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Sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) induced by mitomycin C (MMC), 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO) or UV-light in cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO K-1 cells) were enhanced by cinoxate (2-ethoxyethyl p-methoxycinnamate) or methyl sinapate (methyl 3,5-dimethoxy 4-hydroxycinnamate). Both substances are cinnamate derivatives and cinoxate is commonly used as a cosmetic UV absorber. Methyl sinapate also increased the frequency of cells with chromosome aberrations in the CHO K-1 cells treated with MMC, 4NQO or UV. These increasing effects of methyl sinapate were critical in the G1 phase of the cell cycle and the decline of the frequencies of UV-induced SCEs and chromosome aberrations during liquid holding was not seen in the presence of methyl sinapate. Both compounds were, however, ineffective in cells treated with X-rays. In cells from a normal human embryo and from a xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patient, MMC-induced SCEs were also increased by the post-treatment with methyl sinapate. The SCE frequencies in UV-irradiated normal human cells were elevated by methyl sinapate, but no SCE-enhancing effects were observed in UV-irradiated XP cells. Our results suggest that the test substances inhibit DNA excision repair and that the increase in the amount of unrepaired DNA damage might cause the enhancement of induced SCEs and chromosome aberrations.  相似文献   

The modifying effects of tannin components extracted from green tea and black tea on mutagen-induced SCEs and chromosome aberrations were studied. These tannin components did not affect spontaneous SCEs and chromosome aberrations in cultured Chinese hamster cells. The frequency of SCEs and chromosome aberrations induced by mitomycin C (MMC) or UV was enhanced by the posttreatment with tea tannin components. When cells were post-treated with tea tannin components in the presence of metabolic enzymes of rat liver (S9 mix), the modifying effects on the induction of SCEs and chromosome aberrations by mutagens were complicated. MMC- and UV-induced SCEs and chromosome aberrations were suppressed by the posttreatment with tea tannin components at low concentrations (less than or equal to 6.7 micrograms/ml) with S9 mix. At a high concentration of tea tannin components (20 micrograms/ml) with S9 mix, a co-mutagenic effect was observed. The modifying effects of tea tannin components were shown to occur in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. In cells from a patient with xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) and a normal human embryo, MMC-induced SCEs were suppressed by the posttreatment with tea tannin components in the presence of S9 mix, and enhanced in the absence of S9 mix. On the other hand, tea tannin components modified SCE frequencies in UV-irradiated normal human cells but not in UV-irradiated XP cells. Our results suggested that tea tannin components themselves inhibited DNA-excision repair and resulted in a co-mutagenic effect, while in the presence of S9 mix metabolites of tea tannin components promoted DNA-excision repair activity and resulted in an antimutagenic effect. MMC-induced chromosome aberrations in mouse bone marrow cells were suppressed by the pretreatment with green tea and black tea tannin mixture.  相似文献   

D Scott  M Fox  B W Fox 《Mutation research》1975,29(2):201-202
Mutagenesis was studied in repair- and recombination-deficient strains of Haemophilus influenzae after treatment with N-nitrosocarbaryl (NC). Three different strains of H. influenzae carrying mutations affecting excision-repair of UV-induced pyrimidine dimers exhibited normal repair of premutational lesions (as detected by decreased mutation yield resulting from post-treatment DNA synthesis delay) and normal nonreplicative mutation fixation. This indicates that neither of these phenomena are caused by the same repair mechanism that removes UV-induced pyrimidine dimers from the DNA.The recombination-deficient mutant rec1 is apparently deficient in the replication-dependent mode of NC-induced mutation fixation. This conclusion is based on the following results: (1) NC-induced mutagenesis is lower in the rec1 strain than in rec+ cells. (2) Repair of premutational lesions (which depends on the existence of replication-dependent mutation fixation for its detection) was not detected in the rec1 strain. (3) When nonreplicative mutation fixation and final mutation frequency were measured in the same experiment, about 14 to 13 of the final mutation yield could be accounted for by nonreplicative mutation fixation in the rec+ strain, whereas all of the mutation could be accounted for in the rec1 strain by the nonreplicative mutation fixation. (4) When mutation fixation in strain dna9 rec1 was followed at the permissive (36°) and nonpermissive (41°) temperatures, it became apparent that in the rec1 strain replication-dependent mutation fixation occurs at early times, but these newly fixed mutations are unstable and disappear at later times, leaving only the mutations fixed by the nonreplicative process.The rec1 strain exhibits normal repair of NC-induced single-strand breaks or alkali-labile bonds in the DNA labeled before treatment, but is slow in joining discontinuities present in DNA synthesized after treatment. The results are consistent with the idea that in NC-treated H. influenzae cells the replication-dependent mode of mutation fixation occurs by error-prone joining of interruptions present in the DNA synthesized after treatment. The possibility still exists, however, that during DNA replication mispairing occurs opposite certain alkylation-induced lesions and that mutations arising during replication of strain rec1 later disappear as a result of degradation of newly synthesized DNA, which is excessive in this strain.  相似文献   

