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Endonuclease banding of isolated mammalian metaphase chromosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evidence is presented that endonuclease digestion of isolated, unfixed chromosomes results in the production of banding patterns similar to those produced by digestion of fixed, air-dried chromosomes. Mouse L cell chromosomes were isolated under acidic or relatively neutral pH conditions, exposed in situ (as wet mounts on glass slides) or in vitro (in suspension) to micrococcal nuclease, Alu I or Eco RI, treated with a buffered salt solution, and stained with Giemsa. After any of these endonuclease treatments in situ, the centromeric regions of the chromosomes were intensely stained, characteristic of the C-banding observed in fixed chromosomes exposed to the same treatments. Although the fixed chromosomes were morphologically well-preserved after endonuclease digestion, the morphology of chromosomes digested in situ was variable, ranging from normal to swollen to highly distorted chromosomes. In the latter, the endonucleases induced dispersion of non-C-band chromatin; however, C-bands were still apparent as condensed, differentially-stained regions. Exposure of isolated chromosomes to Alu I in vitro also resulted in well-defined C-banding and led to the extraction of about 70% of the chromosomal DNA. From these results, the mechanism of endonuclease-induced C-banding appears to involve the dispersion and extraction of digested chromatin.  相似文献   

Hoechst 33258 banding of Drosophila nasutoides metaphase chromosomes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Hoechst 33258 banding of D. nasutoides metaphase chromosomes is described and compared with Q and C bands. The C band positive regions of the euchromatic autosomes, the X and the Y fluoresce brightly, as is typical of Drosophila and other species. The fluorescence pattern of the large heterochromatic chromosome is atypical, however. Contrary to the observations on other species, the C negative bands of the large heterochromatic chromosome are brightly fluorescent with both Hoechst 33258 and quinacrine. Based on differences in the various banding patterns, four classes of heterochromatin are described in the large heterochromatic chromosome and it is suggested that each class may correspond to an AT-rich DNA satellite.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout chromosomes were treated with nine restriction endonucleases, stained with Giemsa, and examined for banding patterns. The enzymes AluI, MboI, HaeIII, HinfI (recognizing four base sequences), and PvuII (recognizing a six base sequence) revealed banding patterns similar to the C-bands produced by treatment with barium hydroxide. The PvuII recognition sequence contains an internal sequence of 4 bp identical to the recognition sequence of AluI. Both enzymes produced centromeric and telomeric banding patterns but the interstitial regions stained less intensely after AluI treatment. After digestion with AluI, silver grains were distributed on chromosomes labeled with [3H]thymidine in a pattern like that seen after AluI-digested chromosomes are stained with Giemsa. Similarly, acridine orange (a dye specific for DNA) stained chromosomes digested with AluI or PvuII in patterns resembling those produced with Giemsa stain. These results support the theory that restriction endonucleases produce bands by cutting the DNA at specific base pairs and the subsequent removal of the fragments results in diminished staining by Giemsa. This technique is simple, reproducible, and in rainbow trout produces a more distinct pattern than that obtained with conventional C-banding methods.  相似文献   

Metaphase chromosomes prepared from colcemid-treated mouse L929 cells by non-ionic detergent lysis exhibit distinct heterochromatic centromere regions and associated kinetochores when viewed by whole mount electron microscopy. Deoxyribonuclease I treatment of these chromosomes results in the preferential digestion of the chromosomal arms leaving the centromeric heterochromatin and kinetochores apparently intact. Enrichment in centromere material after DNase I digestion was quantitated by examining the increase in 10,000xg pellets of the 1.691 g/cc satellite DNA relative to main band DNA. This satellite species has been localized at the centromeres of mouse chromosomes by in situ hybridization. From our analysis it was determined that DNase I digestion results in a five to six-fold increase in centromeric material. In contrast to the effect of DNase I, micrococcal nuclease was found to be less selective in its action. Digestion with this enzyme solubilized both chromosome arms and centromeres leaving only a small amount of chromatin and intact kinetochores.  相似文献   

Summary A simple technique of Giemsa staining is described giving characteristic banding patterns of human metaphase chromosomes; these patterns can be used to identify all 24 chromosome types.
Zusammenfassung Wir beschreiben eine einfache Methode, die mit geringem Zeitaufwand charakteristische Bandenmuster in menschlichen Metaphase-Chromosomen ergibt. Die Muster ermöglichen die Identifizierung aller 24 Chromosomentypen.

