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Population connectivity for most marine species is dictated by dispersal during the pelagic larval stage. Although reef fish larvae are known to display behavioral adaptations that influence settlement site selection, little is known about the development of behavioral preferences throughout the larval phase. Whether larvae are attracted to the same sensory cues throughout their larval phase, or exhibit distinct ontogenetic shifts in sensory preference is unknown. Here, we demonstrate an ontogenetic shift in olfactory cue preferences for two species of anemonefish, a process that could aid in understanding both patterns of dispersal and settlement. Aquarium-bred na?ve Amphiprion percula and A. melanopus larvae were tested for olfactory preference of relevant reef-associated chemical cues throughout the 11-day pelagic larval stage. Age posthatching had a significant effect on the preference for olfactory cues from host anemones and live corals for both species. Preferences of olfactory cues from tropical plants of A. percula, increased by approximately ninefold between hatching and settlement, with A. percula larvae showing a fivefold increase in preference for the olfactory cue produced by the grass species. Larval age had no effect on the olfactory preference for untreated seawater over the swamp-based tree Melaleuca nervosa, which was always avoided compared with blank seawater. These results indicate that reef fish larvae are capable of utilizing olfactory cues early in the larval stage and may be predisposed to disperse away from reefs, with innate olfactory preferences drawing newly hatched larvae into the pelagic environment. Toward the end of the larval phase, larvae become attracted to the olfactory cues of appropriate habitats, which may assist them in identification of and navigation toward suitable settlement sites.  相似文献   

Abstract. Cues released by predators and injured prey often induce shifts in prey behavior that allow prey to evade predators, but also affect prey resource use. I investigated the effects of chemical and mechanical signals produced by injured snails (Physella gyrina) and predatory crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) on microdistributions of P. gyrina. In an initial experiment, I observed snail responses to the presence of a caged crayfish predator, to injured conspecifics, or to both. There were significant effects of time and the treatment × time interaction on the proportion of snails moving above the water line, with greater proportions of snails above the water line at night than during the day and with weak snail crawl‐out behavior being elicited by caged crayfish at night, but not during the day. In a second experiment, I examined snail microdistributions when exposed to crayfish confined to a small cage within each aquarium, crayfish confined to half of each aquarium, and crayfish ranging freely throughout each aquarium. Snails responded most strongly to free‐ranging crayfish by moving above the water line, but also demonstrated significant, but reduced, crawl‐out responses to crayfish confined to half of each aquarium; however, snails did not respond behaviorally to crayfish confined to small cages. In both experiments, there were marginally significant effects of unfed caged crayfish on the proportions of snail populations hiding under benthic shelters, with this response being the strongest at the start of the experiments but weak overall (with only 4–5% of P. gyrina responding in each experiment). These results indicate that cues (e.g., chemical or mechanical) produced by predators altered prey microdistributions, but that the exact prey responses (e.g., moving above the water line or into horizontal or benthic refugia) depended on the intensity and nature of cues.  相似文献   

The electrodermal response (EDR) of frogs to various acoustic stimuli was measured in the form of the skin potential response (SPR). There was no correlation between the polarity of the SPR and the intensity of the stimuli. When different frequencies were presented at the same intensity, the amplitude of the SPR to each was inversely proportional to the sound pressure at which that frequency just elicited an SPR. The amplitude of the sound-induced SPR increased monotonically with increasing sound pressure. The latency of the SPR decreased with increasing intensity of the acoustic stimulus. Acoustic stimuli repeated at intervals of 1 and 2 min elicited responses with progressively decreased amplitude and increased latency; with 4 min intervals there was little habituation. Fatigue participates to only a very slight extent in reducing the amplitude of the SPR and increasing its latency. The results are compared with the published data on frogs and mammals, including humans.  相似文献   

