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带芒草属物种新型高分子量谷蛋白亚基的鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用SDSPAGE方法对牧草带芒草属3个种8份材料的高分子量谷蛋白进行了检测和鉴定。结果显示,带芒草物种具有的高分子量谷蛋白亚基与普通小麦中发现的不一样,其迁移率存在较大差异。其中,x型亚基均比Dx2亚基迁移率小或接近,y型亚基均比Dx12亚基迁移率大。8份材料中共发现了4种x型亚基新类型(Tax1,Tax2,Tax3和Tax4),5种y型亚基新类型(Tay1,Tay2,Tay3,Tay4和Tay5)和6种亚基组合类型(Tax1+Tay3,Tax3+Tay2,Tax4+Tay1,Tax1+Tay1,Tax2+Tay5,Tax4+Tay2),该项研究结果揭示了带芒草属植物可能具有与普通小麦类似的高分子量谷蛋白亚基,这些亚基在小麦品质遗传改良中具有潜在的利用价值。  相似文献   

高分子量谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS,high molecular weight glutenin subunits)是小麦子粒贮藏蛋白的重要组成成分,其组成、搭配、表达水平及含量决定面团弹性和面包加工品质。本文主要介绍了小麦HMW-GS编码基因的克隆、分子特征、分子标记开发及其在小麦育种中的应用,并综述了不同HMW-GS与面粉加工品质之间的关系,以及HMW-GS基因遗传转化、微量配粉和突变体培育等方面的研究进展,分析了目前研究中存在的主要问题,认为通过分子标记辅助选择和转基因技术聚合优质亚基,培育优质面包小麦品种和明确各个HMW-GS基因的品质效应是今后的研究重点。  相似文献   

小麦高分子量谷蛋白亚基及其基因的研究进展   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
主要介绍了小麦高分子量谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)及其基因的研究进展情况,目前,转基因小麦的技术已经逐渐成熟,由于分子生物学领域分子标记技术的迅速发展,尤其是PCR技术的广泛应用,为实现外源优良储藏蛋白基因导入改良品种提供了可能,利用已知小麦品种的基因序列设计引物,从众多的未知小麦品种中扩增出新基因加以研究并做外源优质HMW-GS基因的转入已成为一种趋势。  相似文献   

In common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), allelic variations of Glu-1 loci have important influences on grain end-use quality. The allelic variations in high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GSs) were identified in 151 hexaploid wheat varieties representing a historical trend in the cultivars introduced or released in Hebei province of China from the years 1970s to 2010s. Thirteen distinct alleles were detected for Glu-1. At Glu-A1, Glu-B1 and Glu-D1, we found that the most frequent alleles were the 1 (43.0%), 7+8 (64.9%), 2+12 (74.8%) alleles, respectively, in wheat varieties. Twenty two different HMW-GS compositions were observed in wheat. Twenty-five (16.6%) genotypes possessed the combination of subunits 1, 7+8, 2+12, 25 (16.6%) genotypes had subunit composition of 2*, 7+8, 2+12; 20 (13.2%) genotypes had subunit composition of null, 7+8, 2+12. The frequency of other subunit composition was less than 10%. The Glu-1 quality score greater than or equal to 9 accounted for 20.6% of the wheat varieties. The percentage of superior subunits (1 or 2* subunit at Glu-A1 locus; 7+8, 14+15 or 17+18 at Glu-B1 locus; 5+10 or 5+12 at Glu-D1 locus) was an upward trend over the last 40 years. The more different superior alleles correlated with good bread-making quality should be introduced for their usage in wheat improvement efforts.  相似文献   