Mercury compounds are among the most serious environmental pollutants. In this communication, the potentiating effects of organic and inorganic mercuries on clastogen-induced chromosome aberrations were studied in Chinese hamster CHO K1 cells. Post-treatment with monoalkylated mercuries — methyl mercuric chloride (MeHgCl) and ethyl mercuric chloride (EtHgCl) - increased the number of breakage-and exchange-type aberrations induced by 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO) and methyl methanesulfonate. With the DNA crosslinking agents mitomycin C (MMC) and cisplatin, MeHgCl enhanced both types of aberrations while EtHgCl enhanced breakage-type aberrations only. Since these monoalkylated mercuries did not show clastogenic effects by themselves under the present experimental conditions, the increases in chromosome aberrations were not additive. Dialkylated mercuries (dimethyl mercury and diethyl mercury) and inorganic mercuries (HgCl and HgCl2) did not show any potentiating effects.

When MMC- or 4NQO-treated cells were post-treated with MeHgCl during the G1 phase, both breakage- and exchange-type aberrations were enhanced. Treatment with EtHgCl during the G1 phase also enhanced both types of aberrations induced by 4NQO. With MMC, however, G1 treatment with EtHgCl did not show any potentiating effect. MeHgCl and EtHgCl treatments during the G2 phase enhanced breakage-type aberrations only.

Based on these results, the following possible mechanisms for potentiation of clastogenicity by monoalkylated mercuries were suggested; (1) they interfere with repair of base lesions induced by 4NQO and MMS during the pre-replicational stage, thereby increasing unrepaired DNA lesions which convert into DNA double-strand breaks in S phase, (2) MeHgCl (but not EtHgCl) also inhibits repair of crosslinking lesions during the pre-replicational stage, and (3) their G2 effects enhance breakage-type aberrations only.  相似文献   

The genotoxic effect of multilamellar lipid vesicles (MLV) was analysed on cultured heteroploid and diploid human cells. Dose-dependent reduction of cell survival and mitotic rate as well as induction of chromosome aberrations were observed. Chromatid and chromosome breaks and chromatid exchanges were found in 24-h culture after liposome treatment, whereas chromosome rearrangements were prevalent at 48 h. Neutral (PC/Chol) and positive (PC/SA) MLV showed a greater damage than negative (PS/PC; PS) MLV. Fibroblasts were the most sensitive cell type. In the case of PC/Chol MLV vesicles, control experiments with PC and Chol of controlled purity ruled out the possibility that the observed chromosome aberrations were caused by toxic oxidation products present in commercial preparations.  相似文献   

An analysis and interpretation is presented of published data concerning the dependence of radiobiological effectiveness on the radiation quality of photons, neutrons and heavy ions for the induction of these two effects in different types of mammalian cell. The results of this analysis suggest that chromosome aberrations observable at mitosis show a stronger dependence on YF or LET infinity than cell inactivation. At high YF, observable abberrations provide a major contribution to cell reproductive death induced by small doses. At low YF the effectiveness of small doses for cell death depends mainly on another type of damage, possibly also induced in the chromosomes, but not observable at mitosis. This type of damage depends less of YF or LET infinity than observable aberrations. The implications of these differences in damage in relation to radiation quality for the extrapolation of data on other types of damage to small doses of interest in radiation protection are discussed in relation to maximum r.b.e values observed.  相似文献   

Metal compounds were tested for their ability to induce chromosomal aberrations in cultured mammalian cells. Chromosomal aberrations were induced by the application of some Cr, Mn and Ni compounds. Among 6-valent Cr compounds, K2Cr2O7 and CrO3 induced high levels of aberrations, at rates which were similar for Cr-equivalent doses. The perchromate compounds were more efficient in producing chromosomal aberrations than was a chromate compound, K2CrO4. A 3-valent Cr compound, Cr2(SO4)3, was less toxic and failed to induce a demonstrable increase in chromosomal aberrations. KMnO4 induced aberrations, but at a low rate. As to Ni compounds, NiCl2 and (CH3COO)2Ni induced few aberrations. Administration of K2Ni(CN)4 induced only gaps. NiS induced a low but definite increase in chromosomal aberrations. The rate of these aberrations increased with an increase in treatment time from 24 to 48 h, indicating a time-dependent increase in the hereditable toxicity of metal compounds. CdCl2 and HgCl2 were somewhat toxic, but failed to induce chromosomal aberrations in the present study.  相似文献   

