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The effects of biogenic amines, glucagon, and insulin on the cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) activity have been studied in the muscle tissue of the freshwater bivalve mollusc Anodonta cygnea. It was shown that serotonin, glucagon, and insulin both in vivo and in vitro stimulated PKA activity, whereas isoproterenol inhibited it. The stimulating effect of serotonin and inhibiting effect of isoproterenol was blocked by serotoninergic (cyproheptadine) and adrenergic (propranolol) inhibitors, which confirms specificity of the effect of biogenic amines on the PKA activity. Taking into account participation of adenylyl cyclase system in action of the above hormones, the revealed hormonal effects on the PKA activity produce metabolic effects via the following chain reaction. In the case of serotonin and glucagon: receptor Gs-protein AC cAMP PKA phosphorylation of glycogen synthase (GS) and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) and inhibition of their activity; in the case of isoproterenol: -adrenoreceptor Gi-protein AC inhibition decreasing PKA inhibition of phosphorylase and stimulation of GSI and G6PDH. A participation is suggested of the insulin-stimulated AC signaling system in the mechanism of the mitogenic insulin effect mediated, as shown in this work, via the PKA activation, but not of the metabolic effect of insulin.  相似文献   

Dispersal-assembly theories of species coexistence posit that environmental factors play no role in explaining community diversity and structure. Dispersal-assembly theories shed light on some aspects of community structure such as species-area and species-abundance relationships. However, species environmental associations also affect these measures of community structure. Measurements of species niche breadth and overlap address this influence. Using a new continuous measure of niche and a dispersal-assembly null model that maintains species niche breadth and aggregation, we tested two hypotheses assessing the effects of habitat heterogeneity on the ability of dispersal-assembly theories to explain community niche structure. We found that in both homogenous and heterogeneous environments dispersal-assembly theories cannot fully explain observed niche structure. The performance of the dispersal-assembly null models was particularly poor in heterogeneous environments. These results indicate that non-dispersal based mechanisms are in part responsible for observed community structure and measures of community structure which include species environmental associations should be used to test theories of species diversity.  相似文献   

Formal listing of species for protection is a responsible action in conferring conservation priority, and must be undertaken as objectively as possible, and redundant entries that distract from priority need be removed. Diverse groups, such as invertebrates, pose problems for listing because criteria of rarity and threat are often confounded. Species de-listed as a result of recovery action are a special category, in which conservation investment has been made; the principle of recognising these as rehabilitated species with a formal duty of aftercare is discussed. Although the paper focuses on invertebrates in Australia, the principles have wider relevance in species-level conservation focus.  相似文献   

Résumé En l'absence de son propre couvain,Solenopsis fugax a élevé des larves deLeptothorax nylanderi, à la température de 22°C. Les ouvrières deSolenopsis détruisirent une partie de ces larves mais nourrirent celles qu'elles épargnèrent; ces dernières grossirent lentement pendant cinq à six mois, sans atteindre le stade prénymphe. Lorsque les ouvrières deS. fugax et les larves deL. nylanderi furent soumises ensemble à un hivernage préalable, elles donnèrent les mêmes résultats que sans hivernage. La présence d'une jeune reine deSolenopsis fut défavorable aux larves deLeptothorax.Inversement,L. nylanderi fut capable d'élever, à la température de 22°C, des larves deS. fugax et de les amener jusqu'au stade adulte. En présence de leurs propres larves, les ouvrières deL. nylanderi détruisirent tapidement toutes les larves deS. fugax introduites dans leur nid. D'autre part, un jeune couvain deLeptothorax remplaçait plus ou moins rapidement les larves deLeptothorax enlevées au préalable; sa présence était alors défavorable au développement des larves deSolenopsis. Un hivernage en début d'expérience fut plutôt favorable auxS. fugax, de même que la présence d'une reine féconde deLeptothorax. LesSolenopsis ainsi obtenus n'ont pas vécu plus de sept semaines. Ils étaient tous de caste ouvrière et de taille très petite.
Summary When its own eggs and larvae missed,Solenopsis fugax bred larvae ofLeptothorax nylanderi, at a temperature of 22°C. TheSolenopsis workers killed some of this larvae and fed the others; these slowly grew bigger during five or six months but never reached the pre-pupa stage. The result was the same if the workers ofS. fugax and the larvae ofL. nylanderi overwintered together or not at all. A youngSolenopsis queen being there was noxious to the larvae ofLeptothorax.On the contrary,L. nylanderi has been able to breed larvae ofS. fugax up to the imago stage, at a temperature of 22°C. When its own larvae were in the nest, together with larvae ofS. fugax, the workers ofL. nylanderi killed the larvae ofS. fugax. On the other hand, new eggs and young larvae ofLeptothorax had to replace, more or less quickly, the larvae which had been taken away, and that was noxious to the growth ofSolenopsis larvae. An overwintering at the beginning of the experiment was rather favourable toS. fugax as was the presence of a fecundLeptothorax queen. TheSolenopsis thus obtained lived no longer than seven weeks. They all were workers and very small.