小麦高分子量谷蛋白亚基对加工品质影响的效应分析   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28  
分析了 2 50份小麦材料的高分子量谷蛋白亚基 (HMW- GS)组成以及其中 66份材料的加工品质及面条制作品质。回归分析表明 :HMW- GS与 1 0种加工品质性状均有显著的线性关系。不同亚基对综合品质效应的得分大小依次为 :Glu- Al,1 >2 * >null;Glu- Bl,1 4 +1 5>7+8>1 7+1 8>>7+9;Glu- Dl,5+1 0 >>2 +1 2 >4+1 2。不同基因位点对品质的贡献大小顺序为 :Glu- Dl>Glu- Al>Glu- Bl。首次提出了 HMW- GS综合品质评分系统  相似文献   

Summary A gene encoding the high-molecular-weight (HMW) subunit of glutenin 1Ax1 was isolated from bread wheat cv Hope. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with that previously reported for an allelic subunit, 1Ax2*, showed only minor differences, which were consistent with both subunits being associated with good bread-making quality. Quantitative analyses of total protein extracts from 22 cultivars of bread wheat showed that the presence of either subunit 1Ax1 or 1Ax2*, when compared with a null allele, resulted in an increase in the proportion of HMW subunit protein from ca. 8 to 10% of the total. It is suggested that this quantitative increase in HMW subunit protein may account for the association of 1Ax subunits with good quality.EMBL Data Library. Accession number: X61009  相似文献   

Summary One-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of reduced total protein extracts from the endosperm of hexaploid wheat revealed a new set of faintly-stained bands, having slower electrophoretic mobility than the high-molecular-weight (HMW) glutenin subunits. These new bands have been termed the E group of glutenin subunits. Analysis of aneuploid stocks of Chinese Spring wheat has shown that three of the E bands, in order of increasing electrophoretic mobility, are controlled by genes on the short arms of chromosomes 1B, 1A and 1D, respectively. The E bands are expressed only in the presence of the long arm of chromosome 1B indicating an interaction between two or more genes involved in their production in wheat endosperm. The gene on the short arm of chromosome 1D controlling an E subunit recombined freely with Tri-D1 and the centromere but not at all with Gli-D1, indicating additional complexity at the Gli-DI locus in wheat.  相似文献   

Five crosses were made, using a set of New Zealand wheat cultivars, to measure the effect of glutenin allele differences on baking quality parameters. The alleles involved were: Glu-A1 (2*, 1 and n), Glu-D1 (5+10, 2+12), Glu-A3 (c, d and e), Glu-B3 (Sec-12, Sec-13, b and g), Glu-D3 (a and b). The allelic variation of F3 individual plants was identified by SDS-PAGE, and plants with the same HMW-GS and LMW-GS patterns were grouped. Quality parameters were then measured on the grouped F4 bulks. Quality parameters measured for this study were wholemeal flour protein content (WFP), grain hardness (HAR), SDS sedimentation volume (SED), Pelshenke time (PEL), mid-line peak value (MPV) and the mid-line peak time (MPT) of a mixograph. The results showed there were significant quality differences within most populations associated with the possession of a particular allele, reaching magnitudes of up to 42% for the range between populations. Most glutenin allelic comparisons showed significant differences for at least one of the resultant measured quality parameters. Allelic differences of Glu-A1 significantly influenced all characters except MPT, with the null allele apparently inferior; possession of 5+10 at Glu-D1 significantly increased Pelshenke time and SED volumes relative to allele 2+12; WFP, SED and MPV were significantly affected by the Glu-A3 alleles tested. Glu-B3 alleles significantly affected all characters except hardness and the Glu-D3 alleles tested significantly affected all characters other than hardness and SDS sedimentation volume. Received: 8 June 1999 / Accepted: 25 July 2000  相似文献   

Low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits are classically divided into the B, C and D groups. Most attention has been paid to the characterisation of the B and D groups, whereas C subunits, although represented by a large number of protein components, have not been thoroughly characterised, mainly because they tend to separate with the gliadins in many fractionation procedures. Here we describe a procedure for obtaining a fraction strongly enriched in C subunits that has allowed us to determine the chromosomal location of these subunits in the bread wheat cultivar Chinese Spring. This analysis has shown that these subunits are coded on chromosome groups 1 and 6. Comparison between N-terminal amino acid sequencing of B and C subunits has shown that, whereas the former group includes mainly subunits with typical LMW-GS type sequences (76%), the C subunit group is made up almost completely of subunits with gliadin-like sequences (95%), including the alpha-type. These results indicate that the LMW-GSs are likely to be coded not only by the typical Glu-3 loci, but also by loci tightly linked to, and possibly included within, the Gli-1 and Gli-2 loci.  相似文献   