Director: Prof. Dr. W. Fuhrmann

Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Sonderforschungsbereich 35.  相似文献   

The structural organization of mouse metaphase chromosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The binding of highly purified anti-nucleoside antibodies to mouse (Mus musculus) metaphase chromosomes was studied by an immunofluorescence technique. The chromosomal DNA was denatured by one of two selective denaturation procedures because these antibodies reacted with single stranded but not native DNA. After ultraviolet irradiation (UV), which produced single stranded regions primarily in AT rich DNA, the binding of antiadenosine (anti-A) produced a pattern of fluorescent bands similar to that produced by quinacrine (Q-bands). Additional foci of bright fluorescence were observed at the centrometric (C-band) regions, which are known to contain AT rich satellite DNA. After photooxidation, which produced single stranded regions in GC rich DNA, the binding of anti-A produced a fluorescent banding pattern similar to the R-banding pattern seen after thermal denaturation and staining with coriphosphine O. After photooxidation, R-band patterns were also obtained with anti-cytidine (anti-C) and anti-5-methylcytidine (anti-M). After either UV irradiation or photooxidation, anti-M, but not anti-C, showed intense binding to the C-band regions of mouse chromosomes. — These findings led to the following conclusions: (1) Antibody banding patterns reflect the presence of a class of AT rich, GC poor DNA in chromosome regions which show bright quinacrine fluorescence and in the regions that contain the AT rich satellite DNA. (2) The alternate, quinacrine dull regions contain a relatively GC rich class of DNA which appears to be more highly methylated than the AT rich DNA in the Q-bright bands, but not the AT rich satellite DNA in the Q-dull C-bands. (3) 5-Methylcytosine residues occur in a sequence of mouse satellite DNA that contains both adjacent pyrimidines and guanine residues. The basic repeating unit of mouse satellite DNA is known to contain the sequence 5-GAAAAATGA-3 (Biro et al., 1975). Therefore, assuming the antibodies used could detect single bases in denatured DNA, the methylated sequence in mouse satellite DNA   相似文献   

The mechanism of G and C banding in mammalian metaphase chromosomes   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
Bands have been observed in the fixed mitotic chromosomes of Mus musculus L cell with no further treatment. These bands, which are very similar to G bands, can be seen by phase contrast microscopy, ultraviolet microscopy and Gold/Palladium shadowing. This indicates that the cause of banding is a differential distribution of chromatin. Alterations in chromatin morphology can be induced by post fixation treatments of the fixed chromosome. A model is constructed on this evidence which unifies the apparent variety in the techniques which are thought to induce G bands and explains the action of Giemsa stain. It is concluded that these treatments act by promoting the disruption of chromatin structure which is then reformed in the presence of the Giemsa stain, the Azure-B component of the stain acting in a manner similar to divalent cations. A new technique for inducing C bands is reported. The denaturation and differential reassociation of DNA is not a suitable explanation of the mechanism of this technique. The hypothesis put forward here, explaining G bands, also explains the induction of C bands as a result of a differential destruction of chromatin morphology. The differential distribution of chromatin that gives G bands is thought to be disrupted by a technique that maintains the more resistant morphology of the centromeric heterochromatin, C bands.  相似文献   

