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A las-like quorum-sensing system in Pseudomonas sp. M18 was identified, which consisted of lasI and lasR genes encoding LuxI-LuxR type regulator. Several functions of the las system from strain M18 were investigated in this study. The chromosomal inactivation of either lasI or lasR by recombination increased the production of both pyoluteorin (Plt) and phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA) by 4-5 fold and 2-3 fold over that of the wild type strain of M18, respectively. Production of both antibiotics was restored to wild-type levels after in trans complementation with the wild-type lasI or lasR gene. Expression of the translational fusions pltA'-'lacZ and phzA'-'lacZ further confirmed the negative effect of lasI or lasR on both biosynthetic operons, and it was also demonstrated that the las system was related to the ability of swarming motility and the inhibition of cell growth.  相似文献   

A las-like quorum-sensing system in Pseudomonas sp. M18 was identified, which consisted of lasI and lasR genes encoding LuxI-LuxR type regulator. Several functions of the las system from strain M18 were investigated in this study. The chromosomal inactivation of either lasI or lasR by recombination increased the production of both pyoluteorin (Plt) and phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA) by 4-5 fold and 2-3 fold over that of the wild type strain of M18, respectively. Production of both antibiotics was restored to wild-type levels after in trans complementation with the wild-type lasI or lasR gene. Ex-pression of the translational fusions pltA׳-׳lacZ and phzA׳-׳lacZ further confirmed the negative effect of lasI or lasR on both biosynthetic operons, and it was also demonstrated that the las system was related to the ability of swarming motility and the inhibition of cell growth.  相似文献   

【目的】假单胞菌株M18中负责抗真菌剂藤黄绿菌素(Plt)合成的结构基因包括pltLABCDEFG、pltM。为了鉴定Plt合成限速酶的基因,分别将9个结构基因过表达。【方法】以M18菌株染色体DNA为模板,PCR扩增这9个Plt合成基因的编码区,分别克隆到穿梭载体pME6032的tac启动子下游,构建9个结构基因的过表达载体,并转入假单胞菌株M18中。在KMB培养基中进行Plt发酵分析。【结果】分别携带pltC、pltD、pltF过表达载体的菌株与携带空质粒的菌株相比,Plt产量分别提高了96%、78%、75%。对重组菌株进行IPTG诱导浓度和诱导时间的优化,确定IPTG最佳诱导浓度为1.0 mmol/L,最佳诱导时间为培养6 h。【结论】pltC、pltD、pltF分别编码的Ⅰ型聚酮合成酶、卤化酶、乙酰CoA合成酶可能为Plt生物合成的限速酶。按照优化条件发酵,携带pltD、pltF过表达质粒的菌株产量分别上升77.5%、159.1%。  相似文献   

假单胞菌M18株pltZ基因转录阻抑藤黄绿菌素ABC转运系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
假单胞菌(Pseudomonassp .)M18株的藤黄绿菌素(Pyoluteorin ,Plt )生物合成基因簇下游存在一个Plt生物合成负调控基因pltZ和一个负责Plt分泌及自身抗性的ABC(ATP_bindingcassette)转运系统基因簇。利用启动子探针载体pME6 0 15和pME6 5 2 2分别构建ABC转运基因pltH与lacZ的翻译和转录融合表达质粒pHZLF和pHZCF ,分别引入野生型假单胞菌M18株和pltZ突变菌株M18Z。半乳糖苷酶活性的测定结果表明:在pltZ突变株M18Z中,pltH’-‘lacZ翻译融合表达水平约比野生型提高3 7~8 4倍,pltH’‘lacZ转录融合表达水平显著提高了2 8~7 4倍,表明pltZ能在转录水平上阻抑PltABC转运系统的表达,pltZ很可能通过阻抑PltABC转运系统的表达,间接地负调控Plt的生物合成  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of antimicrobial metabolites is controlled by the GacS/GacA two-component regulatory system in Pseudomonas species. The production of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid and pyoluteorin is differentially regulated by GacA in Pseudomonas sp. M18. Pyoluteorin was reduced to nondetectable level in culture of the gacA insertional mutant strain M18G grown in King's medium B broth, whereas phenazine-1-carboxylic acid production was increased 30-fold over that of the wild-type strain. Production of both antibiotics was restored to wild-type levels after complementation in trans with the wild-type gacA gene. Expression of the translational fusions phzA'-'lacZ and pltA'-'lacZ confirmed the effect of GacA on both biosynthetic operons.  相似文献   

