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The neural mechanisms by which short photoperiod induces gonadal regression among seasonally breeding mammals are not well understood. One hypothesis suggests that the proximate cause of seasonal gonadal regression is a photoperiod-induced modification in GnRH secretion. This hypothesis is indirectly supported by our recent findings using immunocytochemistry which identified specific photoperiod-induced adjustments in the number and morphology of GnRH containing neurones between reproductively competent and reproductively regressed laboratory housed male deer mice. Herein, we report that the GnRH neuronal system is similarly affected in reproductively responsive and nonresponsive wild male deer mice Peromyscus maniculatus exposed to a natural short photoperiod. The distribution of immunoreactive (IR)-GnRH neurones was nearly identical in field caught animals and those housed under artificial photoperiod in the laboratory. Compared with reproductively nonresponsive males, reproductively responsive mice from the field population possessed a greater total number of IR-GnRH neurones, a greater number of IR-GnRH neurones within the lateral hypothalamus, and a greater proportion of bipolar IR-GnRH neurones. Each of these distributional and morphological characters was consistent with our findings in laboratory housed male deer mice exposed to an artificial short photoperiod. Taken together, these data underscore the validity of using an artificial photoperiod to evaluate seasonal adjustments in reproductive function in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Although it is axiomatic that males and females differ in relation to many aspects of reproduction related to physiology, morphology and behaviour, relatively little is known about possible sex differences in the response to cues from the environment that control the timing of seasonal breeding. This review concerns the environmental regulation of seasonal reproduction in birds and how this process might differ between males and females. From an evolutionary perspective, the sexes can be expected to differ in the cues they use to time reproduction. Female reproductive fitness typically varies more as a function of fecundity selection, while male reproductive fitness varies more as a function sexual selection. Consequently, variation in the precision of the timing of egg laying is likely to have more serious fitness consequences for females than for males, while variation in the timing of recrudescence of the male testes and accompanying territory establishment and courtship are likely to have more serious fitness consequences for males. From the proximate perspective, sex differences in the control of reproduction could be regulated via the response to photoperiod or in the relative importance and action of supplementary factors (such as temperature, food supply, nesting sites and behavioural interactions) that adjust the timing of reproduction so that it is in step with local conditions. For example, there is clear evidence in several temperate zone avian species that females require both supplementary factors and long photoperiods in order for follicles to develop, while males can attain full gonadal size based on photoperiodic stimulation alone. The neuroendocrine basis of these sex differences is not well understood, though there are many candidate mechanisms in the brain as well as throughout the entire hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis that might be important.  相似文献   

Natural variation in neuroendocrine traits is poorly understood, despite the importance of variation in brain function and evolution. Most rodents in the temperate zones inhibit reproduction and other nonessential functions in short winter photoperiods, but some have little or no reproductive response. We tested whether genetic variability in reproductive seasonality is related to individual differences in the neuronal function of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone network, as assessed by the number and location of mature gonadotropin-releasing hormone-secreting neurons under inhibitory and excitatory photoperiods. The experiments used lines of Peromyscus leucopus previously developed by selection from a wild population. One line contained individuals reproductively inhibited by short photoperiod, and the other line contained individuals nonresponsive to short photoperiod. Expression of mature gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) immunoreactivity in the brain was detected using SMI-41 antibody in the single-labeled avidin-biotin-peroxidase-complex method. Nonresponsive mice had 50% more immunoreactive GnRH neurons than reproductively inhibited mice in both short- and long-day photoperiods. The greatest differences were in the anterior hypothalamus and preoptic areas. In contrast, we detected no significant within-lines differences in the number or location of immunoreactive GnRH neurons between photoperiod treatments. Our data indicate that high levels of genetic variation in a single wild population for a specific neuronal trait are related to phenotypic variation in a life history trait, i.e., winter reproduction. Variation in GnRH neuronal activity may underlie some of the natural reproductive and life history variation observed in wild populations of P. leucopus. Similar genetic variation in neuronal traits may be present in humans and other species.  相似文献   

Most temperate-zone species use photoperiod to coordinate breeding and ensure that offspring are born during favourable conditions. Although photoperiodic influences on the reproductive axis have been well characterized, the precise mechanisms by which photoperiodic information and other seasonal cues are integrated to regulate reproductive function remain less well specified. Two recently discovered neuropeptides, kisspeptin and gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone, have pronounced opposing influences on reproductive function. This paper will review recent evidence for a role of these peptides in seasonal reproduction and propose a theoretical framework by which these novel regulatory peptides may serve to regulate seasonal breeding. Understanding the mechanisms regulating appropriate changes in reproductive status will serve to advance a wide range of life science disciplines.  相似文献   