S. Fugax L. Nylanderi 22° . Leptothorax , , , , . . S. Fugax Leptothorax.,L. Nylanderi 22° S. Fugax . L. Nylanderi ( )Leptothorax ; S. Fugax Solenopsis, Leptothorax. S. Fugax . .

Résumé Nous avons fait élever des larves d'Anergates atratulus par des ouvrières deMyrmica laevinodis à 22°C. Pour y parvenir, il n'est pas utile de faire hivernerensemble les larves d'Anergates et les ouvrières deMyrmica. La présence de larves autochtones n'empêche pas lesMyrmica d'élever des larves d'Anergates. Dans toutes les expériences lesMyrmica ont été soumises au fridavant de recevoir des larves d'Anergates. Aucune reine deMyrmica n'a été utilisée dans ces expériences.Sur les 64 larves d'Anergates que nous avons utilisées, 38 se sont transformées en imagos. C'est au début de l'adoption et au moment des métamorphoses que périrent la plupart des 26Anergates perdus. Les femelles vécurent en général 2 ou 3 jours et cherchèrent très tôt à quitter le nid natal. Les mâles vécurent 2 à 3 semaines.
Summary Larvae ofAnergates atratulus were experimentally reared by workers ofMyrmica laevinodis, at 22°C. An overwintering of both larvae ofAnergates and workers ofMyrmica is not necessary for the success of that experiment. The presence of larvae ofMyrmica does not keep theMyrmica from rearing larvae ofAnergates. The workers ofMyrmica have been cooled, in all the experiments, before receiving larvae ofAnergates. No queen ofMyrmica have been used in that experiments.38 of the 64 larvae ofAnergates used became imagos. Most of the 26 lostAnergates died at the beginning of the adoption and during the metamorphosis. The females lived generally 2 or 3 days and tried, very early, to leave their native nest. The males lived 2 or 3 weeks.

Anergates atratulus Myrmica laevinodis, 22 . bmecme Anergates Myrmica. Myrmica Anergates. Myrmica Anergates. Myrmica . 64 Anergates , 38 . 26 Anergates 2 3 . 2 3 .

Partitioning of water resources among plants of a lowland tropical forest   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Source water used by plants of several species in a semi-evergreen lowland tropical forest on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, was assessed by comparing the relative abundance of deuterium, D, versus hydrogen, H (stable hydrogen isotope composition, D) in xylem sap and in soil water at different depths, during the dry season of 1992. Ecological correlates of source water were examined by comparing xylem water D values with leaf phenology, leaf water status determined with a pressure chamber, and rates of water use determined as mass flow of sap using the stem heat balance method. Soil water D values decreased sharply to 30 cm, then remained relatively constant with increasing depth. Average D values were-13, for 0–30 cm depth and-36.7 for 30–100 cm depth. Soil water D values were negatively associated with soil water content and soil water potential. Concurrent analyses of xylem water revealed a high degree of partitioning of water resources among species of this tropical forest. Xylem water D of deciduous trees (average=-25.3±1.4) was higher than that of evergreen trees (average=-36.3±3.5), indicating that evergreen species had access to the more abundant soil water at greater depth than deciduous species. In evergreen shade-tolerant and high-light requiring shrubs and small trees, D of xylem water was negatively correlated with transpiration rate and leaf water potential indicating that species using deeper, more abundant water resources had both higher rates of water use and more favorable leaf water status.  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 (ambient + 35 Pa) increased shoot dry mass production in Avena fatua by 68% at maturity. This increase in shoot biomass was paralleled by an 81% increase in average net CO2 uptake (A) per unit of leaf area and a 65% increase in average A at the ecosystem level per unit of ground area. Elevated CO2 also increased ecosystem A per unit of biomass. However, the products of total leaf area and light-saturated leaf A divided by the ground surface area over time appeared to lie on a single response curve for both CO2 treatments. The approximate slope of the response suggests that the integrated light saturated capacity for leaf photosynthesis is 10-fold greater than the ecosystem rate. Ecosystem respiration (night) per unit of ground area, which includes soil and plant respiration, ranged from-20 (at day 19) to-18 (at day 40) mol m-2 s-1 for both elevated and ambient CO2 Avena. Ecosystem below-ground respiration at the time of seedling emergence was -10 mol m-2 s-1, while that occuring after shoot removal at the termination of the experiment ranged from -5 to-6 mol m-2 s-1. Hence, no significant differences between elevated and ambient CO2 treatments were found in any respiration measure on a ground area basis, though ecosystem respiration on a shoot biomass basis was clearly reduced by elevated CO2. Significant differences existed between leaf and ecosystem water flux. In general, leaf transpiration (E) decreased over the course of the experiment, possibly in response to leaf aging, while ecosystem rates of evapotranspiration (ET) remained constant, probably because falling leaf rates were offset by an increasing total leaf biomass. Transpiration was lower in plants grown at elevated CO2, though variation was high because of variability in leaf age and ambient light conditions and differences were not significant. In contrast, ecosystem evapotranspiration (ET) was significantly decreased by elevated CO2 on 5 out of 8 measurement dates. Photosynthetic water use efficiencies (A/E at the leaf level, A/ET at the ecosystem level) were increased by elevated CO2. Increases were due to both increased A at leaf and ecosystem level and decreased leaf E and ecosystem ET.  相似文献   