Summary This study deals with the problem of distribution of the 46 centromeres on the human metaphase plate after treatment with colchicine and hypotonic shock.The location of the centromeres was recorded for 400 metaphases in which the chromosomes were identified by bands.A quantitative analysis of chromosome distribution ascertains the absence of proximities between homologous chromosomes. The already known ones between acrocentric chromosomes are found at a very high level. The nature and intensity of these proximities vary from one sample to another as is the case between heterologues.A three-dimensional graphic technique is proposed to summarize all of the interchromosome proximities.  相似文献   

Jens Sehested 《Human genetics》1973,19(3-4):321-324
Summary It is shown that banding patterns after pretreatment of human chromosomes with trypsin solutions and subsequent Giemsa staining are independent of the esterase and peptidase activities of the enzyme.
Zusammenfassung Es wird gezeigt, daß die Darstellung von Bandenmustern nach Vorbehandlung menschlicher Chromosomen mit Trypsinlösungen und nachfolgender Giemsafärbung unabhängig von der Esterase- und Peptidaseaktivität des Enzyms ist.

We show that N-1 in adenine of chromosomal DNA is methylated by treatment of metaphase chromosomes with dimethylsulphate while this is not the case in chromatin. The data on methylation are consistent with those obtained from the experiments with S1-nuclease treatment of chromatin and chromosomes. This suggests a disarrangement of DNA secondary structure in the metaphase chromosomes.  相似文献   

Improved methods for obtaining, preparing, and staining fish chromosomes are described. Included are procedures for resolving serial or G-type bands. A brief review of various metaphase banding procedures and their use in fishes is also presented.  相似文献   

The chromatin ultrastructure was studied in the centromeric region of mitotic chromosomes and in interphase nuclei of mouse cells after differential staining on C-band. A new method is suggested to study centromeric region of chromosomes treated by the Giemsa banding technique. Fibers of chromosomes appeared to be packed denser in the centromeric regions of mitotic chromosomes than in arms. The disposition of chromatin fibers in the centromeric chromocentres of interphase nuclei is the same as in the centromeric regions of mitotic chromosomes.  相似文献   

Summary A method for the preparation of ultrathin sections of metaphase chromosomes is described. This method was applied to human metaphase chromosomes, which were immunocytochemically stained with anti-DNA and anti-ribonucleoprotein antibodies, derived from patients with auto-immune disease. Conventionally prepared metaphase spreads as well as cytocentrifuge preparations of chromosome suspensions were studied. The results indicate that the ultrastructure of chromosomes and the immunoreactivity of chromosomal constituents are influenced by the applied preparation methods. In comparison with whole mount preparations, ultrathin sections of immunostained chromosomes allow higher resolution and more precise localization of immunoreactive sites within the chromosomal structure.  相似文献   

A method for the preparation of ultrathin sections of metaphase chromosomes is described. This method was applied to human metaphase chromosomes, which were immunocytochemically stained with anti-DNA and anti-ribonucleoprotein antibodies, derived from patients with auto-immune disease. Conventionally prepared metaphase spreads as well as cytocentrifuge preparations of chromosome suspensions were studied. The results indicate that the ultrastructure of chromosomes and the immunoreactivity of chromosomal constituents are influenced by the applied preparation methods. In comparison with whole mount preparations, ultrathin sections of immunostained chromosomes allow higher resolution and more precise localization of immunoreactive sites within the chromosomal structure.  相似文献   

The metaphase chromosomes of mouse have been treated with the restriction endonucleases Alu I, Mbo I, Hae III and Eco RII and subsequently stained with the DNA-specific dye Ethidium bromide. A striking correspondence between previous biochemical findings and our cytological results has been noticed with Alu I, Mbo I and Hae III, which were capable of digesting all but the DNA localized at the centric constitutive heterochromatic areas. Digestion with Eco RII, on the contrary, resulted in cytological data which apparently did not fit in with the biochemical results previously obtained by digesting the DNA of this species with the same enzyme. It is postulated that factors such as chromatin organization, in addition to DNA base sequence, can determine the results we report.  相似文献   

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