To investigate the regulatory mechanism governing antifungal metabolite biosynthesis, two kinds of global regulator genes in Pseudomonas sp. M18, an rpoS and an rsmA gene, were cloned and mutated by inserting with an aacC1 cassette, respectively. Two mutants showed the same regulatory mode with repression of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid and remarkable enhancement of pyoluteorin. In the rpoS-mutant, a translational rsmA'-'lacZ fusion was expressed at the same level corresponding to that in the wild-type strain. In the rsmA-mutant, however, expression of the translational rpoS'-'lacZ fusion was only about 30% of that in the wild-type strain. The results indicated that the absence of RsmA leads to repression of the rpoS gene expression, which has further been confirmed with construction of chromosomal rpoS-lacZ fusion in the rsmA-mutant and the wild-type strain, respectively. The findings showed a new regulatory cascade controlling antifungal metabolite production in Pseudomonas sp. M18, suggesting that RpoS may serve as a mediator in RsmA-dependent regulation of secondary metabolite biosynthesis.  相似文献   

【目的】假单胞菌M18是一株能同时合成吩嗪-1-羧酸(PCA)和藤黄绿菌素(Plt)两种抗生素的植物根际促生细菌。PsrA为细菌TetR家族转录调控因子。为了研究PsrA对PCA与Plt生物合成的影响,从M18菌株基因组中扩增psrA基因。【方法】通过同源重组技术,构建庆大霉素抗性片段置换psrA的突变菌株M18psrA。利用基因互补、lacZ报告基因融合分析实验,验证PsrA对抗生素合成基因的调控作用。【结果】在PPM和KMB培养基中,分别比较野生型菌株M18和突变菌株M18psrA的PCA与Plt产量,突变菌株M18psrA的PCA产量显著下降;Plt产量显著升高,为野生型菌株的10-15倍。基因互补、lacZ报告基因融合分析,进一步证明了psrA正调控PCA的phz2合成基因簇,负调控Plt的合成基因簇。【结论】PsrA区别性调控抗生素PCA与Plt的生物合成。  相似文献   

假单胞菌M18的生防功能归功于其分泌吩嗪-1-羧酸和藤黄绿脓菌素。为了研究抗生物质合成代谢相关性及调控机制,分别构建了两种抗生物质合成基因簇插入突变株M18T和M18Z1。用翻译融合表达载体pMEAZ(pltA′-′lacZ)分别转化野生株和突变株M18T、发酵培养并测定β-半乳糖苷酶活性,结果显示,添加藤黄绿脓菌素使突变株M18T(pMEAZ)的β-半乳糖苷酶活性比野生株M18(pMEAZ)增加约6倍,表明藤黄绿脓菌素对自身基因簇具正向自诱导作用。抗生物质的测定结果显示,突变株M18T无藤黄绿脓菌素合成,而吩嗪-1-羧酸的合成量与野生株相同;突变株M18Z1与野生株相比,吩嗪-1-羧酸明显减少,藤黄绿脓菌素却显著提高。过量的吩嗪-1-羧酸又抑制藤黄绿脓菌素的合成。表明,假单胞菌M18中独有的代谢相关方式为:藤黄绿脓菌素不影响吩嗪-1-羧酸,但吩嗪-1-羧酸负调控藤黄绿脓菌素。  相似文献   