New insights into ancient seasonal life timers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Organisms must adapt to seasonal changes in the environment and time their physiology accordingly. In vertebrates, the annual change in photoperiod is often critical for entraining the neuroendocrine pathways, which drive seasonal metabolic and reproductive cycles. These cycles depend on thyroid hormone (TH), reflecting its ancestral role in metabolic control. Recent studies reveal that - in mammals and birds - TH effects are mediated by the hypothalamus. Photoperiodic manipulations alter hypothalamic TH availability by regulating the expression of TH deiodinases (DIO). In non-mammalian vertebrates, light acts through extraretinal, 'deep brain' photoreceptors, and the eyes are not involved in seasonal photoperiodic responses. In mammals, extraretinal photoreceptors have been lost, and the nocturnal melatonin signal generated from the pineal gland has been co-opted to provide the photoperiodic message. Pineal function is phased to the light-dark cycle by retinal input, and photoperiodic changes in melatonin secretion control neuroendocrine pathway function. New evidence indicates that these comparatively divergent photosensensory mechanisms re-converge in the pars tuberalis of the pituitary, lying beneath the hypothalamus. In all vertebrates studied, the pars tuberalis secretes thyrotrophin in a light- or melatonin-sensitive manner, to act on neighbouring hypothalamic DIO expressing cells. Hence, an ancient and fundamentally conserved brain thyroid signalling system governs seasonal biology in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Siberian hamsters exhibit seasonal, photoperiod influenced cycles of reproductive activity, body size, pelage characteristics, and thermoregulatory behavior. Laboratory populations generally exhibit inter-individual variability in expression of photoperiod responsiveness, with a subset of individuals that fail to show the species typical responses to short photoperiod. This variability is partly explained by a genetic component, as it has been possible to increase the number of short-day nonresponders by artificial selection. Responsiveness to short photoperiod is also substantially influenced by photoperiod history in this species; hamsters that have been raised under long (16L) or very long (18L) day lengths are less likely to exhibit winter-type responses to short days as compared to hamsters raised under an intermediate (14L) day length. In the present experiment, we examined effects of age and early photoperiod history in a strain of Siberian hamsters that had been selected for short-day nonresponsiveness. Hamsters transferred into short photoperiod on the day of birth were uniform in exhibiting winter-type responses. However, hamsters raised until 25 days of age in either continuous illumination or in 16L exhibited variation in responsiveness when subsequently moved into short photoperiod. We conclude that virtually all hamsters of the short-day nonresponsive strain are born responsive to short days. Subsequent development of resistance to potential short day effects is dependent on age and/or photoperiod history.  相似文献   

Energetic demands are high while energy availability is minimum during winter. To cope with this energetic bottleneck, animals exhibit numerous energy-conserving adaptations during winter, including changes in immune and reproductive functions. A majority of individual rodents within a population inhibits reproductive function (responders) as winter approaches. A substantial proportion of small rodents within a species, however, fails to inhibit reproduction (nonresponders) during winter in the field or in the laboratory when maintained in winter-simulated day lengths. In contrast, immune function is bolstered by short day lengths in some species. The specific mechanisms that link reproductive and immune functions remain unspecified. Leptin is a hormone produced by adipose tissue, and several studies suggest that leptin modulates reproductive and immune functions. The present study sought to determine if photoperiodic alterations in reproductive function and leptin concentrations are linked to photoperiod-modulated changes in immune function. Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) were housed in either long (LD 16:8) or short (LD 8:16) day lengths for 9 wk. After 9 wk, blood samples were collected during the middle of the light and dark phase to assess leptin concentrations. One week later, animals were injected with keyhole limpet hemocyanin to evaluate humoral immunity. Body mass, body fat content, and serum leptin concentrations were correlated with reproductive responsiveness to photoperiod; short-day animals with regressed gonads exhibited a reduction in these measures, whereas short-day nonresponders resembled long-day animals. In contrast, immune function was influenced by photoperiod but not reproductive status. Taken together, these data suggest that humoral immune function in Siberian hamsters is independent of photoperiod-mediated changes in leptin concentrations.  相似文献   