Summary An exotic Zea mays L. population (Tuxpeno) was adapted to North Carolina conditions by first introducing genes for adaptability from two North Carolina varieties ([(Jarvis X Indian Chief)Tuxpeno]Tuxpeno) including four generations of intermating, and then selecting for adaptability using maturity as the primary measure. The study evaluated selection for adaptability and the diversity available between adapted Tuxpeno and the local varieties, Jarvis and Indian Chief. Analytical procedures were developed to quantify the diversity between populations and the complementation of local varieties by introduced germ plasms. The analyses utilized the specific effects available from the diallel mating design.Three replicate selections responded similarly under simple recurrent mass selection (1/10) for the earliest disease-free plants initially and additionally for plant types (primarily height) in the final generation. The 1/4 local germ plasm permitted rapid adaptation of Tuxpeno gene pool to local conditions. The adapted Tuxpeno populations yielded similarly to the local populations with an average heterosis for grain yield of 28% when crossed to the local populations used as source of genes for adaptability. The diversity found between adapted Tuxpeno lines and these local varieties based on genes affecting grain yield was 1.5 to 2.5 times that measured between the local varieties (Jarvis and Indian Chief). Diversity lost through intergradation with local material was a reasonable investment. Yield genes introduced from Tuxpeno complemented local gene pools through nonadditive, primarily dominance-associated, gene effects. Reassortment of major gene blocks apparently occurred leading to significant divergence among replicate selections involving both additive-associated and dominance-associated gene effects.Paper No. 6355 of the North Carolina Agri. Res. Ser., Raleigh, NC. Research supported in collaboration with the Rockefeller Foundation and CIMMYT, D.F. (Mexico)  相似文献   

The relationship of abscisic acid (ABA) and 2-trans-abscisic acid (t-ABA) to alternate bearing has been examined in Wilking mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) trees. Leaves, stems and buds of trees loaded with fruit (on trees) had 4.3, 6.0 and 2.2 fold higher ABA levels than the corresponding organs from off trees. Leaves had higher ABA levels than stems and buds in both on and off trees. t-ABA was non-detectable in Wilking leaf, stem and bud tissue. Amounts of t-ABA not exceeding 40% of the ABA content, were found in Shamouti and Valencia orange buds and in Wilking fruit peel.The elevated levels of ABA in on tree organs may reflect a stress imposed by the fruit overload.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic analysis for leaf rust reaction of two widely adapted cultivars, Sonalika and WL 711, has been done using 21 near isogenic Lr lines and rust culture IL004 — avirulent on the two cultivars and all the Lr lines used. The segregation pattern in the F2 generation indicated the presence of a recessive gene in Sonalika and of a dominant gene in WL 711. These genes in cultivars Sonalika and WL 711 have been identified as Lr 11 and Lr 13, respectively. Gene Lr 13 is no longer effective in WL 711 but it continues to give field resistance in the backgrounds of Chris, Prelude and Thatcher. There has been no significant change in the virulence spectrum of the leaf rust pathogen in India with the release of WL 711. High susceptibility of WL 711 seems to be due to the evolution of more aggressive forms of the pathogen to this cultivar. The gene Lr 11, which behaves as a recessive in Sonalika, was effective against leaf rust when this cultivar was released. The high susceptibility of Sonalika is probably due to an increase in the frequency of race 77 virulent on Lr 11. Lr 11 has shown a dominance reversal in the background of Sonalika. Present results suggest that interaction of resistance genes with the background genotype must be studied for their effective use in breeding programme.  相似文献   