【目的】根际铜绿假单胞菌M18能产生藤黄绿菌素(Plt)和吩嗪-1-羧酸(PCA)两种主要的抗生素。其PqsR/PQS群体感应系统由应答调控蛋白PqsR与信号分子PQS组成。前期研究已经表明pqsR负调控Plt生物合成及基因簇表达。本论文旨在研究PQS分子对Plt合成及基因表达的调控作用。【方法】从M18基因组中扩增PQS合成基因pqsA,通过同源重组技术构建假单胞菌M18的pqsA突变菌株M18pqsA。利用lacZ报告基因分析、信号分子添加实验等,研究PQS对Plt合成及基因表达的调控作用。【结果】在KMB培养基中,分别比较野生型菌株M18和突变菌株M18pqsA的Plt产量,突变菌株的Plt产量存在较小幅度的升高,约为野生型菌株的1.53倍。添加PQS对plt表达存在一定程度但不是很显著的负调控作用。【结论】PQS分子对Plt生物合成及基因表达存在部分负调控作用。  相似文献   

经初步鉴定,假单胞菌株(Pseudomonassp.)M18至少能产生5种N-酰基高丝氨酸内酯类(N-acyl-homoserinelactones,AHLs)信号分子,它们是:N-丁酰高丝氨酸内酯(N-butyryl-L-homoserine lactone,C4-HSL,BHL)、N-己酰高丝氨酸内酯(N-hexanoyl-L-homoserine lactone,C6-HSL,HHL)、N-3-氧-己酰高丝氨酸内酯[N-(3-oxohexanoyl)-L-homoserinelactone,3-Oxo-C6-HSL,OHHL]、N-3-氧-辛酰高丝氨酸内酯[N-(3-oxooctanoyl)-L-homoserine lactone,3-Oxo-C8-HSL,OOHL]和N-3-氧-癸酰高丝氨酸内酯[N-(3-oxodecanoyl)-L-homoserine lactone,3-Oxo-C10-HSL,ODHL)。在gacA突变菌株M18G中,信号分子的积累量明显减少,且只能检测出其中的4种;同时,吩嗪-1-羧酸(Phenazine-1-carboxylic acid,PCA)的合成量比野生株M18提高了2倍左右。在M18菌株中,基因rhlⅠ的编码产物参与BHL和HHL的合成。构建rhlI’-’lacZ翻译融合表达质粒pMEIZ,分别导入野生株M18和突变株M18G,突变株M18G的半乳糖苷酶活性比野生株M18下降约40%,表明GacA对基因rhlI的表达具有正调控作用。但是,在野生株M18和突变株M18G的发酵液中,分别或同时添加过量的外源BHL和HHL,对PCA合成的影响不显著,表明在突变株M18G中,PCA合成量的增加与BHL和HHL合成量的减少没有明显的相关性。  相似文献   

群体感应是细菌根据细胞密度变化调控基因表达的一种调节机制。铜绿假单胞菌中QS系统由lasI和rhlI合成的信号分子3OC12-HSL和C4-HSL以及各自的受体蛋白LasR、RhlR组成,它们以级联方式调控多个基因表达。【目的】研究细菌群体感应(QS)对聚羟基脂肪酸酯合成的调控。【方法】利用铜绿假单胞菌PAO1及其QS突变株为材料通过气相色谱、荧光定量PCR在生理和分子水平上研究QS对聚羟基脂肪酸酯合成的调控。【结果】QS信号分子合成抑制剂阿奇霉素处理铜绿假单胞菌PAO1和QS突变株导致胞内PHA积累量显著减少;铜绿假单胞菌PAO1中C4-HSL合成酶基因rhlI缺失突变株PAO210胞内PHA积累量与野生型无差别;而3OC12-HSL合成酶基因lasI缺失突变株PAO55、3OC12-HSL受体合成酶基因lasR缺失突变株PAO56以及lasI/lasR双缺失突变株PAO57胞内PHA含量与野生型相比明显减少;lasI和lasR的突变株体内PHA合成酶基因phaC1的表达量显著降低,信号分子3OC12-HSL回补实验使phaC1的表达量可恢复到野生株水平,但只可部分恢复lasI缺失导致的胞内PHA合成。【结论】由此推测,铜绿假单胞菌群体感应系统中lasI/lasR系统参与胞内聚羟基脂肪酸酯合成的调控。  相似文献   

