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Bleomycetin, an antitumor antibiotic, was subjected to chemical modification by the C-end fragment i.e. the residue of 3-[(4-aminobutyl)amino]propylamine (spermidine++) with acylation, carbamoylation and reducing alkylation, which yielded its new semisynthetic derivatives. The use of physicochemical methods showed that the chemical modification involved the primary and secondary amino groups++ of spermidine++ and gave rise to N,N'-diacyl, N,N'-dicarbamoyl and N,N'-dialkyl bleomycetins. The biological properties of the derivatives, i.e. their cytotoxic activity, acute and pulmonary toxicities were studied. The transformation of bleomycetin by the C-end fragment lowered the antibiotic toxicity and was believed to be a promising approach to modifying its molecule.  相似文献   

Selection of the organism producing bleomycin, a multicomponent antitumor antibiotic, was performed. The aim was the selection of a more active strain with preferable synthesis of component A5 (bleomycetin) of the bleomycin complex. Optimal variants of the conditions for mutagensis with UV light and gamma-rays in step-wise selection of the active strain were determined and a possibility of selecting analog-resistant mutants with the use of structural analogs of the metabolites participating in synthesis of the bleomycin molecule was studied. A mutant analog-resistant strain capable of supersynthesis of bleomycin A5 (bleomycetin) was selected, the biosynthetic capacity of Streptoverticillum griseocarneum var. bleomycini being increased at least 19 times.  相似文献   

The efficacy of bleomycetin or bleomycin A5 was studied in 128 patients with different malignant neoplasms. The antibiotic was used as a systemic or intracavitary chemotherapeutic agent. Bleomycetin was effective in 75-80, 81.8, 58.3, 70 and 50 per cent of the cases with disseminated derminogenic tumor of the testicle, squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, cancer of the penis, carcinoma of the skin and lymphogranulomatosis, respectively. When used intracavitarily the drug was effective in 41.2 per cent of the patients with cancer of the ovaries and lungs, teratoblastoma of the ovaries, cancer of the mammary gland and sarcoma of the soft tissues. Hyperthermia and focal hyperkeratosis as the adverse reactions were observed in 40.6 and 5.4 per cent of the patients, respectively. No toxicity with respect to the lungs was registered.  相似文献   

The results of the structural study of antitumor antibiotic variamycin and its peracetyl derivative by 1H-and 13C-NMR spectroscopy are reported. Structures of carbohydrate chains of the antibiotics molecule are revised. Variamycin is shown to be 2-[beta-cymmarosyl(1-3)-beta-oliosyl (1-3)-beta-olivosyl]-6-[beta-olivosyl (1-3)-beta-olivosyl] chromomycinone.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of bleomycetin, a new antitumor antibiotic prepared in the USSR, was studied microbiologically. The less the extent of the main tumor in the patients, the higher the antibiotic blood levels in them. This might be associated with the adsorption capacity of the tumor tissue. The dependence of the bleomycetin kinetics on the intensity of renal clearance was shown. The characteristics of the drug distribution in the blood after intravenous, intramuscular and intrapleural administration are presented.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic action of 4'-epidoxorubicin (farmorubicin), an antitumor antibiotic was studied with using rat bone marrow cells. It was shown that after intraperitoneal administration the antibiotic increased the number of the aberrant metaphases when the dose was not lower than that equivalent to 1/30 of the LD50. The number of the aberrant metaphases increased with increasing of the antibiotic dose. The maximum number of the cells with impaired chromosomal apparatus was observed 6 hours after the antibiotic administration. In 72 hours it decreased to the level of spontaneous mutations in myelocariocytes. Cytogenetic activity of 4'-epidoxorubicin was comparable to that of doxorubicin (adriablastin) widely used in medical practice.  相似文献   

Nocamycin is produced by Nocardiopsis syringae. It is recovered from the culture fluid by extraction with chloroform. The molecular weight of the crystalline antibiotic is 503, its melting point is 147--149 degrees, [alpha]20 degrees D = --50 degrees (c. 0.21, chloroform), lambdamax235 and 348 nm(E1%sm= = 150 and 420), the summation formula is C26 H33NO9, the biological activity is 100000 Units/mg with respect to Bacillus mycoides. Nocamycin forms salts with alkalies soluble in water. On hydrolysis with an alkali it forms carbonic acid having no ester bond (IP spectrum) and methoxylic group present in the antibiotic molecule. Nocamycin is a new natural substance.  相似文献   

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