On age morphological changes of males of Chydoridae (Cladocera)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
N. N. Smirnov 《Hydrobiologia》1967,30(3-4):555-571
Summary Young and adult males of 11 species of Chydoridae are studied, their figures being published here (fig. 1–15). The necessity is stressed to distinguish young forms of males and gynandromorphic individuals.Pleuroxus balatonicus is considered to be described from the population ofPleuroxus unicatus having under Balaton Lake conditions retarded transformation of young males into adult form, and accordingly having unusually numerous young males. \qO\qs\qn\qo\qv\qn\qy\ye \qr\ye\qz\qu\ql\Qj\qt\qa\qt\qy 11 (. 1–15). . , Pleuroxus uncinatus , Pleuroxus balatonicus.  相似文献   

Summary On t.l.c. plates 125I-cholera toxin binds to a disialoganglioside tentatively identified as GDlb with about 10 times less capacity than to ganglioside GM1. Binding of labeled toxin to both gangliosides was abolished in presence of excess amounts of unlabeled B subunit. Ganglioside extracts from human or pig intestinal mucosa showed toxin binding to gangliosides GM1 and GD1b. In ganglioside-containing lipid monolayers the penetration of the toxin was independent of the ganglioside binding capacity.Abbreviations GM2 Gal-NAc14Gal(3-2NeuAc)14G1c1Cer - GM1 Gal3Ga1-NAc14Gal(32NeuAc)14G1c11Cer - GD1a NeuAc23Ga113Gal-NAc14Gal(32NeuAc)14G1c11Cer - GD1b Gall3Gal-NAcl4Gal(32NeuAc82NeuAc)14Glc11Cer - GT1b NeuAc23Ga113Ga1-NAcal4Gal(3-2NeuAc82NeuAc)14G1c11Cer - dpPC 1,2-hexadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine - dpPE 1,2-hexadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine  相似文献   

Summary Measurements of leaf thickness and 13C value were obtained for twenty species and three intergeneric hybrids of the Crassulaceae. The data include plants growing in their native habitats and also in greenhouse cultivation. There is a strong relationship between leaf thickness and leaf 13C values. The plants with the thickest leaves of ca. 7 to 11 mm had 13C values ranging from -11.5 to -13.8. Plants with leaves that were thinner than 2.0 mm all had 13C values that were more negative than -23. Plants having intermediate leaf thickness possessed intermediate 13C values. The leaf tissue of four genotypes spanning the range of leaf thicknesses all exhibited a two-fold or greater nocturnal increase in titratable acidity. It appears that the differences in leaf thickness and 13C values among the tested species are genetically determined.  相似文献   

The response of effective quantum yield of photosystem 2 (F/Fm) to temperature was investigated under field conditions (1 950 m a.s.l.) in three alpine plant species with contrasting leaf temperature climates. The in situ temperature response did not follow an optimum curve but under saturating irradiances [PPFD >800 µìmol(photon) m–2s–1] highest F/Fm occurred at leaf temperatures below 10°C. This was comparable to the temperature response of antarctic vascular plants. Leaf temperatures between 0 and 15°C were the most frequently (41 to 56%) experienced by the investigated species. At these temperatures, F/Fm was highest in all species (data from all irradiation classes included) but the species differed in the temperature at which F/Fm dropped below 50% (Soldanella pusilla >20°C, Loiseleuria procumbens >25°C, and Saxifraga paniculata >40°C). The in situ response of F/Fm showed significantly higher F/Fm values at saturating PPFD for the species growing in full sunlight (S. paniculata and L. procumbens) than for S. pusilla growing under more moderate PPFD. The effect of increasing PPFD on F/Fm, for a given leaf temperature, was most pronounced in S. pusilla. Despite the broad diurnal leaf temperature amplitude of alpine environments, only in S. paniculata did saturating PPFD occur over a broad range of leaf temperatures (43 K). In the other two species it was half of that (around 20 K). This indicates that the setting of environmental scenarios (leaf temperature×PPFD) in laboratory experiments often likely exceeds the actual environmental demand in the field.This revised version was published online in March 2005 with corrections to the page numbers.  相似文献   

A novel syrup containing neofructo-oligosaccharides was produced from sucrose (Brix 70) by whole cells of Penicillium citrinum. The efficiency of fructo-oligosaccharides production was more than 55% and those of the main carbohydrate components, 1-kestose (Fruf 21Fruf 21 Glc), nystose (Fruf 21Fruf 21 Fruf 21 Glc) and neokestose (Fruf 26 Glc12 Fruf), were 22, 14 and 11%, respectively.  相似文献   