Seasonal reproduction is common among mammals at all latitudes, even in the deep tropics. This paper (i) discusses the neuroendocrine pathways via which foraging conditions and predictive cues such as photoperiod enforce seasonality, (ii) considers the kinds of seasonal challenges mammals actually face in natural habitats, and (iii) uses the information thus generated to suggest how seasonal reproduction might be influenced by global climate change. Food availability and ambient temperature determine energy balance, and variation in energy balance is the ultimate cause of seasonal breeding in all mammals and the proximate cause in many. Photoperiodic cueing is common among long-lived mammals from the highest latitudes down to the mid-tropics. It is much less common in shorter lived mammals at all latitudes. An unknown predictive cue triggers reproduction in some desert and dry grassland species when it rains. The available information suggests that as our climate changes the small rodents of the world may adapt rather easily but the longer lived mammals whose reproduction is regulated by photoperiod may not do so well. A major gap in our knowledge concerns the tropics; that is where most species live and where we have the least understanding of how reproduction is regulated by environmental factors.  相似文献   

Abstract In order to elucidate the mechanism regulating its seasonal life cycle, the photoperiodic response of Achaearanea tepidariorum has been analysed. Nymphal development was faster in long-day and slower in short-day photoperiods. The combined action of low temperature, poor food supply and short daylength induced diapause at an earlier developmental stage than short days alone. Thus, photoperiod is a primary factor inducing nymphal diapause, but the diapausing instar is influenced by both temperature and food supply. Hibernating nymphs became unresponsive to photoperiod in late December. After hibernation, however, sensitivity was restored and the nymphs remained sensitive to photoperiod throughout their life. This spider could also enter an imaginal or reproductive diapause. Photoperiod was again a primary inducing factor and temperature modified the photoperiodic response to some extent. The induction of the reproductive diapause was almost temperature-compensated whereas development was not. So the involvement of a photoperiodic counter system was suggested. Irrespective of whether the nymph had experienced diapause or not, the imaginal diapause was induced in response to a short-day photoperiod after adult moult. Based on these observations, the seasonal life cycle and the adaptive significance of nymphal and imaginal diapause are discussed.  相似文献   

In sheep, the seasonal patterns of reproductive activity are driven primarily by the annual photoperiodic cycle, but can also respond to other environmental factors, such as nutrition, yet little is known about the mechanisms underlying this interaction. This study was designed to define the interaction between photoperiodic and nutritional cues on seasonal patterns of ovarian activity, and to determine if there is a central interaction between these cues. Groups of Ile-de-France ewes were maintained in two nutritional states (restricted and well fed) under a simulated annual photoperiod of 8-16 h of light per day over two breeding seasons. At the end of the first breeding season, half of the animals of each group were ovariectomized (OVX) and fitted subcutaneously with estradiol implants. Low nutritional status shortened the season of ovarian activity, determined from the pattern of progesterone concentrations, by modifying the timing of seasonal transitions between periods of ovarian activity and anestrus. The same results were observed for the seasonal rhythm of neuroendocrine activity, assessed in the OVX ewes, from the pattern of luteinizing hormone concentrations. These results were then confirmed for neuroendocrine activity induced by a photoperiodic treatment. We conclude that nutrition centrally modulates the interpretation of photoperiod to affect seasonal reproductive transitions. The mechanisms of this interaction are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Ancestral TSH mechanism signals summer in a photoperiodic mammal   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In mammals, day-length-sensitive (photoperiodic) seasonal breeding cycles depend on the pineal hormone melatonin, which modulates secretion of reproductive hormones by the anterior pituitary gland [1]. It is thought that melatonin acts in the hypothalamus to control reproduction through the release of neurosecretory signals into the pituitary portal blood supply, where they act on pituitary endocrine cells [2]. Contrastingly, we show here that during the reproductive response of Soay sheep exposed to summer day lengths, the reverse applies: Melatonin acts directly on anterior-pituitary cells, and these then relay the photoperiodic message back into the hypothalamus to control neuroendocrine output. The switch to long days causes melatonin-responsive cells in the pars tuberalis (PT) of the anterior pituitary to increase production of thyrotrophin (TSH). This acts locally on TSH-receptor-expressing cells in the adjacent mediobasal hypothalamus, leading to increased expression of type II thyroid hormone deiodinase (DIO2). DIO2 initiates the summer response by increasing hypothalamic tri-iodothyronine (T3) levels. These data and recent findings in quail [3] indicate that the TSH-expressing cells of the PT play an ancestral role in seasonal reproductive control in vertebrates. In mammals this provides the missing link between the pineal melatonin signal and thyroid-dependent seasonal biology.  相似文献   

