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We isolated pHP69, a 9,153 bp plasmid from Helicobacter pylori with a 33.98% (G+C) content. We identified 11 open reading frames (ORFs), including replication initiation protein A (repA), fic (cAMP-induced filamentation protein), mccC, mccB, mobA, mobD, mobB, and mobC, as well as four 22 bp tandem repeat sequences. The nucleic acid and predicted amino acid sequences of these ORFs exhibited significant homology to those of other H. pylori plasmids. pHP69 repA encodes a replication initiation protein and its amino acid sequence is similar to those of replicase proteins from theta-type plasmids. pHP69 contains two types of repeat sequences (R1 and R2), a MOBHEN family mobilization region comprising mobC, mobA, mobB, and mobD, and genes encoding microcin B and C. Among the 36 H. pylori strains containing plasmids, mobA or mccBC are present in 12 or 6, respectively and 3 contain both genes. To examine intrinsic capability of H. pylori for conjugative plasmid transfer, a shuttle vector pBHP69KH containing pHP69 and replication origin of pBR322 was constructed. It was shown that this vector could stably replicate and be mobilized among clinical H. pylori strains and demonstrated to gene transfer by natural plasmid.  相似文献   

Song JY  Choi SH  Byun EY  Lee SG  Park YH  Park SG  Lee SK  Kim KM  Park JU  Kang HL  Baik SC  Lee WK  Cho MJ  Youn HS  Ko GH  Bae DW  Rhee KH 《Plasmid》2003,50(2):145-151
The nucleotide sequence of a 3955-bp Helicobacter pylori plasmid, pHP51 was determined, and two open reading frames, ORF1 and ORF2, were identified. The deduced amino acid sequence of ORF1 was highly conserved (87-89%) among plasmid replication initiation proteins, RepBs. The function of ORF2 was not assigned because it lacked known functional domains or sequence similarity with other known proteins, although it had a HPFXXGNG motif that was also found in the cAMP-induced filamentation (fic) gene. Three kinds of repeats were present on the plasmid outside of the ORFs, including the R1 and R2 repeats that are common in H. pylori plasmids. One 100-bp sequence detected in the noncoding region of pHP51 was highly similar to the genomic sequence of H. pylori 26695.  相似文献   

Song JY  Park SG  Kang HL  Lee WK  Cho MJ  Park JU  Baik SC  Youn HS  Ko GH  Rhee KH 《Plasmid》2003,50(3):236-241
We have analyzed a Helicobacter pylori plasmid, pHP489. The 1222-bp nucleotide sequence had one open reading frame, a DnaA-binding site, one direct repeat, and three inverted repeats. The (G+C) content of pHP489 was 33.3%. Although the nucleic acid sequence and deduced amino acid sequence were homologous to those of other bacterial plasmid Rep proteins, the degree of similarity was very low. A deletion analysis showed that the Rep protein was not required for the replication of pHP489 in its H. pylori host, but the host replication machinery was needed.  相似文献   

A cryptic plasmid of Helicobacter pylori, pKU701 (accession number AB078638), was isolated and the complete nucleotide sequence was determined. No drug resistance properties were mediated by pKU701. The 2454b pKU701 sequence, which had a 38% content of G-C residues, generated one polypeptide from a single open reading frame (ORF1). Extensive sequence homology was evident between pKU701 and ORF1 of H. pylori plasmid pHPO100 (repA, 88.8% identity) as well as ORF3 of plasmid pHPS1 (repB, 80.2% identity), but pKU701 showed only 46.3% homology with ORF1 of plasmid pHPK255 (repA). Tandem direct repeats of a 33-bp segment were found in pKU701 outside ORF1, but there were no inverted repeat ends such as those found in typical insertion sequences. The ability of drug resistance plasmids to replicate in H. pylori is probably limited, so chromosomal mutation may be a more likely cause of resistance.  相似文献   

Many streptomycetes, including S. coelicolor A3(2), possess a potent methyl-specific restriction system which can present an effective barrier to the introduction of heterologous DNA. We have compared the efficiency of intergeneric conjugal transfer of different types of plasmids to S. coelicolor and S. lividans 66 using two E. coli donors: the standard, methylation proficient strain S17-1. and the methylation deficient donor, ET12567(pUB307). We demonstrate that the methylation deficient donor can yield > 104-fold more S. coelicolor exconjugants than the standard donor. In the case of pSET152 derivatives, which integrate into the host chromosome by site-specific recombination, up to 10% of streptomycete spores in the conjugation mixture inherit the plasmid. The conjugation procedure is efficient enough to obtain exconjugants with 'suicide' delivery plasmids and therefore provides a simple route for conducting gene disruptions in methyl DNA-restricting streptomycetes, and possibly other bacteria.  相似文献   