CO2 exchange, transpiration and stomatal conductance of 39 subtropical tree species were studied under five light intensities at around atmospheric air temperatures found in subtropics during the active growth period of these species. Photosynthesis rates under different light intensities were strongly dependent on leaf to air temperature differences (T). Based on T, 39 species fell in two distinct categories namely, undertemperature and overtemperature. Majority of the species in the former group were found to have relatively higher rate of photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, transpiration as well as water use efficiency. These species also showed higher light saturation for photosynthesis. The significance of the results is discussed in terms of adaptive potential in the two types of species.  相似文献   

Summary The zymogram phenotypes that Chinese Spring-Imperial, Holdfast-King II and Kharkov-Dakold wheat-rye addition lines presented for esterase isozymes were determined using polyacrylamide gel ectrophoresis. The analyses were carried out with different parts of the dry kernel, namely embryo plus scutellum and endosperm, leaves and roots. In all cases, embryo plus scutellum, endosperm and leaf presented different patterns of esterases. The patterns of leaves and roots were the same. Results indicate that rye esterases exist as monomers and dimers. Dimeric esterases are controlled by one locus located on the 3R chromosomes of Imperial, King II and Dakold rye cultivars. Five loci involved in the production of monomeric esterases have been located on the 6R chromosomes of these cultivars, specifically on the long arm of the King II 6R chromosome. On the basis of these results, considerations concerning chromosome homoeology and homology are made.  相似文献   

Roelf Pot 《Hydrobiologia》1996,340(1-3):59-65
Changes in vegetation under reduced control measures over 3 to 5 years in watercourses in a rural environment in The Netherlands were evaluated. A method to deal with slow changes on a steep gradient is presented. The gradient with various vegetation types between the middle of the watercourse and the bank-top was split up into zones. Species composition of each zone was evaluated using literature on syntaxonomy. Cover of character species, multiplied by the width of the zones, was used to quantify the contribution of various syntaxa in the vegetation. Changes in these contribution data were used to evaluate changes over the years. The method was applied to two experiments in which cleaning frequency was reduced. Submerged vegetation of Callitriche-Ranunculetum penicillati in one and of Potamogetonetalia pectinati in the other case, hardly changed. Emergent vegetation of Nasturtio-Glycerietalia or Sparganio-Glycerietum fluitans tended to expand into the submerged zone. Bank vegetation began to show signs of development into ruderal vegetation, as a shift from Molinio-Arrhenatheretea into Artemisietea was detected. The method allowed the conclusion that conditions were too eutrophic in both experiments for a diverse brook vegetation development without additional habitat improvement.  相似文献   

A simple method for stimulating and maintaining high in vitro multiplication of Narcissus shoot clump cultures was developed. Shoot clumps were subjected either to normal cutting where leaves were trimmed to 20 mm in length at the beginning of each culture passage or to severe cutting where shoot clumps were cut down to the basal plate region removing all green tissue. Severe cutting at the beginning of each culture passage initially doubled the leaf multiplication, compared to normal cutting, but the difference between cutting treatments declined in successive passages. The improvement in leaf multiplication was maintained when shoot clumps were subjected to severe cutting only at every other culture passage, with no cutting in the alternate recovery passages. In vitro multiplication was increased by severe cutting in all seven Narcissus cultivars which were tested.Abbreviations NAA-1 naphthylacetic acid - BAP benzylaminopurine  相似文献   

The effect of salmon carcasses on the growth of a freshwater amphipod, Jesogammarus jesoensis (Schellenberg) (Gammaridea, Anisogammaridae), was examined experimentally. Growth rate was determined by rearing juvenile amphipods in four food treatments (leaves, salmon, leaves and salmon and leaves with salmon leachate) for 20days. Mass loss and oxygen consumption of the leaves were also measured in the three treatments with leaves. The oxygen consumption rate of leaves was lower in the leaves treatment than in either the leaves and salmon or leaves with salmon leachate treatments, indicating that microbial activity on leaves was enhanced by the presence of salmon carcasses. Mass loss of leaves did not differ between the three treatments with leaves. The growth rate of the amphipods did not differ between the leaves and salmon treatments, or between the leaves and salmon and leaves with salmon leachate treatments. Growth rates in the two latter treatments were higher than rates in the leaves treatment, but not higher than the rates in the salmon treatment. Therefore, it appears likely that consuming leaves fertilized with nutrients from salmon carcasses facilitates growth in this amphipod.  相似文献   

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