部分小麦高分子量谷蛋白亚基组成分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用十二烷基硫酸钠聚丙烯胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)分析了85个小麦材料的高分子量谷蛋白亚基的构成,其结果表明:(1)目前生产中应用的优质小麦品种,大部分具有1A上的优质亚基1,1B上的14+15/17+18或1D上的5+10,个别品种还同时聚合有1A,1B,1D上的优质亚基;(2)在所分析的28个八倍体小偃麦中,多数材料含有1,2^*和5+10等优质亚基;(3)在本实验室创造的材料中,来源于中间偃麦草和普通小麦杂交的后代材料中大部分具有14+15亚基。此外,个别种质材料还含有Payne亚基命名系统中未命名的一些稀有的高分子量谷蛋白亚基。  相似文献   

Restriction enzyme digests of DNA from nullisomic-tetrasomic and intervarietal chromosome substitution lines of wheat were probed with a high molecular weight (HMW) glutenin cDNA. Three restriction endonucleases were used to investigate restriction-fragment differences among five wheat varieties. The results suggest that the hybridizing fragments contain single gene copies and permit the identification of the subunit encoded by each gene. Restriction-fragment variation associated with previously established allelic differences between varieties was observed. Also, there is a clear relationship between the electrophoretic mobility of a HMW subunit and the length of the central repetitive section of the gene encoding it. These results are discussed with reference to the evolution of the HMW glutenin gene family and the uses of restriction-fragment variation in plant breeding and genetics.N.P.H. was supported by a MRC Training Fellowship in Recombinant DNA Technology and a grant from the Perry Foundation. D.B. is supported by EEC Contract GBI-4-027-UK.  相似文献   

Distribution of gluten proteins in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) grain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Background and Aims

Gluten proteins are the major storage protein fraction in the mature wheat grain. They are restricted to the starchy endosperm, which forms white flour on milling, and interact during grain development to form large polymers which form a continuous proteinaceous network when flour is mixed with water to give dough. This network confers viscosity and elasticity to the dough, enabling the production of leavened products. The starchy endosperm is not a homogeneous tissue and quantitative and qualitative gradients exist for the major components: protein, starch and cell wall polysaccharides. Gradients in protein content and composition are the most evident and are of particular interest because of the major role played by the gluten proteins in determining grain processing quality.


Protein gradients in the starchy endosperm were investigated using antibodies for specific gluten protein types for immunolocalization in developing grains and for western blot analysis of protein extracts from flour fractions obtained by sequential abrasion (pearling) to prepare tissue layers.

Key Results

Differential patterns of distribution were found for the high-molecular-weight subunits of glutenin (HMW-GS) and γ-gliadins when compared with the low-molecular-weight subunits of glutenin (LMW-GS), ω- and α-gliadins. The first two types of gluten protein are more abundant in the inner endosperm layers and the latter more abundant in the subaleurone. Immunolocalization also showed that segregation of gluten proteins occurs both between and within protein bodies during protein deposition and may still be retained in the mature grain.


