within 24 hr after GA3 treatment. Tyloses formed in vessel elements throughout the explant, both distal and proximal to the plane of separation in all treatments and in the controls. The retardant, IAA, appeared to stimulate tyloses formation. Tylosis development was not causal but was secondarily related to abscission.  相似文献   

The purine analogs, 8-azaadenine, 8-azaguanine, 8-azaxanthine and 8-azahypoxanthine, and the pyrimidine analogs, 2-thiocytosine, 5-fluorouracil, 2-thiouracil and 6-azauracil, inhibited the induction of 2-dimensional growth in the gametophytes of the fern Asplenium nidus L. In contrast, thymine analogs such as 5-fluorodeoxyuridine, 2-thiothymine, 6-azathymine and 5-bromouracil caused non-specific growth inhibitions without suppressing 2-dimensional growth. Subinhibitory concentrations of 8-azaxanthine, 8-azahypoxanthine, and 2-thiouracil promoted both 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional phases of growth of the gametophytes. Inhibitory effects of the analogs were observed on treatment of the spores or of gametophytes of different ages. Gametophytes growing in the analogs for different periods of time recovered from inhibition on transfer to the basal medium.  相似文献   

When protonemata of Adiantum capillus-veneris L. which had been grown filamentously under continuous red light were transferred to continuous white light, the apical cell divided transversely twice, but the 3rd division was longitudinal. An intervening period of darkness lasting from 0 to 90 hr either between the 1st and the 2nd cell division or between the 2nd and the 3rd one did not affect the number of protonemata in which the 3rd cell division was longitudinal. The insertion of red light instead of darkness greatly decreased the percentage of 1st longitudinal divisions occurring at the 3rd division, and increased the number of transverse divisions. Fifty percent reduction of induction of 1st longitudinal division was caused by ca. 50 hr exposure to red light between 1st and 2nd division and by ca. 20 hr between 2nd and 3rd division, and total loss was induced by an exposure of ca. 100 hr or longer to red light in the former and by ca. 40 hr longer in the latter. Thus, by using an appropriate intervening dark period or exposure to red light, the orientation and timing of cell division could be controlled in apical cell of the fern protonemata.  相似文献   

By using a cytoplasmic mutant strain of yeast deficient in aerobicrespiration, it was demonstrated that, in the concentrationof 10–20 mg/l, indole-3-acetic acid and a.naphthaleneaceticacid promoted elongation of yeast cells, while acetic acid hadno such effect. An antiauxin, 2, 4, 6-trichlorophenoxyaceticacid, completely reversed the above-mentioned effect of auxin. The effect of auxin could be observed before any significantcell multiplication occurred. (Received February 7, 1963; )  相似文献   

Two-dimensional (2-D) development of gametophytes of Pteridium aquilinum was estimated by the percentage of plants with at least one cell wall at an oblique angle, relative to the long axis. Inhibition of cell division per se was assayed by counting the cell number per filamentous (1-D) gametophyte. Specific concentrations of 8-azaguanine, 5-fluorouracil, p-fluorophenylalanine, actinomycin D, streptomycin, and cycloheximide were found to selectively inhibit 2-D development. A reduction in the percentage of 2-D gametophytes was accompanied by a reduction in the relative protein content (protein per dry weight). A comparable association was found only during the initial stages of 2-D development; after 5 days the relative protein content decreased as the percentage of 2-D gametophytes increased. Different intensities of white light resulted in a 10-fold difference in the percentage of 2-D plants with no alteration of the relative protein content. These results demonstrate that no strict relationship between 2-D development and relative protein content occurred in these gametophytes.  相似文献   

The influence of a longitudinal (tonic) gravitational force and of auxin on the pattern of growth and cell polarity has been studied on intact roots of wheat seedlings. A klinostat technique was used for controlling gravitation. Growth in length was evaluated as cell division activity, rate of cell elongation (μ/h) and duration of elongation (h). Exogenous auxin (1-NAA) increases the rate of cell elongation in all concentrations tested (10−8 — 3 × 10−7m ) and shortens the time of elongation with increasing concentration. It promotes rate of cell elongation in roots as it does in shoots. It also accentuates the polar insertion of root hairs and their growth. The tonic effect of gravitation resembles that of an increase in auxin both in light and darkness. The results are discussed in relation to plagiotropic growth of roots, root growth promotions by auxin, and the difference between root and shoot growth.  相似文献   

Actinomycin D affected the morphological type of growth in the gametophytes of Pteridium aquilinum and the distribution of RNA and protein in their particulate fractions. Increasing concentrations of the drug progressively inhibited two-dimensional growth at the end of a period during which controls had formed typical two-dimensional plants. RNA was lost maximally from the nuclei-rich and ribosome-rich fractions of plants growing in a concentration of actinomycin D which inhibited two-dimensional growth. The magnitude of changes in protein content of the plants was less striking. Presence of actinomycin D in the medium also suppressed incorporation of uridine-H3 into cytoplasmic fractions of gametophytes. The possibility that two-dimensional growth in the gametophytes is under control of a newly synthesized messenger RNA, which is sensitive to actinomycin D, is discussed.  相似文献   

在两栖类爪蟾胚胎发育中,由受精引起的皮层转动造成了受精卵的背腹极性。为了研究受精卵细胞质的不均一分布对胚胎体轴形成的影响,我们进行了16细胞期动物极背、腹方裂球的外植和异位移植实验。16细胞期的动物极背方裂球在外植和移植到腹方位置后都表现出背方特征,如外植块培养到原肠中期时伸长,背方裂球在移植到腹方后引发第二体轴等;而16细胞期动物极腹方裂球移植到背方后其发育命运则遵循背方裂球的命运,参与背方结构的形成。我们认为在16细胞期,动物极背、腹方的裂球由于包含着不同的卵质,因而在发育能力上已经具有背、腹的差异。  相似文献   

Excised pieces of etiolated Alaska pea stem were pulled longitudinallyor transversely, and elongation or bending was measured. Pieces treated with IAA were stretched conspicuously when longitudinalforce was applied, and continued elongating under the forceat approximately the same rate as without it. Control piecesbehaved in a similar way, but on a smaller scale. Pieces treatedwith gibberellin scarcely elongated under the force, but elongatedwithout it. IAA-treated stem pieces were bent by transverse force more easily,and gibberellin-treated ones less easily than control. (Received February 1, 1960; )  相似文献   

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