Differential allocation of energy to reproduction versus host defense is assumed to drive the seasonal antiphase relation between peak reproductive function and immunocompetence; however, evidence supporting this assumption is only correlational. These experiments tested whether photoperiod affects immune responses to antigens in peripubertal Siberian hamsters, whether such activation of the immune system exacts energetic and reproductive costs, and whether such costs vary seasonally. Male Siberian hamsters were raised from birth in long (LD) or short days (SD), which respectively initiate or inhibit the onset of puberty. To elicit a specific immune response, hamsters were injected with a novel antigen (keyhole limpet hemocyanin [KLH]) as juveniles. Reproductive development was attenuated and body temperature was elevated in LD hamsters relative to saline-injected control animals. In contrast, KLH treatments affected neither thermoregulation nor reproductive development in photoinhibited SD hamsters. In experiment 2, juvenile male hamsters were challenged with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in order to elicit an innate immune response. Febrile and anorexic responses to LPS were greater in reproductively stimulated LD hamsters relative to reproductively inhibited SD hamsters. LPS treatments attenuated somatic and testicular development in LD hamsters, but did not significantly affect circulating testosterone concentrations. In contrast, LPS treatments were without effect on somatic and reproductive development in SD hamsters. These experiments indicate that photoperiod affects antigen-specific antibody production, febrile responses to LPS, and sickness behaviors in juvenile Siberian hamsters, and that peripubertal activation of the immune system exacts energetic and metabolic costs that can diminish the magnitude of somatic and reproductive maturation in LD. The data also underscore the importance of seasonally dependent life history factors in assessing physiological tradeoffs.  相似文献   

The light/dark cycle to which animals, and possibly humans, are exposed has a major impact on their physiology. The mechanisms whereby specific tissues respond to the light/dark cycle involve the pineal hormone melatonin. The pineal gland, an end organ of the visual system in mammals, produces the hormone melatonin only at night, at which time it is released into the blood. The duration of elevated nightly melatonin provides every tissue with information about the time of day and time of year (in animals that are kept under naturally changing photoperiods). Besides its release in a circadian mode, melatonin is also discharged in a pulsatile manner; the physiological significance, if any, of pulsatile melatonin release remains unknown. The exposure of animals including man to light at night rapidly depresses pineal melatonin synthesis and, therefore, blood melatonin levels drop precipitously. The brightness of light at night required to depress melatonin production is highly species specific. In general, the pineal gland of nocturnally active mammals, which possess rod-dominated retinas, is more sensitive to inhibition by light than is the pineal gland of diurnally active animals (with cone-dominated retinas). Because of the ability of the light/dark cycle to determine melatonin production, the photoperiod is capable of influencing the function of a variety of endocrine and non-endocrine organs. Indeed, melatonin is a ubiquitously acting pineal hormone with its effects on the neuroendocrine system having been most thoroughly investigated. Thus, in nonhuman photoperiodic mammals melatonin regulates seasonal reproduction; in humans also, the indole has been implicated in the control of reproductive physiology.Summary of a Plenary Lecture presented by the author in Vienna, August, 1990  相似文献   

Photoperiod may regulate seasonal reproduction either by providing the primary driving force for the reproductive transitions or by synchronizing an endogenous reproductive rhythm. This study evaluated whether breed differences in timing of the reproductive seasons of Finnish Landrace (Finn) and Galway ewes are due to differences in photoperiodic drive of the reproductive transitions or to differences in photoperiodic synchronization of the endogenous rhythm of reproductive activity. The importance of decreasing photoperiod after the summer solstice in determining the onset and duration of the breeding season was tested by housing ewes from the summer solstice in either a simulated natural photoperiod or a fixed summer-solstice photoperiod (18 h light:6 h dark; summer-solstice hold). Onset of the breeding season within each breed did not differ between these photoperiodic treatments, but Galway ewes began and ended their breeding season earlier than Finn ewes. The duration of the breeding season was shorter in Galway ewes on summer-solstice hold than on simulated natural photoperiod; duration did not differ between photoperiodic treatments in Finn ewes. The requirement for increasing photoperiod after the winter solstice for initiation of anoestrus was tested by exposing ewes from the winter solstice to either a simulated natural photoperiod or a winter-solstice hold photoperiod (8.5 h light:15.5 h dark). Onset of anoestrus within each breed did not differ between these photoperiodic treatments, but the time of this transition differed between breeds. These observations suggest that genetic differences in timing of the breeding season in Galway and Finn ewes do not reflect differences in the extent to which photoperiod drives the reproductive transitions, because neither breed requires shortening days to enter the breeding season or lengthening days to end it at appropriate times. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that photoperiod synchronizes an endogenous rhythm of reproductive activity in both breeds and that genetic differences in timing of the breeding season reflect differences in photoperiodic synchronization of this rhythm.  相似文献   

