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Several-years-old callus tissue derived from mature embryos of endive (Cichorium endivia Linn., Compositae) was grown on synthetic liquid and/or agar nutrient media. Incorporation of yeast extract or high concentrations of inositol, kinetin, casein hydrolysates (pancreatic and acid hydrolysates), etc., improved growth and organ formation. Rosettes of leaves, shoots and roots were differentiated on synthetic media. On agar media shoots arose first and were from marginal meristematic areas, while the roots arose later and were from pockets of meristematic tissue located in the deeper regions of the callus. In liquid media embryoids from single cells were formed which first developed roots and then shoots.  相似文献   

植物组织培养物的超低温保存   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
引言十九世纪末,诞生了一门新的科学——低温生物学(Cryobiology)。气体液化技术使人类可以获得近乎生命的凝固状态。1949年发现了甘油可以防止冰冻对活细胞的伤害,对低温生物学有重要贡献。从而导致了在许多不同领域内广泛应用低温保护技术。超低温通常指低于-80℃的低温,常用的有干冰(-79℃)、深冷冰箱、液氮(-196℃)及液氮蒸汽相(-140℃)。这样低的温度下保存生物材料,可以大大减慢、甚至终止代谢和衰老过程,因而能  相似文献   

Comparative studies were made utilizing two series of secondary clones (single cell clones derived from single cell clones H 196 and H 241) of hybrid tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum ♂ × Nicotiana glutinosa ♀ ) tissue grown in vitro. Secondary clones derived from a single parent varied in color, consistency, the ability to grow, and rate of growth with various carbohydrates and growth-promoting substances. The growth of the secondary clones generally resembled that of the parent clone from which derived. Many of the 23 secondary clones of H 196 grew satisfactorily on media supplemented with sucrose, dextrose, levulose, or maltose; lactose, galactose, and xylose were unsatisfactory supplements. Similarly, the series of 30 secondary clones isolated from H 241 grew well on some media but poorly on others. Growth generally decreased when α-napthaleneacetic acid or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid was omitted from the basal coconut milk medium. Growth decreased considerably when coconut milk was omitted from the basal medium. The optimum sugar concentration was 1/2 to 1 per cent.  相似文献   

我们在烟草叶的组织培养中,研究了光与激素对形态发生所起调节作用的相互关系。在培养基中细胞分裂素与生长素的浓度比例都取得最佳值,而浓度绝对值则取两组不同数值。在这两组实验条件下,分别考察了不同波段,不同强度的光照射对于不定芽的发生和愈伤组织增重的影响。用不同波段的光照射,改变光强,光促进生长的效应都有一极大值。用蓝光照射,极大值的数值最高。激素浓度低时光的效应较大;浓度高时,除蓝光外,其他波段的光效应都很微弱。  相似文献   

Caplin , Samuel M. (LOS Angeles State Coll., Los Angeles, Calif.) Effect of initial size on growth of plant tissue cultures . Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(1): 91–94. Illus. 1963.—Using different slice thicknesses and cannula diameters, cylindrical expiants of different size were obtained from tubers of Jerusalem artichoke. Slice thickness ranged from 0.5 to 2.5 mm and expiant diameter from 1.30 to 3.22 mm. Initial fresh weights ranged from 2.3 to 29.8 mg, a 13-fold range. After 17 days growth at 26 C in 10 ml basal medium containing 15% coconut milk, relative increase was inversely related to initial weight and ranged from 36-fold for 2.3-mg expiants to 8-fold for 29.8-mg expiants, a range of 4.5 × in relative increase between the largest and smallest cultures. Secondary phloem expiants of the same diameter from carrot root slices of different thickness, all removed at 1 mm from the cambium, also showed decreased relative growth with increasing size of explant; this was true for each of the different diameters used. Further investigation showed clearly that the growth of the large inocula was not limited by the amount of culture medium used during the period of culture. Initial weight has, therefore, a decided effect on the rate of relative growth.  相似文献   

Caplin , Samuel M. (Calif. Inst. Technol., Pasadena.) Mineral oil overlay for conservation of plant tissue cultures. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(5): 324–329. Illus. 1959.—Used successfully by other workers for conservation of stock cultures of bacteria and fungi, mineral oil (m.o.) may also be used to conserve plant tissue cultures. Prolonged growth under m.o. does not appear to affect the ability of carrot tissue cultures to grow subsequently on subculture in air. In contrast with growth under liquid nutrient, which permitted little or no growth at depths greater than 15 mm., growth under m.o. was maintained at approximately ¼ of that of the controls up to 45 mm., the greatest depth tested. Better growth under m.o. is attributed to the 4 to 5 X greater solubility of oxygen in m.o. than in water. Insensitivity to depth under m.o. is ascribed to maintenance by diffusion of the oxygen concentration at the surface of the tissue. Under m.o. in the light, cultures became green and grew better, probably due to increased oxygen availability as the result of photosynthesis. Heavy m.o. appears to be equally as good as light oil for use as an overlay. Because of the slower growth of cultures under m.o., subculture periods may be lengthened from the order of 4–6 weeks to as many months, with attendant savings in effort, time, and materials.  相似文献   