Meyer R 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(15):3904-3911
MobB is a small (molecular weight = 15,097) protein encoded by the broad-host-range plasmid R1162 and is required for its efficient transfer by conjugation. The C-terminal half of the protein contains a membrane domain essential for transfer. This region can be replaced by a putative membrane domain from another, unrelated protein, and thus is likely to function independently from the rest of MobB. The other, functionally active region of MobB, identified by mutagenesis, is at the N-terminal end. One mutation affecting this region inhibits replication, suggesting that this part of the protein is contacting and sequestering the relaxase-linked primase. The overall organization reflects a multimeric and bipolar organization, with molecules of MobB anchored in the membrane at one end and engaging the relaxase at the other. This arrangement could increase the transfer frequency by raising the probability of contact between the relaxase and the membrane-embedded, coupling protein for type IV secretion.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori cells are naturally competent for the uptake of both plasmid and chromosomal DNA. However, we demonstrate that there are strong barriers to transformation of H. pylori strains by plasmids derived from unrelated strains. We sought to determine the molecular mechanisms underlying these barriers. Transformation efficiency was assessed using pHP1, an Escherichia coli-H. pylori shuttle vector conferring kanamycin resistance. Transformation of 33 H. pylori strains was attempted with pHP1 purified from either E. coli or H. pylori, and was successfully introduced into only 11 strains. Digestion of H. pylori chromosomes with different restriction endonucleases (REs) showed that DNA methylation patterns vary substantially among strains. The strain most easily transformed, JP26, was found to have extremely low endogenous RE activity and to lack a restriction-modification (R-M) system, homologous to MboI, which is highly conserved among H. pylori strains. When we introduced this system to JP26, pHP1 from MboI.M+ JP26, but not from wild-type JP26, transformed MboI R-M+ JP26 and heterologous MboI R-M+ wild-type H. pylori strains. Parallel studies with pHP1 from dam+ and dam- E. coli strains confirmed these findings. These data indicate that the endogenous REs of H. pylori strains represent a critical barrier to interstrain plasmid transfer among H. pylori.  相似文献   

Electroporation methods and conjugal matings were used to transfer several plasmid vectors to Aquaspirillum dispar and Aquaspirillum itersonii. The incompatibility P class plasmid RP4 was conjugally transferred from Escherichia coli HB101 to these spirilla, and the transconjugants subsequently donated the molecule to plasmid-free E. coli and A. dispar strains via conjugal matings. High-voltage electrotransformation was used to transfer plasmids pUCD2, pSa151 and RP4 to A. dispar and A. itersonii, at efficiencies as high as 3×104 transformants per μg plasmid DNA. RP4 DNA isolated from spirillum hosts, but not RP4 from E. coli cells was successfully transferred to A. dispar and A. itersonii by electrotransformation, suggesting that modification and/or restriction activity may be present in these Aquaspirillum species.  相似文献   

The polypeptide encoded by a segment of a gene required for the conjugal mobilization of the broad host-range plasmid R1162 has been purified as a beta-galactosidase fusion protein. The hybrid protein binds specifically to a small, double-stranded DNA fragment containing the origin of transfer (oriT), and specifically cleaves oriT single-stranded DNA at the position cleaved during transfer. Only one of the two DNA strands is a substrate. A fraction of the digested DNA is resistant to lambda exonuclease digestion, indicating that some molecules have protein covalently attached at the 5' end. After prolonged incubation with fusion protein, some of the cleaved molecules are religated. In vivo, M13 phage DNA containing two, directly-repeated copies of oriT recombine in cells containing the fusion protein. The single-stranded viral DNA forms are the probable substrates for the protein, the cleaved DNA being subsequently religated to form recombinant molecules. Cleavage of the DNA might be the reverse reaction of the ligation that normally takes place after conjugative transfer of a single, linear plasmid DNA strand.  相似文献   

We report on the mobilization of shuttle plasmids from gram-negative Escherichia coli to gram-positive corynebacteria mediated by P-type transfer functions. Introduction of plasmids into corynebacteria was markedly enhanced after heat treatment of the recipient cells. High-frequency plasmid transfer was also observed when the restriction system of the recipient was mutated. On the basis of our data, we conclude that efficient DNA transfer from gram-negative to gram-positive bacteria, at least to coryneform bacteria, is conceivable in certain natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