Knowledge regarding the relationship between endocrine parameters and reproductive activity can offer important insights into how social and environmental factors influence the reproductive success of mammals. Although components of both the physical and social environment affect endocrine regulation of reproduction, less is understood about the potential role of interactions between different endocrine axes on reproductive activity. We evaluated temporal patterns of reproductive and adrenocortical steroids in two male and three female aardwolves (Proteles cristata) housed in captivity at Brookfield Zoo, Chicago, IL, USA. We found seasonal variation in faecal androgens, estrogens, and progestagens, which provide support for previous observations of the aardwolf as a seasonal breeder. However, the timing of peak endocrine activity did not correspond to observations from wild populations. Our interpretation is that this discrepancy is caused by photoperiodic regulation of reproductive activity. We found a positive relationship between faecal androgens and faecal glucocorticoid metabolites in males and a positive relationship between faecal estrogens and faecal glucocorticoid metabolites in females when housed with conspecifics but not when housed alone. We also found a positive but asymptotic relationship between faecal progestagens and faecal glucocorticoid metabolites. We argue that these observations indicate a potential effect of reproductive endocrine activity on the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, which could result in interesting physiological trade-offs in male reproductive tactics and female pre-partum maternal investment because of the negative effects of long-term glucocorticoid elevation on reproductive performance. Finally, our results suggest that social and environmental factors interact in regulating many aspects of endocrine fluctuations in this mostly solitary species.  相似文献   

Circadian variations in concentrations of plasma corticosterone were investigated in the white-throated sparrow maintained on short (10-hr) or long (16-hr) daily photoperiods. In addition, the plasma concentrations of corticosterone were determined throughout a day in birds that were in the reproductively photosensitive spring migratory condition, the reproductively photorefractory post nuptial molt condition, and the fall migratory condition. Distinct unimodal rhythms were found in photosensitive birds. The daily rise occurred 12 hr after the offset of light in birds kept on both the short and the long photoperiodic regimens. There was no discernible daily variation in photorefractory birds kept on a 16 hr daily photoperiod and there was a bimodal rhythm in the birds that were in the fall migratory condition. The results are consistent with an hypothesis that assigns an important role to the circadian rhythm of corticosteroid concentration in the photoperiodic mechanism controlling seasonal reproductive and migratory conditions in the white-throated sparrow.  相似文献   

Summary Inhibitory photoperiod differentially effects reproduction in deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus nebrascensis). Pituitary-testicular function is arrested in about one-third of short-day exposed males (reproductively responsive mice), while an equal number remain fertile (reproductively nonresponsive mice). Both phenotypes are found in natural populations and their disparate reproductive responses have a genetic basis. To assess whether this difference is attributable to a prepineal/pineal or post-pineal mechanism, we compared spermatogenic responses of known and unknown phenotype to exogenous melatonin. Melatonin significantly reduced mean sperm number in long-day housed mice of unknown phenotype. But, individual responses ranged from azoospermia to normal spermatogenesis, and this range was not significantly different from that previously recorded for short-day exposed mice. Reproductively nonresponsive males were unaffected by melatonin administration when housed under long or short daylength. In contrast, melatonin significantly suppressed sperm production in reproductively responsive males housed under long photoperiod, but had no additional suppressive effect in short-day housed mice with regressed testes. These data demonstrate that melatonin is only effective in eliciting testicular regression in reproductively responsive males. Taken together, these results suggest that differential testicular response to photoperiod are caused by a post-pineal mechanism.Abbreviations LD long day - SD short day - 16L:8D 16 h light, 8 h dark - 8L:16D 8 h light, 16 h dark  相似文献   

Many plants and animals use the length of day or photoperiod to cue their seasonal patterns of development, reproduction, dormancy, and migration. Among temperate arthropods, the median or critical photoperiod increases with latitude or altitude. Concomitantly, in beetles, moths, mites, flies, and mosquitoes, there is a declining expression of a rhythmic, presumably circadian-based, component of photoperiodic response. It has been proposed that the long summer days in the north select for a reduced response to light by the circadian clock, which results in this declining rhythmic expression and, consequently, longer northern critical photoperiods. However, these patterns might also be due to direct, seasonal selection on the critical photoperiod itself, which results in a correlated reduction in the rhythmic component as a result of internal physiological constraints within the organism. Using standard light duration and selection experiments, we show that evolution of photoperiodic time measurement in the mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii, results from the direct response of critical photoperiod to seasonal selection and a correlated response of the rhythmic component of photoperiodic time measurement. We conclude that expression of the circadian clock is necessary neither for the central mechanism of photoperiodic time measurement nor for the adaptive modification of critical photoperiod.  相似文献   