建立从离体培养高效率再生植株的程序是用细胞遗传操作改良农作物的一个先决步骤。从栽培大再组织培养能再生植株的报道,近年日渐增多(可参考文献)。其中,获得再生植株效率比较高的报道,所用的品种材料和  相似文献   

Callus tissue cultures were initiated from immature embryos, mature embryos and young inflorescences of Guinea grass (Panicum maximum Jacq.) on Murashige and Skoog's (MS) medium supplemented with 2.5–10 mg/l 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Calluses were transferred onto the same nutrient medium with 0.2 mg/l 2,4-D, or without 2,4-D. In callus cultures derived from immature embryos and young inflorescence segments, plantlets were produced via somatic embryogenesis after 3–5 wk. Young plants were successfully transplanted to pots and grown in the greenhouse. Plant development in callus obtained from mature embryos took place through the organization of shoot meristems. Regenerated plants were shown to have the normal tetraploid chromosome number of 2n = 4x = 32.  相似文献   

Klein , Richard M., Emerita M. Caputo , and Barbara A. Witterholt . (New York Bot. Gard., N. Y., N. Y.) The role of zinc in the growth of plant tissue cultures. Amer, Jour. Bot. 49(4): 323–327. Illus. 1962.—Zinc-sufficient and zinc-deficient auxin-auxotrophic callus and auxin-prototrophic crown-gall cultures of Parthenocissus tricuspidatus were examined for their growth capacity and ability to synthesize tryptophan. Growth capacity decreased rapidly when zinc ion was withheld and tryptophan synthetase activity in vitro was reduced. Growth of –Zn crown-gall tissues was stimulated by either auxin or tryptophan and growth of –Zn callus cultures was stimulated by tryptophan.  相似文献   

In both the English and Algerian ivies, Hedera helix L. and Hedera canariensis Willd., leaf dimorphism of the juvenile and the mature, fruiting growth phases is pronounced, the former being a vine with lobed leaves and the latter a shrubby, upright form with entire leaves. Tissue cultures of English ivy started from stems of the two growth phases on the same plant consistently behaved differently, those from the juvenile stage invariably having the higher proliferation rate and larger cells. These differences were maintained consistently in monthly transfers over a period of two years. No medium was found which would support the growth of tissue subcultures of the adult stage of Algerian ivy, but all growth phases of the English ivy were cultured freely in a modified White's medium with additions of coconut water, naphthaleneacetic acid, enzymatic casein hydrolysate, and inositol. Cultures from individual open-pollinated seedlings of both species varied greatly in proliferation rate but were usually high.  相似文献   

烟草愈伤组织分化和芽原基形成期间呼吸代谢途径的改变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
接种在继代培养基上的柳叶烟草愈伤组织,未观察到组织分化和芽原基形成。在分化培养基上生长的愈伤组织,接种后第6天可见拟分生组织和管胞分化,9—12天有芽原基形成,15—18天可观察到苗端结构。根据碘乙酸、Na_3PO_4和丙二酸抑制试验,以及3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶与琥珀酸脱氢酶活性测定结果,初步表明烟草愈伤组织呼吸中存在有EMP、HMP和TCAC代谢途径.在发生输导组织和芽原基分化的愈伤组织中(接种后第6—12天),HMP途径的运行程度较高;而芽原基的继续生长(培养12天以后),则与EMP途径的增加有关;分化培养基上生长的愈伤组织,始终较继代培养愈伤组织具有较高的FCAC活性水平。  相似文献   

Tissue cultures lacking chlorophyll formed porphyrins when fed δ-aminolevulinic acid, a precursor of tetrapyrroles. When grown in the dark tissues from Ginkgo biloba L., Taxus, and Rosa formed protoporphyrin and several unidentified compounds. When grown in the light cultures did not form these pigments. The protoporphyrin was detected in the tissues after 3–6 hours incubation with δ-aminolevulinic acid; it was localized in the plastids by ultraviolet light microscopy and was identified by extraction procedures, chromatography, and absorption spectroscopy. No magnesium protoporphyrins were found, suggesting that chlorophyll synthesis was blocked at this point. Both male and female haploid albino tissues from Ginkgo formed protoporphyrin. The female albino tissue was derived from a chlorophyll-containing tissue culture from the female gametophyte by serially subculturing the green tissue in the dark. Upon exposing the female albino tissue to light, no greening occurred. The treatments used thus far have not caused chloroplasts to develop in the haploid albino tissues, even though the tissues contain many amyloplasts. Concurrent with the loss of chloroplasts, the female tissue loses all capacity to differentiate specialized cells, such as tracheids, resin cells, and chlorenchyma.  相似文献   

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