Genetic organization of a plasmid from an industrial wastewater bioreactor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pseudomonas strain CT14 was isolated from activated sludge. Strain CT14 contained a 55, 216 bp plasmid that was characterized by sequence analysis. The plasmid had a modular structure with 51 open reading frames (ORFs) that were distributed between two clearly demarcated domains. Domain I primarily contained genes for plasmid-related functions and a novel origin of replication. Domain II bore evidence of extensive transposition and recombination. Domain II contained several genes from a meta-cleavage pathway for aromatic rings. These genes appeared to have been recruited from different hosts. This observation suggests that sequencing pCT14 may have revealed an intermediate stage in the evolution of a new assemblage of meta-cleavage pathway genes.  相似文献   

A tetracycline resistance (Tcr) determinant from Clostridium difficile strain 630 was cloned into the Escherichia coli plasmid vector pUC13. The resulting plasmid pPPM20, containing an insert of 3.4 kbp, was mapped and a 1.1 kbp SacI-HindIII fragment wholly within the Tcr gene was identified. Dot-blot hybridization studies with the 1.1 kbp fragment showed that the Tcr gene belonged to hybridization class M. Tcr could be transferred between C. difficile strains and to Bacillus subtilis at a frequency of 10(-7) per donor cell. The element could be returned from B. subtilis to C. difficile at a frequency of 10(-8) per donor cell. This is the first demonstration of C. difficile acting as a recipient in intergeneric crosses. DNA from C. difficile transconjugants digested with EcoRV always has two hybridizing fragments of 9.5 and 11.0 kbp when probed with pPPM20. DNA from B. subtilis transconjugants digested with EcoRV produced one hybridizing band of variable size when probed with pPPM20. The behaviour of the element was reminiscent of the conjugative transposons. Therefore we compared the element to the conjugative transposon Tn916. The HincII restriction maps of the two elements differed and no hybridization was detected to oligonucleotides directed to the ends of Tn916. However, the elements do have some sequence homology, detected by hybridization analysis.  相似文献   

A 1.5 kb cryptic plasmid was isolated from Helicobacter pylori. Low-stringency hybridization analysis using this plasmid as a DNA probe revealed base sequence homology with other plasmids in this species. Nucleotide sequence analysis identified an open reading frame encoding a putative polypeptide of 25 kDa. This protein showed marked amino acid sequence similarity to replication-initiation proteins commonly found in small plasmids endogenous to Gram-positive bacteria which replicate by the 'rolling-circle' mechanism. Sequence motifs corresponding to the origins-of-replication consensus sequences were found on this cryptic plasmid. DNA and oligonucleotide probes to these plasmid replication sequences were used in hybridization analysis to identify similar sequences in other H. pylori plasmids. We believe this is the first plasmid isolated from a Gram-negative bacterium to show replication determinants characteristic of the 'rolling-circle' group of plasmids from Gram-positive bacteria. The cloned plasmid will be used to develop a shuttle-vector for H. pylori.  相似文献   

We investigated the population genetics of 23 isolates of H. pylori by allozyme electrophoresis using 16 enzyme loci. Isolates were obtained from adult patients of whom 48% were of Greek extraction. Eight patients (35%) had an active duodenal ulcer. Allelic variation per loci ranged from 2 to 11 alleles. Four major genetic clusters were apparent, having >75% fixed genetic differences. There was no distinct clustering (clonal structure) on the basis of the geographical origin of the persons from whom isolates were obtained, indicating that this bacterium has not recently jumped a species barrier into humans. Isolates associated with ulcer disease were not monophyletic, with isolates from ulcer patients being found in phylogenetically diverse branches of the dendogram derived from the data. Based on the genetic diversity of H. pylori isolates, we propose that isolates should be classified as belonging not to a single species but to a `Helicobacter pylori species-complex'.  相似文献   

Abstract Batch mating experiments were employed to study the kinetics of the conjugal transfer of a TOL plasmid, using the transconjugant strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO 1162 (TOL) as the plasmid donor and Pseudomonas putida PB 2442 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO 1162N as the plasmid recipients. Transfer rates from PAO 1162 (TOL) to PAO 1162N and PB 2442 measured for exponentially grown PAO 1162 (TOL) were 1.81 × 10−14 (standard error (S.E.) 1.25 × 10−15) ml·cell−1min−1 and 3.32 × 10−13 (S.E. 4.42 × 10−14) ml·cell−1min−1, respectively. The instability of the TOL plasmid in PAO 1162 (TOL) was evaluated under conditions that were non-selective for maintenance of the TOL catabolic functions. The measured rates of instability were 6.7 10−6 to 8.3 10−6 min−1, and the loss of the catabolic functions was mainly caused by structural instability of the plasmid.  相似文献   