Life-history theory predicts that predator-induced defences should incur fitness costs. In larval amphibians, the most frequently reported cost is reduced energy intake due to lower foraging rates; however, recent reports suggest that this trade-off may be uncoupled through morphological and physiological adaptations. Metabolism is a measure of energy expenditure and plasticity in respiration may potentially offset other costs of predator-induction. The aim of this study was to measure the indirect effects of dragonfly larvae on the respiration rate of tadpoles of the Arabian toad (Bufo arabicus) over time and at different predator concentrations. We performed two experiments. In the first experiment (time–response), we exposed tadpoles either to the indirect presence of odonate larvae or predator-free conditions and measured respiration rates 3, 5, 8, 11, 13, 15, 19 and 26 days after the start of the experiment. In the second experiment (dose–response), we used three levels of predator chemicals, equivalent to 1 predator per 10, 100 or 1,000 l plus controls. The respiration rate of predator-exposed tadpoles varied initially, but was 56.3% of controls after 26 days. In the dose–response experiment, the respiration rate of all predator-exposed tadpole groups was reduced by between 19.1 and 27.2% after 21 days. The study demonstrates a mechanism by which tadpoles may be able to adjust their physiology to partially offset the costs of lower energy intake due to predator avoidance.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of flowering responses to seasonal cues   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Plants respond to the changing seasons to initiate developmental programmes precisely at particular times of year. Flowering is the best characterized of these seasonal responses, and in temperate climates it often occurs in spring. Genetic approaches in Arabidopsis thaliana have shown how the underlying responses to changes in day length (photoperiod) or winter temperature (vernalization) are conferred and how these converge to create a robust seasonal response. Recent advances in plant genome analysis have demonstrated the diversity in these regulatory systems in many plant species, including several crops and perennials, such as poplar trees. Here, we report progress in defining the diverse genetic mechanisms that enable plants to recognize winter, spring and autumn to initiate flower development.  相似文献   

The minute pirate bugs (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) are effective biological control agents against destructive agricultural pests such as the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in agroecosystems around the world. One species, Orius insidiosus (Say), has proven effective in controlling thrips populations in fields and greenhouses, and serves as an integral component of many integrated pest management (IPM) programs. Three experiments were conducted using motion-tracking software and dual-choice Y-tube bioassays to determine whether direct thrips contact and thrips cues contact induced arrestant and attractant behaviors. The experiments revealed that O. insidiosus adults exhibited behavioral changes indicative of switching from extensive to intensive foraging after direct exposure to thrips prey. Similar arresting behavior was induced by the presence of thrips tracks alone. In Y-tube bioassays O. insidiosus showed preference towards arms containing tracks from western flower thrips larvae vs. clean arms, but only when direct contact with the tracks was made in the stem. Our data indicate that thrips deposit non-volatile semiochemicals that are used by O. insidiosus during foraging. These compounds have the potential to aid in O. insidiosus behavior manipulation which may help in early control of thrips populations in fields and greenhouses. Further research is necessary to determine the chemical composition of these cues and how to effectively and pragmatically integrate the inducing stimuli into biocontrol programs as part of IPM strategies.  相似文献   

The responses to sound of mammalian cochlear neurons exhibit many nonlinearities, some of which (such as two-tone rate suppression and intermodulation distortion) are highly frequency specific, being strongly tuned to the characteristic frequency (CF) of the neuron. With the goal of establishing the cochlear origin of these auditory-nerve nonlinearities, mechanical responses to clicks and to pairs of tones were studied in relatively healthy chinchilla cochleae at a basal site of the basilar membrane with CF of 8-10 kHz. Responses were also obtained in cochleae in which hair cell receptor potentials were reduced by systemic furosemide injection. Vibrations were recorded using either the M?ssbauer technique or laser Doppler-shift velocimetry. Responses to tone pairs contained intermodulation distortion products whose magnitudes as a function of stimulus frequency and intensity were comparable to those of distortion products in cochlear afferent responses. Responses to CF tones could be selectively suppressed by tones with frequency either higher or lower than CF; in most respects, mechanical two-tone suppression resembled rate suppression in cochlear afferents. Responses to clicks displayed a CF-specific compressive nonlinearity, similar to that present in responses to single tones, which could be profoundly and selectively reduced by furosemide. The present findings firmly support the hypothesis that all CF-specific nonlinearities present in the auditory nerve originate in analogous phenomena of basilar membrane vibration. However, because of their lability, it is almost certain that the mechanical nonlinearities themselves originate in outer hair cells.  相似文献   