Quantitative and qualitative gradients in gluten protein composition are established during grain development. These gradients may be due to the origin of subaleurone cells, which unlike other starchy endosperm cells derive from the re-differentiation of aleurone cells, but could also result from the action of specific regulatory signals produced by the maternal tissue on specific domains of the gluten protein gene promoters.  相似文献   

Somatic hybridization between bread wheat and tall wheatgrass (Agropyron elongatum) has generated fertile introgression progenies with novel combinations of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS). Most of these novel HMW-GS alleles were stably inherited. Sixteen HMW-GS sequences were PCR amplified from three introgression progeny lines and sequenced. The alignment of these sequences indicated that five, probably derived from point mutations of the parental genes, whereas eight likely represent the product of replication slippage. Three Glu-1Ay sequences appear to have lost the transposon presented in the parental gene. Two subunits carry an additional cysteine residue, which may be favorable to the quality of end-use product. We demonstrate that novel HMW-GS alleles can be rapidly generated via asymmetric somatic hybridization. Heng Liu and Shuwei Liu have contributed equally to the work.  相似文献   

The low-molecular-weight (LMW) glutenin subunits are components of the highly cross-linked glutenin polymers that confer viscoelastic properties to gluten and dough. They have both quantitative and qualitative effects on dough quality that may relate to differences in their ability to form the inter-chain disulphide bonds that stabilise the polymers. In order to determine the relationship between dough quality and the amounts and properties of the LMW subunits, we have transformed the pasta wheat cultivars Svevo and Ofanto with three genes encoding proteins, which differ in their numbers or positions of cysteine residues. The transgenes were delivered under control of the high-molecular-weight (HMW) subunit 1Dx5 gene promoter and terminator regions, and the encoded proteins were C-terminally tagged by the introduction of the c-myc epitope. Stable transformants were obtained with both cultivars, and the use of a specific antibody to the c-myc epitope tag allowed the transgene products to be readily detected in the complex mixture of LMW subunits. A range of transgene expression levels was observed. The addition of the epitope tag did not compromise the correct folding of the trangenic subunits and their incorporation into the glutenin polymers. Our results demonstrate that the ability to specifically epitope-tag LMW glutenin transgenes can greatly assist in the elucidation of their individual contributions to the functionality of the complex gluten system.Communicated by J. W. Snape  相似文献   

Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants - High yielding genotypes differing for high molecular weight glutenin subunits at Glu D1 locus in national wheat programme of India were examined for...  相似文献   

The allelic diversity of high-moleculat-weght glutenin subunits (H WIGS) in Russian and Ukrainian bread wheat cultivars was analyzed. The diversity of spring wheat cultivars for alleles of the Glu-1 loci is characterized by medium values of the polymorphism index (polymorphism information content, PlC), and in winter wheats it varies from high at the Glu-A1 locus to low at the Glu-D1 locus. The spring and winter cultivars differ significantly in the frequencies of alleles of the glutenin loci. The combination of the Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, and Glu-D1a alleles prevails among the spring cultivars, and the combination of the Glu-A1a, Glu-B1c, and Glu-D1d alleles prevails among the winter cultivars. The distribution of the Glu-1 alleles significantly depends on the moisture and heat supply in the region of origin of the cultivars. Drought resistance is associated with the Glu-D1a allele in the spring wheat and with the Glu-B1b allele in the winter wheat. The sources of the Glu-1 alleles were identified in the spring and wheat cultivars. The analysis of independence of the distribution of the spring and winter cultivars by the market classes and by the alleles of the HMWGS loci showed a highly significant association of the alleles of three Glu-1 loci with the market classes in foreign cultivars and independence or a weak association in the Russian and Ukrainian cultivars. This seems to be due to the absence of a statistically substantiated system of classification of the domestic cultivars on the basis of their quality.  相似文献   

Summary The genes controlling the synthesis of the high-molecular-weight subunits of glutenin on the long arms of chromosomes 1A and IB were mapped to the -gliadin genes on the short arms by analysing the progeny of three test crosses by sodium dodecyl sulphate, polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. Only very weak linkages were detected: the percentage recombination ranged from 39% to 47% and as the values did not significantly differ from each other, the data was pooled. A mean recombination of 43% was obtained and the map distance between glutenin and gliadin genes was calculated to be 66 cM. The analysis of three crosses involving telocentric lines revealed that the glutenin subunit genes on chromosomes 1A, IB and ID are tightly linked to the centromere, the mean map distance being 9.0 cM.  相似文献   