Radu S  Mutalib SA  Rusul G  Hassan Z  Yeang LK 《Microbios》2001,104(407):39-47
Ten strains of Salmonella weltevreden isolated from poultry sources were examined and found to contain plasmid DNA ranging in size from 1.8 to 68.5 MD. All isolates were susceptible to carbenicillin, cephalothin, ceftriazone, gentamicin, kanamycin and nalidixic acid, but resistance to bacitracin (100%), penicillin G (100%), rifampicin (100%), sulphamethoxazole (100%), cefuroxime (80%) and tetracycline (60%) was recorded. The 55 MD plasmid of strain SW5 determined resistance to penicillin G and tetracycline, which was transmissible to the E. coli K12 recipient at a frequency of 3.52 x 10(-5) transconjugants per input donor cell. The results of arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR), using two 10-mer oligonucleotides and PCR-ribotyping to differentiate between the ten strains of S. weltevreden were compared. The strains were separated into ten different genome types by AP-PCR but were indistinguishable by PCR-ribotyping. These results suggest that poultry may constitute a reservoir for disseminating antibiotic resistance and that AP-PCR may be a valuable tool for epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

DNA probes are described which identify group and fingerprint strains of the human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori , on the basis of well-defined band homologies. A 544 bp internal fragment of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene was generated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers derived from the Escherichia coli rRNA gene sequence. In genomic Southern blots this probe detected restriction site variation around these loci, generating simple but strain-specific molecular fingerprints. A small conserved chromosomal fragment of 1.2 kbp, Hps, species-specific for H. pylori , was obtained by cloning random Hind III fragments into pUC19. It was useful for dot-blot identification, and also separated isolates into one major and two minor groups. When results for these two probes were combined, a baseline characterization of genotype was obtained. A band-matching database of molecular fingerprints for the type strain and 63 clinical isolates of H. pylori from asymptomatic, ulcer and gastritis contexts is presented. No significant association between the genotypes at this level of definition and the associated clinical symptomatology of the isolates was detected.  相似文献   

DNA involved in the mobilization of broad-host-range plasmid R1162 was localized to a region of 2.7 kilobases within coordinates 3.4 to 6.1 kilobases on the R1162 map. By examining the transfer properties of plasmids containing cloned fragments of DNA from within this region, we showed that at least four trans-active products and a cis-active site (oriT) were involved in mobilization. A cloned DNA fragment of 155 base pairs was capable of providing full oriT activity. This fragment was located within 600 base pairs of DNA containing the origin of replication of R1162, and its nucleotide sequence and that of neighboring DNA were determined. Activation of oriT required R1162-encoded, trans-acting products. Deletions which resulted in the loss of one or more of these had a variable effect on transfer efficiency and indicated the presence of both essential and nonessential Mob products. Regions encoding these products flanked oriT and in one case appeared to overlap a gene essential for plasmid replication. The implications of these findings with respect to the broad host range of R1162 are discussed.  相似文献   

Horizontal transfer of genes between species is an important mechanism for bacterial genome evolution. In Escherichia coli, conjugation is the transfer from a donor (F+) to a recipient (F) cell through cell-to-cell contact. We demonstrate what we believe to be a novel qPCR method for quantifying the transfer kinetics of the F plasmid in a population by enumerating the relative abundance of genetic loci unique to the plasmid and the chromosome. This approach allows us to query the plasmid transfer rate without the need for selective culturing with unprecedented single locus resolution. We fit the results to a mass action model where the rate of plasmid growth includes the lag time of newly formed F+ transconjugants and the recovery time between successive conjugation events of the F+ donors. By assaying defined mixtures of genotypically identical donor and recipient cells at constant inoculation densities, we extract an F plasmid transfer rate of 5 × 10−10 (cells/mL · min)−1. We confirm a plasmid/chromosome ratio of 1:1 in homogenous F+ populations throughout batch growth. Surprisingly, in some mixture experiments we observe an excess of F plasmid in the early saturation phase that equilibrates to a final ratio of one plasmid per chromosome.  相似文献   

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