Neural responses and aversion to bitter stimuli in rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gustatory responses of rats to quinine, nicotine, caffeine,MgCl2 and bitter peptides such as glycyl-L-phenylalanine (Gly-Phe)and glycyl-L-isoleucine (Gly-lle), were studied by recordingintegrated responses to bitter stimuli from the chorda tympaniand IXth nerve as well as by measuring fluid intakes with atwo-bottle choice method. In addition, the effect of L-glutamyl-L-glutamicacid (Glu-Glu), which has an ability of masking bitterness inhumans, on the IXth nerve response was examined. Quinine, nicotine and caffeine elicited aversive behavior atconcentrations similar to those eliciting the IXth nerve responses,while MgCl2 induced aversion above 0.1 M although it producedneural responses at much lower concentrations in both nerves.No aversion was produced by the bitter peptides at 30 mM, althougha small response was elicited by Gly-Phe in the chorda tympaniand by Gly-Ile in the IXth nerve. Responses in the IXth nerveto mixtures of Glu-Glu with bitter substances was smaller thanthe sum of those for single solution alone, indicating depressionof nerve responses to bitter stimuli by Glu-Glu.  相似文献   

Visual and olfactory responses of haematophagous Diptera to host stimuli   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Key biotic and environmental constraints on the host-orientated behaviour of haematophagous Diptera are summarized. For each major group of biting Diptera, responses to host stimuli are reviewed, including activation and ranging behaviour, long-range and short-range olfactory responses and visual responses. Limitations to the comparison of results between groups of species, and the practical problems of experimental method and equipment are discussed.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of the locust hind leg extensor muscle is described. The model accounts for the force response of the muscle to well-separated input stimuli under isometric conditions. Experimental data was collected by stimulating the extensor muscle and measuring the force generated at the tibia. In developing a model it was assumed that the response to a single isolated stimulus was linear. A linear model was found to fit well to the response to an isolated stimulus. No assumptions were made about the model order and models of various order were fitted to data in the frequency domain, using a least squares fit. The stimulus can be approximated as an impulse, with the response to each stimulus well described by a linear second-order system. Using a third-order model provided a better fit to data, but the improvement in fit was marginal and the model uses one extra parameter. A fourth-order model, which is often used to describe the behaviour of isometric muscle was found to overfit the data. Using a second-order model provides a simpler way of describing the behaviour of an isometric twitch.  相似文献   

The visual capabilities of gastropod molluses and most other invertebrates possessing structurally simple eyes are poorly known. We studied vision in untrained marsh periwinkles (Littorina irrorata) in the laboratory, using oriented movements toward test shapes as the response measure. This intertidal species is active when exposed at low tide, both during the day and at night, and it travels vertically on plant stems with a tidal rhythm. In detection tests, the estimated response threshold for a single vertical bar was 0.9°, while the response threshold for an equal-size horizontal bar was 2.4° or 3.7°, depending on bar position. Snails detected a 5°-wide bar in 4.3 1x of light and a 40°-wide square having about 95% reflectance (‘off-white’) on a white (100% nominal reflectance) background in 2800 1x. Discrimination tests revealed a strong preference for vertical bars over both diagonal and horizontal bars of the same width, but no preferences in several other situations. Various factors suggest that L. irrorata may see better than most other gastropods.  相似文献   

Sleep and Biological Rhythms - This study examined autonomic physiological responses to personally relevant information presented during sleep and wakefulness. Heart rate and electrodermal...  相似文献   

Behavioural responses of diverse insect groups to electric stimuli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anecdotal evidence suggests that cockroaches respond to electrical appliances or outlets. Our objectives were to determine the effect of field‐inducing sources and field attributes on attraction of German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.) (Blattodea: Blattellidae), and to test those parameters found effective for attraction of B. germanica for attraction of other groups of insects. In two‐choice, large‐arena experiments, significantly more female, but not nymphal, B. germanica settled in or near electrified coils with static or fluctuating electromagnetic fields produced by low‐level direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC) sources than in control coils without current. Electromagnetic fields with the magnetic, but not the electric, component of the field nulled still attracted B. germanica, suggesting that the electric component of the field may contribute to the attraction or arrestment response of B. germanica. DC‐powered coils with static electromagnetic fields also attracted/arrested brown‐banded cockroaches, Supella longipalpa (Fabricius) (Blattodea: Blattellidae), common silverfish, Lepisma saccharina (L.), firebrats, Thermobia domestica (Packard) (both Thysanura: Lepismatidae), and European earwigs, Forficula auricularia (L.) (Dermaptera: Forficulidae), but they repelled American cockroaches, Periplaneta americana (L.) (Blattodea: Blattidae). If proven in field experiments, electrified coils as trap baits may offer non‐toxic alternatives to pesticides for selective insect control in urban environments.  相似文献   

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