【目的】在假单胞菌中,小RNA(sRNA)参与初级和次级代谢产物、多种毒素因子以及菌群传感系统的调控,通过在植物根际促生铜绿假单胞菌M18中研究RsmY对吩嗪-1-羧酸(PCA)和藤黄绿菌素(Plt)两种抗生素的调控作用,深入了解假单胞菌中次级代谢的途径并为构建高产抗生素工程菌株提供了一定的理论基础。【方法】运用同源重组技术,构建了铜绿假单胞菌M18株的rsmY突变菌株M18RY,通过基因过表达、lacZ报告基因融合分析实验,进一步验证了RsmY对抗生素合成基因的调控作用。【结果】比较野生型M18和突变株M18RY中PCA和Plt在同一培养条件下的生物合成量,突变菌株M18RY中PCA的产量显著增加,为野生型菌株的5倍左右,而Plt的产量降为野生型的1/8。LacZ报告基因融合分析进一步证明了RsmY对PCA的负调控作用主要是通过phz2基因簇来实现的。【结论】结果表明,rsmY基因区别性调控PCA和Plt的生物合成。  相似文献   

Regulation of tryptophan biosynthesis of facultative methylotrophic Pseudomonas sp. M was studied. Repression of the trpE, trpD and trpC genes by tryptophan was demonstrated. It was also shown that the trpE and trpDC genes are derepressed noncoordinately. No regulation of the trpF gene product could be demonstrated, indicating that its synthesis is constitutive. The trpA and trpB genes are inducible by indol-3-glycerophosphate. Anthranilate synthase and tryptophan synthase were sensitive to the feedback inhibition. The tryptophan concentrations giving 50% inhibition were estimated to be 9 microM and 1 microM, respectively. Experimental evidence for activation of the N-5-phosphoribosyl anthranilate isomerase and for inhibition of the indol-3-glycerophosphate synthase by some tryptophan intermediates was obtained.  相似文献   

Transport of mevalonate by Pseudomonas sp. strain M.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Pseudomonas sp. M, isolated from soil by elective culture on R,S-mevalonate as the sole source of carbon, possessed an inducible transport system for mevalonate. This high-affinity system had a pH optimum of 7.0, a temperature optimum of 30 degrees C, a Km for R,S-mevalonate of 88 microM, and a V max of 26 nmol of mevalonate transported per min/mg of cells (dry weight). Transport was energy dependent since azide, cyanide, or m-chlorophenylhydrazone caused complete cessation of transport activity. Transport of mevalonate was highly substrate specific. Of the 16 structural analogs of mevalonate tested, only acetoacetate, mevinolin, and mevaldehyde significantly inhibited transport. Growth of cells on mevalonate induced transport activity by 40- to 65-fold over that observed in cells grown on alternate carbon sources. A biphasic pattern for cell growth, as well as for induction of mevalonate transport activity, was observed when mevalonate was added to a culture actively growing on glucose. The induction of transport activity under these conditions began within 30 min after the addition of mevalonate and reached 60% of maximal activity during phase I. A further increase in mevalonate transport activity occurred during phase II of growth. Glucose was the preferred carbon source for growth during phase I, whereas mevalonate was preferred during phase II. Only one isomer of the R,S-mevalonate mixture appeared to be utilized, since growth ceased after 45 to 50% of the total mevalonate was depleted from the medium. However, nearly 30% of the preferred mevalonate isomer was depleted from the medium during phase I without significant metabolism to CO2. These results suggest that mevalonate or a mevalonate catabolite may accumulate in cells of Pseudomonas sp. M during phase I and that glucose metabolism may inhibit or repress the expression of enzymes further along the mevalonate catabolic pathway.  相似文献   

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