Summary Exposure of exponentially growing cultures of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells to 1 or 2×10-3 M deoxyguanosine resulted in an inhibition of DNA synthesis and cell multiplication. Continued increase in the RNA and protein content of these cultures suggests a state of unbalanced growth. Deoxyguanosine-inhibition is prevented by the presence of deoxycytidine (1×10-4–2×10-3 M).Treatment with deoxyguanosine (2×10-3 M) for about one generation-time (18 hrs) and removal of deoxyguanosine thereafter resulted in chromosome aberrations (breaks and exchange figures) in 30–50% of those mitotic cells which were harvested 5 to 12 hrs after treatment. Chromosome defects were strongly reduced after incubation of cell-cultures in the presence of deoxyguanosine (2×10-3 M) together with deoxycytidine (5×10-4 M).The biochemical mechanisms by which deoxyguanosine and other inhibitors of DNA synthesis might produce chromosome damaging effects, are discussed.Supported by grants from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Scha 176/1 and Scha 176/2).  相似文献   

The effects of 4 Ni compounds, nickel chloride, nickel acetate, potassium cyanonickelate, and nickel sulfide were studied in a line of mammary carcinoma cells from the C3H mouse. All 4 were easily taken up by the cells and reacted with protein, RNA, and possibly DNA. Measurements of leucine, uridine, and thymidine uptake during exposure showed that the syntheses of protein and DNA were more sensitive than RNA. Chromosomal aberrations were observed during the recovery period following the end of the treament with Ni. The implications of these results were discussed with respect to the carcinogenicity of the compounds and to the recommended protocols for mutagenicity testing by chromosomal aberrations.  相似文献   

The Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) is known to be one of the most radioresistant animals. We have examined the X-ray sensitivity of normal diploid fibroblasts from Mongolian gerbil embryos compared with those of cultured embryo cells obtained from various laboratory animals and a normal human. There was a wide difference in X-ray sensitivity for cell killing among different mammalian species. The D0 values for Mongolian gerbil cells ranged from 2.08 to 2.28 Gy, values which are twice as high as those for human cells. The mean D0 value for human cells was 1.06 Gy. Mouse, rat, Chinese hamster, and Syrian/golden hamster cells showed similar D0 values ranging from 1.30 to 1.56 Gy. When cells were irradiated with X rays, ten times more chromosome aberrations were detected in human cells than in Mongolian gerbil cells. The frequencies of chromosome aberrations in other rodent cells were between the values for cells from humans and those from gerbils. These data indicate that the Mongolian gerbil cells are resistant to X-ray-induced cell killing and chromosome aberrations, and that the radiation sensitivity of mammalian cells in primary culture may be reflected by their radioresistance in vivo.  相似文献   

Aminophenylnorharman (APNH) is a newly identified mutagenic heterocyclic amine formed by coupling of norharman with aniline in the presence of S9 mix. Furthermore, mutagenic amino-3'-methylphenylnorharman (AMPNH) and aminophenylharman (APH) have been identified from a reaction mixture of norharman and o-toluidine and that of harman and aniline, respectively, with S9 mix. Among these three heterocyclic amines, APNH shows most potent mutagenic activity towards Salmonella typhimurium TA98 and YG1024 with S9 mix. In the present study, the induction of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) by APNH was examined in Chinese hamster lung (CHL) cells in vitro, comparing it to those of AMPNH and APH. On incubation with rat S9 for 6h, followed by a recovery culture period of 18h, a dose-dependent effect was found at concentrations between 0.00125 and 0.01 microg/ml for APNH and between 0.3125 and 5 microg/ml for AMPNH and APH. The approximate chemical concentrations leading to a three-fold of control SCE levels calculated from slopes of the linear regressions of induced SCEs were 0.005 for APNH, 0.51 for AMPNH and 1.7 microg/ml for APH. Because of the very strong SCE-causing ability of APNH, we further explored its genotoxicity by examining the induction of chromosome aberrations in CHL cells. A dose-dependent effect was found for chromosome aberrations at concentrations between 0.00125 and 0.04 microg/ml of APNH. The aberrations observed were primarily chromatid exchanges (cte) and breaks (ctb). In conclusion, the potency of SCE induction and clastogenic activity induced by APNH is stronger than Actinomycin D, Mitomycin C (MMC) or 1,8-dinitropyrene which are considered to be the potent clastogens in the literature. Further studies are needed for elucidating mechanisms of the genotoxic actions of these compounds and for evaluating their potential hazards to human health.  相似文献   

Inducibility of chromosomal aberrations, cell survival, and mutation to 8-azaguanine (8AG) resistance in cultured V79 cells by 1-phenyl-3,3-dimethyltriazene (PDMT), 1-phenyl-3,3-diethyltriazene (PDET), and 1-(pyridyl-3)-3,3-diethyltriazene (PyDET) were examined with or without metabolic activation. Chromosomal aberrations were induced in a dose-dependent manner by all 3 triazenes in a direct treatment for 24 h.Chromosomal aberrations were also induced by PDMT with metabolic activation system for 3 h, and little differences in the incidences were observed compared with those obtained by a direct treatment. All 3 triazenes were slightly mutagenic in a direct treatment for 24 h. In metabolic activation experiments, however, PDMT and PyDET were highly mutagenic. The mutagenicity, when compared with the cytotoxicity, was significantly higher in a metabolic activation system than in a direct treatment.  相似文献   

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