Summary The high-molecular-weight (HMW) subunits of glutenin from about 185 varieties were fractionated by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). About 20 different, major subunits were distinguished by this technique although each variety contained, with only a few exceptions, between 3 and 5 subunits. Further inter-varietal substitution lines to those already described (Payne et al. 1980) were analysed and the results indicate that all the HMW subunits are controlled by the homoeologous group 1 chromosomes. All hexaploid varieties studied except ‘NapHal’ contained two major subunits controlled by chromosome 1D. Their genes were shown to be tightly linked genetically for only four different types of banding patterns were observed. The nominal molecular weights determined after fractionation in 10% polyacrylamide gels were between 110,000 and 115,000 for the larger of the two subunits and between 82,000 and 84,000 for the smaller. One quarter of the varieties contained only one major HMW subunit controlled by chromosome 1B whereas the rest had two. The chromosome 1B subunits were the most varied and nine different banding patterns were detected. All the subunits had mobilities which were intermediate between those of the two chromosome 1D-controlled subunits. Only two types of HMW subunit controlled by chromosome 1A were detected in all the varieties examined; a single variety never contained both of these subunits and 40% of varieties contained neither. The chromosome 1A-controlled subunits had slightly slower mobilities in 10% gels than the largest HMW subunit controlled by chromosome 1D. About 100 single grains were analysed from each of five different crosses of the type (F1 of variety A × variety B) × variety C. The results indicate that the genes on chromosome 1B which control the synthesis of subunits 6, 7, 13, 14 and 17 are allelic, as are the genes of the chromosome 1A-controlled subunits, 1 and 2.  相似文献   

小麦低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基与面团流变学特性关系的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙稀酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)分离方法,以牛血清蛋白(67kD)和卵清蛋白(43kD)为分子量标记,对甘肃河西灌区近几年选育的17个小麦品系以及大面积栽培的2个春小麦品种的低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基组成以及不同亚基对面团流变学特性(面团韧性P、延伸性L、面团筋力W)的影响进行分析。19个试验材料中共标记出从35.2~60.5kD的LMW-GS共32条谱带;通过单因素方差分析(ANOVA)和逐步回归分析确定出对面团流变学特性P、L、W值影响显著的7个LMW-GS,分子量由高到低为:52.7kD、52kD、49.3kD、46.7kD、44.8kD、44.2kD、35.2kD。其中35.2kD和46.7kD亚基能显著地增加面团P值,44.8kD亚基能显著地降低面团P值;44.2kD和49.3kD亚基显著增加面团L值,52.7kD亚基降低面团L值;44.8kD、52.7kD亚基能显著降低面团的W值,52.0kD和46.7kD亚基能显著提高面团W值。  相似文献   

Wheat high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) 1Bx14 and 1By15 isolated by preparative SDS-PAGE are used as antigen to immunize BALB/c mice. Subcutaneous inoculation of the antigen is performed. The intra-peritoneal injection is completed 3 days before fusion with myeloma cell (SP2/0) via PEG-1500. The fusion cells are selected by indirect enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay (ELISA). Positive hybrid cells are further verified three times by limit dilution of the culture cells. A hybridoma cell line is successfully obtained. The monoclonal antibody belongs to IgG1 subclass. In immunoblotting, the antibody binds to all HMW-GS of T.aestivum cultivars, but does not bind to other storage proteins in seeds of wheat. This result is consisting with the high homology in amino acid sequences among the HMW glutenin subunits in wheat. The antibody also binds to HMW-GS storage proteins in Aegilops squarrosa and T. durum (durum wheat). Furthermore, it also binds to HMW storage proteins in Secale cereale (rye),Hordeum vulgare (barley). However, it never binds seed storage proteins in other cereals such as maize, oat, rice, foxtail millet, sorghum etc. The antigen determinant recognized by the antibody has been located within hexapeptide [PGQGQQ] or / and nonapeptide [GYYPTSPQQ] in the central repetitive region of HMW-GS.  相似文献   

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