Photoperiodic response in the male laboratory rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Normally photoperiodic laboratory rats can be induced to respond reproductively to a change in the length of the day by various experimental manipulations. One such paradigm that results in significant gonadal regression involves the treatment of rats with exogenous testosterone during exposure to short days. Studies were undertaken to assess various aspects of this model system including 1) the testicular response of testosterone-treated rats exposed to various photoperiods, 2) the time course for testicular regression under a short photoperiod, and 3) the role of the pineal gland as a mediator of the effects of day length on the neuroendocrine-gonadal axis. Photoperiods ranging in length from 2 to 22 h/24 h had no effect on testicular size in untreated rats. In contrast, while near normal testicular weights were maintained in laboratory rats treated with testosterone and exposed to 10 or more h of light per day, testicular regression occurred in rats implanted with testosterone-filled capsules and exposed to photoperiods of 8 or fewer h of light per day. Maximal testicular regression was reached in about 9 wk in testosterone-treated rats exposed to 6L:18D. Removal of the pineal gland totally blocked the inhibitory effects of exposure to short day lengths in testosterone-treated rats. These studies define some of the characteristics of an extant, but dormant, system for photoperiodic time measurement in the common laboratory rat and implicate a role for the pineal gland in this system. These experiments offer evidence that neuroendocrine factors that regulate continuous vs. seasonal reproductive patterns are malleable. Such flexibility in the photoperiodic response may also contribute to the evolution of seasonal to non-seasonal species and vice versa.  相似文献   

Photoperiodic control of seasonality in birds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This review examines how birds use the annual cycle in photoperiod to ensure that seasonal events--breeding, molt, and song production--happen at the appropriate time of year. Differences in breeding strategies between birds and mammals reflect basic differences in biology. Avian breeding seasons tend to be of shorter duration and more asymmetric with respect to changes in photoperiod. Breeding seasons can occur at the same time each year (predictable) or at different times (opportunistic), depending on the food resource. In all cases, there is evidence for involvement of photoperiodic control, nonphotoperiodic control, and endogenous circannual rhythmicity. In predictable breeders (most nontropical species), photoperiod is the predominant proximate factor. Increasing photoperiods of spring stimulate secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and consequent gonadal maturation. However, breeding ends before the return of short photoperiods. This is the consequence of a second effect of long photoperiods--the induction of photorefractoriness. This dual role of long photoperiods is required to impart the asymmetry in breeding seasons. Typically, gonadal regression through photorefractoriness is associated with a massive decrease in hypothalamic GnRH, essentially a reversal to a pre-pubertal condition. Although breeding seasons are primarily determined by photoperiodic control of GnRH neurons, prolactin may be important in determining the exact timing of gonadal regression. In tropical and opportunistic breeders, endogenous circannual rhythmicity may be more important. In such species, the reproductive system remains in a state of "readiness to breed" for a large part of the year, with nonphotic cues acting as proximate cues to time breeding. Circannual rhythmicity may result from a temporal sequence of different physiological states rather than a molecular or cellular mechanism as in circadian rhythmicity. Avian homologues of mammalian clock genes Per2, Per3, Clock, bmal1, and MOP4 have been cloned. At the molecular level, avian circadian clocks appear to function in a similar manner to those of mammals. Photoperiodic time measurement involves interaction between a circadian rhythm of photoinducibility and, unlike mammals, deep brain photoreceptors. The exact location of these remains unclear. Although the eyes and pineal generate a daily cycle in melatonin, this photoperiodic signal is not used to time seasonal breeding. Instead, photoperiodic responses appear to involve direct interaction between photoreceptors and GnRH neurons. Thyroid hormones are required in some way for this system to function. In addition to gonadal function, song production is also affected by photoperiod. Several of the nuclei involved in the song system show seasonal changes in volume, greater in spring than in the fall. The increase in volume is, in part, due to an increase in cell number as a result of neurogenesis. There is no seasonal change in the birth of neurons but rather in their survival. Testosterone and melatonin appear to work antagonistically in regulating volume.  相似文献   

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